16 research outputs found


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    Background: Premature infants with extremely low and very low birth weight with a severe overlapping perinatal pathology often feature slower growth rate within the first year of life and require special nutritional support.Objective: Our aim was to study physical development of infants with protein-calorie deficiency in the setting of using a specialized protein- and calorie-rich pediatric milk product for enteral feeding.Methods: We analyzed tolerability and efficacy of clinical nutrition within the framework of a prospective two-month-long case series. We assessed actual children’s diets and the chemical composition thereof. We determined body weight and length, body mass index (BMI), adipodermal flap thickness over the triceps. Anabolic effect of clinical nutrition was assessed on the basis of transthyretin concentration dynamics.Results: The study involved 30 infants with protein-calorie deficiency (7 term infants and 23 premature infants) with a severe perinatal pathology. High tolerability of the formula under analysis was registered in most patients. Termination of functional gastrointestinal tract disorders (posseting, colics, flatulence, constipations) was observed in 23 (87%) patients. In most cases, the use of a protein- and calorie-rich formula as a part of a therapeutic diet helped to satisfy children’s protein demand and improve their weight/length parameters: BMI increased in 19 (72%) children, body weight — in 16 (63%), body length — in 24 (92%), adipodermal flap thickness over the triceps — in all the children (100%). We observed transthyretin concentration increase from 162 (157; 171) in the beginning of the study to 187 (170; 208) mg/l in the end thereof (p = 0.028).Conclusion: A specialized protein- and calorie-rich product for enteral feeding may be used for feeding infants with protein-calorie deficiency born with a severe a perinatal pathology, including premature infants


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    Increase in the incidence of neonatal thromboses is associated not only with the possibility for women characterized by tendency to high thrombosis to carry pregnancy, but also with the increase in enforced use of invasive treatment methods, such as catheterization of central and peripheral veins and umbilical vessels. This article is aimed at bringing peculiarities of epidemiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis, clinical manifestations and treatment of neonatal thromboses to the attention of practicing physicians. The article present tactics of treating 4 children with thrombi of varying genesis and localization based on clinical observations. The decision to start heparin therapy is made on the individual basis depending on the child's maturity at birth, thrombus localization, presence or absence of complications and nature of the concurrent pathology. The given clinical cases informatively demonstrate reasonability of a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosing and treating patients with this pathology, the need in strict selection of doses of the used drugs and continuous monitoring of coagulogram parameters in the setting of the therapy. Увеличение частоты тромбозов у новорожденных связано не только с возможностью вынашивания беременности женщинами, которые страдают заболеваниями, характеризующимися склонностью к повышенному тромбообразованию, но также в связи с ростом вынужденного использования инвазивных методов лечения, таких как катетеризация центральных и периферических вен, пупочных сосудов. Целью данной статьи является ознакомление практических врачей с особенностями эпидемиологии, патогенеза, диагностики, а также клиническими проявлениями и лечением тромбозов у новорожденных. На основе клинических наблюдений представлена тактика лечения 4 детей с тромбами различного генеза и локализации. Решение о применении гепаринотерапии рассматривается индивидуально для каждого ребенка в зависимости от степени зрелости при рождении, локализации тромба, наличия или отсутствия осложнений, а также характера сопутствующей патологии. Приведенные клинические примеры наглядно демонстрируют обоснованность мультидисциплинарного подхода к диагностике и лечению больных с данной патологией, необходимость строгого подбора доз применяемых препаратов и постоянного мониторинга показателей коагулограммы на фоне терапии


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    Background: Premature infants with extremely low and very low birth weight with a severe overlapping perinatal pathology often feature slower growth rate within the first year of life and require special nutritional support.Objective: Our aim was to study physical development of infants with protein-calorie deficiency in the setting of using a specialized protein- and calorie-rich pediatric milk product for enteral feeding.Methods: We analyzed tolerability and efficacy of clinical nutrition within the framework of a prospective two-month-long case series. We assessed actual children’s diets and the chemical composition thereof. We determined body weight and length, body mass index (BMI), adipodermal flap thickness over the triceps. Anabolic effect of clinical nutrition was assessed on the basis of transthyretin concentration dynamics.Results: The study involved 30 infants with protein-calorie deficiency (7 term infants and 23 premature infants) with a severe perinatal pathology. High tolerability of the formula under analysis was registered in most patients. Termination of functional gastrointestinal tract disorders (posseting, colics, flatulence, constipations) was observed in 23 (87%) patients. In most cases, the use of a protein- and calorie-rich formula as a part of a therapeutic diet helped to satisfy children’s protein demand and improve their weight/length parameters: BMI increased in 19 (72%) children, body weight — in 16 (63%), body length — in 24 (92%), adipodermal flap thickness over the triceps — in all the children (100%). We observed transthyretin concentration increase from 162 (157; 171) in the beginning of the study to 187 (170; 208) mg/l in the end thereof (p = 0.028).Conclusion: A specialized protein- and calorie-rich product for enteral feeding may be used for feeding infants with protein-calorie deficiency born with a severe a perinatal pathology, including premature infants.Дети, родившиеся недоношенными, с экстремальной и очень низкой массой тела, с тяжелой сочетанной перинатальной патологией нередко имеют сниженные темпы роста на протяжении первого года жизни и нуждаются в специальной нутритивной поддержке.Цель исследования: изучить физическое развитие младенцев с белково-энергетической недостаточностью при использовании специализированного детского молочного продукта для энтерального питания с повышенным содержанием белка и энергии.Методы: переносимость и эффективность лечебного питания изучали в проспективном двухмесячном наблюдении серии случаев. Оценивали фактическое питание и химиче- ский состав рационов детей. Определяли массу и длину тела, индекс массы тела (ИМТ), толщину кожно-жировой складки над трицепсом. Анаболический эффект лечебного питания оценивали по динамике содержания транстиретина.Результаты: в исследование были включены 30 младенцев с белково-энергетической недостаточностью, родившихся доношенными (n = 7) и недоношенными (n = 23), все с тяжелой перинатальной патологией. Хорошая переносимость изучаемой формулы зафиксирована у большинства пациентов. Купирование функциональных нарушений желудочно-кишечного тракта (срыгиваний, колик, метеоризма, запоров) отмечено у 23 (87%) пациентов. Использование формулы с повышенным содержанием белка и энергии в составе лечебной диеты в большинстве случаев позволяло удовлетворить потребности детей в белке и улучшить их массо-ростовые показатели: ИМТ увеличился у 19 (72%), масса тела — у 16 (63%), длина тела — у 24 (92%), толщина кожно-жировой складки над трицепсом — у всех (100%) детей. Установлено повышение концентрации транстиретина со 162 (157; 171) в начале исследования до 187 (170; 208) мг/л при его завершении (p = 0,028).Заключение: специализированный высокобелковый и высококалорийный продукт для энтерального питания может использоваться в питании младенцев с белково-энергетической недостаточностью, родившихся с тяжелой перинатальной патологией, в т. ч. недоношенными

    Оценка токсичности и эффективности терапии комбинацией FOLFIRI и афлиберцепта при метастатическом раке толстой кишки в РФ: первые результаты многоцентрового ретроспективного исследования

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    oai:oai.tumors.elpub.ru:article/629Purpose. To assess the incidence and severity of adverse events; to explore clinical factors associated with grade 3–4 non-hematologic toxicity; to assess the immediate efficacy and progression-free survival during treatment with the FOLFIRI regimen in combination with aflibercept in Russia.Materials and Methods. A retrospective multicenter study has been conducted with data collected from 20 clinics in 15 regions of Russia. There was no statistical hypothesis. Progression-free survival was the main efficacy criterion. The statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPPS Statistics v. 20 software.Results. FOLFIRI and Aflibercept combination was administered to 264 patients. The mean number of treatment cycles was 6 (1 to 29). The toxicity of aflibercept was addressed by dose reduction and dosing delay in 10.1 % and 11.4 % of patients, respectively, and dose reductions and dosing delays in any of FOLIFRI components were reported in 20.1 % of participants. The objective response rate was 20.3 %. The median progression-free survival in patients receiving second-line treatment was 6 months (95 % CI: 5.3–6.6 months). Seventy-two percent of patients experienced any grade of adverse events most of which were limited to grade 1–2 (62.1 %). Non-hematologic toxicity was reported in 64 % of patients (grade 3–4 in 17.9 %). Hematologic events were detected in only 17.9 % of patients. Multifactorial analysis has shown that drug therapy for concomitant diseases (OR 1.98, 95 % CI: 1.04–3.78, p = 0.037) and the number of chemotherapy lines prior to aflibercept (ОR 1.5, 95 % CI: 1.06–2.11, p = 0.02) were independent predictors of grade 3–4 non-hematologic toxicity.Conclusions. Objective response rate, progression-free survival, and frequency of toxicity-related aflibercept discontinuations in the Russian study with patients receiving aflibercept in combination with FOLFIRI regimen as a second-line treatment has shown the results that were comparable with VELOUR study. Comorbidities requiring drug treatment and the number of prior chemotherapy lines appear to be risk factors for grade 3–4 nonhematological toxicity events. Цель исследования. Оценить частоту развития и тяжесть нежелательных явлений; изучить клинические факторы, ассоциированные с развитием негематологической токсичности 3-4 степени; оценить непосредственную эффективность выживаемость без прогрессирования при применении комбинации FOLFIRI с афлиберцептом в РФ.Материалы и методы. Проведено ретроспективное многоцентровое исследование. Собраны данные 20 клиник 15 регионов РФ. Статистическая гипотеза отсутствовала. В качестве основного критерия эффективности рассматривалась выживаемость без прогрессирования. Статистический анализ проводился с помощью программ статистического пакета SPSS (IBM SPPS Statistics v. 20).Результаты. Режим FOLFIRI афлиберцепт был назначен у 264 пациентов. Среднее число составило 6 (от 1 до 29). В связи с токсичностью доза афлиберцепта в процессе терапии была редуцирована у 10,1% пациентов, задержали очередное введение афлиберцепта — у 11,4%; отсрочка и редукция доз химиопрепаратов в режиме FOLFIRI описана у 20,1 %. Частота объективных эффектов составила 20,3%. Во второй линии терапии медиана выживаемости без прогрессирования составила 6 месяцев (95% ДИ 5,3-6,6 месяцев). Нежелательные явления любой степени зарегистрированы у 72 % пациентов и чаще были ограничены 1-2 степенью (62,1%). Негематологические осложнения развились у 64% (3-4 степень — у 17,9%). Гематологические осложнения представлены только у 17,9 % пациентов. По результатам многофакторного анализа лекарственная терапия по поводу сопутствующей патологии (ОШ 1,98, 95%ДИ 1,04-3,78, р=0,037) и число линий терапии (ОШ 1,5, 95%ДИ 1,06-2,11, р=0,02), предшествующих афлиберцепту, явились независимыми предсказывающими факторами развития нежелательных явлений негематологического профиля 3-4 степени.Выводы. Частота объективных эффектов, выживаемость без прогрессирования и частота отмены афлиберцепта в связи с токсическими реакциями при применении комбинации FOLFIRI + афлиберцепт во второй линии среди пациентов в РФ аналогична результатам исследования VELOUR. Сопутствующая патология, требующая медикаментозной коррекции, и число линий терапии предшествующих афлиберцепту, по-видимому, являются факторами риска развития негематологических явлений 3-4 степени


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    Increase in the incidence of neonatal thromboses is associated not only with the possibility for women characterized by tendency to high thrombosis to carry pregnancy, but also with the increase in enforced use of invasive treatment methods, such as catheterization of central and peripheral veins and umbilical vessels. This article is aimed at bringing peculiarities of epidemiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis, clinical manifestations and treatment of neonatal thromboses to the attention of practicing physicians. The article present tactics of treating 4 children with thrombi of varying genesis and localization based on clinical observations. The decision to start heparin therapy is made on the individual basis depending on the child's maturity at birth, thrombus localization, presence or absence of complications and nature of the concurrent pathology. The given clinical cases informatively demonstrate reasonability of a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosing and treating patients with this pathology, the need in strict selection of doses of the used drugs and continuous monitoring of coagulogram parameters in the setting of the therapy

    A Longitudinal Stability of a Ribbed Cover in a Multimodulus Elastic Medium

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    The stability of a longitudinal compressed hinge-supported cylindrical cover stiffened by stringers and located on the border of two Winkler's ambiences is considered. The derivation of the equations was carried out under the assumptions: using a simplified theory of Donnell–Vlasov, axisymmetric deformation of a cover, only normal load acts on the shell. The problem is solved using a combined exhaustive search algorithm. This method includes full and local search of variants to search a form deflection and a critical force. Full search of variants is required to construct a form deflection of a shell. Local search of variants is necessary to clarify a critical force. As a result of numerical experiments we found out that increasing the number of stringers reinforces the shell. These results are consistent with the results obtained in the other works


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    The article presents main principles of premature infants’ nutrition taking into account immature gastrointestinal system. The approaches are differentiated accordingly to gestational age and body weight. Parenteral and enteral nutrition of children with very low and extremely low body weight in early and late post-natal period is highlighted. Needs of patients in main nutritive ingredients are grounded; physiological role of several nutrients in premature infants (minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, nucleotides, etc.) is presented. Ready liquid nutritive mixtures are optimal for nutrition of premature patients. Two-stage system of nutrition (special mixtures for hospital management and following months of life) in extremely premature infants is described in details


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    Evaluation of prolonged storage of breast milk safety for nutrition of newborns remains actual problem of modern nutritiology. Objectives: to evaluate an influence of freezing and prolonged storage of expressed breast milk on its nutritive, biological values and microbiological safety. Methods: samples of expressed breast milk (native samples and after 1 and 3 months of storage in containers Philips AVENT in t -18°С) were analyzed; levels of secretory IgA, lysozyme, transforming growth factor (TGF) β1, potassium, calcium, magnesium, pH, buffer capacity and bacterial cells were detected. Results: there is no statistically significant influence of low temperature and prolonged storage of expressed breast milk on levels of secretory IgA, lysozyme, TGF β1 and bacterial cells. Potassium and calcium levels significantly decreased (on about 10% and 20% accordingly), pH increased, and buffer capacity of milk lowered after freezing during 3 months. Conclusion: children’s feeding with native and expressed breast milk defrosted after 3 months of storage is equal in nutritive and biological values and microbiological safety

    Accidental discovery of HIV infection in a child at the age of 1 year 10 months: analysis of a clinical case

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    The article presents a clinical example of a case of accidental diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus in a child at the age of 1 year 10 months with an abscess in the parotid region on the left and the newly diagnosed lymphoproliferative syndrome. The expression of lymphoproliferative syndrome did not correspond to the clinical picture of the underlying disease, therefore differential diagnosis was made between such diseases as histiocytosis, haemoblastosis, primary immunodeficiency disorders, salmonellosis, yersiniosis, tuberculosis. As a result, a human immunodeficiency virus was diagnosed in a child of young age who does not have an apparently burdened history. As a result, the child was timely sent to a specialized hospital for in-depth examination and treatment