569 research outputs found

    The effect of the combination of split jump and short sprint training on flexibility in volleyball

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    One of the elements of physical condition needed by volleyball players, especially the Volleyball Team of the Faculty of Sports and Health Undiksha is flexibility. This study aims to determine the effect of the combined plyometric split jump and short sprint training on the flexibility of the Faculty of Sports and Health Undiksha volleyball team. This research is quasi-experimental. The number of samples used was 40 people who were taken with a simple random technique. The data analysis technique used inferential statistics with hypothesis testing using paired T-test at a significance level of ?=0,05, assisted by SPSS.25. The results of data analysis show that there is a significant effect between "The Combination of Plyometric Split Jump and Short Sprint Training toward Flexibility in the Volleyball Team of the Faculty of Sports and Health". Based on these results, it is advisable to recommend to volleyball coaches that in improving the physical condition of athletes, they will choose a training method that is on the elements of the physical condition that will be improved

    Developing an e-module to improve the seventh-grade student's bump pass skills in volleyball

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    The objective of this study is to develop e-modules for bump pass learning for seventh-grade students. This study identified the problems and needs of students in learning bump pass skills, e-module eligibility and the effect of the e-module on students' bump pass skills. Two groups of seventh grades, two teachers serving as content experts and two media experts participated in this study at State Junior High School 1 Talawi.  Five steps were used in conducting this research: analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The researchers collected data through questionnaires, interviews, observation, documentation, expert testing and tests. The questionnaire, interview, observation and documentation results were analyzed using an interactive data analysis model. Expert test data were analyzed using the inter-rater agreement model and test result data were analyzed using an independent t-test. There are three findings in this research. First, the reason for the students' difficulties in learning bump passes is their lack of interest in the content found in their textbooks. They need learning media that are interesting and can be accessed through smartphones. Thus, e-modules are a suitable learning medium to solve problems and meet their needs. Second, the developed e-module was confirmed to have high content validity and meet the criteria for good learning materials and media based on the feasibility test results.  Third, the e-module has positively and significantly affected students' understanding and bump pass skills. Thus, it is suggested that the module be used for teaching bump pass skills at other schools

    The Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Physical Training on the Absorptive Cells, Absorption of Carbohydrate and Protein in Small Intestine

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the morphofunctional response of a total number of absorptive cells, and carbohydrate and protein absorption capability in the small intestine of Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar (RNSW) that has been subjected to aerobic and anaerobic physical training based on the morphofunctional physiological paradigm. This study was based on the separate sample pretest-posttest control group design, using a t-test, and multivariate SPSS ten program, with five percent level of significance. The sample consisted of one hundred and twenty, male RNSW, with average age of five months, and body weight of 246-278 grams. They were divided into twelve groups at random, i.e. four pretest groups, two control groups, and six treated groups where different diets were given thirty minutes before undergoing posttest. The experimental animals underwent four weeks physical training (twelve times), three groups were given aerobic physical training by swimming with a burden of three percent fasting body weight, the others three groups received anaerobic physical training by swimming with a burden of nine percent fasting body weight. The experiment was conducted at night, between 7.30 PM to 10.30 PM, in a water with a temperature of    28°C to 30°C. Result of the study revealed: (1) Aerobic and anaerobic physical training, increased the number of absorptive cells (t = -73,281, p = 0,000), and increased the absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein (Hotelling's Trace = 0,244, p = 0,000). (2) There was a difference in the increased absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein among groups (Hotelling's Trace = 0,404a, p = 0,000). Aerobic physical training had less influence than anaerobic physical training on the increased number of absorptive cells, and the absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein in the small intestine. In conclusion: (1) Aerobic physical training of swimming with a burden of three percent fasting body weight, and anaerobic physical training of swimming with a burden nine percent fasting body weight correlate with the increase the number of absorptive cells, and carbohydrate and protein absorptive capacity of the small intestine. (2) Anaerobic physical training of swimming with a burden nine percent fasting body weight has better correlation than aerobic physical training of swimming with a burden of three percent fasting body weight with the increased number of absorptive cells, and the absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein in the small intestine

    The Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Physical Training on the Absorptive Cells, Absorption of Carbohydrate and Protein in Small Intestine

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the morphofunctional response of a total number of absorptive cells, and carbohydrate and protein absorption capability in the small intestine of Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar (RNSW) that has been subjected to aerobic and anaerobic physical training based on the morphofunctional physiological paradigm. This study was based on the separate sample pretest-posttest control group design, using a t-test, and multivariate SPSS ten program, with five percent level of significance. The sample consisted of one hundred and twenty, male RNSW, with average age of five months, and body weight of 246-278 grams. They were divided into twelve groups at random, i.e. four pretest groups, two control groups, and six treated groups where different diets were given thirty minutes before undergoing posttest. The experimental animals underwent four weeks physical training (twelve times), three groups were given aerobic physical training by swimming with a burden of three percent fasting body weight, the others three groups received anaerobic physical training by swimming with a burden of nine percent fasting body weight. The experiment was conducted at night, between 7.30 PM to 10.30 PM, in a water with a temperature of    28°C to 30°C. Result of the study revealed: (1) Aerobic and anaerobic physical training, increased the number of absorptive cells (t = -73,281, p = 0,000), and increased the absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein (Hotelling\u27s Trace = 0,244, p = 0,000). (2) There was a difference in the increased absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein among groups (Hotelling\u27s Trace = 0,404a, p = 0,000). Aerobic physical training had less influence than anaerobic physical training on the increased number of absorptive cells, and the absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein in the small intestine. In conclusion: (1) Aerobic physical training of swimming with a burden of three percent fasting body weight, and anaerobic physical training of swimming with a burden nine percent fasting body weight correlate with the increase the number of absorptive cells, and carbohydrate and protein absorptive capacity of the small intestine. (2) Anaerobic physical training of swimming with a burden nine percent fasting body weight has better correlation than aerobic physical training of swimming with a burden of three percent fasting body weight with the increased number of absorptive cells, and the absorptive capacity of carbohydrate and protein in the small intestine

    Pengaruh Tingkat Suku Bunga, Nilai Tukar Rupiah dan Jumlah Ekspor terhadap Tingkat Kredit PERBANKAN

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    Interest rates level, exchange rates value and the export quantity are the variables of macroeconomy that always change according to the economic condition of a nation. A good knowledge about the effect of these three variables towards the amount of lending by banks, which consists of three kinds: working capital loan, investment loan, and consumption loan, will help banks\u27 strategic plan to face the economic volatility. Bank is a financial institution that serves as a bridge between parties that have excess funds with parties that need some funds. Banks are expected to provide loans to the public to sustain economic growth with prudence to reduce the risks, which can be customer risks or systemic risks. The goal of this research is to study the effects and relationship between interest rates level, exchange rates movement, and export quantity towards the credit level of banks and also the three kinds of bank loans, which are the working capital loan, investment loan and consumer loan using historical data from Quarter I 2002 to Quarter III 2007. The result of research indicates that the macroeconomic variables above affect the amount of lending and the three kinds of loan: working capital loan, investment loan and consumer loan. The result also shows that although the three macroeconomic variables have the same influence towards the three kinds of loan, the magnitude of the influence towards each kind of loan is different, in which the investment loan has a big influence towards the interest rates level change, working capital loan has a big influence towards the export quantity and exchange rates, and consumer loan has a moderate influence towards the variation of the three macroeconomic variables

    Hubungan Tingkat Perekonomian, Pekerjaan Orangtua dan Letak Geografis dengan Minat Belajar Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di SMA Widiatmika Jimbaran Badung

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    This study aims to determine the significant relationship between economic level, parental occupation and geographic location with interest in learning physical education, sports and health during the COVID-19 pandemic at Widiatmika High School. The research method used is correlation. The subjects of this study were all students at SMA Widiatmika. The data analysis technique used is the Pearson product moment technique and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate: 1) There is a positive and significant relationship between the level of the economy and interest in learning physical education, sports and health during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2) There is a positive and significant relationship between work and interest in learning physical education, sports and health during the covid-19 pandemic. 3) There is a positive and significant relationship between geographic location and interest in learning physical education, sports and health during the COVID-19 pandemic. 4) There is a positive and significant relationship between the level of economy, occupation and geographical location with interest in learning physical education, sports and health during the covid-19 pandemic

    Development of angel-based gate in practice model for woodball

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    The purpose of this research was to develop in corner-based gate-in exercise model for woodball. This development research aims to develop in corner-based gate-in exercise model in woodball. The development uses the Luther model which includes six stages, namely: concept stage, design, material collection, manufacture, testing, and distribution. The validation step of the angle-based gate-in exercise model in woodball sports adopts the Dick, Carey, and Carey formative evaluation model which includes four stages: expert or expert evaluation, individual trials, small group trials, and field trials. The trial subjects for the development of the angle-based gate-in exercise model were the experts, athletes at FOK Undiksha Singaraja, and the Singaraja Woodball Association. The field trial phase with pretest and posttest was to determine the effectiveness of the developed model. The t-test is used to determine the effectiveness of the model. The t-test resulted in a comparison of the average pretest and post-test scores. The results of this research, namely first, is development research that aims to develop a corner-based gate-in exercise model in woodball sports using the Luther model covering six stages, namely: concept stage, design, material collection, manufacture, testing, and implementation. distribution. The content expert stated that the gate-in training model based on the shooting angle on woodball on the criteria was very good with a percentage gain of 96%. The responses to individual trials, small group trials, and large group trials were very good with percentage gains of 96%, 94.1%, and 93.6%, respectively. This means that the clarity of the material, attractiveness, and ease of use are appropriate for athletes to use

    Penerapan Program Ipteks Bagi Wilayah (Ibw) Di Kecamatan Nusa Penida Kabupaten Klungkung Tahun 2012

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    Program Ipteks bagi Wilayah (IbW) di Kecamatan Nusa Penida, Kabupaten Klungkung tahun 2012 ditujukan untuk memberdayakan potensi yang ada di masyarakat. Sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, pemberian bantuan Iptek dari Perguruan Tinggi, dukungan Pemda, serta peran partisipasi masyarakat menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Bidang-bidang yang menjadi fokus perhatian dalam program ini adalah bidang pendidikan, pertanian-peternakan, industri rumahan, infrastruktur, dan lingkungan hidup. Desa lokasi program IbW Nusa Penida adalah Desa Suana, Desa Batukandik, dan Desa Sakti. Program ini dilaksanakan melalui metode/model: Partisipatory Rural Apprasial (PRA), Enthrepreneurship Capasity Building (ECB), Technology Transfer (TT), dan Information Technology (IT), dalam berbagai bentuk kegiatan seperti pendidikan dan pelatihan (diklat), pembinaan dan pendampingan, penyuluhan, percontohan (demplot), dan penghijauan. Adapun hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah; (1) meningkatnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam bidang komputer bagi staf desa, kecamatan, dan guru-guru SD; (2) meningkatnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan bagi anggota kelompok Sari Gading bidang pembuatan VCO; (3) membuat demplot biogas bagi petani; (4) meningkatkan keterampiran proses pembelajaran bagi bagi guru-guru PAUD; (5) meningkatnya keterampilan masyarakat sesuai minatnya sambil mereka belajar membaca dan berhitung; (6) meningkatkan keterampilan membuat media pembelajaran IPA berbasis lokal; (7) meningkatkan kualitas batako dan dampak lingkungan; (8) meningkatnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang cara pembibitan dan menanam pohon penghijauan sekitar 2.000 pohon jati dan karet setiap desa; (9) pengembangan budidaya jarak kepyar bekerjasama dengan Kimia Farma yang melibatkan sekitar 400 petani
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