4 research outputs found

    Persepsi Jajaran Pimpinan Tentang Kawasan tanpa Rokok ( Ktr ) di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Langkat Tahun 2014

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    No Smoking Area is a place or area that prohibited for production, sales, advertising, promotion and use of cigarettes activities. Determination of No Smoking Area is an effort to protect the public against the risk of health problems due to the threat of contaminated environment. This is background of researcher to conduct the research with using a qualitative studies to identify and understand the perception of the leadership ranks at the District Health Office Langkat about No Smoking Area year 2014 because the leadership is the people who are influential in establish a policy to be determined.This study uses a qualitative approach that utilizes a data collection technique with in-depth interviews to six-person as informant.The results showed all informants are agreeing on the No Smoking Area in District Health Office Langkat because it has a positive impact especially in health sector. Informants also had a strong commitment to realize it. The policy draft regarding to No Smoking Area expressed by several informants in written rules and sanctions, it starts with the appeal and the to awareness by using the health promotion steps. Therefore, researcher suggest that the Leadership ranks to sets the No Smoking Area immediately and dissemination of guidelines for implementation of the No Smoking Area.Keyword = perception, leadrship ranks, smoke and no smoking area

    The implementation of inclusive design for public buildings in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

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    Inclusive design is a main aspect in designing public buildings. Lack of accessibilities (ramp entrance, task lighting, lever door handles and etc.) as part of inclusive design methodology in public buildings used by the people for any purpose, such as, education, entertainment, worship or assembly has decreased a quality of international standard building design which directly has effected end user’s lifestyle, time and money. As the demand to equip our public building with inclusive design facilities has increased due to rapid population growth. Hence, this research paper presents the inclusive design implementation in the existing public buildings in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah which includes identification of design barriers and challenges for persons with disabilities (PWDs), children, elders and caretakers. In summary, this study identified the lack of inclusive design elements for buildings built in the 1980s, where the enactment of the Persons with Disabilities Act 2008 was only enforced on July 7, 2008. Therefore, these buildings improvement will keep people’s diversity and uniqueness by experts proper planning based on experience and feedback which can be found in buildings built in the 2009 and later

    Strategi PT. Gojek dalam Mengembangkan Transportasi Publik Berbasis Online di Indonesia

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    Kemajuan teknologi yang sangatlah cepat hingga menyentuh pada ranah industri transportasi di Indonesia. Salah satu transpotasi publik yang sudah memanfaatkan dengan kemajuan teknologi adalah PT. Gojek Indonesia yaitu transportasi publik berbasis online beroda dua. Transpotasi ini menyediakan jasa antar-jemput dan juga pesan-antar. Dengan  kemunculan transportasi publik berbasisi online banyak penolakan yang dilakukan oleh transportasi konvensional, selain itu juga adanya pro dan kontro dengan kemunculan transportasi berbasisi online ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara-cara yang dilakukan oleh PT. Gojek Indonesia dalam mengembangkan transportasi publik berbasis online di Indonesia. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian pustaka dan kajian literatur (Library Research Or Literatur Riview) yaitu serangkaian penelitian yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka yang digali melalui jurnal ilmiah, buku, web, dll. Fokus penelitian ini ditekankan pada kepustakaan (Library Research Or Literatur Riview). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah analisis SWOT dengan menganalisis lingkungan internal (IFAS) meliputi kekuatan dan kelemahan sedangkan,  lingkungan eksternal (EFAS) meliputi peluang dan ancaman  yang kemudian di implementasikan ke dalam bentuk matrik SWOT

    Pengelolaan Sampah Mandiri oleh Rukun Warga (RW) di Kota Yogyakarta

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