18,678 research outputs found

    Passenger ride quality determined from commercial airline flights

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    The University of Virginia ride-quality research program is reviewed. Data from two flight programs, involving seven types of aircraft, are considered in detail. An apparatus for measuring physical variations in the flight environment and recording the subjective reactions of test subjects is described. Models are presented for predicting the comfort response of test subjects from the physical data, and predicting the overall comfort reaction of test subjects from their moment by moment responses. The correspondence of mean passenger comfort judgments and test subject response is shown. Finally, the models of comfort response based on data from the 5-point and 7-point comfort scales are shown to correspond

    Application of ride quality technology to predict ride satisfaction for commuter-type aircraft

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    A method was developed to predict passenger satisfaction with the ride environment of a transportation vehicle. This method, a general approach, was applied to a commuter-type aircraft for illustrative purposes. The effect of terrain, altitude and seat location were examined. The method predicts the variation in passengers satisfied for any set of flight conditions. In addition several noncommuter aircraft were analyzed for comparison and other uses of the model described. The method has advantages for design, evaluation, and operating decisions

    Transportation systems evaluation methodology development and applications, phase 3

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    Transportation systems or proposed changes in current systems are evaluated. Four principal evaluation criteria are incorporated in the process, operating performance characteristics as viewed by potential users, decisions based on the perceived impacts of the system, estimating what is required to reduce the system to practice; and predicting the ability of the concept to attract financial support. A series of matrix multiplications in which the various matrices represent evaluations in a logical sequence of the various discrete steps in a management decision process is used. One or more alternatives are compared with the current situation, and the result provides a numerical rating which determines the desirability of each alternative relative to the norm and to each other. The steps in the decision process are isolated so that contributions of each to the final result are readily analyzed. The ability to protect against bias on the part of the evaluators, and the fact that system parameters which are basically qualitative in nature can be easily included are advantageous

    Sub-au imaging of water vapour clouds around four Asymptotic Giant Branch stars

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    We present MERLIN maps of the 22-GHz H2O masers around four low-mass late-type stars (IK Tau U Ori, RT Vir and U Her), made with an angular resolution of ~ 15 milliarcsec and a velocity resolution of 0.1 km s-1. The H2O masers are found in thick expanding shells with inner radii ~ 6 to 16 au and outer radii four times larger. The expansion velocity increases radially through the H2O maser regions, with logarithmic velocity gradients of 0.5--0.9. IK Tau and RT Vir have well-filled H2O maser shells with a spatial offset between the near and far sides of the shell, which suggests that the masers are distributed in oblate spheroids inclined to the line of sight. U Ori and U Her have elongated poorly-filled shells with indications that the masers at the inner edge have been compressed by shocks; these stars also show OH maser flares. MERLIN resolves individual maser clouds, which have diameters of 2 -- 4 au and filling factors of only ~ 0.01 with respect to the whole H2O maser shells. The CSE velocity structure gives additional evidence the maser clouds are density bounded. Masing clouds can be identified over a similar timescale to their sound crossing time (~2 yr) but not longer. The sizes and observed lifetimes of these clouds are an order of magnitude smaller than those around red supergiants, similar to the ratio of low-mass:high-mass stellar masses and sizes. This suggests that cloud size is determined by stellar properties, not local physical phenomena in the wind.Comment: 21 pages, including 14 figures and 8 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    AGN and starbursts at high redshift: High resolution EVN radio observations of the Hubble Deep Field

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    We present deep, wide-field European VLBI Network (EVN) 1.6 GHz observations of the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) region with a resolution of 0.025 arcseconds. Above the 210 microJy/beam (5sigma) detection level, the EVN clearly detects two radio sources in a field that encompasses the HDF and part of the Hubble Flanking Fields (HFF). The sources detected are: VLA J123644+621133 (a z=1.013, low-luminosity FR-I radio source located within the HDF itself) and VLA J123642+621331 (a dust enshrouded, optically faint, z=4.424 starburst system). A third radio source, J123646+621404, is detected at the 4sigma level. The VLBI detections of all three sources suggest that most of the radio emission of these particular sources (including the dusty starburst) is generated by an embedded AGN.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; Accepted by Astron. & Astrophys Letters ... See http://www.nfra.nl/~mag/hdf_evn.htm

    The estimation and characterization of plankton populations by pigment analysis. III. A note on the use of Millipore membrane filters in the estimation of plankton pigments.

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    Collection of plankton samples on AA (aerosol assay) type Millipore membrane filters has been substituted for centrifugation in the method of Richards with Thompson for estimating plankton pigments. Although the filter dissolves in the 90% acetone that is subsequently used for extracting the pigments, its solution does not interfere with the spectrophotometric determination of the chlorophyll and carotenoid components

    Live-Cell Imaging of Single Receptor Composition Using Zero-Mode Waveguide Nanostructures

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    We exploit the optical and spatial features of subwavelength nanostructures to examine individual receptors on the plasma membrane of living cells. Receptors were sequestered in portions of the membrane projected into zero-mode waveguides. Using single-step photobleaching of green fluorescent protein incorporated into individual subunits, the resulting spatial isolation was used to measure subunit stoichiometry in α4ÎČ4 and α4ÎČ2 nicotinic acetylcholine and P2X2 ATP receptors. We also show that nicotine and cytisine have differential effects on α4ÎČ2 stoichiometry

    Quantifying barriers to monovalent anion transport in narrow non-polar pores

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    The transport of anionic drinking water contaminants (fluoride, chloride, nitrate and nitrite) through narrow pores ranging in effective radius from 2.5 to 6.5 Å was systematically evaluated using molecular dynamics simulations to elucidate the magnitud
