30 research outputs found

    Disease caused by mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides LC in Hungarian goat herds

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    The occurrence of a goat disease caused byMycoplasma mycoidessubsp.mycoidesLC in Hungary is reported. The disease occurred in two goat herds in the spring of 1999. In one herd 25% of the 4–12 weeks old kids (10 animals) while in the other herd 33% of the 6–12 weeks old kids (20 animals) became affected. The goat kids developed polyarthritis. The most severe lesions developed in the carpal joints. All animals died after 3–8 days of disease. Four dead kids were necropsied. All of them had serofibrinous and purulent polyarthritis, and in two animals bronchopneumonia, fibrinous pleuritis and meningitis were also found. In the articular exudates the presence of mycoplasmas was detected by PCR using a general mycoplasma primer. Mycoplasmas were cultured from the joints of all animals, from the abdominal parenchymal organs of two kids and from the lungs of one animal. The cultured mycoplasmas grew in strikingly large colonies, proved to be glucose positive, arginine negative and phosphatase positive, and liquefied the coagulated serum. They survived incubation at 45 °C for more than 24 h. Based upon their biochemical properties, the results of the immunofluorescence (IF) and growth inhibition tests and the sequence analysis of the PCR product, the cultured strains were identified asM. mycoidessubsp.mycoidesLC. Animals purchased in the previous autumn had been introduced to both farms. The disease may have been introduced with asymptomatic carrier animals, as earlier no similar disease had been observed at either farm

    The effects of dissection-room experiences and related coping strategies among Hungarian medical students

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    Background: Students get their first experiences of dissecting human cadavers in the practical classes of anatomy and pathology courses, core components of medical education. These experiences form an important part of the process of becoming a doctor, but bring with them a special set of problems. Methods: Quantitative, national survey (n = 733) among medical students, measured reactions to dissection experiences and used a new measuring instrument to determine the possible factors of coping. Results: Fifty per cent of students stated that the dissection experience does not affect them . Negative effects were significantly more frequently reported by women and students in clinical training (years 3,4,5,6). The predominant factor in the various coping strategies for dissection practicals is cognitive coping (rationalisation, intellectualisation). Physical and emotional coping strategies followed, with similar mean scores. Marked gender differences also showed up in the application of coping strategies: there was a clear dominance of emotional-based coping among women. Among female students, there was a characteristic decrease in the physical repulsion factor in reactions to dissection in the later stages of study. Conclusions: The experience of dissection had an emotional impact on about half of the students. In general, students considered these experiences to be an important part of becoming a doctor. Our study found that students chiefly employed cognitive coping strategies to deal with their experiences. Dissection-room sessions are important for learning emotional as well as technical skills. Successful coping is achieved not by repressing emotions but by accepting and understanding the negative emotions caused by the experience and developing effective strategies to deal with them. Medical training could make better use of the learning potential of these experiences

    DNA Fingerprinting Analysis of Breakthrough Outbreaks in Vaccine-Protected Poultry Stocks▿

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    We report recurrent outbreaks of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis conjunctivitis in ducks and of fowl cholera in geese, occurring in stocks previously vaccinated with inactivated autogenous vaccines. Enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence-based PCR and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis indicated reinfection with a new Y. pseudotuberculosis strain and vaccine evasion by the same Pasteurella multocida strain