375 research outputs found

    Two-parameter deformation of the Poincar\'e algebra

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    We examine a two-parameter (ℏ,\hbar , λ\lambda ) deformation of the Poincar\`e algebra which is covariant under the action of SLq(2,C).SL_q(2,C). When λ→0\lambda \rightarrow 0 it yields the Poincar\`e algebra, while in the ℏ→0\hbar\rightarrow 0 limit we recover the classical quadratic algebra discussed previously in \cite{ssy95}, \cite{sy95}. The analogues of the Pauli-Lubanski vector ww and Casimirs p2p^2 and w2w^2 are found and a set of mutually commuting operators is constructed.Comment: 10 pages, Latex2

    Towards constructing one-particle representations of the deformed Poincar\'e algebra

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    We give a method for obtaining states of massive particle representations of the two-parameter deformation of the Poincar\'e algebra proposed in q-alg/9601010, q-alg/9505030 and q-alg/9501026. We discuss four procedures to generate eigenstates of a complete set of commuting operators starting from the rest state. One result of this work is the fact that upon deforming to the quantum Poincar\'e algebra the rest state is split into an infinite number of states. Another result is that the energy spectrum of these states is discrete. Some curious residual degeneracy remains: there are states constructed by applying different operators to the rest state which nevertheless are indistinguishable by eigenvalues of all the observables in the algebra.Comment: 23 pages. New interpretation of the results is given: upon the deformation the rest state of Poincar\'e algebra is split into an infinite number of states with discrete energy spectrum. Title, abstract and conclusion are change

    Deformation Quantization of the Isotropic Rotator

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    We perform a deformation quantization of the classical isotropic rigid rotator. The resulting quantum system is not invariant under the usual SU(2)×SU(2)SU(2)\times SU(2) chiral symmetry, but instead SUq−1(2)×SUq(2)SU_{q^{-1}}(2) \times SU_q(2).Comment: 12pp, LATE

    Lie-Poisson Deformation of the Poincar\'e Algebra

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    We find a one parameter family of quadratic Poisson structures on R4×SL(2,C){\bf R}^4\times SL(2,C) which satisfies the property {\it a)} that it is preserved under the Lie-Poisson action of the Lorentz group, as well as {\it b)} that it reduces to the standard Poincar\'e algebra for a particular limiting value of the parameter. (The Lie-Poisson transformations reduce to canonical ones in that limit, which we therefore refer to as the `canonical limit'.) Like with the Poincar\'e algebra, our deformed Poincar\'e algebra has two Casimir functions which we associate with `mass' and `spin'. We parametrize the symplectic leaves of R4×SL(2,C){\bf R}^4\times SL(2,C) with space-time coordinates, momenta and spin, thereby obtaining realizations of the deformed algebra for the cases of a spinless and a spinning particle. The formalism can be applied for finding a one parameter family of canonically inequivalent descriptions of the photon.Comment: Latex file, 26 page

    Lorentz Transformations as Lie-Poisson Symmetries

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    We write down the Poisson structure for a relativistic particle where the Lorentz group does not act canonically, but instead as a Poisson-Lie group. In so doing we obtain the classical limit of a particle moving on a noncommutative space possessing SLq(2,C)SL_q(2,C) invariance. We show that if the standard mass shell constraint is chosen for the Hamiltonian function, then the particle interacts with the space-time. We solve for the trajectory and find that it originates and terminates at singularities.Comment: 18 page

    Performance of the WaveBurst algorithm on LIGO data

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    In this paper we describe the performance of the WaveBurst algorithm which was designed for detection of gravitational wave bursts in interferometric data. The performance of the algorithm was evaluated on the test data set collected during the second LIGO Scientific run. We have measured the false alarm rate of the algorithm as a function of the threshold and estimated its detection efficiency for simulated burst waveforms.Comment: proceedings of GWDAW, 2003 conference, 13 pages, 6 figure

    Prospects for intermediate mass black hole binary searches with advanced gravitational-wave detectors

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    We estimated the sensitivity of the upcoming advanced, ground-based gravitational-wave observatories (the upgraded LIGO and Virgo and the KAGRA interferometers) to coalescing intermediate mass black hole binaries (IMBHB). We added waveforms modeling the gravitational radiation emitted by IMBHBs to detectors' simulated data and searched for the injected signals with the coherent WaveBurst algorithm. The tested binary's parameter space covers non-spinning IMBHBs with source-frame total masses between 50 and 1050 M⊙\text{M}_{\odot} and mass ratios between 1/61/6 and 1 \,. We found that advanced detectors could be sensitive to these systems up to a range of a few Gpc. A theoretical model was adopted to estimate the expected observation rates, yielding up to a few tens of events per year. Thus, our results indicate that advanced detectors will have a reasonable chance to collect the first direct evidence for intermediate mass black holes and open a new, intriguing channel for probing the Universe over cosmological scales.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, corrected the name of one author (previously misspelled

    Surface Hardening Low Alloy Structural Steel By Laser Welding

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    The paper studied the degree of surface hardening of various low-alloy structural steels by laser weld overlays. Laser welding carried out on the ”Scanner” and «Huffman HC-205.” Studies have been conducted microstructure and elemental composition of built-up layers and the heat-affected zones on steel substratesselected by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis. There were also measured the microhardness and built according to the changes in the thickness microhardness themselves claddings and heat-affected zones. As a result, the optimal modes of application of the laser weld overlays on the substrate, allowing to minimize the size of the heat-affected zones and differences in microhardness values, whichreduces the likelihood of cracks and discontinuities. Keywords: surface hardening, nickel alloy, laser claddin
