5 research outputs found

    Mikrosfere ropinirol hidroklorida za polagano oslobađanje: Utjecaj procesnih parametara

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    An emulsion solvent evaporation method was employed to prepare microspheres of ropinirole hydrochloride, a highly water soluble drug, by using ethylcellulose and PEG with the help of 32 full factorial design. The microspheres were made by incorporating the drug in a polar organic solvent, which was emulsified using liquid paraffin as an external oil phase. Effects of various process parameters such as viscosity of the external phase, selection of the internal phase, surfactant selection and selection of stirring speed were studied. Microspheres were evaluated for product yield, encapsulation efficiency and particle size. Various drug/ethylcellulose ratios and PEG concentrations were assayed. In vitro dissolution profiles showed that ethylcellulose microspheres were able to control release of the drug for a period of 12 h.Mikrosfere ropinirol hidroklorida, ljekovite tvari vrlo dobro topljive u vodi, pripravljene su metodom isparavanja otapala, koristeći etilcelulozu i PEG te 32 potpuno faktorijalno dizajniranje. Mikrosfere su pripravljene na sljedeći način: otopina ljekovite tvari u polarnom organskom otapalu emulgirana je s tekućim parafinom kao vanjskom uljnom fazom. Ispitivan je utjecaj različitih procesnih parametara poput viskoznosti vanjske faze, vrste interne faze i površinski aktivne tvari te brzine miješanja. Za pripravljene mikrosfere određeno je iskorištenje, učinkovitost inkapsuliranja i veličina čestica. Isprobavani su različiti odnosi ljekovite tvari i etilceluloze te koncentracija PEG-a. In vitro pokusi su pokazali da je oslobađanje ljekovite tvari kontrolirano tijekom 12 h

    Use of hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers for the development of controlled release tizanidine matrix tablets

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    The aim of the present study was to develop tizanidine controlled release matrix. Formulations were designed using central composite method with the help of design expert version 7.0 software. Avicel pH 101 in the range of 14-50% was used as a filler, while HPMC K4M and K100M in the range of 25-55%, Ethylcellulose 10 ST and 10FP in the range of 15 - 45% and Kollidon SR in the range of 25-60% were used as controlled release agents in designing different formulations. Various physical parameters including powder flow for blends and weight variation, thickness, hardness, friability, disintegration time and in-vitro release were tested for tablets. Assay of tablets were also performed as specified in USP 35 NF 32. Physical parameters of both powder blend and compressed tablets such as compressibility index, angle of repose, weight variation, thickness, hardness, friability, disintegration time and assay were evaluated and found to be satisfactory for formulations K4M2, K4M3, K4M9, K100M2, K100M3, K100M9, E10FP2, E10FP9, KSR2, KSR3 & KSR9. In vitro dissolution study was conducted in 900 ml of 0.1N HCl, phosphate buffer pH 4.5 and 6.8 medium using USP Apparatus II. In vitro release profiles indicated that formulations prepared with Ethocel 10 standard were unable to control the release of drug while formulations K4M2, K100M9, E10FP2 & KSR2 having polymer content ranging from 40-55% showed a controlled drug release pattern in the above mentioned medium. Zero-order drug release kinetics was observed for formulations K4M2, K100M9, E10FP2 & KSR2. Similarity test (f2) results for K4M2, E10FP2 & KSR2 were found to be comparable with reference formulation K100M9. Response Surface plots were also prepared for evaluating the effect of independent variable on the responses. Stability study was performed as per ICH guidelines and the calculated shelf life was 24-30 months for formulation K4M2, K100M9 and E10FP2

    Effects of sphere size, polymer to drug ratio and plasticizer concentration on the release of theophylline from ethylcellulose microspheres

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    Theophylline sustained release microspheres were prepared by applying the non-solvent addition method. The in-vitro release of the drug from the prepared microspheres of different size ranges (≤300, 300-600, 600-800, 800-1000 and 1000-1250 μm) was studied. The effects of different ethylcellulose: theophylline ratios (1:2, 1:1 and 2:1) and different plasticizer (diethylphthalate) concentrations (10, 20 and 30% v/w) on theopylline release were also investigated. At different ethylcellulose: theophylline ratios (1:1, 2:1 and 1:2), the release of the drug decreased significantly when the polymer content was increased and the drug loading was decreased. Also, the release was significantly decreased (P<0.05) with increasing plasticizer concentration from 10 to 30%, with no significant difference between un-plasticized and 10 % plasticizerCorresponding Author: Dr. Ibrahim M. El-Bagory, Associate Professor Department of Pharmaceutics, College of pharmacy, PO Box 2457, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. Email: [email protected]