1,744 research outputs found

    Modifiable factors associated with depression and anxiety in multiple sclerosis

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    Objectives: Modifiable lifestyle factors are implicated in multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms but their role in mood is unclear. This study aimed to investigate associations between lifestyle and depression and anxiety in Australian participants with MS.Materials and Methods: Self-reported data from the Australian Multiple Sclerosis Longitudinal Study included the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and lifestyle measurements from 1500 participants. SNAP score (range 0-5) was the sum of non-smoking, sufficient fruit/vegetable intake, non-hazardous alcohol consumption, sufficient physical activity and healthy BMI. Analyses by log-binomial and linear regression were adjusted for confounding.Results: Symptoms of depression and anxiety were prevalent in 27% and 40%, respectively; 20% had both. Mean SNAP score was 2.7/5; only 3% met all healthy lifestyle recommendations. Only 10% reported adequate fruit/vegetable intake, and 22% reported a combination of unhealthy BMI, inadequate physical activity and inadequate nutrition. A healthier SNAP score was associated with lower depression prevalence (adjusted prevalence ratio 0.83 [95% CI 0.75, 0.92] per unit increase) and depression severity (adjusted β-0.44 [95% CI -0.64, -0.24]), but not with anxiety.Conclusions: Modifiable lifestyle factors are associated with lower frequency and severity of depression, but not anxiety, in Australian people with multiple sclerosis. The associations between a healthier SNAP score and lower depression are likely bi-directional. SNAP risk factor prevalence and co-occurrence, especially inadequate nutrition and low physical activity, were high among Australians with MS

    An observational and theoretical view of the radial distribution of HI gas in galaxies

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    We analyze the radial distribution of HI gas for 23 disk galaxies with unusually high HI content from the Bluedisk sample, along with a similar-sized sample of "normal" galaxies. We propose an empirical model to fit the radial profile of the HI surface density, an exponential function with a depression near the center. The radial HI surface density profiles are very homogeneous in the outer regions of the galaxy; the exponentially declining part of the profile has a scale-length of ∼0.18\sim 0.18 R1, where R1 is the radius where the column density of the HI is 1 M⊙_{\odot} pc−2^{-2}. This holds for all galaxies, independent of their stellar or HI mass. The homogenous outer profiles, combined with the limited range in HI surface density in the non-exponential inner disk, results in the well-known tight relation between HI size and HI mass. By comparing the radial profiles of the HI-rich galaxies with those of the control systems, we deduce that in about half the galaxies, most of the excess gas lies outside the stellar disk, in the exponentially declining outer regions of the HI disk. In the other half, the excess is more centrally peaked. We compare our results with existing smoothed-particle hydrodynamical simulations and semi-analytic models of disk galaxy formation in a Λ\Lambda Cold Dark Matter universe. Both the hydro simulations and the semi-analytic models reproduce the HI surface density profiles and the HI size-mass relation without further tuning of the simulation and model inputs. In the semi-analytic models, the universal shape of the outer HI radial profiles is a consequence of the {\em assumption} that infalling gas is always distributed exponentially. The conversion of atomic gas to molecular form explains the limited range of HI surface densities in the inner disk. These two factors produce the tight HI mass-size relation.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, submitted to MNRA

    In vivo biofilm formation on stainless steel bonded retainers during different oral health-care regimens

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    Retention wires permanently bonded to the anterior teeth are used after orthodontic treatment to prevent the teeth from relapsing to pre-treatment positions. A disadvantage of bonded retainers is biofilm accumulation on the wires, which produces a higher incidence of gingival recession, increased pocket depth and bleeding on probing. This study compares in vivo biofilm formation on single-strand and multi-strand retention wires with different oral health-care regimens. Two-centimetre wires were placed in brackets that were bonded to the buccal side of the first molars and second premolars in the upper arches of 22 volunteers. Volunteers used a selected toothpaste with or without the additional use of a mouthrinse containing essential oils. Brushing was performed manually. Regimens were maintained for 1 week, after which the wires were removed and the oral biofilm was collected to quantify the number of organisms and their viability, determine the microbial composition and visualize the bacteria by electron microscopy. A 6-week washout period was employed between regimens. Biofilm formation was reduced on single-strand wires compared with multi-strand wires; bacteria were observed to adhere between the strands. The use of antibacterial toothpastes marginally reduced the amount of biofilm on both wire types, but significantly reduced the viability of the biofilm organisms. Additional use of the mouthrinse did not result in significant changes in biofilm amount or viability. However, major shifts in biofilm composition were induced by combining a stannous fluoride- or triclosan-containing toothpaste with the mouthrinse. These shifts can be tentatively attributed to small changes in bacterial cell surface hydrophobicity after the adsorption of the toothpaste components, which stimulate bacterial adhesion to the hydrophobic oil, as illustrated for a Streptococcus mutans strain

    Risk factors for leaving employment due to multiple sclerosis and changes in risk over the past decades: using competing risk survival analysis

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    Background: No studies have assessed changes in employment survival in multiple sclerosis (MS) populations over recent decades, including the introduction of disease-modifying therapies (DMTs). Objectives: To evaluate factors associated with leaving employment due to MS; to assess whether the risk of leaving employment has changed over recent decades in Australia, stratified by MS phenotype. Methods: We included 1240 participants who were working before MS diagnosis. Information on employment status, reasons for leaving employment and year of leaving were collected. Data were analysed using competing risk survival analysis. Results: Males, progressive MS, lower education level and older age at diagnosis were associated with a higher sub-distribution hazard of leaving employment. Compared to the period before 2010, the sub-distribution hazard during 2010-2016 for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) was reduced by 43% (sub-distribution hazard ratio (sHR) 0.67, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.50 to 0.90), while no significant reduction was seen for primary-progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) (sHR 1.25, 95% CI: 0.72 to 2.16) or secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) (sHR 1.37, 95% CI: 0.84 to 2.25). Conclusion: Males, people with progressive MS and those of lower education level were at higher risk of leaving employment. The differential changed risk of leaving employment between people with different MS phenotype after 2010 coincides with the increased usage of high-efficacy DMTs for RRMS

    Higher fish consumption and lower risk of central nervous system demyelination

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    Background/Objectives: The evidence for diet as a risk factor for multiple sclerosis (MS) is inconclusive. We examined the associations between fish consumption and risk of a first clinical diagnosis of central nervous system demyelination (FCD), a common precursor to MS.Methods: The 2003-2006 Ausimmune Study was a case-control study examining environmental risk factors for FCD, with participants recruited from four regions of Australia and matched on age, sex, and study region. Dietary intake data were collected using a food frequency questionnaire. We used conditional logistic regression models to test associations between fish consumption (total, tinned, grilled, and fried) and risk of FCD (249 cases and 438 controls), adjusting for history of infectious mononucleosis, smoking, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations, socio-economic status, omega-3 supplement use, dietary under-reporting, and total energy intake.Results: Higher total fish consumption (per 30 g/day, equivalent to two serves/week) was associated with an 18% reduced risk of FCD (AOR 0.82; 95% CI 0.70, 0.97). While we found no statistically significant associations between grilled and fried fish consumption and risk of FCD, higher tinned fish consumption (per 30 g/day) was associated with a 41% reduced risk of FCD (AOR 0.59; 95% CI 0.39, 0.89).Conclusions: Tinned fish is predominantly oily, whereas grilled and fried fish are likely to be a combination of oily and white types. Oily fish is high in vitamin D and very long chain polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, both of which may be beneficial in relation to MS

    A higher Mediterranean diet score, including unprocessed red meat, is associated with reduced risk of central nervous system demyelination in a case-control study of Australian adults

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    Background: The evidence associating diet and risk of multiple sclerosis (MS) is inconclusive.Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate associations between a Mediterranean diet and risk of a first clinical diagnosis of central nervous system demyelination (FCD), a common precursor to MS.Methods: We used data from the 2003-2006 Ausimmune Study, an Australian multicenter, case-control study examining environmental risk factors for FCD, with participants matched on age, sex, and study region (282 cases, 558 controls; 18-59 y old; 78% female). The alternate Mediterranean diet score (aMED) was calculated based on data from a food-frequency questionnaire. We created a modified version of the aMED (aMED-Red) where ∼1 daily serving (65 g) of unprocessed red meat received 1 point. All other components remained the same as aMED. Conditional logistic regression (254 cases, 451 controls) was used to test associations between aMED and aMED-Red scores and categories and risk of FCD, adjusting for history of infectious mononucleosis, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations, smoking, education, total energy intake, and dietary underreporting.Results: There was no statistically significant association between aMED and risk of FCD [per 1-SD increase in aMED score: adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 0.89; 95% CI: 0.75, 1.06; P = 0.181]. There was evidence of a nonlinear relation between aMED-Red and risk of FCD when a quadratic term was used (P = 0.016). Compared with the lowest category of aMED-Red, higher categories were significantly associated with reduced risk of FCD, corresponding to a 37% (aOR: 0.63; 95% CI: 0.41, 0.98; P = 0.039), 52% (aOR: 0.48; 95% CI: 0.28, 0.83; P = 0.009), and 42% (aOR: 0.58; 95% CI: 0.35, 0.96; P = 0.034) reduced risk of FCD in categories 2, 3, and 4, respectively.Conclusions: A Mediterranean diet, including unprocessed red meat, was associated with reduced risk of FCD in this Australian adult population. The addition of unprocessed red meat to a Mediterranean diet may be beneficial for those at high risk of MS

    High Prudent diet factor score predicts lower relapse hazard in early multiple sclerosis

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    Background: Dietary patterns and their association with subsequent clinical course have not been well studied in early multiple sclerosis (MS). Objectives: To describe dietary patterns in people in 5 years following first clinical demyelination and assess associations with MS conversion and relapse. Methods: This study included baseline food frequency questionnaire dietary intake (entry to the Ausimmune Study) and 5-year follow-up; iterated principal factor analysis was applied. MS conversion and relapse risks were assessed by Cox proportional hazards models, adjusted for age, sex, study site, education, body mass index (BMI), smoking and omega-3 supplement use. Results: In cases with a first clinical diagnosis of central nervous system (CNS) demyelination, we identified three major dietary patterns, 'Prudent', 'High-Vegetable' and 'Mixed', explaining 43%, 37% and 24% of diet variance in dietary intake, respectively. Fruits, vegetables, fish, wholegrains and nuts loaded highly on the Prudent pattern, starchy vegetables and legumes on the High-Vegetable pattern, and meats and alcohol on the Mixed pattern. Diet factor scores were not associated with MS conversion risk. Those with baseline Prudent scores above the median had significantly lower relapse risk (adjusted hazard ratio = 0.54, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.37, 0.81) with some evidence of a plateau effect. Conclusion: Prudent diet factor score above the median was prospectively associated with lower relapse risk in the 5 years following the first clinical demyelinating event

    Measurement properties of the Health Literacy Questionnaire in the Understanding Multiple Sclerosis Massive Open Online Course Cohort: A Rasch analysis

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    Background: Online health education and other electronic health improvement strategies are developing rapidly, highlighting the growing need for valid scales to assess health literacy (HL). One comprehensive HL scale is the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ), but little is known about its measurement properties in online health education cohorts.Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine if the multidimensional HLQ is an appropriate tool to measure HL in a cohort of Understanding Multiple Sclerosis (MS) online course enrollees.Methods: Participants who enrolled in the first two open enrollments of the Understanding MS online course completed the HLQ (N = 1,182) in an online survey prior to beginning course materials. We used Rasch analysis to assess the measurement properties of the HLQ.Key results: The nine Domains of the HLQ each had ordered category function and a good fit with the Rasch model. Each domain was one-dimensional and exhibited good internal consistency and reliability. None of the 44 individual items of the HLQ demonstrated item bias or local dependency. However, while the overall fit was good, few measurement gaps were identified in this cohort for participants in each of the nine Domains, meaning that the HLQ may have low measurement precision in some participants.Conclusion: Our analysis of the HLQ indicated acceptable measurement properties in a cohort of Understanding MS online course enrollees. Although reliable information on nine separate constructs of HL was obtainable in the current study indicating that the HLQ can be used in similar cohorts, its limitations must be also considered

    Surface thermodynamic homeostasis of salivary conditioning films through polar–apolar layering

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    Salivary conditioning films (SCFs) form on all surfaces exposed to the oral cavity and control diverse oral surface phenomena. Oral chemotherapeutics and dietary components present perturbations to SCFs. Here we determine the surface energetics of SCFs through contact angle measurements with various liquids on SCFs following perturbations with a variety of chemotherapeutics as well as after renewed SCF formation. Sixteen-hour SCFs on polished enamel surfaces were treated with a variety of chemotherapeutics, including toothpastes and mouthrinses. After treatment with chemotherapeutics, a SCF was applied again for 3 h. Contact angles with four different liquids on untreated and treated SCF-coated enamel surfaces were measured and surface free energies were calculated. Perturbations either caused the SCF to become more polar or more apolar, but in all cases, renewed SCF formation compensated these changes. Thus, a polar SCF attracts different salivary proteins or adsorbs proteins in a different conformation to create a more apolar SCF surface after renewed SCF formation and vice versa for apolar SCFs. This polar–apolar layering in SCF formation presents a powerful mechanism in the oral cavity to maintain surface thermodynamic homeostasis—defining oral surface properties within a narrow, biological range and influencing chemotherapeutic strategies. Surface chemical changes brought about by dietary or chemotherapeutic perturbations to SCFs make it more polar or apolar, but new SCFs are rapidly formed compensating for changes in surface energetics

    A Comparison of the Adaptive Response of Staphylococcus aureus vs. Streptococcus mutans and the Development of Chlorhexidine Resistance

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    Antimicrobials with nonselective antibacterial efficacy such as chlorhexidine can be effective in reducing biofilm, but bear the risk of inducing resistance in specific bacteria. In clinical practice, bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus have been found resistant to chlorhexidine, but other bacteria, including Streptococcus mutans, have largely remained susceptible to chlorhexidine despite its widespread use in oral healthcare. Here, we aim to forward a possible reason as to why S. aureus can acquire resistance against chlorhexidine, while S. mutans remains susceptible to chlorhexidine. Measurement of surface-enhanced fluorescence indicated that chlorhexidine caused gradual, but irreversible deformation to adhering green fluorescent S. aureus due to irreparable damage to the cell wall. Concurrently, the metabolic activity of adhering staphylococci was higher than of planktonic bacteria, suggesting efflux mechanisms may have been activated upon cell wall deformation, impeding the buildup of a high chlorhexidine concentration in the cytoplasm and therewith stimulating the development of chlorhexidine resistance in S. aureus. Exposure of S. mutans to chlorhexidine caused immediate, but reversible deformation in adhering streptococci, indicative of rapid self-repair of cell wall damage done by chlorhexidine. Due to cell wall self-repair, S. mutans will be unable to effectively reduce the chlorhexidine concentration in the cytoplasm causing solidification of the cytoplasm. In line, no increased metabolic activity was observed in S. mutans during exposure to chlorhexidine. Therewith, self-repair is suicidal and prevents the development of a chlorhexidine-resistant progeny in S. mutans
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