495 research outputs found

    Determinants of prolonged psychiatric hospitalization

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    Optimum Number, Size and Location of Oilseeds Processing Plants in the Sudan

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    Doum (Hyphaene thebaica L), kirkir (Randia geipaeflora), karmadoda (Naucleae latifolia) and godeim (Grewia tenax) are some of the indigenous fruits in Sudan. The aim of this investigation is to process nectars from the edible part of these fruits. Doum and kirkir fruits were soaked in water in variable ratios for different durations of time to obtain the highest total soluble solids, total solids and total extractable matter. The pulps of karmadoda and godeim fruits were obtained mechanically by adding water, blanching and pulping with pulper machine. Results showed that soaking of doum and kirkir fruits at ratios 1: 4/2 h and 1: 4/8 h, respectively, were the most appropriate methods for extraction. The total solids (TS) obtained were 10.61 and 10.32 %, total soluble solids (TSS) 10.50 and 9.50%, and the total extractable matters (TEM) were 26.06 and 23.69%, respectively. However, blanching karmadoda fruit in water at a ratio of 1: 2/10 min gave total solids of 5.63% and total soluble solids of 5.00%. The nectars made were subjected to organoleptic evaluation. The results suggested that processing of nectars from forest fruits by direct extraction gave excellent sensory characteristics for human consumption

    Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and yield of irrigated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)*

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         Experiments were conducted in winter (2000 2001) and summer (2001) seasons at Elrahad Research Station to investigate the influe- nce of four levels of nitrogen and two levels of phosphorus on growth characters and seed yield of two sunflower cultivars, viz Rodio and Hysun 33. Experiments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Rodio and Hysun 33 varied in their growth characters. Differences between the two cultivars. Were highly significant for plant height, leaf area index, days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, head diameter, number of seeds per head, 1000-seed weight and empty seeds percentage. The two cultivars were siY1ificantly different in their seed yield. Nitrogen application significantly increased all growth characters and seed yield of the two cultivars, in both seasons, however, it decreased days to 50% flowering and days to maturity. Nitrogen fertilizer had no significant effect on empty seeds percentage. Phosphorus application signific- antly increased leaf area index, head diameter, number of seeds per head and 1000-seed weight. However, plant height, days to maturity and percentage of empty seeds were not affected. Application of phosphorus had no significant effect on seed yield

    Effect of Treated Oily Waste Water of Khartoum Refinery on Nubian Goat Kids

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    One of the very many imposed environmental threats of the petroleum industry internationally is its effluent of treated oily waste water (TOWW), which was reported causing mortalities in small ruminants. This study was carried out to investigate the toxic effects of TOWW of Khartoum Refinery Company (KRC) on Nubian goat kids. Twentyone goat kids were divided into three groups: Group A (control), arranged in 1x3, and B and C (test groups) arranged in 2x3x3. Each test group was divided into three subgroups; B1, B2 and B3 and C1, C2 and C3. Groups B and C were watered for 6 weeks from KRC oxidation ponds II and III, respectively, diluted at ratios of 1:0, 1:1 and 1:2 with tap water respective to subgroups 1, 2 and 3. The control group was tap watered. All groups were fed on a basal ration of 2.86 Mcal ME/kg and crude protein 20.88% energy concentration meeting goat daily requirements. Clinical signs and mortalities were daily observed. Body weights were recorded fortnightly. Blood and serum samples were collected fortnightly for haematological (RBCs, Hb, PCV, WBCs and their differentials) and serum metabolites (glucose, total protein, albumin and globulin), enzymes (AST and ALP) and electrolytes (Ca, P, Co, Cu, Fe and Mn) examinations. Organs samples for histopathological investigations were collected on post mortem examinations or in extremis slaughter. All test groups significantly (P≤ 0.05) lost weight with variations in the total water consumption and similar average water consumption for all subgroups except C3 (P≤0.05). All test groups showed decreased appetite, diarrhoea, weakness and partial paralysis. The mortality was 100%, 66.6% and 33.3% in subgroups C1, C2 and C3, respectively. The mortality was 66.6% in subgroup B3 and 33.3% in each of B2 or B1. Haematologically, test goats were neither anaemic nor infected with haemodilutions (P≤0.05) in subgroups B3, C2 and C3. All test groups showed congestion or haemorrhage in the intestinal submucosa, with detachment of epithelium or detachment of the villi, in response to the osmotic diarrhoea. All test groups showed no significant (P>0.05) changes in serum metabolites, electrolytes or serum enzymes, but livers were congested, stressed and engorged. Bile and kidney showed shrinkage, necrosis of the glomeruli, congestion and haemorrhage in the cortical and medullary tubules. These signs were indications of intensive mineral excretion. It is concluded that TOWW from KRC has toxic effects on Nubian goat kids judged by the early mortalities and by the clinical signs of diarrhoea and recumbency, metabolic disturbances in the liver with histopathological changes in various body systems. It is recommended that TOWW initial concentration be restored by addition of equivalent water to reduce or abolish its toxic manifestations

    A comparative study of single Theileria lestoquardi and mixed infections with Theileria ovis

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    Abstract Background Epidemiological surveys in Oman have revealed a high prevalence of the co-occurrence of the pathogenic Theileria lestoquardi and the non-pathogenic Theileria ovis among sheep in the Barka region, Oman. Our most recent data illustrated an interaction and reduced mortality risk in animals co-infected with T. lestoquardi and T. ovis, suggesting that the latter confers protection against pathogenicity of T. lestoquardi. The present study extends the above findings and examines disease outcomes; clinical markers, hematological parameters, and parasite density in mixed and single T. lestoquardi infections. Methods A total of 390 blood samples were collected from 16 sheep pens located in Barka, Oman between July and November 2019. Theileria spp. were detected and quantified using qPCR assay targeting 18S rRNA, and the extent of genetic diversity was estimated by a panel of T. lestoquardi specific micro- and mini-satellites. The association of some disease markers with the presence of Theileria spp. and genetic diversity was tested. Results Theileria spp. were detected in 75 (19.2%) sheep; of these 65 (86.7%) had mixed infections (T. lestoquardi plus T. ovis), 8 (10.6%) were infected with T. lestoquardi alone, and 2 (2.7%) with only T. ovis. Exotic breeds had a higher risk for Theileria spp. infection. The density (18S rRNA gene copies) of both parasites was higher in single infection against mixed infection, and there was a relatively lower density of T. lestoquardi in mixed infections. However, there was no difference in hematological indices between single T. lestoquardi and mixed infections. High genetic diversity was observed among T. lestoquardi in Barka, with no differences of T. lestoquardi in single and mixed infections. The extent of diversity seen in Barka was higher (He = 0.772) than that reported in Oman in 2019 (He = 0.582), with distinct T. lestoquardi genotypes. Conclusion The lower density of T. lestoquardi as mixed infection with T. ovis compared to single infection supports the hypothesis that T. ovis confers protection against lethal T. lestoquardi infection. However, there were no differences in disease correlations (clinical markers, hematological parameters, and density of parasites) or the extent of diversity of T. lestoquardi between the two types of infection. The presence of distinct T. lestoquardi genotypes in Barka, compared to that reported earlier in Oman, likely reflects movement of carrier animals and highlights the need for further analysis of the parasite populations to inform novel approaches for controlling malignant ovine theileriosis. Graphical Abstrac

    Effect of Feeding Regimen on Relationship between Carcass Measurements, Slaughter Weight and Hot Carcass Weight of Sudanese Desert Goats

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    The study was conducted to determine the effect of feeding diets, on growth performance and relationship between carcass measurements, slaughter weight and hot carcass weight, of 72 intact male desert bucks divided randomly into three groups; each group (24 males), the animals were slaughtered according to halal standard procedures. The results obtained indicated that correlation coefficients between slaughters weight and carcass measurements were significantly higher (P <0.01) and positive. In free grazing group correlation coefficients between hot carcass weight and carcass measurements were significantly (P <0.01) and positive. Also the relationship between slaughters weight and carcass measurements was significant and positive except internal chest length. In the group that grazing and supplemented with diets showed positive and significantly (P <0.01) correlation coefficients between hot carcass weight and carcass measurements and between slaughters weight and carcass measurements were significant and positive except carcass length. The zero grazing groups obtained non not significant correlation coefficients between hot carcass weight and carcass measurements except slaughter weight and external chest length
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