55 research outputs found

    Estradiol and calcium affect the growth hormone producing cells in female middle-aged rats

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    The effects of multiple doses of estradiol dipropionate (EDP) or calcium glucoheptonate (Ca) on the growth and function of pituitary somatotropes (GH cells) were studied. Female middle-aged rats were receiving i.p. EDP (0.625 mg i.p./kg b.w), or Ca (11.4 mg/kg b.w) every day for two weeks. Blood samples were collected for hormone analyses and pituitaries dissected for histological and morphometric evaluation 24 h after the last injection. GH-producing cells were examined using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) immuno-histochemical procedure. Both EDP- and Ca-treatment significantly decreased all morphometric parameters of GH cells (p<0.05) in comparison with the corresponding controls. Serum concentration of growth hormone (GH) in EDP- or Ca-treated groups was lower by 65% and 13% (p<0.05) respectively comparing to the controls. The difference between all morphometric parameters of EDP- and Ca-treated rats was statistically significant (p<0.05) in relation to the controls. These findings suggest that multiple EDP, or Ca application affects (directly or indirectly) the control of growth and secretory activity of GH cells in middle-aged female rats.Ispitivani su efekti viÅ”ekratnih doza estradiol dipropionata (EDP) ili kalcijum glukoheptonata (Ca) na rast i funkciju hipofiznih ćelija hormona rasta (GH) acikličnih ženki Wistar pacova. Aciklične ženke su svakodnevno tokom dve nedelje i.p. dobijale 0.625 mg EDP/kg t.m., ili 11.4 mg Ca/kg t.m.. Krv je sakuplja na radi određivanja koncentracije hormona rasta u serumu, a hipofize su pripremane za histoloÅ”ku i morfometrijsku analizu. GH ćelije su imunocitohemijski obeležavane metodom peroksidaza-antiperoksidaza (PAP). Morfometrijski para-metri su bili značajno smanjeni (p<0.05) u životinja tretiranih EDP-om, ili kalcijumom u poređenju sa odgovarajućim kontrolama. Koncentracija hormona rasta u serumu bila je takođe značajno niža (p<0.05) u obe tretirane grupe (za 65% odnosno za 13%) u poređenju sa odgovarajućom kontrolom. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da viÅ”ekratni tretman acikličnih ženki pacova EDP-om ili Ca-glukoheptonatom deluje inhibitorno na GH ćelije i da su i estrogenui i kalcijum uključeni na specifičan način u rast i sekretornu aktivnost GH ćelija hipofize.Projekat ministarstva br. 171

    The effects of estradiol and human chorionic gonadotropin on acth cells in peripubertal female rats: A histological and stereological study

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    The effects of estradiol (EDP) and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) on histological and stereological features of adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) cells in peripubertal female rats were examined. The first group of females received five injections of EDP (0.25 mg/kg b.w.), every second day from the 4th to 14th day after birth, and was killed at the peripubertal stage. The second group of females was given two injections of pregnyl-gonadotrophinum chorionicum (HCG; 50 IU/kg body weight) on the 36th and 37th days after birth, and it was killed 24 h after the last treatment. The controls were injected with an equivalent volume of the corresponding vehicle. ACTH cells were immunohistochemically labeled and stereologically evaluated. Stereological analysis showed that the volume of ACTH cells and their volume density in peripubertal females treated with EDP, were decreased by 15.6% and 53.8% (p<0.05), respectively, compared to the controls. In HCG-treated animals, the observed parameters were increased by 39.2% and 15.4% (p<0.05), respectively, in comparison with the control females. These findings suggest that the application of EDP or HCG exerted opposite effects on the stereological features of pituitary ACTH cells

    The Prevalence of Minor Physical Anomalies in Mentally Retarded Children

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    The prevalence of minor physical anomalies was examined in a sample of 109 children with idiopathic mental retardation (65 boys and 44 girls). Control group consisted of 246 healthy schoolchildren (123 boys and 123 girls) aged 8 to 12 years. A comparison was made between number of found minor anomalies per child (W1) and their Waldrop weight scores (W2) in healthy and mentally retarded (MR) children. The MR children were found to have a higher number of minor anomalies per child. In their group predominated those with four or more anomalies (56.9%), whereas among healthy children only 7.7% had four anomalies or more. In contrast to the high weighted score value (W2) of five or greater in 36.7% of MR children, it was absent in all control group subjects. There were highly significant differences between the MR and healthy children in the average value of the number of minor anomalies per child (W1) and in the average weighted score (W2). The average number of minor anomalies per child (W1) in MR and well children was 3.65 and 1.7, respectively. In MR children the average weighted score (W2) was 3.82, being 1.46 in healthy children. Our results suggest that common etiological factors, which had led to a physical and mental disorder, were active early in the development of MR children. The finding of high incidence of multiple minor anomalies in MR children indicates that genetic factors may play an important role in the etiology of the underlying disorder in the child group studied

    The effect of ovariectomy on thyroid c cells of adult rats

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    The structure and function of C cells of adult female rats after ovariectomy (Ovx) were investigated. Intact control and Ovx rats were i.p. treated with sterile olive oil for 4 weeks. Peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) immunohistochemical procedure was applied to localize calcitonin (CT) in thyroid C cells while its serum content was determined by RIA method. Morphometric analyses of the C cells volume, that of their nuclei and relative volume density included stereological method with the multipurpose test system M42. Also, the average number of C cells number per mm2 was calculated. Ovx led to a significant increase in body weight (21%; p<0.005). At the same time the C cells of Ovx rats had a significantly decreased cell volume (13%; p<0.005) and their number per mm2 was increased by 59% (p<0.001) in comparison with the controls. Ovx resulted in reduction of serum CT level by 45% comparing to the corresponding controls. Based on these data it can be concluded that Ovx inhibits both the structure and function of the C cells.U ovom radu ispitivana je struktura i funkcija C ćelija adultnih ženki pacova posle ovarijektomije (Ovx). Intaktne kontrolne i Ovx životinje su tretirane i.p. sterilnim maslinovim uljem u trajanju od četiri nedelje. Za lokalizaciju kalcitonina (CT) u C ćelijama Å”titaste žlezde koriŔćena je imunohistohemijska metoda peroksidaze- antiperoksidaze (PAP). Nivo CT-a u serumu određen je RIA metodom. Morfometrijska ispitivanja volumena C ćelija, njihovih jedara i relativne volumenske gustine ćelija vrÅ”ena su viÅ”enamenskim testnim sistemom M42. Takođe je izračunat broj C ćelija po mm2. Statistička obrada podataka vrÅ”ena je Studentovim t-testom. Posle Ovx-a telesna masa životinja značajno je povećana za 21% (p<0.005). Volumen C ćelija Ovx pacova značajno je smanjen za 13% (p<0.005), njihov broj po mm2 povećan za 59% (p<0.001), a nivo CT-a u serumu smanjen za 45% u poređenju sa intaktnom kontrolom. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da Ovx deluje inhibitorno na strukturu i funkciju C ćelija Å”titaste žlezde kod pacova

    Effects of intracerebroventricularly administered octreotide on gonadotrophic cells in female rats

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    Effects of intracerbroventricularly (ICV) administered octreotide on gonadotrophic cells (FSH and LH) of adult Wistar female rats were examined by immunocytochemical and morphometric methods. The animals received ICV three 1.0 mg doses of octreotide dissolved in 10 mL saline every second day. The controls were treated with equivalent volume of physiological saline by the same schedule. FSH- and LH-producing cells were examined using peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical procedure. Morphometric and stereologic examinations were performed to evaluate changes in the number, volume and volume densities of gonadotrophic cells. In females treated with octreotide, the gonadotrophic cells were smaller and often pycnotic, while the number of FSH- and LH-immunopositive cells per unit area (mm2) was significantly reduced. Octreotide also induced a significant reduction of the FSH- and LH-immunoreactive cells volume, as well as of their volume densities. On the basis of these results it can be concluded that octeotride, centrally administered to adult female rats provokes changes in immunocytochemical and morphometric features of both types of gonadotrophic cells.Ispitivani su efekti oktreotida davanog intracerebroventrikularno (ICV) odraslim ženkama pacova na gonadotropne ćelije (FSH i LH). Životinje su tretirane sa ukupno tri doze od 1 mg oktreotida rastvorenog u 10 mL fizioloÅ”kog rastvora svakog drugog dana. Kontrole su na isti način primile odgovarajuću zapreminu fizioloÅ” kog rastvora. FSH i LH ćelije su ispitivane imunocitohemijskim postupkom peroksidaza-antiperoksidaza. Da bi se ustanovile promene u broju, zapremini i zapreminskoj gustini gonadotropnih ćelija primenjen je morfometrijski kao i stereoloÅ”ki pristup. Kod ženki tretiranih oktreotidom, gonadotropne ćelije su bile manje i često piknotič ne. Broj imunopozitivnih FSH i LH ćelija po jedinici povrÅ”ine (mm2) je bio statistički značajno smanjen. Oktreotid je, takodje, izazvao značajno smanjenje zapremine FSH i LH imunoreaktivnih ćelija, kao i njihove zapreminske gustine. Na osnovu ovih rezultata, može se zaključiti da je oktreotid, dat ICV odraslim ženkama pacova doveo do promena imunocitohemijskih i morfometrijskih osobina oba ispitivana tipa gonadotropnih ćelija

    Estradiol and calcium affect the growth hormone producing cells in female middle-aged rats

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    The effects of multiple doses of estradiol dipropionate (EDP) or calcium glucoheptonate (Ca) on the growth and function of pituitary somatotropes (GH cells) were studied. Female middle-aged rats were receiving i.p. EDP (0.625 mg i.p./kg b.w), or Ca (11.4 mg/kg b.w) every day for two weeks. Blood samples were collected for hormone analyses and pituitaries dissected for histological and morphometric evaluation 24 h after the last injection. GH-producing cells were examined using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) immuno-histochemical procedure. Both EDP- and Ca-treatment significantly decreased all morphometric parameters of GH cells (p<0.05) in comparison with the corresponding controls. Serum concentration of growth hormone (GH) in EDP- or Ca-treated groups was lower by 65% and 13% (p<0.05) respectively comparing to the controls. The difference between all morphometric parameters of EDP- and Ca-treated rats was statistically significant (p<0.05) in relation to the controls. These findings suggest that multiple EDP, or Ca application affects (directly or indirectly) the control of growth and secretory activity of GH cells in middle-aged female rats.Ispitivani su efekti viÅ”ekratnih doza estradiol dipropionata (EDP) ili kalcijum glukoheptonata (Ca) na rast i funkciju hipofiznih ćelija hormona rasta (GH) acikličnih ženki Wistar pacova. Aciklične ženke su svakodnevno tokom dve nedelje i.p. dobijale 0.625 mg EDP/kg t.m., ili 11.4 mg Ca/kg t.m.. Krv je sakuplja na radi određivanja koncentracije hormona rasta u serumu, a hipofize su pripremane za histoloÅ”ku i morfometrijsku analizu. GH ćelije su imunocitohemijski obeležavane metodom peroksidaza-antiperoksidaza (PAP). Morfometrijski para-metri su bili značajno smanjeni (p<0.05) u životinja tretiranih EDP-om, ili kalcijumom u poređenju sa odgovarajućim kontrolama. Koncentracija hormona rasta u serumu bila je takođe značajno niža (p<0.05) u obe tretirane grupe (za 65% odnosno za 13%) u poređenju sa odgovarajućom kontrolom. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da viÅ”ekratni tretman acikličnih ženki pacova EDP-om ili Ca-glukoheptonatom deluje inhibitorno na GH ćelije i da su i estrogenui i kalcijum uključeni na specifičan način u rast i sekretornu aktivnost GH ćelija hipofize.Projekat ministarstva br. 171

    The effect of ovariectomy on thyroid c cells of adult rats

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    The structure and function of C cells of adult female rats after ovariectomy (Ovx) were investigated. Intact control and Ovx rats were i.p. treated with sterile olive oil for 4 weeks. Peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) immunohistochemical procedure was applied to localize calcitonin (CT) in thyroid C cells while its serum content was determined by RIA method. Morphometric analyses of the C cells volume, that of their nuclei and relative volume density included stereological method with the multipurpose test system M42. Also, the average number of C cells number per mm2 was calculated. Ovx led to a significant increase in body weight (21%; p<0.005). At the same time the C cells of Ovx rats had a significantly decreased cell volume (13%; p<0.005) and their number per mm2 was increased by 59% (p<0.001) in comparison with the controls. Ovx resulted in reduction of serum CT level by 45% comparing to the corresponding controls. Based on these data it can be concluded that Ovx inhibits both the structure and function of the C cells.U ovom radu ispitivana je struktura i funkcija C ćelija adultnih ženki pacova posle ovarijektomije (Ovx). Intaktne kontrolne i Ovx životinje su tretirane i.p. sterilnim maslinovim uljem u trajanju od četiri nedelje. Za lokalizaciju kalcitonina (CT) u C ćelijama Å”titaste žlezde koriŔćena je imunohistohemijska metoda peroksidaze- antiperoksidaze (PAP). Nivo CT-a u serumu određen je RIA metodom. Morfometrijska ispitivanja volumena C ćelija, njihovih jedara i relativne volumenske gustine ćelija vrÅ”ena su viÅ”enamenskim testnim sistemom M42. Takođe je izračunat broj C ćelija po mm2. Statistička obrada podataka vrÅ”ena je Studentovim t-testom. Posle Ovx-a telesna masa životinja značajno je povećana za 21% (p<0.005). Volumen C ćelija Ovx pacova značajno je smanjen za 13% (p<0.005), njihov broj po mm2 povećan za 59% (p<0.001), a nivo CT-a u serumu smanjen za 45% u poređenju sa intaktnom kontrolom. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da Ovx deluje inhibitorno na strukturu i funkciju C ćelija Å”titaste žlezde kod pacova

    Exploring the quality of social information disclosed in non-financial reports of Croatian companies

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    By enacting the provisions of Directive 2014/95/EU and the Croatian Accounting Act on disclosing non-financial and diversity information, companies of public interest registering 500 and more employees are required to disclose non-financial information. The purpose of this research is to assess the quality of disclosed social information in non- financial/sustainability reports of Croatian companies. The assessment of the social information was grounded on the framework defined by globally accepted sustainability reporting standards by assessing the quality of social subcategories of human rights, labour practice, community/society and product, measured by attributes of relevance, clarity, verifiability, comparability and clarity. With the overall quality score of 13.16 (out of possible 36), the results prove that Croatian companies do disclose certain social information, but the reliability of this information for benchmarking and competitiveness assessment is questionable, as a consensus on the minimum of information to be disclosed as a fundamental requirement for benchmarking has not yet been reached

    Effects of intracerebroventricularly administered octreotide on gonadotrophic cells in female rats

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    Effects of intracerbroventricularly (ICV) administered octreotide on gonadotrophic cells (FSH and LH) of adult Wistar female rats were examined by immunocytochemical and morphometric methods. The animals received ICV three 1.0 mg doses of octreotide dissolved in 10 mL saline every second day. The controls were treated with equivalent volume of physiological saline by the same schedule. FSH- and LH-producing cells were examined using peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical procedure. Morphometric and stereologic examinations were performed to evaluate changes in the number, volume and volume densities of gonadotrophic cells. In females treated with octreotide, the gonadotrophic cells were smaller and often pycnotic, while the number of FSH- and LH-immunopositive cells per unit area (mm2) was significantly reduced. Octreotide also induced a significant reduction of the FSH- and LH-immunoreactive cells volume, as well as of their volume densities. On the basis of these results it can be concluded that octeotride, centrally administered to adult female rats provokes changes in immunocytochemical and morphometric features of both types of gonadotrophic cells.Ispitivani su efekti oktreotida davanog intracerebroventrikularno (ICV) odraslim ženkama pacova na gonadotropne ćelije (FSH i LH). Životinje su tretirane sa ukupno tri doze od 1 mg oktreotida rastvorenog u 10 mL fizioloÅ”kog rastvora svakog drugog dana. Kontrole su na isti način primile odgovarajuću zapreminu fizioloÅ” kog rastvora. FSH i LH ćelije su ispitivane imunocitohemijskim postupkom peroksidaza-antiperoksidaza. Da bi se ustanovile promene u broju, zapremini i zapreminskoj gustini gonadotropnih ćelija primenjen je morfometrijski kao i stereoloÅ”ki pristup. Kod ženki tretiranih oktreotidom, gonadotropne ćelije su bile manje i često piknotič ne. Broj imunopozitivnih FSH i LH ćelija po jedinici povrÅ”ine (mm2) je bio statistički značajno smanjen. Oktreotid je, takodje, izazvao značajno smanjenje zapremine FSH i LH imunoreaktivnih ćelija, kao i njihove zapreminske gustine. Na osnovu ovih rezultata, može se zaključiti da je oktreotid, dat ICV odraslim ženkama pacova doveo do promena imunocitohemijskih i morfometrijskih osobina oba ispitivana tipa gonadotropnih ćelija

    An evolutionarily conserved ribosome-rescue pathway maintains epidermal homeostasis

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    Ribosome-associated mRNA quality control mechanisms ensure the fidelity of protein translation1,2. Although these mechanisms have been extensively studied in yeast, little is known about their role in mammalian tissues, despite emerging evidence that stem cell fate is controlled by translational mechanisms3,4. One evolutionarily conserved component of the quality control machinery, Dom34 (in higher eukaryotes known as Pelota (Pelo)), rescues stalled ribosomes 5 . Here we show that Pelo is required for mammalian epidermal homeostasis. Conditional deletion of Pelo in mouse epidermal stem cells that express Lrig1 results in hyperproliferation and abnormal differentiation of these cells. By contrast, deletion of Pelo in Lgr5-expressing stem cells has no effect and deletion in Lgr6-expressing stem cells induces only a mild phenotype. Loss of Pelo results in accumulation of short ribosome footprints and global upregulation of translation, rather than affecting the expression of specific genes. Translational inhibition by rapamycin-mediated downregulation of mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase) rescues the epidermal phenotype. Our study reveals that the ribosome-rescue machinery is important for mammalian tissue homeostasis and that it has specific effects on different stem cell populations.</p
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