172 research outputs found

    Optimization of Collateral Value Distribution

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    Loan Loss Provisioning (LLP) is an amount of reserve that banks "put aside" to cover loss in case that loan goes in default, meaning that clients do not repay it. It is a safety buffer for preserving banks liquidity and capital adequacy. On the other hand, the Loan Loss Provisioning is a cost. In the Profit and Lost statement of banks, LLP decreases profit. It is a good tool/mechanism for risk management, but also expensive one, and that is why it is important for banks to optimize it in every possible way. The aim of optimization is to distribute collateral value to the connected loans, in a way to minimize amount of LLP. It can be done easily on a one loan level, but creating a universal algorithm that is applicable to all loans and all collaterals on the Bank portfolio level, is the goal to be achieved

    Problematika određivanja količine istaloženih azotnih jedinjenja na slatinska staništa nacionalne ekološke mreže

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    The exceedance in the critical load of nitrogen compounds is used by the European Environment Agency as an indicator of the biodiversity loss risk. This paper provides a general overview of continental saline habitats vulnerability (Slatine - in Serbian) located in central Banat within the National Ecological Network, caused by the deposition of nitrogen compounds. These compounds originate from manure of selected category of animals raised in settlements located in the vicinity of protected areas. The data on short-range deposition of nitrogen compounds within two zones were used for determining the areas of impact: the zone of probable impact (0-500 m) and the zone of potential impact (500-2000 m). According to the calculation results, the most vulnerable locations which, for the most part, belong to 'Rusanda' protected area, are the pastures directly surrounding village Kumane, pastures bordering Rusanda salty lake, including the lake itself.Prekoračenja kritičnih opterećenja azotnim jedinjenjima se koriste kao indikatori rizika gubitka biodiverziteta od strane Evropske agencije za životnu sredinu. U radu je dat okvirni prikaz ugroženosti slatinskih staništa nacionalne ekološke mreže koja je uzrokovana taloženjem azotnih jedinjenja iz stajnjaka izabranih životinja, poreklom iz naselja koja se nalaze u okruženju zaštićenih područja srednjeg dela Banata. Za određivanje oblasti uticaja korišćeni su podaci o kratkom dometu taloženja azotnih jedinjenja, unutar dva pojasa: pojas verovatnog uticaja (od granice zaštićenog područja do 500 m) i pojas mogućeg uticaja (500-2000 m). Na osnovu rezultata proračuna, kao posebno ugroženi lokaliteti izdvajaju se pašnjačke površine u neposrednom okruženju naselja Kumane koje najvećim delom pripadaju zaštićenom području 'Rusanda', pašnjaci uz Rusandu, kao i samo jezero

    emoji2vec: Learning Emoji Representations from their Description

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    Many current natural language processing applications for social media rely on representation learning and utilize pre-trained word embeddings. There currently exist several publicly-available, pre-trained sets of word embeddings, but they contain few or no emoji representations even as emoji usage in social media has increased. In this paper we release emoji2vec, pre-trained embeddings for all Unicode emoji which are learned from their description in the Unicode emoji standard. The resulting emoji embeddings can be readily used in downstream social natural language processing applications alongside word2vec. We demonstrate, for the downstream task of sentiment analysis, that emoji embeddings learned from short descriptions outperforms a skip-gram model trained on a large collection of tweets, while avoiding the need for contexts in which emoji need to appear frequently in order to estimate a representation

    Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts : characterization of disease variants

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    Objective : To provide an overview of clinical and MRI characteristics of the different variants of the leukodystrophy megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) and identify possible differentiating features. Methods : We performed an international multi-institutional, cross-sectional observational study of the clinical and MRI characteristics in patients with genetically confirmed MLC. Clinical information was obtained by questionnaires for physicians and retrospective chart review. Results : We included 204 patients with classic MLC, 187 of whom had recessive mutations in MLC1 (MLC1 variant) and 17 in GLIALCAM (MLC2A variant) and 38 patients with remitting MLC caused by dominant GLIALCAM mutations (MLC2B variant). We observed a relatively wide variability in neurologic disability among patients with classic MLC. No clinical differences could be identified between patients with MLC1 and MLC2A. Patients with MLC2B invariably had a milder phenotype with preservation of motor function, while intellectual disability and autism were relatively frequent. Systematic MRI review revealed no MRI features that distinguish between MLC1 and MLC2A. Radiologic improvement was observed in all patients with MLC2B and also in 2 patients with MLC1. In MRIs obtained in the early disease stage, absence of signal abnormalities of the posterior limb of the internal capsule and cerebellar white matter and presence of only rarefied subcortical white matter instead of true subcortical cysts were suggestive of MLC2B. Conclusion : Clinical and MRI features did not distinguish between classic MLC with MLC1 or GLIALCAM mutations. Absence of signal abnormalities of the internal capsule and cerebellar white matter are MRI findings that point to the remitting phenotype

    H-reflex amplitude asymmetry is an earlier sign of nerve root involvement than latency in patients with S1 radiculopathy

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    Abstract Background Based on our clinical experience, the H-reflex amplitude asymmetry might be an earlier sign of nerve root involvement than latency in patients with S1 radiculopathy. However, no data to support this assumption are available. The purpose of this study was to review and report the electrophysiological changes in H-reflex amplitude and latency in patients with radiculopathy in order to determine if there is any evidence to support the assumption that H-reflex amplitude is an earlier sign of nerve root involvement than latency. Results Patients with radiculopathy showed significant amplitude asymmetry when compared with healthy controls. However, latency was not always significantly different between patients and healthy controls. These findings suggest nerve root axonal compromise that reduced reflex amplitude earlier than the latency parameter (demyelination) during the pathologic processes. Conclusion Contrary to current clinical thought, H-reflex amplitude asymmetry is an earlier sign/parameter of nerve root involvement in patients with radiculopathy compared with latency.</p

    CRISPR/Cas9 Immunoengineering of Hoxb8-Immortalized Progenitor Cells for Revealing CCR7-Mediated Dendritic Cell Signaling and Migration Mechanisms in vivo

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    To present antigens to cognate T cells, dendritic cells (DCs) exploit the chemokine receptor CCR7 to travel from peripheral tissue via afferent lymphatic vessels to directly enter draining lymph nodes through the floor of the subcapsular sinus. Here, we combined unlimited proliferative capacity of conditionally Hoxb8-immortalized hematopoietic progenitor cells with CRISPR/Cas9 technology to create a powerful experimental system to investigate DC migration and function. Hematopoietic progenitor cells from the bone marrow of Cas9-transgenic mice were conditionally immortalized by lentiviral transduction introducing a doxycycline-regulated form of the transcription factor Hoxb8 (Cas9-Hoxb8 cells). These cells could be stably cultured for weeks in the presence of doxycycline and puromycin, allowing us to introduce additional genetic modifications applying CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Importantly, modified Cas9-Hoxb8 cells retained their potential to differentiate in vitro into myeloid cells, and GM-CSF-differentiated Cas9-Hoxb8 cells showed the classical phenotype of GM-CSF-differentiated bone marrow-derived dendritic cells. Following intralymphatic delivery Cas9-Hoxb8 DCs entered the lymph node in a CCR7-dependent manner. Finally, we used two-photon microscopy and imaged Cas9-Hoxb8 DCs that expressed the genetic Ca2+ sensor GCaMP6S to visualize in real-time chemokine-induced Ca2+ signaling of lymph-derived DCs entering the LN parenchyma. Altogether, our study not only allows mechanistic insights in DC migration in vivo, but also provides a platform for the immunoengineering of DCs that, in combination with two-photon imaging, can be exploited to further dissect DC dynamics in vivo

    A lower bound on intergalactic magnetic fields from time variability of 1ES 0229+200 from MAGIC and Fermi/LAT observations

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    Extended and delayed emission around distant TeV sources induced by the effects of propagation of gamma rays through the intergalactic medium can be used for the measurement of the intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF). We search for delayed GeV emission from the hard-spectrum TeV blazar 1ES 0229+200 with the goal to detect or constrain the IGMF-dependent secondary flux generated during the propagation of TeV gamma rays through the intergalactic medium. We analyze the most recent MAGIC observations over a 5 year time span and complement them with historic data of the H.E.S.S. and VERITAS telescopes along with a 12-year long exposure of the Fermi/LAT telescope. We use them to trace source evolution in the GeV-TeV band over one-and-a-half decade in time. We use Monte Carlo simulations to predict the delayed secondary gamma-ray flux, modulated by the source variability, as revealed by TeV-band observations. We then compare these predictions for various assumed IGMF strengths to all available measurements of the gamma-ray flux evolution. We find that the source flux in the energy range above 200 GeV experiences variations around its average on the 14 years time span of observations. No evidence for the flux variability is found in 1-100 GeV energy range accessible to Fermi/LAT. Non-detection of variability due to delayed emission from electromagnetic cascade developing in the intergalactic medium imposes a lower bound of B>1.8e-17 G for long correlation length IGMF and B>1e-14 G for an IGMF of the cosmological origin. Though weaker than the one previously derived from the analysis of Fermi/LAT data, this bound is more robust, being based on a conservative intrinsic source spectrum estimate and accounting for the details of source variability in the TeV energy band. We discuss implications of this bound for cosmological magnetic fields which might explain the baryon asymmetry of the Universe.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted to A&A. Corresponding authors: Ievgen Vovk, Paolo Da Vela (mailto:[email protected]) and Andrii Neronov (mailto:[email protected]

    Probing extreme environments with the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The physics of the non-thermal Universe provides information on the acceleration mechanisms in extreme environments, such as black holes and relativistic jets, neutron stars, supernovae or clusters of galaxies. In the presence of magnetic fields, particles can be accelerated towards relativistic energies. As a consequence, radiation along the entire electromagnetic spectrum can be observed, and extreme environments are also the most likely sources of multi-messenger emission. The most energetic part of the electromagnetic spectrum corresponds to the very-high-energy (VHE, E>100 GeV) gamma-ray regime, which can be extensively studied with ground based Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs). The results obtained by the current generation of IACTs, such as H.E.S.S., MAGIC, and VERITAS, demonstrate the crucial importance of the VHE band in understanding the non-thermal emission of extreme environments in our Universe. In some objects, the energy output in gamma rays can even outshine the rest of the broadband spectrum. The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next generation of IACTs, which, with cutting edge technology and a strategic configuration of ~100 telescopes distributed in two observing sites, in the northern and southern hemispheres, will reach better sensitivity, angular and energy resolution, and broader energy coverage than currently operational IACTs. With CTA we can probe the most extreme environments and considerably boost our knowledge of the non-thermal Universe.Comment: Submitted as input to ASTRONET Science Vision and Infrastructure roadmap on behalf of the CTA consortiu

    Long-term multi-wavelength study of 1ES 0647+250

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    The BL Lac object 1ES 0647+250 is one of the few distant γ\gamma-ray emitting blazars detected at very high energies (VHE, \gtrsim100 GeV) during a non-flaring state. It was detected with the MAGIC telescopes during its low activity in the years 2009-2011, as well as during three flaring activities in the years 2014, 2019 and 2020, with the highest VHE flux in the latter epoch. An extensive multi-instrument data set was collected within several coordinated observing campaigns throughout these years. We aim to characterise the long-term multi-band flux variability of 1ES 0647+250, as well as its broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) during four distinct activity states selected in four different epochs, in order to constrain the physical parameters of the blazar emission region under certain assumptions. We evaluate the variability and correlation of the emission in the different energy bands with the fractional variability and the Z-transformed Discrete Correlation Function, as well as its spectral evolution in X-rays and γ\gamma rays. Owing to the controversy in the redshift measurements of 1ES 0647+250 reported in the literature, we also estimate its distance in an indirect manner through the comparison of the GeV and TeV spectra from simultaneous observations with Fermi-LAT and MAGIC during the strongest flaring activity detected to date. Moreover, we interpret the SEDs from the four distinct activity states within the framework of one-component and two-component leptonic models, proposing specific scenarios that are able to reproduce the available multi-instrument data.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures. Accepted in A&A. Corresponding authors: Jorge Otero-Santos; Daniel Morcuende; Vandad Fallah Ramazani; Daniela Dorner; David Paneque (mailto: [email protected]