811 research outputs found

    Character Education Through Peer Assessment

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    This paper is aimed at revealing an idea that some positive values that are similar to the traits of character education can be generated through peer assessment. Peer assessment is defined as an assessment which involves the process of reviewing, valuing and giving comments and suggestion toward their peer‘s work. This way the students subconsciously generate some positive values such as respectful, helping and understanding, confident (self-esteem), independent, persistent, and responsible. Therefore, peer assessment offers academic benefits such as personal accountability, as well as interpersonal and collaborative skills that not only help students academically but also socially as a member of society

    Kontekstual Iconik pada Pengembangan Kampus Institut Teknologi Nasional 2030

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    With the growing importance of higher education in the present, the more are those who follow high education levels. With the increasing population who are interested to participate in a college education, it is also the means needed to accommodate the population. With the existence of these facilities that can accomodate the population who want to follow a college education, then the learning process will go well. However, due to the limitations of the existing facilities and the increasing interest in the population who wants to enroll in higher education ITENAS we perform the revitalization and development of new building. Contextual iconik chosen as a theme in the design of the. The design concept of the development of the National Institute of Technology campus in 2030 refers to the theme of "Contextual Iconik". Kontekstul itself has meaning everything to do with the condition of the relationship. In other words could be interpreted contextual link between something with something else. In the field of architecture, in a process of planning and designing, to consider matters relating to the planned new works. The things that have such linkages include environmental, cultural, regional style, the character of society, history, etc.. While the term Iconik designed buildings here are expected to be the icon of the National Institute of Technology campus that can be the pride of the entire community of National Institute of Technology campus

    Proteksi Katodik Dengan Anoda Tumbal Sebagai Pengendalian Korosi Baja Dalam Lingkungan Aqueous

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    Cathodic Protection is one of the method to Control Corrosion rate thermodynamically by applying steel as cathode. Application of this methode is by flow the DC current through electrolite to steel so that potential interface between steel and electrolite goes to immun area or until paricular value which corrosion speed allowed (minimum).Cathodic Protection using sacrificial anode methode was researched in electrochemistry way.Experiment was done to AISI SAE 1018 steel in NaCl environtment 3.5% within 168 to 840 hours using sacrificial anode Al and Zn.From analysis data using mass loss methode, Al anode able to decrease steel corrosion speed untill 82% and Zn for 50. %Keyward :Cathodic protection, sacrificial anod

    The Role of Perceived Uncertainty, Ego Identity, and Perceived Behavioral Control in Predicting Patient's Attitude Toward Medical Surgery

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    Medical surgery has sometimes become the only best choice for a patient's well-being. Unfortunately, not all patients have the willingness to live it. Often, therapeutic failure is caused by uncooperative attitudes of the patients which originate from their negative attitudes toward the surgery. This research is aimed at finding a theoretical model to explain psychological factors forming the patient's attitudes. This predictive correlational research was conducted on 99 patients suffering heart disease and cancer continuum who require medical surgery in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. Research results showed that a commitment aspect of ego identity is able to indirectly predict attitude toward medical surgery through mediation of perceived uncertainty. Perceived behavioral control directly predicts the attitude in a negative direction. This research concludes that patients' commitment towards their identity plays a significant role as they deal with medical surgery

    Pembuatan Etanol Dari Buah Mengkudu

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    Mengkudu represent all purppose crop, a lot of type of amendable product from root, bar, leaf, and also its fruit.At fruit mengkudu have content of carbohydrate as much 51,67 gr. With obstetrical existence the carbohydrate enable to be exploited permanent upon which produce ethanol. Intention of this research is determine condition of best process making of ethanol with raw material of fruit mengkudu.Ethanol yielded to be obtained heatedly of fruit mengkudu liquid by HCL 0,4 N in neck gourd three as hydrolysis process, so that got the sugar rate equal to 8,23%. Hereinafter, can be made ferment media from sugar liquid result of hydrolysis enhanced by a starter volume at spanning : 4- 12%. Later;then ferment as according to variation time of between 24 - 72 clock. Liquid of result of the ferment dissociated by distilatation, temperature taken care of 80ºC.Result of biggest ethanol obtained when ferment 60 clock, addition of volume starter 10% with ethanol rate = 6,24 %

    Etanol Production From Mengkudu Fruit

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    Mengkudu represent all purpose crop, there is many product that could be developed fromroot, bar, leaf, and also it's fruit. The mengkudu's fruit have carbohydrate content as much as 51,67gr. With the existence of the carbohydrate rate, it enables to be used to produce ethanol. The aim ofthis research is to determine the best condition process to make an ethanol from raw material ofmengkudu's fruit. Ethanol yielded to be obtained heatedly from mengkudu's fruit liquid by using HCL0,4 N in three neck gourd as hydrolysis process, so that we got the sugar rate equal to 8,23%. Afterthat can be made ferment media from sugar liquid result of the hydrolysis and enhanced by a startervolume at spanning : 4- 12%. Later fermented as according to variation time of between 24 until 72hours. The liquid result of the ferment dissociated by distillation, and the temperature maintenance for80 ºC. The biggest result of ethanol rate obtained when ferment 60 clock, addition of volume starter10% with ethanol rate = 6,24 %

    The Effect of Computer Assisted Language Learning (Call) on Vocabulary Learning

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek teknologi komputer terhadap pembelajaran kosa kata Bahasa Ingrris. Untuk mengetahui apakah Pembelajaran Bahasa Berbantuan Komputer (PBBK) secara signifikan berpengaruh terhadap pembelajaran kosakata, sebuah eksperimen tindakan kelas dilaksanakan terhadap 2 (dua) kelompok pebelajar, kelompok eksperimen (kelas A), terdiri dari 22 orang, mempelajari kosakata secara mandiri dengan menggunakan metode PBBK melalui sebuah perangkat lunak yang dilengkapi dengan teks, gambar diam, dan video, sedangkan kelompok kontrol (kelas B), terdiri dari 20 orang, mempelajari kosakata secara konvensional melalui materi tertulis (non PBBK) di bawah arahan pengajar. Untuk mengukur keefektifan metode PBBK, sebuah pretest dan posttest dilaksanakan pada awal dan akhir eksperimen kemudian nilai yang dicapai para peserta dianalisis dengan mempergunakan t test for independent variable. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang sangat signifikan antara kelas A yang belajar dengan metode PBBK dengan kelas B yang mempergunakan metode konvensional dengan nilai t = -4,447 (sig=0.00).Kata

    Penerapan Konseling Kelompok Rasional Emotif Perilaku untuk Mereduksi Perilaku Konformitas Negatif Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 8 Kota Mojokerto

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji penerapan konseling kelompok rasional emotif perilaku dalam mereduksi perilaku konformitas negatif siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 8 Kota Mojokerto. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pre-eksperimen design dengan rancangan penelitian pre-test post-test one group design. Alat ukur yang digunakan yaitu dengan menggunakan angket perilaku konformitas negatif yang terdiri dari 30 item. Penentuan subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan purposive sample, yaitu 6 siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 8 Kota Mojokerto yang teridentifikasi memiliki skor perilaku konformitas negatif paling tinggi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik non parametrik dengan menggunakan uji tanda dapat diketahui dalam tabel tes binomial dengan ketentuan N = 6 dan x = 0 (z), maka diperoleh ρ (kemungkinan harga di bawah H0) = 0,016. Bila dalam ketetapan α (taraf kesalahan) sebesar 5% adalah 0,05 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa harga 0,016<0,05. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan skor perilaku konformitas negatif sebelum dan sesudah penerapan konseling kelompok rasional emotif perilaku. Berdasarkan penghitungan di atas mean pre-test sebesar 80,83, mean post-test sebesar 61,16 dan selisih antara mean pre-test dan mean post-test sebesar 19,67. Dengan demikian H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa konseling kelompok rasional emotif perilaku dapat mereduksi perilaku konformitas negatif siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 8 Kota Mojokerto. Kata Kunci : Konseling Kelompok, Konseling Rasional Emotif Perilaku, Konformitas Negatif    &nbsp
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