13 research outputs found

    Repton model of gel electrophoresis in the long chain limit

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    Reptation governs motion of long polymers through a confining environment. Slack enters at the ends and diffuses along the polymer as stored length. The rate at which stored length diffuses limits the speed at which the chain can drift. This paper relates the rate of stored length diffusion to the conformation of the tube within which the polymer is confined. In the scaling limit of long polymer chains and weak applied electric fields, holding the product of polymer length times field finite, the tube length and stored length density take on their zero-field values. The drift velocity then depends only on the the polymer's end-to-end separation in the direction of the field.Comment: 14 pages,4 figure

    Total-energy-based prediction of a quasicrystal structure

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    Quasicrystals are metal alloys whose noncrystallographic symmetry and lack of structural periodicity challenge methods of experimental structure determination. Here we employ quantum-based total-energy calculations to predict the structure of a decagonal quasicrystal from first principles considerations. We employ Monte Carlo simulations, taking as input the knowledge that a decagonal phase occurs in Al-Ni-Co near a given composition, and using a few features of the experimental Patterson function. The resulting structure obeys a nearly deterministic decoration of tiles on a hierarchy of length scales related by powers of τ\tau, the golden mean.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Clusters, phason elasticity, and entropic stabilisation: a theory perspective

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    Personal comments are made about the title subjects, including: the relation of Friedel oscillations to Hume-Rothery stabilisation; how calculations may resolve the random-tiling versus ideal pictures of quasicrystals; and the role of entropies apart from tile-configurational.Comment: IOP macros; 8pp, 1 figure. In press, Phil. Mag. A (Proc. Intl. Conf. on Quasicrystals 9, Ames Iowa, May 2005

    Transition-metal interactions in aluminum-rich intermetallics

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    The extension of the first-principles generalized pseudopotential theory (GPT) to transition-metal (TM) aluminides produces pair and many-body interactions that allow efficient calculations of total energies. In aluminum-rich systems treated at the pair-potential level, one practical limitation is a transition-metal over-binding that creates an unrealistic TM-TM attraction at short separations in the absence of balancing many-body contributions. Even with this limitation, the GPT pair potentials have been used effectively in total-energy calculations for Al-TM systems with TM atoms at separations greater than 4 AA. An additional potential term may be added for systems with shorter TM atom separations, formally folding repulsive contributions of the three- and higher-body interactions into the pair potentials, resulting in structure-dependent TM-TM potentials. Towards this end, we have performed numerical ab-initio total-energy calculations using VASP (Vienna Ab Initio Simulation Package) for an Al-Co-Ni compound in a particular quasicrystalline approximant structure. The results allow us to fit a short-ranged, many-body correction of the form a(r_0/r)^{b} to the GPT pair potentials for Co-Co, Co-Ni, and Ni-Ni interactions.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Total-energy-based prediction of a quasicrystal structure

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7 Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal