1,031 research outputs found

    Perturbative nonequilibrium dynamics of phase transitions in an expanding universe

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    A complete set of Feynman rules is derived, which permits a perturbative description of the nonequilibrium dynamics of a symmetry-breaking phase transition in λϕ4\lambda\phi^4 theory in an expanding universe. In contrast to a naive expansion in powers of the coupling constant, this approximation scheme provides for (a) a description of the nonequilibrium state in terms of its own finite-width quasiparticle excitations, thus correctly incorporating dissipative effects in low-order calculations, and (b) the emergence from a symmetric initial state of a final state exhibiting the properties of spontaneous symmetry breaking, while maintaining the constraint ≡0\equiv 0. Earlier work on dissipative perturbation theory and spontaneous symmetry breaking in Minkowski spacetime is reviewed. The central problem addressed is the construction of a perturbative approximation scheme which treats the initial symmetric state in terms of the field ϕ\phi, while the state that emerges at later times is treated in terms of a field ζ\zeta, linearly related to ϕ2\phi^2. The connection between early and late times involves an infinite sequence of composite propagators. Explicit one-loop calculations are given of the gap equations that determine quasiparticle masses and of the equation of motion for and the renormalization of these equations is described. The perturbation series needed to describe the symmetric and broken-symmetry states are not equivalent, and this leads to ambiguities intrinsic to any perturbative approach. These ambiguities are discussed in detail and a systematic procedure for matching the two approximations is described.Comment: 22 pages, using RevTeX. 6 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Nonequilibrium perturbation theory for complex scalar fields

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    Real-time perturbation theory is formulated for complex scalar fields away from thermal equilibrium in such a way that dissipative effects arising from the absorptive parts of loop diagrams are approximately resummed into the unperturbed propagators. Low order calculations of physical quantities then involve quasiparticle occupation numbers which evolve with the changing state of the field system, in contrast to standard perturbation theory, where these occupation numbers are frozen at their initial values. The evolution equation of the occupation numbers can be cast approximately in the form of a Boltzmann equation. Particular attention is given to the effects of a non-zero chemical potential, and it is found that the thermal masses and decay widths of quasiparticle modes are different for particles and antiparticles.Comment: 15 pages using RevTeX; 2 figures in 1 Postscript file; Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Dissipation in equations of motion of scalar fields

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    The methods of non-equilibrium quantum field theory are used to investigate the possibility of representing dissipation in the equation of motion for the expectation value of a scalar field by a friction term, such as is commonly included in phenomenological inflaton equations of motion. A sequence of approximations is exhibited which reduces the non-equilibrium theory to a set of local evolution equations. However, the adiabatic solution to these evolution equations which is needed to obtain a local equation of motion for the expectation value is not well defined; nor, therefore, is the friction coefficient. Thus, a non-equilibrium treatment is essential, even for a system that remains close to thermal equilibrium, and the formalism developed here provides one means of achieving this numerically.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Nonequilibrium perturbation theory for spin-1/2 fields

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    A partial resummation of perturbation theory is described for field theories containing spin-1/2 particles in states that may be far from thermal equilibrium. This allows the nonequilibrium state to be characterized in terms of quasiparticles that approximate its true elementary excitations. In particular, the quasiparticles have dispersion relations that differ from those of free particles, finite thermal widths and occupation numbers which, in contrast to those of standard perturbation theory evolve with the changing nonequilibrium environment. A description of this kind is essential for estimating the evolution of the system over extended periods of time. In contrast to the corresponding description of scalar particles, the structure of nonequilibrium fermion propagators exhibits features which have no counterpart in the equilibrium theory.Comment: 16 pages; no figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Numerical investigation of friction in inflaton equations of motion

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    The equation of motion for the expectation value of a scalar quantum field does not have the local form that is commonly assumed in studies of inflationary cosmology. We have recently argued that the true, temporally non-local equation of motion does not possess a time-derivative expansion and that the conversion of inflaton energy into particles is not, in principle, described by the friction term estimated from linear response theory. Here, we use numerical methods to investigate whether this obstacle to deriving a local equation of motion is purely formal, or of some quantitative importance. Using a simple scalar-field model, we find that, although the non-equilibrium evolution can exhibit significant damping, this damping is not well described by the local equation of motion obtained from linear response theory. It is possible that linear response theory does not apply to the situation we study only because thermalization turns out to be slow, but we argue that that the large discrepancies we observe indicate a failure of the local approximation at a more fundamental level.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Treatment options for recurrent glioblastoma: a network meta-analysis

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    This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows:. To evaluate the effectiveness of further treatment/s for first and subsequent recurrence of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) among people who have received the standard of care for primary treatment of the disease (chemoradiotherapy) or following development of GBM from a lower grade (radiotherapy with subsequent temozolomide at relapse); and to prepare a brief economic commentary on the available evidence

    An Analytic Equation of State for Ising-like Models

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    Using an Environmentally Friendly Renormalization we derive, from an underlying field theory representation, a formal expression for the equation of state, y=f(x)y=f(x), that exhibits all desired asymptotic and analyticity properties in the three limits x→0x\to 0, x→∞x\to \infty and x→−1x\to -1. The only necessary inputs are the Wilson functions γλ\gamma_\lambda, ÎłÏ•\gamma_\phi and ÎłÏ•2\gamma_{\phi^2}, associated with a renormalization of the transverse vertex functions. These Wilson functions exhibit a crossover between the Wilson-Fisher fixed point and the fixed point that controls the coexistence curve. Restricting to the case N=1, we derive a one-loop equation of state for 2<d<42< d<4 naturally parameterized by a ratio of non-linear scaling fields. For d=3d=3 we show that a non-parameterized analytic form can be deduced. Various asymptotic amplitudes are calculated directly from the equation of state in all three asymptotic limits of interest and comparison made with known results. By positing a scaling form for the equation of state inspired by the one-loop result, but adjusted to fit the known values of the critical exponents, we obtain better agreement with known asymptotic amplitudes.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Critical temperature for first-order phase transitions in confined systems

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    We consider the Euclidean DD-dimensional âˆ’Î»âˆŁÏ•âˆŁ4+Î·âˆŁÏ•âˆŁ6-\lambda |\phi |^4+\eta |\phi |^6 (λ,η>0\lambda ,\eta >0 ) model with dd (d≀Dd\leq D) compactified dimensions. Introducing temperature by means of the Ginzburg--Landau prescription in the mass term of the Hamiltonian, this model can be interpreted as describing a first-order phase transition for a system in a region of the DD-dimensional space, limited by dd pairs of parallel planes, orthogonal to the coordinates axis x1,x2,...,xdx_1, x_2, ..., x_d. The planes in each pair are separated by distances L1,L2,...,LdL_1, L_2, ..., L_d. We obtain an expression for the transition temperature as a function of the size of the system, % T_c(\{L_i\}), i=1,2,...,di=1, 2, ..., d. For D=3 we particularize this formula, taking L1=L2=...=Ld=LL_1=L_2=... =L_d=L for the physically interesting cases d=1d=1 (a film), d=2d=2 (an infinitely long wire having a square cross-section), and for d=3d=3 (a cube). For completeness, the corresponding formulas for second-order transitions are also presented. Comparison with experimental data for superconducting films and wires shows qualitative agreement with our theoretical expressionsComment: REVTEX, 11 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Eur. Phys. Journal

    Scaling in high-temperature superconductors

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    A Hartree approximation is used to study the interplay of two kinds of scaling which arise in high-temperature superconductors, namely critical-point scaling and that due to the confinement of electron pairs to their lowest Landau level in the presence of an applied magnetic field. In the neighbourhood of the zero-field critical point, thermodynamic functions scale with the scaling variable (T−Tc2(B))/B1/2Îœ(T-T_{c2}(B))/B^{1/2\nu}, which differs from the variable (T−Tc(0))/B1/2Îœ(T - T_c(0))/B^{1/2\nu} suggested by the gaussian approximation. Lowest-Landau-level (LLL) scaling occurs in a region of high field surrounding the upper critical field line but not in the vicinity of the zero-field transition. For YBaCuO in particular, a field of at least 10 T is needed to observe LLL scaling. These results are consistent with a range of recent experimental measurements of the magnetization, transport properties and, especially, the specific heat of high-TcT_c materials.Comment: 22 pages + 1 figure appended as postscript fil

    Large-N theory of strongly commensurate dirty-bosons: absence of transition in two dimensions

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    The spherical limit of strongly commensurate dirty-bosons is studied perturbatively at weak disorder and numerically at strong disorder in two dimensions (2D). We argue that disorder is not perfectly screened by interactions, and consequently that the ground state in the effective Anderson localisation problem always remains localised. As a result there is only a gapped Mott insulator phase in the theory. Comparisons with other studies and the parallel with disordered fermions in 2D are discussed. We conjecture that while for the physical cases N=2 (XY) and N=1 (Ising) the theory should have the ordered phase, it may not for N=3 (Heisenberg).Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Minor typographical errors correcte
