29 research outputs found

    A first AFLP-based genetic linkage map for brine shrimp Artemia franciscana and its application in mapping the sex locus

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    We report on the construction of sex-specific linkage maps, the identification of sex-linked markers and the genome size estimation for the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana. Overall, from the analysis of 433 AFLP markers segregating in a 112 full-sib family we identified 21 male and 22 female linkage groups (2n = 42), covering 1,041 and 1,313 cM respectively. Fifteen putatively homologous linkage groups, including the sex linkage groups, were identified between the female and male linkage map. Eight sex-linked AFLP marker alleles were inherited from the female parent, supporting the hypothesis of a WZ-ZZ sex-determining system. The haploid Artemia genome size was estimated to 0.93 Gb by flow cytometry. The produced Artemia linkage maps provide the basis for further fine mapping and exploring of the sex-determining region and are a possible marker resource for mapping genomic loci underlying phenotypic differences among Artemia species

    Au cƓur de la traductologie

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    Ce volume se veut un hommage au regrettĂ© Michel Ballard, qui a contribuĂ© Ă  fonder la traductologie et Ă  faire de l’étude de la traduction une discipline Ă  part entiĂšre ayant peu Ă  peu gagnĂ© son autonomie. La diversitĂ© des intervenants, qui ne reprĂ©sentent pas moins de 10 pays (Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Grande-Bretagne, Liban, Pologne, Roumanie, Russie, Suisse), tĂ©moigne du rayonnement de ce chercheur passionnĂ© et de la rĂ©ception qu’ont eue ses travaux, en France et au-delĂ . Les articles qui constituent cet ouvrage ne sont pas consacrĂ©s Ă  Michel Ballard lui-mĂȘme, mais ils s’inscrivent dans le droit fil de ses rĂ©flexions et reflĂštent la trajectoire scientifique de cet enseignant-chercheur prĂŽnant une « traductologie rĂ©aliste », et dont l’approche a toujours Ă©tĂ© triple : historique, thĂ©orique et didactique, les trois composantes se nourrissant mutuellement et offrant, fait rare, une dĂ©marche complĂšte, englobante et Ă©quilibrĂ©e. L’ensemble des contributions prĂ©sentĂ©es ici permet d’explorer et de baliser encore une fois ce vaste champ de recherche passionnant, afin de poursuivre l’élan qu’avait impulsĂ© Michel Ballard et de nous plonger, comme il aimait le faire, et comme le suggĂšre le titre de cet ouvrage, « au cƓur de la traductologie »

    A study of specific heat capacity functions of polyvinyl alcohol-cassava starch blends

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    The specific heat capacity (C sp) of polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) blends with cassava starch (CSS) was studied by the differential scanning calorimetry method. Specimens of PVOH-CSS blends: PPV37 (70mass% CSS) and PPV46 (60mass% CSS) were prepared by a melt blending method with glycerol added as a plasticizer. The results showed that the specific heat capacity of PPV37 and PPV46 at temperatures from 330 K to 530 K increased from (2.963 to 14.995) J ? g-1 ? K-1 and (2.517 to 14.727) J ? g-1 ? K-1, respectively. The specific heat capacity of PVOH-CSS depends on the amount of starch. The specific heat capacity of the specimens can be approximated by polynomial equations with a curve fitting regression >0.99For instance, the specific heat capacity (in J ? g-1 ? K-1) of PPV37 can be expressed by C sp = -17.824 + 0.063T and PPV46 by C sp = -18.047 + 0.0617", where T is the temperature (in K)