13 research outputs found

    Business training in the situation of a new economy

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    The article deals with the problem of business training. At present, the trend of positive development of Chinese-Russian relations of a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction continues, including in the trade and economic sphere. This forces us to reflect on the issue of business training in the situation of a new economy. In the wake of construction, labor and law enforcement, in the field of personal information and in politics, use is different. Each of the listed spheres of social life is assigned a subtype of the Russian literary language, which has a number of distinctive features at all language levels: lexical, morphological, syntactic and textual.В данной статье рассматриваются меры для улучшения подготовки кадров бизнес-сферы с точки зрения обновления курсов и учебных материалов, практического узкопрофессионального опыта преподавателей языка, содержания обучения, методов и средств обучения, системы проверки, базы для практического применения полученных навыков

    Conceptual bases of the educational textbook“Practical course of Russian languagefor chinese students"

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    The textbook is intended for Chinese students starting to learn Russian in their native or non-native language environment, and is designed for the first year of study.Учебное пособие предназначено для китайских студентов, начинающих изучать русский язык в родной или неродной языковой среде, и рассчитано на первый год обучения

    Reflections on the training of russian universals in the economic and trade area in the context of “the belt and road”on the example of practiceat the jilin institute of foreign languages “Huaqiao”

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    The article attempts to put forward some proposals for the preparation of interdisciplinary Russian scholars in the trade and economic field, stimulating the reform of teaching Russian as a foreign language.В статье делается попытка выдвинуть некоторые предложения по подготовке междисциплинарных русистов в торгово-экономической области, стимулируя реформу обучения РКИ

    Teaching value of russian anecdotes

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    In the process of teaching RFL, the value of Russian anecdotes lies in the following aspects: popularization of linguistic and regional knowledge, stimulating students' interest in learning Russian, identifying and interpreting linguistic phenomena and studying linguistic theory.В процессе обучения РКИ ценность русских анекдотов заключается в следующих аспектах: популяризация языковых и страноведческих знаний, стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению русского языка, выявление и интерпретация языковых явлений и изучение лингвистической теории


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    A prognostic model for constructing hypotheses about the relationship of combinations of cytokines with the proliferative activity of cancer cells is proposed. The model is based on the use of inductive inference methods. The methodology takes into account the synergistic interaction of cytokines and uses sequential construction of logical formulas for selecting groups of cytokines, a statistical analysis of contingency tables and logical integration of the obtained estimates. Implementation of the proposed method in the information system of forecasting the effect of targeted anticancer drugs in immunotherapy will greatly accelerate research in this area.На основе использования методов индуктивного вывода предложена прогностическая модель построения гипотез о взаимосвязи комбинации цитокинов с пролиферативной активностью раковых клеток. Модель учитывает синергическое взаимодействие цитокинов и использует последовательное построение логических формул для отбора групп цитокинов, статистический анализ таблиц сопряженности и логическую интеграцию полученных оценок. Реализация предложенной модели в рамках информационной системы прогнозирования противоопухолевого эффекта таргетных препаратов иммунотерапии позволит существенно ускорить научные исследования в этой области

    Application of smart technologies in music education for children with disabilities

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    The article reveals the experience of introducing new tools related to the Smart-education technology segment into the educational process of the disciplines “Listening to Music” and “Musical Literature”, which are included in the curricula of Russian supplementary education institutions - children’s music schools and art schools: computer (multimedia) presentation, video-clavier, electronic textbooks with audio and video sections, materials of sites related to musical art. This toolkit helps promotes stimulation and activation of cognitive and creative activity, self-realization of students with special educational needs, development of their independence, ability to full artistic perception, which allows achieving the main goal of the lessons in the disciplines “Listening to Music” and “Musical Literature” - the formation of interest in musical art and creativity. It will allow teachers working in the system of additional education to effectively organize the monitoring of students’ knowledge, to build individual educational trajectories, to implement personally oriented and activity-oriented methodological approaches in teaching students with special educational needs. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

    Application of smart technologies in music education for children with disabilities

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    The article reveals the experience of introducing new tools related to the Smart-education technology segment into the educational process of the disciplines “Listening to Music” and “Musical Literature”, which are included in the curricula of Russian supplementary education institutions - children’s music schools and art schools: computer (multimedia) presentation, video-clavier, electronic textbooks with audio and video sections, materials of sites related to musical art. This toolkit helps promotes stimulation and activation of cognitive and creative activity, self-realization of students with special educational needs, development of their independence, ability to full artistic perception, which allows achieving the main goal of the lessons in the disciplines “Listening to Music” and “Musical Literature” - the formation of interest in musical art and creativity. It will allow teachers working in the system of additional education to effectively organize the monitoring of students’ knowledge, to build individual educational trajectories, to implement personally oriented and activity-oriented methodological approaches in teaching students with special educational needs. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018


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    A prognostic model for constructing hypotheses about the relationship of combinations of cytokines with the proliferative activity of cancer cells is proposed. The model is based on the use of inductive inference methods. The methodology takes into account the synergistic interaction of cytokines and uses sequential construction of logical formulas for selecting groups of cytokines, a statistical analysis of contingency tables and logical integration of the obtained estimates. Implementation of the proposed method in the information system of forecasting the effect of targeted anticancer drugs in immunotherapy will greatly accelerate research in this area

    Automation system of intellectual activity on creating programs in the language of logical programming

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    The article presents a developed software package that implements the training system that automates intellectual activity in creating programs in the language of logical programming. The choice of semantic networks as a way of the representation of knowledge in the process of modeling subject domains in the learning system during the formulation of educational logical problems is substantiated. The typology of the learning tasks used to master the logical programming language Prolog is grounded, including the following types of tasks: logical, arithmetic, value analysis tasks with subsequent selection or ordering and creation of knowledge bases on the subject domain. In this case, for each type of problem, the possibility of applying analysis of formal concepts to solve them has been investigated and a set of examples has been compiled. The technique of analysis of formal concepts and their grouping depending on the parameters of objects of the domain is developed, the essence of which is to identify an invariant set of descriptors suitable for representing different subject areas, which allows the generation of rules. The technique for generating domain representation rules based on the declaration of predicates with one or more parameters, which are correlated with the peculiarities of formulations of typical learning tasks, is developed. © 2019, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature

    In Vitro Study of Picloxidine 0.05 % Antiviral Activity (on the Example of Adenovirus)

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    Introduction. Lack of antiviral drug forms in ophthalmology stimulates to study the efficacy of drugs of other pharmacological groups with potential antiviral activity. Adenoviral eye infections are widespread and highly contagious. Material and methods. The antiviral effect of the drug was estimated by changing the DNA titer of the virus in adenovirus-infected cells, controlling. the specificity of the viral affection by setting PCR in real time. The cytotoxic effect of Vitabact® was studied on Vero cell culture. Results. Installations of the preparation according to the treatment scheme (after infection of the culture) resulted in 2.7-fold decrease in the viral DNA amount. When Vitabact® was injected into cells in dilution of 1/128 (the first dilution of the drug that does not refuse the cytotoxic effect on Vero cells) according to the prophylactic scheme  the level of adenovirus replication decreased by 1.7 times. Conclusions. The preparation of pycloxidine had the maximum antiviral effect in the treatment scheme mode. This circumstance opens the perspective of specifying the spectrum and mechanisms of antiviral effect of pixloxidine and makes it possible to use Vitabakt as a component of the second stage (starting from 10–12 day of the disease) of empirical therapy of viral conjunctivitis