21 research outputs found
Commercial Bribery: Issues of Criminal Liability Classificationand Problems of Qualification
The article considers the issue of classifying degrees of criminal liability for commercial bribery, depending the bribe amount. It also analyses problematic qualification issues arising in connection of with determination of criminal liability for mediation in commercial bribery, taking into account the position of the executors of law. According to the Author, the absence of indication of liability for mediation in small-scale commercial bribery in Art. 2041 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation led to unreasonable decriminalization of such actions. The paper studies the issue of possible application of compliance investigation procedure in solving the question of criminal liability for mediation in small-scale commercial bribery. On the basis of the research conducted by the Author, a suggestion is made regarding the need for amending the criminal law providing for liability for commercial bribery and mediation in it
Physical Person as the Subject of Epidemic Sanitation Regulations Violation
The article deals with the issue related to the subject of criminal responsibility for the violation of epidemic sanitation regulations; judicial decisions on this problem are analyzed
On the Custody Problem of the Non-forcible Sex Crimes Target Against Minors
The article deals with the actual problems of crime target characteristics encroaching upon juvenile sex inviolability. The author analyzes in detail different approaches to the definition of the object of the crime group investigated. It is concluded that the correct understanding of the target plays a part of no small importance in the effective defense of minors against sex offence
Pretext not to Commence Criminal Charge Against Tax Crime
The article deals with consequences of legislative restriction of the opportunity to undertake prosecution against tax crime due to the introduction of “defensive” pretext for this decision making
Concealing the Information about Modified Gene Organisms Content in Food Products: Legal Aspects and Public Opinion
The article deals with the problems of necessity to set forth criminal responsibility for production of food containing modified gene organisms; the public opinion concerning the necessity of bringing to criminal responsibility for concealing the information about modified gene organisms content in food products is analysed
Distinguishing Lewd and Lascivious Acts from Related Crimes Against Minors’ Sexual Immunity
The article deals with the criminal law norms related to the crime provided for by Article 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The authors estimate judicial practice and outline disputable issues of correlation of the given norms and offer the criteria to distinguish lewd and lascivious acts from related crimes
Problems of Subjective Imputability in Criminal Liability for Violating Rules Of Mining, Building Or Other Types Of Work
The article reveals the problem of implementing the principle of subjective imputability according to article 216 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It is stated that an objective basis prevails in enforcement of criminal liability for violation of rules when conducting mining, building and other types of work. Inevitability of such basis is explained by reasonability which in suchlike cases prevails over the idea of legality as an inevitable criterion of criminal law influence
Роль Пленума Верховного Суда Российской Федерации в формировании судебной практики
The subject. The article considers the role of the Plenum of Russian Supreme in forming judicial practice on the example of giving qualification to the crimes committed against sexual freedom and inviolability, as well as against property and public health.The objective of the article is to conduct a complex analysis of the function of the decisions, taken by the Plenum of Russian Supreme Court, in the formation of a unified vector of judicial practice. The authors dare to refute the hypothesis hat judicial practice can be recognized as a source of law.The methodological basis of the research is the dialectical theory of development and interrelation of phenomena. Historical, formal-logical, systematic methods of knowledge have been identified as relevant to the topic of the study.The main results, scope of application. The authors draw attention to the problem of evaluative features used in the process of law enforcement when interpreting the norms of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. A norm with such signs acquires an unformalized essence from the point of view of the boundaries of criminalization of a particular phenomenon. On the other hand, the nature of crimes is so diverse that without the flexibility of criminal law regulation (allowing the use of evaluative features), the application of the norm taking into account specific circumstances in a particular case may not be possible. The authors also consider issues related to the characteristics of the objective side, the end time of these crimes, the application of the formula of a single ongoing crime and its separation from related compounds. The process of law enforcement is based on such guidelines as the norms of law, judicial discretion, established judicial practice, the position of the Plenum of Russian Supreme Court. Attributing an explanatory role to the decisions of the Plenum of Russian Supreme Court does not completely eliminate the shortcomings inherent in legal technology. Correcting the current situation with the help of judicial discretion is not always justified, since this is possible only if there is a legitimate alternative. Assigning the status of a precedent to a judicial decision may lead to the substitution of the law by decisions taken in a particular case.Conclusions. The judicial practice concerning these issues is completely different. Despite the existence of similar situations, courts, as a rule, qualify an offense using various norms of the law, which negatively affects compliance with the principle of legality. The issue related to the function of the decisions of the Plenum of Russian Supreme Court in the formation of a single vector of judicial practice has been and remains debatable. The continued addition of new articles to criminal legislation, on the one hand, indicates the desire of the legislator to bring it to perfection, but, on the other hand, forms a mechanism for clarifying the rules of its application, which sometimes leads to their contradictory interpretation. At the same time, crime and punishment should be determined only by legislation.Раскрываются подходы к роли Пленума Верховного Суда РФ в формировании правовой позиции на примере квалификации преступлений против половой свободы и неприкосновенности, против собственности и здоровья населения. Придание постановлениям Пленума Верховного Суда РФ роли разъясняющего характера редко позволяет устранить дефекты юридической техники. При этом отмечается, что компенсировать сложившуюся ситуацию применением судейского усмотрения не всегда оправданно, так как оно возможно только в рамках наличия законной альтернативы. Присвоение судебному решению прецедентного статуса может привести к подмене закона позицией по конкретному делу. Проведенный анализ свидетельствует о том, что судебная практика по указанным вопросам складывается неоднородно. Суды при наличии схожих ситуаций квалифицируют содеянное с использованием разных норм закона, что отрицательно влияет на соблюдение принципа законности. Делается вывод о том, что нескончаемое дополнение уголовного законодательства новыми статьями, с одной стороны, свидетельствует о желании законодателя довести его до совершенства, но, с другой стороны, запускает механизм разъяснения правил его применения, что иногда приводит к их противоречивой интерпретации
The article discusses the possibilities of applying modern technology of a personality-oriented approach in the lessons of the Russian language and literature in the conditions of the federal state educational standard.В статье рассматривается возможности применения современной технологии личностно-ориентированного подхода на уроках русского языка и литературы в условиях федерального государственного образовательного стандарта
Effect of adenosine on myocardial protection increased exercise tolerance and decrease the frequency of angina in elderly patients with chronic total occlusion of coronary arteries
It were investigated the effects of adenosine on the cases of myonecrosis after non-urgent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). This was a prospective, randomized, open-label study. Patients who were scheduled for non-urgent PCI were eligible. All patients were pretreated with aspirin and clopidogrel. Myonecrosis was measured by creatine kinase-myocardial band (CK-MB) and troponins elevation after PCI. A total of 49 patients were randomized into two groups: the adenosine (n = 39) and standard (n = 30) group. The adenosine group received 10 mg adenosine bolus before wiring of each lesion, whereas the standard group did not. Pretreatment with 10 mg of adenosine a decreases the incidence of myonecrosis after undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and restoration of exercise endurance, save the patients from having anginal attacks of a chronic total occlusion in coronary arteries comparing with that without pretreatment.Изучено влияние интракоронарного введения триггера ишемического прекондиционирования (ИП) аденозина на снижение частоты развития ассоциированного с чрескожными коронарными вмешательствами (ЧКВ) инфаркта миокарда (ИМ), толерантностть к физической нагрузке (ТФН), частоту ангинозных приступов у пожилых больных при проведении операций реканализации хронических окклюзий коронарных артерий (ХОКА). Пациенты разделены на две группы: I группа - интракоронарное введение 10 мг аденозина перед ЧКВ (п=39) и II группа - пациенты, которым ЧКВ проводили без введения аденозина (п=30). Определяли тропонин I (Тн I), MB фракцию креатинфосфокиназы (МВ-КФК) за 1 час до ЧКВ, через 18-24 часа и на 5-е сутки после ЧКВ. Оценивали частоту развития ассоциированного с ЧКВ инфаркта миокарда (ИМ) согласно критериям ESC/ACCF/AHA/WHF (2007), необходимости в повторном чрескожном коронарном вмешательстве (ЧКВ) и экстренной операции аортокоронарного шунтирования (АКШ) в госпитальном периоде, через 12 месяцев и 3 года. С целью оценки влияния интракоронарного введения аденозина на толерантность к физической нагрузке оценивали пороговую мощность нагрузки (ПМ), продолжительность физической нагрузки (ПН), двойное произведение (ДП), и частоту приступов стенокардии в сутки через 24 часа, месяц и 12 месяцев и 3 года после операции. Интракоронарное ведение триггера ишемического прекондиционирования аденозина снижает частоту развития периоперационной ишемии и ассоциированного с ЧКВ инфаркта миокарда, что приводит к статистически достоверному повышению толерантности к физической нагрузке, продолжительности физической нагрузке, двойного произведения и значительно снижает частоту приступов стенокардии в сравнении с контрольной группой