309 research outputs found

    Teaching Reading Comprehension On Narrative Text Using Numbered Heads Together Technique

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    : the purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of teaching reading comprehension on narrative text using numbered heads together technique. Numbered heads together is a technique that can make the students become more active in teaching learning. The writer uses Pre-experimental research and the sample of this research is the eleventh grade students of SMAN 2 Sungai Kakap in which consist of 32 students. The technique of data collecting used is measurement technique and the tool of data collecting is multiple choice test. The data were calculated with the result of students` pre-test is 5.03, the post-test is 7.38. The students` different score between pre-test and post-test is 2.35. From the calculation of t-test that the observed t-test is 13.23 with the degree of freedom 31which is the significant of level of 0.05. The writer finds out that the result of t-test is bigger than t-table (13.23 > 2,204). It is found that the Effect Size (ES) analysis of the effectiveness of teaching reading comprehension on narrative text using numbered heads together technique is 2.17. It is categorized “high”. As the result, teaching reading comprehension on narrative text using numbered heads together technique is highly effective in terms of increasing the students` mean score of narrative text reading comprehension

    Pengaruh Usia, Tingkat Pendapatan dan Kepribadian pada Perilaku Keluhan Konsumen

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    The growing numbers of providers consumers from year to year has increased dramatically. Companies usually considered consumer complaints as an important indicator to measure consumer satisfaction. The goal is to determine the influence of age, income level amd personality of the XL\u27s consumer complaint behavior. The results of the study was to obtain a positive and significant influence among age, income level and personality of the consumer complaint behavior. XL\u27s providers add point of service by opening a branch office in small towns to maximize servic

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Usaha Ternak Sapi potong di Kecamatan Sitiung, Kabupaten Dharmasraya

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    Keberhasilan usaha ternak sapi potong bergantung pada tiga unsur yaitu bibit, pakan, dan manajemen atau pengelolaan. Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk menghitung pendapatan usaha ternak sapi potong dan menentukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pendapatan usaha ternak sapi potong di Kecamatan Sitiung Kabupaten Dharmasraya. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 43 orang peternak sapi potong. Variabel yang diukur adalah pendapataan usaha ternak sapi potong dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pendapatan usaha ternak sapi potong di Kecamatan Sitiung Kabupaten Dharmasraya. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis pendapatan dan teknik ekonometri dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pendapatan peternak dari usaha ternak sapi di Kecamatan Sitiung selama satu tahun adalah sebesar Rp. 8.579.213,- dengan rata-rata kepemilikan ternak 4,3 ekor. Variabel yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap pendapatan usaha ternak sapi potong adalah variabel biaya usaha ternak sapi potong, jumlah ternak yang dipelihara, dan sistem pemeliharaan sapi. Sementara variable pengalaman beternak dan lamanya pendidikan peternak tidak berpengaruh nyata


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    The purpose of this study were to analyze (1) the influence of trust of the purchase interest of online shop consumers, (2) the influence of risk perception of the  purchase  interest  of  online  shop  consumers,  (3)  the  influence  of  use fulness perception of the purchase interest of online shop consumers, (4) the influence of price perception of the purchase interest of online shop consumers. The populations in this research are  student of Ahmad Dahlah University Yogyakarta  Campus  One.  The  method  sample  is  purposif  sampling  with  the number  of  sample  as  much  as  100  respondents  from  three  Faculty  that  is, Economy  Faculty,  Psycology  Faculty,  and  FTDI.  Collecting  data  using questionnaires  that  was  done  validity  test  and  realibity  test.  This  research  was done by using multiple linear regression data analysis. The  results  of  this  study  indicate  that  (1)  the  trust  is  not  significant influence on consumer purchase interest of the sites online shop, this is evidenced by the significant value  is bigger  than the probability alpha value of 0.05 (0,206 > 0.05), and the regression coefficient has a  positive value of 0.062; (2)  the  trust is not significant influence on consumer purchase interest of the sites online shop, this  is  evidenced  by  the  significant  value  is  bigger  than  the  probability  alpha value of 0.05 (0, 0,234 > 0.05), and the regression coefficient has a positive value of  0.057;  (3)  the  usefulness  perception  is  significant  influence  on  consumer purchase interest of the sites online shop, this is evidenced by the significant value is  smaller  than  the  probability  alpha  value  of  0.05  (0.000  <  0.05),  and  the regression coefficients has a positive value of 0.456; (4) the price perception is not significant  influence on consumer purchase interest of the sites online shop, this  is  evidenced  by  the  significant  value  is  bigger  than  the  probability  alpha value of 0.05 (0.066 > 0.05), and the regression coefficient has a  positive value of  0.111;  and  (5)  trust,  risk  perception,  usefulness  perception  and  price perception  together  have  an  effect  on  consumer  purchase  interest  of  the  sites online  shop,  this  is  evidenced  by  the  significant  value  is  smaller  than  the probability alpha value of 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). The R2 test results in this study was obtained  R2 value  of  0.413.  This  shows  that  purchase  interest  is  influenced  by trust, risk perception, use perception, and price  perception by 41.3%, while the remaining 58.7% is influenced by other factors not observed by the researcher or considered fixed

    Pengaruh Tingkat Urbanisasi terhadap Tingkat Kemacetan Transportasi di Kota Jayapura

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    Urbanisasi di Kota Jayapura ditunjukkan dengan bertumbuhnya jumlah penduduk, perekonomian masyarakat dan meningkatnya guna lahan, sehingga kebutuhan transportasi juga meningkat. Tujuan yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah medentifikasi pengaruh tingkat urbanisasi terhadap tingkat kemacetan transportasi di Kota Jayapura. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan melalui analisis kuantitatif. Hasil Kajian menunjukan perkembangan guna lahan yang bertambah rata-rata sebesar 2,12% dari tahun 2008 hingga tahun 2013. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya mobilitas penduduk sehingga, terjadi penigkatan volume kendaraan sehingga, tingkat pelayanan jalan rata-rata 1,06 atau >1 maka LOS = F yang berarti memiliki karakteristik arus terhambat, kecepatan rendah, volume diatas kapasitas, serta sering terjadi kemacetan. Ada hubungan positif antara urbanisasi dengan kemacetan ditinjau dari perkembangan guna lahan yang menyebabkan mobilitas penduduk. Namun, ada pula hubungan negatif

    Analisis Model Sebaran Bahan Pencemar Dl Perairan Selat Nguan, Batam

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    Analysis of the pollutant transport model was conducted to understand themagtitude, their pattern and spreading speed of the pollutant at Nguan narrowchannel of Batam. The RMA2 (Resource Management Associates) analysis wasemployed to solve those phenomena. The target analysis of the pollutant issuspended particulate matter (sediment), a rnost dominant pollutant matter withinthis area. The result shows that the spreading pollutant was strongly associatedwith the monsoonal system, current speed, tidal system and the pollutant source.The southward direction of sediment transport was inluenced by the northwestmonsoon and the tidal flood. While the northward direction was affected by thethe southeast monsoon and the ebb tide. The current speed was identified asmain factor causing the flushing out magnitude of the water mass at the channel, inwhich the flushing out in the northwest monsoon was faster than that in the southeastmonsoon. As consequence, the water resident time was to be short, the pollutantwas easily to be cleaned out and as the result, the water quality within the channelwas to be excellent


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    This research entitled ‘Verbal and Non-Verbal Signs in Stop Bullying Poster’ was conducted to find out the implicit meaning of verbal and non-verbal signs used in these posters. A poster is a work of art used as a media publication by an artist in the form of writing, image, or a combination of the two which aim to give information to the public. Verbal and Non-Verbal Signs in these posters are very important to analyze because there are implicit messages to stop bullying in these signs. In this research, the qualitative descriptive approach to find out the implicit meaning from the data and research difficulties by applying the theory of signifier and signified by Saussure (1983). A documentation approach was used to execute the data collecting procedures. The documents utilized to support this study used 5 posters about stop bullying obtained from the internet. The result of the 5 data used there are - verbal signs and - non-verbal signs

    Alteration and Vein Textures Associated with Gold Mineralization at the Bunikasih Area, Pangalengan, West Java

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    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v5i4.108The Bunikasih vein system in the Pangalengan district of West Java is a low-sulfidation, adularia sericite epithermal gold deposit. It is hosted by Late Miocene andesitic volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks occurring in the south western margin of Malabar Volcano complex. Gold ore and alteration minerals related to deposition of gold in Bunikasih deposits superimposed on Late Tertiary-Quaternary andesitic formation that were altered and mineralized by some hydrothermal events. The veins consist almost entirely of quartz, with small amounts of adularia, bladed calcite, pyrite, and gold. Gold ore shoots are vertically restricted and are more continuous horizontally. The veins display complex and multi episodic filling with texture characteristics of open space precipitation such us colloform, lattice bladed, crustiform banding, vugs, breccia, and cockade and comb texture. The presence of bladed calcite and silica pseudomorph after bladed calcite suggests that the hydrothermal fluids boiled. In the Cibaliung section of the area, anomalous gold is related to veins trending northeast - southwest, milky quartz with dark grey to black manganese staining is found intermittently for a length of about 800m. The mineralized andesite ore bodies exhibit broad alteration patterns adjacent to mineralization, passing from fresh rock into anargillic, chlorite zone, and then sericite-silica close to mineralization. An argillic assemblage composed of kaolinite with fine-grained pyrite bulb is present in the upper portions and surrounding of the quartz vein system. The veins range from centimeter to meter in size. Of 24 vein samples collected, gold averages up to 0.3 grams per tone ("g/t"), to a high of 24.6 g/t. The Bunikasih epithermal gold deposit was mined by people for more than 10 years, mainly for the gold ore