76 research outputs found

    Presentation optimization of research results using the accidential balance method and influence factors that have different equivalents of measurement

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    The results obtained based on the random balance method are usually presented using scattering diagrams. Their number corresponds to the number of criteria for evaluation, since both impact factors and evaluation criteria can be measured by different units or their values may fall into different ranges of one scale of measurement. In addition, the evaluation criteria may have acceptable limits, and the results obtained in the study may be beyond them. Based on these diagrams it is not convenient to compare the results obtained with each other. Therefore, the aim of the work was to optimize the visual presentation of the results of the study using the random balance method with the factors of influence having different units of measurement, using relative values and their presentation in the same diagram similar to the presentation of the results obtained based on sensitivity analysis. In the study were analyzed the methods of graphical presentation of results obtained based on the sensitivity analysis and method of random balance, as well as approaches to the construction of diagrams in the MS Excel spreadsheets. The study's objects were the scattering diagrams of the results of the original study. These diagrams showed the influence of quantitative factors (the amount of excipients) on the quality indicators of tablets (time of disintegration of tablets and the resistance to crushing of tablets). The original study was the development of optimal composition and technology of the tablets by direct compression. The composition of tablets was: extract of bilberry leaves and goat’s rue herb and taurine. We analyzed the construction of matrices of changes in the magnitude of the factors of influence and the values of points along the abscissa axis for constructing a scattering diagram. We substantiated the expediency of using the relative value for the construction of a single diagram for the presentation of all the results of the influence of factors on the criteria of evaluation. The process of constructing a chart based on the type of “histogram with accumulation” is described. The algorithms of construction of data series diagrams (as data sources of the diagram), their representation and methods of calculation of their values are presented. It was proposed to present the series of data using certain graphic images, rather than color shading. This approach allows to see the vector dependence of the change in the value of the criterion on the magnitude of the factor of influence graphically. The proposed method allows to present on the one diagram the influence of various factors (with different units of measurement or different ranges of values) on several different evaluation criteria, as well as the result of this influence in relation to the admissible limits (standards) of the evaluation criteria

    Дослідження гіпоглікемічних властивостей сухого екстракту чорниці звичайної

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    The hypoglycemic effect and effective dose of dry extract of Vaccinium Myrtillus L. via oral glucose tolerance test on rats were presented in the paper. The most apparent hypoglycemic activity of dry extract of Vaccinium Myrtillus L. was observed in dose of 50 mg/kg. Such results can be applied in the further pharmacological studies for creating new medicine with hypoglycemic effect based on it.В статье приведены результаты исследования гипогликемического влияния и определения эффективной дозы сухого экстракта черники обыкновенной. Гипогликемическое действие изучали с помощью перорального глюкозотолерантного теста на крысах. Установлено, что после введения сухого экстракта черники обыкновенной наблюдается наиболее выраженный гипогликемический эффект в дозе 50 мг/кг. Это можно использовать в дальнейших фармакологических исследованиях с целью создания на его основании нового лекарственного средства с гипогликемическим действием.У статті наведено результати дослідження гіпоглікемічного впливу та визначення ефективної дози сухого екстракту чорниці звичайної. Гіпоглікемічну дію вивчали за допомогою перорального глюкозотолерантного тесту на щурах. Встановлено, що після введення сухого екстракту чорниці звичайної спостерігається найбільш виражений гіпоглікемічний ефект у дозі 50 мг/кг. Це можна використати в подальших фармакологічних дослідженнях для створення на його основі нового лікарського засобу з гіпоглікемічною дією

    International burden of cancer deaths and years of life lost from cancer attributable to four major risk factors: a population-based study in Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and United States

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    Background: We provide a comprehensive view of the impact of alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, excess body weight, and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on cancer mortality and years of life lost (YLLs) in Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, the United Kingdom (UK), and United States (US). Methods: We collected population attributable fractions of the four risk factors from global population-based studies and applied these to estimates of cancer deaths in 2020 to obtain potentially preventable cancer deaths and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Using life tables, we calculated the number and age-standardised rates of YLLs (ASYR). Findings: In Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, the UK, and the US in 2020, an estimated 5.9 million (3.3 million–8.6 million) YLLs from cancer were attributable to alcohol consumption, 20.8 million (17.0 million–24.6 million) YLLs to tobacco smoking, 3.1 million (2.4 million–3.8 million) YLLs to excess body weight, and 4.0 million (3.9 million–4.2 million) YLLs to HPV infection. The ASYR from cancer due to alcohol consumption was highest in China (351.4 YLLs per 100,000 population [95% CI 194.5–519.2]) and lowest in the US (113.5 [69.6–157.1]) and India (115.4 [49.7–172.7). For tobacco smoking, China (1159.9 [950.6–1361.8]) had the highest ASYR followed by Russia (996.8 [831.0–1154.5). For excess body weight, Russia and the US had the highest ASYRs (385.1 [280.6–481.2] and 369.4 [299.6–433.6], respectively). The highest ASYR due to HPV infection was in South Africa (457.1 [453.3–462.6]). ASYRs for alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking were higher among men than women, whereas women had higher ASYRs for excess body weight and HPV infection. Interpretation: Our findings demonstrate the importance of cancer control efforts to reduce the burden of cancer death and YLLs due to modifiable cancer risk factors and promote the use of YLLs to summarise disease burden. Funding: Cancer Research UK

    Mass measurements near the rr-process path using the Canadian Penning Trap mass spectrometer

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    The masses of 40 neutron-rich nuclides from Z = 51 to 64 were measured at an average precision of δm/m=107\delta m/m= 10^{-7} using the Canadian Penning Trap mass spectrometer at Argonne National Laboratory. The measurements, of fission fragments from a 252^{252}Cf spontaneous fission source in a helium gas catcher, approach the predicted path of the astrophysical rr process. Where overlap exists, this data set is largely consistent with previous measurements from Penning traps, storage rings, and reaction energetics, but large systematic deviations are apparent in β\beta-endpoint measurements. Differences in mass excess from the 2003 Atomic Mass Evaluation of up to 400 keV are seen, as well as systematic disagreement with various mass models.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures. v2 updated, published in Physical Review

    Diet and Cell Size Both Affect Queen-Worker Differentiation through DNA Methylation in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera, Apidae)

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    Young larvae of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) are totipotent; they can become either queens (reproductives) or workers (largely sterile helpers). DNA methylation has been shown to play an important role in this differentiation. In this study, we examine the contributions of diet and cell size to caste differentiation.We measured the activity and gene expression of one key enzyme involved in methylation, Dnmt3; the rates of methylation in the gene dynactin p62; as well as morphological characteristics of adult bees developed either from larvae fed with worker jelly or royal jelly; and larvae raised in either queen or worker cells. We show that both diet type and cell size contributed to the queen-worker differentiation, and that the two factors affected different methylation sites inside the same gene dynactin p62.We confirm previous findings that Dnmt3 plays a critical role in honey bee caste differentiation. Further, we show for the first time that cell size also plays a role in influencing larval development when diet is kept the same

    Основные достижения низкодозной компьютерной томографии в скрининге рака легкого

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    The objective of the study: to summarize current data on the use of low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) for lung cancer screening (LCS).Subjects and methods: Relevant articles published from 2016 to 2019 were searched for the following key words: lung cancer screening, low-dose computed tomography, ultra-low-dose computed tomography. The search was performed in the open databases of PubMed, Google Scholar, Elibrary. 23 Russian and 778 English publications were found. Among them, relevant publications with high citation indices were selected.Results. By 2019, there have been significant changes in the methodology of LDCT in LCS, and these changes can be considered as one of the priority state areas of modern health care. The article considers the main and potential additional goals of screening for lung cancer, the parameters of inclusion into lung cancer risk groups according to the data of various global studies. It describes data on the recommended maximum permissible doses of radiation exposure in different countries and the economic efficiency of screening. In addition, the technical requirements for a computed tomography scanner in LCS and methods for interpreting LDCT have been systematized.Цель исследования: обобщить актуальные данные об использовании низкодозной компьютерной томографии (НДКТ) для скрининга рака легкого (СРЛ).Материалы и методы: проведен поиск релевантных статей по ключевым словам «скрининг рака легкого», «низкодозная компьютерная томография», «ультранизкодозная компьютерная томография» по открытым базам данных PubMed, Google Scholar, Elibrary, опубликованных с 2016 по 2019 г. Найдено 23 русскоязычных и 778 англоязычных публикаций. Среди них отобраны релевантные публикации с высокими индексами цитирования.Результаты. К 2019 г. произошли значительные изменения методологии НДКТ в СРЛ, позволяющие рассматривать их как одно из приоритетных государственных направлений современного здравоохранения. Рассмотрены основные и возможные дополнительные цели СРЛ, параметры включения в группу риска рака легкого по данным разных мировых исследований. Приведены данные о рекомендуемых предельно допустимых дозах лучевой нагрузки в разных странах и об экономической эффективности скрининга. Кроме того, систематизированы технические требования к компьютерному томографу в СРЛ и методики интерпретации НДКТ


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    The results of the experimental study of immune response of human skin malignant melanoma cells Mel 226 on photodynamic exposure are represented in the article. Photoinduced apoptosis of skin malignant melanoma was studied in vitro. The study showed that irradiation with the agent fotoditazin at dose of 0.5–2.5 µg/ml (6 and 10 min exposure 30 min before irradiation; irradiation parameters: wavelength of 662 nm, total light dose from 40 to 60 J/cm2) induced early apoptosis. The increase of the time of laser irradiation significantly accelerates the conversion of photosensitized tumor cells from early to late apoptosis.В статье представлены результаты экспериментального исследования иммунного ответа клеток меланомы кожи человека Mel 226 на фотодинамическое воздействие. Изучен фотоиндуцированный апоптоз клеток меланомы кожи in vitro. Исследования показали, что облучение с препаратом фотодитазин в концентрациях 0,5-2,5 мкг/мл (экспозиция в течение 6 и 10 мин за 30 мин до облучения; параметры облучения: длина волны 662 нм, суммарная доза облучения от 40 до 60 Дж/см2) индуцирует ранний апоптоз. Увеличение времени лазерного облучения достоверно ускоряет переход фотосенсибилизированных опухолевых клеток из ранней фазы апоп-тоза в позднюю