7,674 research outputs found

    Laser-induced thermal acoustics (LITA) signals from finite beams

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    Laser-induced thermal acoustics (LITA) is a four-wave mixing technique that may be employed to measure sound speeds, transport properties, velocities, and susceptibilities of fluids. It is particularly effective in high-pressure gases (>1 bar). An analytical expression for LITA signals is derived by the use of linearized equations of hydrodynamics and light scattering. This analysis, which includes full finite-beam-size effects and the optoacoustic effects of thermalization and electrostriction, predicts the amplitude and the time history of narrow-band time-resolved LITA and broadband spectrally resolved (multiplex) LITA signals. The time behavior of the detected LITA signal depends significantly on the detection solid angle, with implications for the measurement of diffusivities by the use of LITA and the proper physical picture of LITA scattering. This and other elements of the physics of LITA that emerge from the analysis are discussed. Theoretical signals are compared with experimental LITA data

    The Accuracy of Perturbative Master Equations

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    We consider open quantum systems with dynamics described by master equations that have perturbative expansions in the system-environment interaction. We show that, contrary to intuition, full-time solutions of order-2n accuracy require an order-(2n+2) master equation. We give two examples of such inaccuracies in the solutions to an order-2n master equation: order-2n inaccuracies in the steady state of the system and order-2n positivity violations, and we show how these arise in a specific example for which exact solutions are available. This result has a wide-ranging impact on the validity of coupling (or friction) sensitive results derived from second-order convolutionless, Nakajima-Zwanzig, Redfield, and Born-Markov master equations.Comment: 6 pages, 0 figures; v2 updated references; v3 updated references, extension to full-time and nonlocal regime

    Note on the hydrodynamic description of thin nematic films: strong anchoring model

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    We discuss the long-wave hydrodynamic model for a thin film of nematic liquid crystal in the limit of strong anchoring at the free surface and at the substrate. We rigorously clarify how the elastic energy enters the evolution equation for the film thickness in order to provide a solid basis for further investigation: several conflicting models exist in the literature that predict qualitatively different behaviour. We consolidate the various approaches and show that the long-wave model derived through an asymptotic expansion of the full nemato-hydrodynamic equations with consistent boundary conditions agrees with the model one obtains by employing a thermodynamically motivated gradient dynamics formulation based on an underlying free energy functional. As a result, we find that in the case of strong anchoring the elastic distortion energy is always stabilising. To support the discussion in the main part of the paper, an appendix gives the full derivation of the evolution equation for the film thickness via asymptotic expansion

    Solar Energetic Particle Spectral Breaks

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    The five large solar particle events during October–November 2003 presented an opportunity to test shock acceleration models with in-situ observations. We use solar particle spectra of H to Fe ions, measured by instruments on ACE, SAMPEX, and GOES-11, to investigate the Q/M-dependence of spectral breaks in the 28 October 2003 event. We find that the break energies scale as (Q/M)^b with b ≈ 1.56 to 1.75, somewhat less than predicted. We also conclude that SEP spectra >100 MeV/nucleon are best fit by a double power-law shape. ©2005 American Institute of Physic

    Occult axillary node metastases in breast cancer: their detection and prognostic significance.

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    Although the presence of axillary node metastases in breast cancer is a key prognostic indicator and may influence treatment decisions, a significant proportion of patients diagnosed as axillary node negative (ANN) using standard histopathological techniques may have occult nodal metastases (OMs). A combination of limited step-sectioning (4 x 100 microns intervals) and immunohistochemical staining (with cytokeratin (MNF.116) and MUC1 (BC2) antibodies) was used to detect OM in a retrospective series of 208 ANN patients. OMs were found in 53 patients (25%), and both step-sectioning and immunohistochemical detection significantly improved detection (P < 0.05). Detection using BC2 (25%) was superior to MNF.116 (18%) and haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) (8%). OMs were found in 51 patients using only the first and deepest sectioning levels and BC2 staining. OMs were more frequently found in lobular (38%) than ductal carcinoma (25%), and more frequently in women less than 50 years (41%) than in older women (19%). Univariate overall and disease-free survival analyses showed that the presence, size and number of OM had prognostic significance as did tumour size (disease-free only) and histological and nuclear grade (P > 0.05). Cox multivariate proportional hazard regression analyses showed that the presence and increasing size of OMs were significantly associated with poorer disease-free survival, independently of other prognostic factors (P < 0.05). However there was not a significant independent association of the presence of occult metastases with overall survival (P = 0.11). These findings have important implications with regard to selection of ANN patients for adjuvant therapy

    Galactic Cosmic Rays from Supernova Remnants: II Shock Acceleration of Gas and Dust

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    This is the second paper (the first was astro-ph/9704267) of a series analysing the Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) composition and origin. In this we present a quantitative model of GCR origin and acceleration based on the acceleration of a mixture of interstellar and/or circumstellar gas and dust by supernova remnant blast waves. We present results from a nonlinear shock model which includes (i) the direct acceleration of interstellar gas-phase ions, (ii) a simplified model for the direct acceleration of weakly charged dust grains to energies of order 100keV/amu simultaneously with the gas ions, (iii) frictional energy losses of the grains colliding with the gas, (iv) sputtering of ions of refractory elements from the accelerated grains and (v) the further shock acceleration of the sputtered ions to cosmic ray energies. The calculated GCR composition and spectra are in good agreement with observations.Comment: to appear in ApJ, 51 pages, LaTeX with AAS macros, 9 postscript figures, also available from ftp://wonka.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/elliso

    Adsorption-desorption kinetics in nanoscopically confined oligomer films under shear

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    The method of molecular dynamics computer simulations is employed to study oligomer melts confined in ultra-thin films and subjected to shear. The focus is on the self-diffusion of oligomers near attractive surfaces and on their desorption, together with the effects of increasing energy of adsorption and shear. It is found that the mobility of the oligomers near an attractive surface is strongly decreased. Moreover, although shearing the system forces the chains to stretch parallel to the surfaces and thus increase the energy of adsorption per chain, flow also promotes desorption. The study of chain desorption kinetics reveals the molecular processes responsible for the enhancement of desorption under shear. They involve sequences of conformations starting with a desorbed tail and proceeding in a very fast, correlated, segment-by-segment manner to the desorption of the oligomers from the surfaces.

    Raman coupler for a trapped two-component quantum-degenerate Fermi gas

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    We investigate theoretically the Raman coupling between two internal states of a trapped low-density quantum-degenerate Fermi gas. In general, the trap frequencies associated with the two internal states can be different, leading to the onset of collapses and revivals in the population difference of the two internal states. This behavior can be changed drastically by two-body collisions. In particular, we show that under appropriate conditions they can suppress the dephasing leading to the collapse of the population difference, and restore almost full Rabi oscillations between the two internal states. These results are compared and contrasted to those for a quantum-degenerate bosonic gas.Comment: 7 pages incl. 7 PostScript figures (.eps), LaTeX using RevTeX4, submitted to Phys. Rev. A, modified versio

    Nonthermal Hard X-ray Emission and Iron Kalpha Emission from a Superflare on II Pegasi

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    We report on an X-ray flare detected on the active binary system II~Pegasi with the Swift telescope. The trigger had a 10-200 keV luminosity of 2.2×1032\times10^{32} erg s−1^{-1}-- a superflare, by comparison with energies of typical stellar flares on active binary systems. The trigger spectrum indicates a hot thermal plasma with T∼\sim180 ×106\times10^{6}K. X-ray spectral analysis from 0.8--200 keV with the X-Ray Telescope and BAT in the next two orbits reveals evidence for a thermal component (T>>80 ×106\times10^{6}K) and Fe K 6.4 keV emission. A tail of emission out to 200 keV can be fit with either an extremely high temperature thermal plasma (T∼3×108\sim3\times10^{8}K) or power-law emission. Based on analogies with solar flares, we attribute the excess continuum emission to nonthermal thick-target bremsstrahlung emission from a population of accelerated electrons. We estimate the radiated energy from 0.01--200 keV to be ∼6×1036\sim6\times10^{36} erg, the total radiated energy over all wavelengths ∼1038\sim10^{38} erg, the energy in nonthermal electrons above 20 keV ∼3×1040\sim3\times10^{40} erg, and conducted energy <5×1043<5\times10^{43} erg. The nonthermal interpretation gives a reasonable value for the total energy in electrons >> 20 keV when compared to the upper and lower bounds on the thermal energy content of the flare. This marks the first occasion in which evidence exists for nonthermal hard X-ray emission from a stellar flare. We investigate the emission mechanism responsible for producing the 6.4 keV feature, and find that collisional ionization from nonthermal electrons appears to be more plausible than the photoionization mechanism usually invoked on the Sun and pre-main sequence stars.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Non-Maxwellian Proton Velocity Distributions in Nonradiative Shocks

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    The Balmer line profiles of nonradiative supernova remnant shocks provide the means to measure the post-shock proton velocity distribution. While most analyses assume a Maxwellian velocity distribution, this is unlikely to be correct. In particular, neutral atoms that pass through the shock and become ionized downstream form a nonthermal distribution similar to that of pickup ions in the solar wind. We predict the H alpha line profiles from the combination of pickup protons and the ordinary shocked protons, and we consider the extent to which this distribution could affect the shock parameters derived from H alpha profiles. The Maxwellian assumption could lead to an underestimate of shock speed by up to about 15%. The isotropization of the pickup ion population generates wave energy, and we find that for the most favorable parameters this energy could significantly heat the thermal particles. Sufficiently accurate profiles could constrain the strength and direction of the magnetic field in the shocked plasma, and we discuss the distortions from a Gaussian profile to be expected in Tycho's supernova remnant.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure
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