5 research outputs found

    Моделювання каналу зв'язку лінії електропередач за допомогою Orthogonal Модуляція сигналу частотного мультиплексування в LabView

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    The aim of this work is development of algorithm for evaluation of transfer function in power line communication (PLC) channel with narrowband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signal modulation using convenient user interface. This algorithm can be used while planning PLC system. There were explored long line and parametric model of power line. Assuming similarity of wireless and power line communication the influence of multipath on line impedance was investigated. It was shown that signal amplitude is Ricean distributed. The coefficients for this variance distribution were derived from the attenuation parametric modeling. For simulation LabView program interface was chosen. The developed algorithm permits evaluation of maximal distance between receiver and transmitter that doesn’t require repeater installation.Метою даної роботи є розробка алгоритму оцінки передавальної функції в каналі зв’язку по лінії електропередачі (ПЛК) з модуляцією сигналу вузькосмугового ортогонального частотного мультиплексування (OFDM) з використанням зручного інтерфейсу користувача. Цей алгоритм можна використовувати при плануванні системи ПЛК. Досліджено протяжну та параметричну моделі ЛЕП. Припускаючи подібність бездротового зв'язку та зв'язку по лінії електропередач, було досліджено вплив багатопроменевого поширення на імпеданс лінії. Показано, що амплітуда сигналу має розподіл Райса. Коефіцієнти для цього розподілу дисперсії були отримані з параметричного моделювання затухання. Для моделювання було обрано інтерфейс програми LabView. Розроблений алгоритм дозволяє оцінити максимальну відстань між приймачем і передавачем, що не потребує встановлення повторювача

    Application of coniferous dendroforms for biotesting of coastal urban environments

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    In the urban environment, the main sources of pollutants entering the atmosphere are the work of industrial enterprises and the operation of vehicles, which leads to a significant change in the composition of the air, which leads to the objective need for strict control of the state of the city’s environment and atmospheric air in particular. The ongoing state monitoring control of the atmospheric air in the urban environment is not sufficient, which leads to the need to create alternative control methods. This method is bioindication and biotesting. Applying the sensitivity of organisms, one can assess the degree of environmental pollution. Thus, the choice of certain bioindicators directly affects the quality of the data obtained, especially in the areas of coastal cities. The studies were carried out in Sevastopol during 2018-2020. The results obtained make it possible to use Pinus pallasiana Lamb. as a test object for assessing the quality of the environment. Coniferous dendroforms Picea pungens Engelm. and Thuja occidentalis L. showed results that allow their use in bioindication, in the case of using the entire possible spectrum of markers to increase the reliability of environmental quality assessment by biotesting methods. Previously, similar studies were carried out using deciduous dendroforms

    The effectiveness of a complex microbial preparation when used in the vineyards of the Crimean Peninsula

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    A multicenter study of the application of the microbiological preparation Embiko® in vineyards with its introduction with drip irrigation in the Western foothill-seaside viticultural zone of Crimea was carried out. Granulometric analysis of the soil showed that in the experimental version with the use of Embiko®, the specific content of its fine fractions increased by 5%, i.e. the soil became looser. The introduction of Embico® in liquid form with drip irrigation gave an increase in yield by 1.3 kg per bush, while the sugar content of the berry juice improved by at least 8%. An antistress effect on plants under the influence of treatment with a biological preparation was also revealed, which manifests itself in a significant functional improvement of the leaf apparatus and an increase in the growth rates of grape shoots. When using the biological preparation Embico®, the profit or net income at the pilot site increased compared with the control option (without application) and, accordingly, the profitability of production increased by 79%