20 research outputs found


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    The article deals with the interaction of fluid flow in the «blood capillary - tissue - lymphatic capillary» system. On the one hand, the mutual influence of the components involved in the system is an important basis for maintaining homeostasis from the point of view of physiologically occurring processes, and changes in their structural and functional properties can be a triggering factor for impaired fluid balance, the appearance and development of a number of pathological processes, syndromes and diseases. The paper presents a mathematical model of metabolic processes that occur at the microcirculatory level and include the following interrelated processes: blood flow in the capillaries, fluid movement in the interstitium, metabolism between interstitial fluid and tissue cells, drainage into lymphatic capillaries. An approach is used to take into account the mutual influence of blood flow in the blood capillary and interstitial fluid in the tissue. The analysis of the solution results is carried out, the effect of various microcirculation parameters on the intensity of metabolic processes is investigated, and the most significant parameters are identified

    Research of interaction of a natural and forced convection in a vortex chamber of the chemical reactor

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    In this paper, a chemical reactor for producing refractory metals was considered. A physical and mathematical model of fluid motion and heat transfer in a vortex chamber of the chemical reactor under forced and free convection has been described and simulated. The numerical simulation was carried out in “velocity–pressure” variables by using an alternating direction implicit scheme. The velocity field and the temperature distribution in the reactor were obtained. Parametric studies on effects of the Reynolds, Prandtl and Rossbi criteria on the flow characteristics were also performed. The graphs presented show that natural convection has a significant impact on the hydrodynamics of the flow and intensifies the heat transfer. Reliability of the calculations was verified by comparing the results obtained by another method

    The quantum mechanical two-Coulomb-centre problem in the Dirac equation framework in 2+1 dimensions

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    With the help of perturbation theory the asymptotic expansions (at small and large internuclear distances R) of the eigenvalues (potential curves) E(R) of the two-Coulomb-centre problem in 2+1 dimensions are obtained. We compare the results obtained with the data from similar approximation for two-Coulomb-centre problem in 3+1 dimensions

    Research of interaction of a natural and forced convection in a vortex chamber of the chemical reactor

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    In this paper, a chemical reactor for producing refractory metals was considered. A physical and mathematical model of fluid motion and heat transfer in a vortex chamber of the chemical reactor under forced and free convection has been described and simulated. The numerical simulation was carried out in “velocity–pressure” variables by using an alternating direction implicit scheme. The velocity field and the temperature distribution in the reactor were obtained. Parametric studies on effects of the Reynolds, Prandtl and Rossbi criteria on the flow characteristics were also performed. The graphs presented show that natural convection has a significant impact on the hydrodynamics of the flow and intensifies the heat transfer. Reliability of the calculations was verified by comparing the results obtained by another method

    Research of interaction of a natural and forced convection in a vortex chamber of the chemical reactor

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    In this paper, a chemical reactor for producing refractory metals was considered. A physical and mathematical model of fluid motion and heat transfer in a vortex chamber of the chemical reactor under forced and free convection has been described and simulated. The numerical simulation was carried out in “velocity–pressure” variables by using an alternating direction implicit scheme. The velocity field and the temperature distribution in the reactor were obtained. Parametric studies on effects of the Reynolds, Prandtl and Rossbi criteria on the flow characteristics were also performed. The graphs presented show that natural convection has a significant impact on the hydrodynamics of the flow and intensifies the heat transfer. Reliability of the calculations was verified by comparing the results obtained by another method

    Research of interaction of a natural and forced convection in a vortex chamber of the chemical reactor

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    In this paper, a chemical reactor for producing refractory metals was considered. A physical and mathematical model of fluid motion and heat transfer in a vortex chamber of the chemical reactor under forced and free convection has been described and simulated. The numerical simulation was carried out in “velocity–pressure” variables by using an alternating direction implicit scheme. The velocity field and the temperature distribution in the reactor were obtained. Parametric studies on effects of the Reynolds, Prandtl and Rossbi criteria on the flow characteristics were also performed. The graphs presented show that natural convection has a significant impact on the hydrodynamics of the flow and intensifies the heat transfer. Reliability of the calculations was verified by comparing the results obtained by another metho

    Апаратура та методика дистанційного безконтактного вимірювання радиаційних теплових потоків

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    Developed by the authors examined the equipment using the sensor on the anisotropic semiconductor crystals. The measurements are performed remotely, in a contactless manner to assess the radiative heat fluxes of biological and industrial objects in static and (or) dynamic modes, depending on the specifics of the object, the conditions of research and possible methods of measurement. The proposed method of measurement is only possible in the study of post-operative fields, infected and inflamed surfaces of the body of an organism. Temperature accuracy was 0,05° C. Developed a special computer program automatically processes the measured signals and identifies the information received with standard graphs corresponding to the normal functioning of the body parameters. The equipment can be used in stationary conditions, as well as outpatient, then cassette recorded information held decoding and identification in hospital environment, making use of the method and apparatus convenient and efficient.Рассмотрена разработанная авторами аппаратура, использующая чувствительный элемент на анизотропных полупроводниковых кристаллах. Измерения осуществляются дистанционно, бесконтактным способом для оценки радиационных тепловых потоков биологических и промышленных объектов в статическом и (или) динамическом режимах, в зависимости от специфики объекта, условий исследований и возможной методики измерений. Предложенная методика является практически единственно возможной при обследовании пациентов в послеоперационной палате, а также инфицированных и воспалённых поверхностей тела человека. Точность измерения температуры составляет 0,05°С.Розглянута розроблена авторами апаратура, що використовує чутливий елемент на анізотропних напівпровідникових кристалах. Вимірювання здійснюються дистанційно, безконтактним способом для оцінки радіаційних теплових потоків біологічних та промислових об’єктів у статичному та (або) динамічному режимах, в залежності від специфіки об’єкта та умов досліджень і можливої при обстеженні пацієнтів у післяопераційній палаті а також інфікованих та запалених поверхонь тіла методики вимірювань. Запропонована методика є практично єдино можливою при дослідженні післяопераційних полів, інфікованих та запалених поверхонь тіла людини. Точність вимірювань температури складає 0,05°С