42 research outputs found

    A Review of Strategic Management of Water Resources

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    Access to improved water has been considered as the most important condition for human sustainability, sustainable development as well as ecosystems maintenance. Water is a critical component of cultural, spiritual, economic and social well-being for any society hence, the need for portable water supply. This work examines the application of knowledge of fluid mechanics in strategic water management. Water pollutants such as refuse and sewage, oil spills agricultural and industrial waste were identified as causes of shortage improved water supply; sources of improved and unimproved water supply were also identified. The knowledge of fluid mechanics were prescribed for water sustainability and in solving challenges relating to type of flow and the determination of parameters like pressure, speed, density, volume and other flow parameters that will ensure safe flow rate of water to prevent spills while ensuring even distribution of improved water

    Prediction of Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium Data Using Neural Network for Hydrocarbon Ternary System (ETHANE-PROPANE-N-BUTANE)

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    The prediction of vapour- liquid equilibrium is useful in process simulation and control as well making process engineering design decisions. Prediction of vapour-liquid equilibrium data was carried out using MATLAB software. Pre-existing data of hydrocarbon ternary system (ethane-propane-n-butane) in terms of phase composition, temperature and pressure was trained by iteratively adjusting networks, initializing weights and biases to minimize the network performance function net. MATLAB a software package containing artificial neural network was employed to predict the point where there is no change in composition of both liquid and vapour formed when liquid mixtures of ethane-propane-n-butane vapourises. Predicted values show reasonable and good correlation results when compared to the experimental data thus indicating that the network is an efficient and a good prediction tool for vapour-liquid equilibrium ternary systems

    Data on the effect of current density relationship on the super-alloy composite coating by electrolytic route

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    In thiswork,adetaileffectofnanoparticleloadingandimproved process parameteronthesynthesisofmodified Zn-TiO2 electrocodeposited nanocompositecoatingwaspresented.Thecoatings wereperformedatconstanttimeof20minuteatastirringrateof 400rpmattemperatureof70 °C. Theeffectofparticleloadingand inputcurrentonthepropertiesoftheelectrocodepositedNano- composite wasstudied.Theco-depositionwascarriedoutata current intervalbetween1.0and1.5Aforthecoatingperiod.The basis ofbathformulationasitquantitativelyandqualitatively affects thecoatingsystemwasputintoconsideration.Hence,the electrocodeposition dataforthecoatingpropertiesandcoatingper unit areawereattained.Also,theeffectofannealingheattreatment on thehardnesspropertiesofthenanocompositecoatingswas carried out.Theannealingtemperatureusedwas250 °C soasto ascertain thethermalstabilityofthecoatingsandtoachieve homogenisation ofthecoatingsystem.Theweightgainedunder difference coatingconditionwereattainedandcouldbeapplied using modified Zn-TiO2 electrocodepositednanocompositecoat- ings asaneffectiveandsafealternativecoatingtochromiumand other harmfulcoatings

    Correlation of Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium Data Using Neural Network for Hydrocarbon Ternary System (Ethane-n-Pentane-n-Hexane)

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    Abstract Correlation of vapour-liquid equilibrium data for hydrocarbon ternary system (ethane-n-pentane-n-heptane) is very useful in the design decision of separation process equipment such as separation columns, extractors etc. The tool used for the correlation is MATLAB: a very reliable software with adequate neural network conditions such as multi-layer feed forward, back propagation etc. A comprehensive Artificial Neural Network (A N N) training and simulation model and list of pre-existing vapour-liquid equilibrium data for ethane-n-pentane-nheptane system was employed for this work. Neural network was trained in MATLAB 7.10.0 environment.Several iterations were carried out on the ternary system until the performance goal was met. From the analysis of the output result, regression and iteration graphs when compared with experimental data, artificial neural network offered very small deviation from the target. This confirms conclusively that artificial neural network is a consistent and reliable tool for predicting the vapour-liquid phase equilibrium for binary, ternary and quaternary system. The knowledge of correlation also establishes the basic background required for the understanding of the vapour-liquid phase behaviour of ternary systems which forms the basis of calculations of distillation, extraction and absorption processes etc. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Keywords: artificial neural network, back propagation, correlation, matlab, simulation model ternary system. INTRODUCTION The composition of vapour and liquid equilibrium phases is very important for calculations involving distillation, extraction and absorption processes which find useful application in the chemical process industry, petroleum and refining industries. Complete vapour-liquid equilibrium data for ternary systems are rare in the literature and quaternary data are practically non-existent. When designers need such information, they frequently attempt to predict the ternary or quaternary system from binary data by means of thermodynamics equation. Artificial Neural Network: a machine learning algorithm offers a more reliable and consistent means of correlating vapourliquid equilibrium data for both ternary and quaternary systems. This is however done by training neural network using pre-existing vapourliquid equilibrium, correlating and predicting the vapour-liquid equilibrium, comparing correlated and predicted values with pre-existing data and carrying out validity test to check for network efficiency

    Design of a Processor for the Production of 30,000 Tons of Caustic Potash per Anum from Cocoa Pod Husk

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    A caustic potash processor capable of processing 30, 000 tons of caustic potash per anum from cocoa pod husk was designed. It essentially consist of storage tank, fluidized bed dryer, rotary dryer operating at a temperature of 110 0 C for drying the feed, roll crusher which reduces the husks into smaller sizes and a furnace operated an elevated temperature to ensure proper ashing. The processor also consists of a reactor where leaching: the major process involved in the production of caustic potash from cocoa pod husk takes place. The reactor is lagged and heated internally after which an evaporator fired by a boiler is employed to concentrate the KOH solution. The water vapour leaving the evaporator condenses in the condenser and is recycled to the boiler. A detailed energy and material balance as well as analysis of process control system and instrumentation was also carried out to keep process variable within known safe operating limits in order to achieve the designed production rate and maintain the caustic potash within the desired specification at an optimal production cost

    Anthropometry as ergonomic consideration for hospital bed design in Nigeria

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    The aim of this research is to study selected health care workstations to establish the current practices with reference to the use of anthropometry. Also to re-design the work station, if necessary, in order to improve productivity, health safety and comfort of the patients and staffs using the work stations. Anthropometric dimensions of the patients in the examined health care system were used to design intensive care unit bed (ICU) and medical/surgical bed which can accommodate 5% - 95% of patients male and female. The work stations were examined and analyzed under the combination of different anthropometric parameters. The analysis of the results indicates some deficiencies in the design of the workstations based on the design parameters and standard values from the literatures. Based on the analysis of these results the patients and their care givers may likely be exposed to back pain, fatigue, poor blood circulation and other related diseases. For demonstration of the application of the extreme design approach, a hospital bed work station (health care system) has been re-designed as a real case. It is hope that the new design will contribute to improvement in productivity, health safety and comfort of the patients and staffs using the workstations. In the proposed extreme design approach, I suggest to every health care organization operating, before any decision on making or buying equipment, industrial engineers are to be consulted depending on the design factor, for proper guidance. Anthropometric dimensions of the workers should also be considered for any category of hospital bed design

    Experimental analytical design of CNC machine tool SCFC based on electro-pneumatic system simulation

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    AbstractA Smart Clamping Force Control (SCFC) is adapted to hold sensitive workpiece using magnetic proximity switch during a machining operation on the CNC machine tool. It has been ascertained that work-holding of different workpiece materials and shapes during machining operation is one of the problems encountered during CNC milling machining operations. This work proposes a novel clamping strategy for workpieces with the aid of SCFC. The purpose of the study is to adjust the forward movement of the clamp and reduce the damage caused by the clamp on the workpiece, this depends on the material of the work-piece. The speed of the clamp is reduced using the inlet flow control throttle valve and a magnetic proximity switch (MPS). It provides careful handling of workpiece and prevent it from damage and as well optimizes the forward movement of the cylinder. The proposed strategy is based on dynamic machine loading in which the impact of applied forces were monitored to optimize the clamping control system of the machine tool. The mode of operation and performance of the SCFC were simulated in the FluidSIM® software, and the validated results was presented on Festo workstation. This work therefore further elucidate the fundamental design criterion for machine tool clamping forces and the sustainable manufacture of its components

    Effect of WO3 Nanoparticle Loading on the Microstructural, Mechanical and Corrosion Resistance of Zn Matrix/TiO2-WO3 Nanocomposite Coatings for Marine Application

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    In this study, for marine application purposes, we evaluated the effect of process parameter and particle loading on the microstructure, mechanical reinforcement and corrosion resistance properties of a Zn-TiO2-WO3 nanocomposite produced via electrodeposition. We characterized the morphological properties of the composite coatings with a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with an Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS). We carried out mechanical examination using a Dura Scan hardness tester and a CERT UMT-2 multi-functional tribological tester. We evaluated the corrosion properties by linear polarization in 3.5% NaCl. The results show that the coatings exhibited good stability and the quantitative particle loading greatly enhanced the structural and morphological properties, hardness behavior and corrosion resistance of the coatings. We observed the precipitation of this alloy on steel is greatly influenced by the composite characteristics