108 research outputs found

    Social support and subjective well-being in adolescence

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar el apoyo social (apoyo familiar, apoyo de las amistades y apoyo del profesorado) en función del sexo y de la edad, así como analizar la relación entre el apoyo social y el bienestar subjetivo (satisfacción con la vida, afecto positivo y afecto negativo). La muestra está compuesta por 1.543 adolescentes divididos en dos grupos en función de la edad: 11-14 años (n = 879, M = 13.99, DT = 0.86), y 15-18 años (n = 664, M = 15.76, DT = 1.07). Las diferencias de medias indican que las chicas perciben mayor apoyo de las amistades que los chicos y que son los adolescentes de 11-14 años quienes perciben más apoyo familiar y apoyo del profesorado. Los análisis de regresión lineal indican que las distintas fuentes de apoyo tienen una varianza explicativa importante en varias de las escalas del bienestar subjetivo y que varían según el sexo y la edad de los participantes. Estos datos proporcionan información para la identificación de los elementos básicos de la intervención psicosocial.The aim of this study is to analyze gender and age differences in social support (family, peers and teacher’s support), as well as the relations between social support and subjective well-being (life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect). A sample of 1543 students is divided according to age: 11-14 years (n = 879, M = 13.99, SD = 0.864), and 15-18 (n = 664, M = 15.76, SD = 1.07). The average differences indicated that girls perceived more peer support than do boys and that 11-14 year old adolescents perceived higher family support and teacher support than 15-18 year old adolescents. Multivariate regression analysis shows that different social sources have a relevant variance in most of the personal scales, which varies depending on the sex and age of participants. The results of the present study provide information in order to identify basic elements for psychosocial intervention

    Minimally Invasive Laminate Veneer Therapy for Maxillary Central Incisors.

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    Minimally invasive dentistry is a considered process that requires the clinician to be prepared with the ideal sequence and the tools needed. This report describes a well-planned ultraconservative approach using only two ceramic laminate veneers for the maxillary central incisors to significantly improve the patient's overall smile. A 30-year-old female presented with the chief complaints of having diastemas between the central and lateral incisors as well as incisal wear. Diagnostic wax-up and mock-up were performed, and the patient approved the minimally invasive treatment with veneers only for central incisors. A reduction guide aided the conservative tooth preparations, and hand-crafted feldspathic veneers were bonded under total isolation with a rubber dam. The two final conservative veneers significantly improved the smile and fulfilled the patient's expectations. Following proper planning and sequencing, predictable outcomes were obtained and fulfilled the patient's esthetic demands. Minimally invasive restorative dentistry with only two single veneers can impact the entire smile frame. Overtreatment in the esthetic zone is unnecessary to meet a patient's esthetic expectations

    Full-Mouth Rehabilitation of a Patient with Sjogren's Syndrome with Maxillary Titanium-Zirconia and Mandibular Monolithic Zirconia Implant Prostheses Fabricated with CAD/CAM Technology: A Clinical Report.

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    Dental implants have become a well-established treatment modality for the management of complete and partial edentulism. Recent advancements in dental implant systems and CAD/CAM technologies have revolutionized prosthodontic practice by allowing for the predictable, efficient, and faster management of complex dental scenarios. This clinical report describes the interdisciplinary management of a patient with Sjogren's syndrome and terminal dentition. The patient was rehabilitated using dental implants and zirconia-based prostheses in the maxillary and mandibular arches. These prostheses were fabricated using a combination of CAD/CAM and analog techniques. The successful outcomes for the patient demonstrate the importance of appropriate use of biomaterials and the implementation of interdisciplinary collaboration in treating complex dental cases

    An Innovative 3D Printed Tooth Reduction Guide for Precise Dental Ceramic Veneers.

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    Tooth reduction guides allow clinicians to obtain the ideal space required for ceramic restorations. This case report describes a novel design (CAD) for an additive computer-aided manufactured (a-CAM) tooth reduction guide with channels that permitted access for the preparation and evaluation of the reduction with the same guide. The guide features innovative vertical and horizontal channels that permit comprehensive access for preparation and evaluation of the reduction with a periodontal probe, ensuring uniform tooth reduction and avoiding overpreparation. This approach was successfully applied to a female patient with non-carious lesions and white spot lesions, resulting in minimally invasive tooth preparations and hand-crafted laminate veneer restorations that met the patient's aesthetic demands while preserving tooth structure. Compared to traditional silicone reduction guides, this novel design offers greater flexibility, enabling clinicians to evaluate tooth reduction in all directions and providing a more comprehensive assessment. Overall, this 3D printed tooth reduction guide represents a significant advancement in dental restoration technology, offering clinicians a useful tool for achieving optimal outcomes with minimal tooth reduction. Future work is warranted to compare tooth reductions and preparation time for this guide to other 3D printed guides

    Soft Tissue Grafting Procedures before Restorations in the Esthetic Zone: A Minimally Invasive Interdisciplinary Case Report.

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    An esthetically pleasing smile is a valuable aspect of physical appearance and plays a significant role in social interaction. Achieving the perfect balance between extraoral and intraoral tissues is essential for a harmonious and attractive smile. However, certain intraoral deficiencies, such as non-carious cervical lesions and gingival recession, can severely compromise the overall aesthetics, particularly in the anterior zone. Addressing such conditions requires careful planning and meticulous execution of both surgical and restorative procedures. This interdisciplinary clinical report presents a complex case of a patient with esthetic complaints related to asymmetric anterior gingival architecture and severely discolored and eroded maxillary anterior teeth. The patient was treated using a combination of minimally invasive ceramic veneers and plastic mucogingival surgery, resulting in a successful outcome. The report emphasizes the potential of this approach in achieving optimal esthetic results in challenging cases, highlighting the importance of an interdisciplinary team approach in achieving a harmonious balance between dental and soft tissue aesthetics

    Instituto Sorolla, Valencia, España

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    Factores con mayor influencia sobre la elección de alimentos en la población española

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    Fundamentos: Encuesta poblacional dirigida a conocer los factores que influyen en la elección de los alimentos de la población española. Métodos: Análisis de una muestra de todo el territorio español compuesta por 1009 individuos y seleccionada por un procedimiento aleatorio multietápico. Este estudio corresponde a la participación española en un estudio europeo sobre las actitudes de la población frente a la alimentación, nutrición y salud dirigido por el Instituto Europeo de Estudios Nutricionales de Dublín. Se determinó el porcentaje de individuos que situó a alguno de los cinco factores mencionados con más frecuencia (calidad, precio, dieta sana, condicionantes españoles, sabor) entre las tres primeras influencias en la elección de alimentos. Se ajustó un modelo multivariante para identificar los factores asociados a la elección de una dieta sana como una de las tres primeras influencias en la alimentación.Resultados: El precio influía más en los individuos de mayor edad, en niveles socioeconómicos más bajos y en individuos con menor nivel educativo. Fue mayor el impacto del precio en las mujeres de la zona Norte, Noreste y Noroeste. El sexo, la distribución geográfica, la edad y el nivel educativo presentaron un efecto independiente y significativo sobre la importancia concedida por la población a la elección de una dieta sana. Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren la necesidad de una mayor educación sobre dieta y salud especialmente en hombre jóvenes, personas con menor nivel educativo y mujeres del Noroeste del país

    G Protein Subunit Dissociation and Translocation Regulate Cellular Response to Receptor Stimulation

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    We examined the role of G proteins in modulating the response of living cells to receptor activation. The response of an effector, phospholipase C-β to M3 muscarinic receptor activation was measured using sensors that detect the generation of inositol triphosphate or diacylglycerol. The recently discovered translocation of Gβγ from plasma membrane to endomembranes on receptor activation attenuated this response. A FRET based G protein sensor suggested that in contrast to translocating Gβγ, non-translocating Gβγ subunits do not dissociate from the αq subunit on receptor activation leading to prolonged retention of the heterotrimer state and an accentuated response. M3 receptors with tethered αq induced differential responses to receptor activation in cells with or without an endogenous translocation capable γ subunit. G protein heterotrimer dissociation and βγ translocation are thus unanticipated modulators of the intensity of a cell's response to an extracellular signal

    Sources of information on healthy eating in a mediterranean country and the level of trust in them: a national sample in a pan-european survey

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    Objetivos: Determinar las fuentes de información y el nivel de confianza en las fuentes de información sobre dieta sana en la población española, para facilitar la promoción de hábitos dietéticos sanos. Pacientes y métodos: Análisis de una muestra representativa española de adultos mayores de 15 años compuesta por 1009 individuos y seleccionada por un procedimiento aleatorio multietápico. Este estudio corresponde a la participación española en un estudio europeo multicéntrico coordinado por el Instituto Europeo de Estudios Nutricionales (IEFS) de Dublín. Se preguntó a cada individuo por las fuentes de las que procedía su información sobre dieta sana y su nivel de confianza en ellas. Se analizaron las cinco fuentes más frecuentemente mencionadas. Resultados: La fuente de información más citada y de mayor confianza fueron los "profesionales sanitarios". Aproximadamente, el 26% de los encuestados mencionaron a los "profesionales sanitarios" como su fuente de información acerca de la dieta sana. Sin embargo, la "radio/TV" (25,7%) fue casi tan seleccionada como los "profesionales sanitarios". Alrededor del 17,4% de los individuos declaró que no obtenía información sobre dieta sana. Los individuos con nivel de estudios universitarios citó con mayor frecuencia a los "profesionales sanitarios", mientras que los sujetos de nivel socio-económico elevado prefirieron la "radio/TV". El grado de confianza fue mayor para los mensajes obtenidos de los "profesionales sanitarios" (89,9%) y del "Departamento de Sanidad" (78,7%) y menor en el caso de la información obtenida de los "periódicos" (34,2%) y de los "anuncios publicitarios" (17,6%). Conclusión: Los profesionales sanitarios deben promover las guías dietéticas a través de los canales adecuados para lograr que lleguen a los diferentes grupos de individuos.Objeclive: To know the sources of information and the level of trust in these sources in a population to facilitate the promotion of healthy dietary habits. Palienls and methods: A national survey was carried out according to an established protocol on a representative sample of 1009 Spanish subjects over 15 years of age selected by a random multietapic procedure. This study belongs to the Spanish partnership in a pan-European Survey about sources of information on healthy eating and their level of trust The analysis was focussed on the evaluation of the 5 most frequently chosen sources. Results: There was a trend towards a greater use and trust in "Health professionals" !han other sources. Thus, about 26% of the respondents mentioning "health professionals" as the source of information on healthy eating_ However, "TV/radio" (25.7%) was almos! so often selected as "Health professionals". About 17.4% of subjects declared that they obtained no information at all on healthy eating. Subjects with university level of studies exhibited a greater mention of "Health professionals", while individuals belonging to higher socio-economic levels preferred "TV/radio". The degree of trust was higher for messages obtained from "Health professionals" (89.9%) and the "Department of Health" (78.7%) and lower for information obtained from "newspaper" (34.2%) and "advertising" (17.6%). Conclusion: Nutrition and health educators must pro-J mote dietary guidelines through the appropriate channels for communicating messages to difieren! targets groups