7 research outputs found

    Siberian Pine Decline and Mortality in Southern Siberian Mountains

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    The causes and resulting spatial patterns of Siberian pine mortality in eastern Kuznetzky Alatau Mountains, Siberia were analyzed based on satellite (Landsat, MODIS) and dendrochronology data. Climate variables studied included temperature, precipitation and Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) drought index. Landsat data analysis showed that stand mortality was first detected in the year 2006 at an elevation of 650 m, and extended up to 900 m by the year 2012. Mortality was accompanied by a decrease in MODIS derived vegetation index (EVI).. The area of dead stands and the upper mortality line were correlated with increased drought. The uphill margin of mortality was limited by elevational precipitation gradients. Dead stands (i.e., >75% tree mortality) were located mainly on southern slopes. With respect to slope, mortality was observed within a 7 deg - 20 deg range with greatest mortality occurring on convex terrain. Tree radial incrementmeasurements correlate and were synchronous with SPEI (r sq = 0.37, r(sub s) = 80). Increasing synchrony between tree ring growth and SPEI indicates that drought has reduced the ecological niche of Siberian pine. The results also showed the primary role of drought stress on Siberian pine mortality. A secondary role may be played by bark beetles and root fungi attacks. The observed Siberian pine mortality is part of a broader phenomenon of "dark needle conifers" (DNC, i.e., Siberian pine, fir and spruce) decline and mortality in European Russia, Siberia, and the Russian Far East. All locations of DNC decline coincided with areas of observed drought increase. The results obtained are one of the first observations of drought-induced decline and mortality of DNC at the southern border of boreal forests. Meanwhile if model projections of increased aridity are correct DNC, within the southern part of its range may be replaced by drought-resistant Pinus silvestris and Larix sibirica

    Удаление метастазов при метастатическом раке толстой кишки с мутацией в гене BRAF — результаты много‑ центрового ретроспективного исследования

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    Introduction: local treatment of metastases is an integral part of colon cancer treatment. However, there is not enough data on the efficacy of surgical resection of metastases in patients with a BRAF gene mutation to recom‑mend this approach in routine practice. We initiated a retrospective multicenter study to assess the incidence of BRAF gene mutations in patients with metastatic colon cancer and to study the efficacy of metastasectomy in this group of patients.Materials and methods: we selected all patients who underwent surgical resection of metastases in various sites from the database of patients with BRAF gene mutations created as a result of a multicenter retrospective study with participation of 7 clinics in the Russian Federation. All 57 patients with RAS gene mutations and 43 patients with wild‑type RAS and BRAF genes who also underwent surgical resection of metastases at any stage of treatment were selected from the register of the Chemotherapy Department No. 2 of the NMRC of Oncology named after N. N. Blokhin for comparative analysis. Disease‑free survival and overall survival were used as primary efficacy criteria.Results: we found 26 patients with BRAF gene mutations who underwent surgical resection of metastases. When comparing disease‑free survival, the worst median was achieved in the group of patients with BRAF gene mutations: 7 months versus 14 months in patients with RAS gene mutations (HR 0.4, 94 % CI 0.23–0.7, P = 0.006); median disease‑free survival was not achieved in the wild‑type RAS and BRAF group (HR 0.2, 95 % CI 0.11–0.45, P <0.001).The median overall survival in the BRAF gene mutation group was 26 months versus 38 months in the RAS gene mutations group (HR 0.8, 95 % CI 0.33–1.98, P = 0.6) and 49 months in the wtRAS/wtBRAF group (RR 0.46, 95 % CI 0.17–1.24, P = 0.1). Resection of recurrent tumors in patients with metastases in retroperitoneal lymph nodes was associated with extremely low disease‑free survival (2 months); at the same time, disease‑free survival was 7 months after resection of isolated metastases in the liver and 8 months for metastases in the peritoneum.Conclusion: prognosis of patients with a BRAF gene mutation after surgical resection of metastases is worse than in patients with a different mutation phenotype. Nevertheless, literature data, as well as the results of our study, confirm the possibility of performing metastasectomy with careful selection of patients.Цель: Локальные методы лечения метастазов являются неотъемлемой частью терапии больных раком толстой кишки. Однако данных по эффективности хирургического удаления метастазов при мутации в гене BRAF недостаточно, чтобы рекомендовать данный подход в рутинной практике. Нами инициировано ретроспективное многоцентровое исследование по оценки встречаемости мутаций в гене BRAF при метастатическом раке толстой кишки, в рамках которого изучена эффективность метастазэктомии в этой группе пациентов.Материалы и методы: Из базы данных пациентов с мутацией в гене BRAF, созданной в результате многоцентрового ретроспективного исследования с участием 7 клиник Российской Федерации, были отобраны все пациенты, которым проводилось хирургическое удаление метастазов различной локализации. С целью сравнительного анализа из регистра отделения химиотерапии № 2 НМИЦ онкологии им. Н. Н. Блохина были отобраны все 57 пациентов с мутацией в генах RAS и 43 пациента с диким типом генов RAS и BRAF, которым также проводилось хирургическое удаление метастазов на любом из этапов лечения. В качестве основных критериев эффективности рассматривались выживаемость без признаков болезни и общая выживаемость.Результаты: Было найдено 26 больных с мутацией в гене BRAF, которым выполнялось хирургическое удаление метастазов. При сравнении выживаемости без признаков болезни наихудший показатель медианы был достигнут в группе пациентов с мутацией в гене BRAF — 7 месяцев против 14 месяцев при мутации в генах RAS (ОР 0,4, 94% ДИ 0,23–0,7, р=0,006); медиана выживаемости без признаков болезни в группе с диким типом генов RAS и BRAF не была достигнута (ОР 0,2, 95 % ДИ 0,11–0,45, р<0,001). Медиана общей выживаемости в группе с мутацией в гене BRAF составила 26 месяцев против 38 месяцев в группе с мутацией в генах RAS (ОР 0,8, 95% ДИ 0,33–1,98, р=0,6) и 49 месяцев в группе wtRAS/wtBRAF (ОР 0,46, 95% ДИ 0,17–1,24, р=0,1). Удаление рецидивных опухолей и при поражении забрюшинных лимфоузлов метастазами было ассоциировано с крайне низкой выживаемостью без признаков болезни (2 месяца), тогда как при удалении изолированных метастазов в печени она составила 7 месяцев, в брюшине — 8 месяцев.Выводы: Прогноз больных с мутацией в гене BRAF после хирургического удаления метастазов хуже в сравнении с пациентами с другим мутационным фенотипом. Тем не менее, данные литературы, а также результаты нашего исследования подтверждают возможность выполнения метастазэктомии при тщательным отборе пациентов


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    Primary immunodeficiencies (PID) such as severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) and X-linked agammaglobulinemia are characterized by the lack of functional Tand B-cells, respectively. Without early diagnosis and prompt treatment children with PID suffer from severe infectious diseases, leading to their death or disability. Our purpose was developing of simple, inexpensive, high throughput technique based on the quantitative determination of TREC and KREC molecules by real-time PCR, and its validation in a group of children with a verified diagnosis of SCID and X-linked agammaglobulinemia.In this study, we developed and validated multiplex real-time PCR for the TREC’s and KREC’s quantitative analysis. We have shown that linear range of Ct changes depending on the concentrations of targets with a correlation coefficient R2 not worse than 0.98 was observed at concentrations from 109 to 5 × 104 copies per ml. The lowest amount of targets reliably detected in a reaction volume was 10 TREC’s copies, 5 KREC ‘s copies and 5 copies of internal control (IL17RA). We determined the age-depended reference values of TRECs and KRECs in whole blood in 29 boys and 27 girls with normal immunological parameters. The normal cut-offs for TRECs and KRECs were defined in dry blood spots depending on the method of extraction.The proposed method showed 100% diagnostic sensitivity and specificity in the studied group. The method can be proposed as a screening tool for the diagnosis of SCID and X-linked agammaglobulinemia both in whole blood and in the dry blood spots. The further investigation is required with larger number of samples

    Incidence and prognostic factors in patents (pts) with mutant BRAF (mBRAF) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) in Russia

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    Introduction. mBRAF mCRC has the aggressive phenotype. The incidence of such mutation in Europe and the USA is around 8–14%, in Asian countries – 4–8%. The purpose of this population-based study was to determine the incidence and identifying prognostic factors in pts with mBRAF mCRC in Russia. Materials and methods. A multicenter retrospective analysis of clinical data and treatment results of pts with mBRAF mCRC was performed. The main method for determining mutations was a PCR. The main efficacy endpoint was progression free survival (PFS) at the 1 st line. Multivariate analysis was performed using Cox regression model. Results and discussion. 437 out of 8648 pts (5.17%) with a known mutational status had mBRAF (V600). Clinical data were collected from 131/437 (30%): the right-sided primary tumor – in 58,6%, left-sided – in 19%, rectum – in 21,4%. ORR in pts with mBRAF was 31%, median PFS was 6 months. We didn’t revealed any differences between FOLFOXIRI and doublets (XELOX/FOLFOX or XELIRI/FOLFIRI) in terms of PFS (HR 0.9, 95% CI 0.49–1.52, р = 0.6) and OS (HR 1.5, 95% CI 0.61–4.1, р = 0.35) in pts with mBRAF. Conclusions. The incidence of mBRAF gene in the population of pts with mCRC in the Russia is low and we found a high incidence of localization of the primary tumor in the rectum. We didn’t reveal any differences between the usual duplets and standard regimen for such mutation - FOLFOXIRI in term of 1 st line PFS