146 research outputs found

    Strong surface passivation of GaAs nanowires with ultrathin InP and GaP capping layers

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    We demonstrate efficient surface passivation of GaAs nanowires using ultrathin in-situ grown epitaxial InP and GaP capping layers, with metallo-organic vapor phase epitaxy as the growth system. The passivation increased photoluminescence intensity by three orders of magnitude compared to unpassivated nanowires, and the effect remained strong after a month of storage in air. Effective passivation was acquired over a wide range of growth temperatures, although the highest studied temperatures caused additional detrimental effects such as etching and GaAsP formation. The capping layer thickness was in the order of few monolayers. Therefore, the impact on any other properties of the nanowires besides the surface states was minuscule. As a simple and effective method the studied capping layers offer an excellent way for nanowire passivation.Peer reviewe

    Hoitosuositukset, systemaattiset vinoumat ja luottamus lääkäreihin

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    Luotettavasti laaditut hoitosuositukset ovat työväline, jolla tarjotun hoidon laatua voidaan tutkitusti parantaa. Hoitosuositusten laatiminen on kuitenkin moniulotteinen prosessi, johon ei ole yhtä yksiselitteisesti oikeaa menetelmää ja joka sisältää näytön tulkinnan lisäksi myös monenlaisia arvovalintoja. Siksi hoitosuositusten laatimisprosessi on altis myös päätöksenteon systemaattisille vinoumille. Koska ne eivät johdu yksilöiden tietoisista valinnoista, niiden tehokkaat ehkäisykeinot ovat rakenteellisia. Käsittelemme tässä katsausartikkelissa mekanismeja, joilla päätöksenteko saattaa vinoutua, ja esitämme rakenteellisia ratkaisuja niiden ehkäisemiseksi. Kaksi erityisen merkittävää tekijää, jotka altistavat hoitosuositukset systemaattisille vinoumille, ovat taloudelliset sidonnaisuudet ja ammattikuntaedut. Vinoumien ehkäisykeinoiksi esitämme puolueettomien asiantuntijoiden käyttöä, metodologisen osaamisen vahvistamista ja moniammatillisia työryhmiä.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    The data-hypothesis relationship

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    Surgery of primary melanomas

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    Surgery remains the mainstay of melanoma therapy, regardless of the tumor site. Only the early diagnosis combined with proper surgical therapy currently gives patients affected by this malignancy the chance for a full cure. The main goal of surgical therapy is to provide the local control of the disease and to secure long-term survival of the patient without reasonable functional and esthetic impairment. The recommended method of biopsy-excisional biopsy, as an initial diagnostic and, to some extent, therapeutic procedure-is performed under local anesthesia as an elliptical incision with visual clear margins of 1-3 mm and with some mm of subcutaneous tissue. The extent of radical excision of the primary tumor (or scar after excisional biopsy) is based on the histopathologic characteristics of the primary tumor and usually consists of 1-2 cm margins with primary closure. The philosophy behind conducted randomized clinical trials has been to find the most conservative surgical approach that is able to guarantee the same results as more demolitive treatment. This has been the background of the trials designed to define the correct margins of excision around a primary cutaneous melanoma. Much less definition can be dedicated to the surgical management of patients with non-cutaneous melanomas

    Multiple primary tumours: incidence estimation in the presence of competing risks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Estimating the risk of developing subsequent primary tumours in a population is difficult since the occurrence probability is conditioned to the survival probability.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We proposed to apply Markov models studying the transition intensities from first to second tumour with the Aalen-Johansen (AJ) estimators, as usually done in competing risk models. In a simulation study we applied the proposed method in different settings with constant or varying underlying intensities and applying age standardisation. In addition, we illustrated the method with data on breast cancer from the Piedmont Cancer Registry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The simulation study showed that the person-years approach led to a sensibly wider bias than the AJ estimators. The largest bias was observed assuming constantly increasing incidence rates. However, this situation is rather uncommon dealing with subsequent tumours incidence. In 9233 cases with breast cancer occurred in women resident in Turin, Italy, between 1985 and 1998 we observed a significant increased risk of 1.91 for subsequent cancer of corpus uteri, estimated with the age-standardised Aalen-Johansen incidence ratio (AJ-IR<sup>stand</sup>), and a significant increased risk of 1.29 for cancer possibly related to the radiotherapy of breast cancer. The peak of occurrence of those cancers was observed after 8 years of follow-up.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The increased risk of a cancer of the corpus uteri, also observed in other studies, is usually interpreted as the common shared risk factors such as low parity, early menarche and late onset of menopause. We also grouped together those cancers possibly associated to a previous local radiotherapy: the cumulative risk at 14 years is still not significant, however the AJ estimators showed a significant risk peak between the eighth and the ninth year. Finally, the proposed approach has been shown to be reliable and informative under several aspects. It allowed for a correct estimation of the risk, and for investigating the time trend of the subsequent cancer occurrence.</p

    Dark energy as a mirage

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    Motivated by the observed cosmic matter distribution, we present the following conjecture: due to the formation of voids and opaque structures, the average matter density on the path of the light from the well-observed objects changes from Omega_M ~ 1 in the homogeneous early universe to Omega_M ~ 0 in the clumpy late universe, so that the average expansion rate increases along our line of sight from EdS expansion Ht ~ 2/3 at high redshifts to free expansion Ht ~ 1 at low redshifts. To calculate the modified observable distance-redshift relations, we introduce a generalized Dyer-Roeder method that allows for two crucial physical properties of the universe: inhomogeneities in the expansion rate and the growth of the nonlinear structures. By treating the transition redshift to the void-dominated era as a free parameter, we find a phenomenological fit to the observations from the CMB anisotropy, the position of the baryon oscillation peak, the magnitude-redshift relations of type Ia supernovae, the local Hubble flow and the nucleosynthesis, resulting in a concordant model of the universe with 90% dark matter, 10% baryons, no dark energy, 15 Gyr as the age of the universe and a natural value for the transition redshift z_0=0.35. Unlike a large local void, the model respects the cosmological principle, further offering an explanation for the late onset of the perceived acceleration as a consequence of the forming nonlinear structures. Additional tests, such as quantitative predictions for angular deviations due to an anisotropic void distribution and a theoretical derivation of the model, can vindicate or falsify the interpretation that light propagation in voids is responsible for the perceived acceleration.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figs; v2: minor clarifications, results unchanged; v3: matches the version published in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Surveillance for endometrial cancer with transvaginal ultrasonography of breast cancer patients under tamoxifen treatment

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    The association of endometrial thickness with the risk of developing endometrial cancer (EC) within 2 years was investigated in a consecutive cohort of 1205 breast cancer patients under tamoxifen treatment, undergoing transvaginal ultrasonography (TVUS) for follow-up purpose (asymptomatic, 1068) or for abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB, 137). Linkage with tumour registry allowed for the follow-up of 3184.3 person-years. According to underlying incidence, 1.85 EC cases were expected in the study cohort while 12 were observed (observed/expected ratio=6.49, 95% CI 3.35–11.33; asymptomatic=4.09, 95% CI 1.65–8.43, symptomatic=35.71, 95% CI 11.59–83.34). No EC was observed with thickness (half layer) <3 mm. Raising this threshold increased specificity with a substantial loss of sensitivity (⩾3, ⩾4, ⩾6, ⩾9 mm; spec.=25.8, 44.5, 76.1, 91.5%, sens.=100, 91.6, 75.0, 66.6%). The presence of AUB was rather specific (88.94%) but poorly sensitive (41.67%). A combination of AUB presence/absence and thickness allowed the best accuracy (AUB + thickness ⩾3, ⩾4 or ⩾5; sens.=100, 81.6 or 91.6%; spec.=22.8, 40.4, or 56.7%). Breast cancer patients under tamoxifen might be selected for further invasive assessment on the basis of AUB and endometrial thickness assessed at TVUS

    The effect of inhomogeneous expansion on the supernova observations

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    We consider an inhomogeneous but spherically symmetric Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi model to demonstrate that spatial variations of the expansion rate can have a significant effect on the cosmological supernova observations. A model with no dark energy but a local Hubble parameter about 15% larger than its global value fits the supernova data better than the homogeneous model with the cosmological constant. The goodness of the fit is not sensitive to inhomogeneities in the present-day matter density, and our best fit model has Omega_M ~ 0.3, in agreement with galaxy surveys. We also compute the averaged expansion rate, defined by the Buchert equations, of the best fit model and show explicitly that there is no average acceleration.Comment: minor corrections to match the version published in JCA

    Oral contraceptive use before first birth and risk of breast cancer: a case control study

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was first, to investigate whether women starting oral contraceptive (OC) use at a young age and before first birth have an increased risk for breast cancer and second, to report difficulties encountered in studying long-term health impacts of medical technologies. METHODS: Breast cancers occurring up until 1997 among 37153 Helsinki students born between 1946 and 1960 were identified by record linkage from the Finnish Cancer Registry; for each cancer case, five age-matched random controls were picked from the same student population. Those who had used the Helsinki Student Health Service (HSHS) at least three times (150 cases and 316 controls) form the final study subjects. Data on OC use and background characteristics were collected from patient records, and data on live births were derived from the population register. Odds ratios (OR) were adjusted for number of births, smoking and sports activity. RESULTS: Compared to the few non-users, OC users had a higher risk of breast cancer: the adjusted OR was 2.1 (95% confidence interval 1.1–4.2). Among OC users, no statistically significant differences in risk of breast cancer were found in regard to starting age or first birth, but small numbers made confidence intervals wide. Even though we had chosen students to be our study group, the population turned out to be unsuitable to answer our research question: most women had started their OC use old (at the age of 20 or later) and there were very few unexposed (almost all had used OC and before their first birth). CONCLUSIONS: Because adoption of the modern pattern of OC use was not common among students, it is unlikely that the impact of early and extended OC use can be studied before 2010, when women born in the 1960s are 40 to 50 years old

    Panama and the WTO : new constitutionalism of trade policy and global tax governance

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    "Corrigendum" in Review of International Political Economy, 24(4), p. 738 (DOI: 10.1080/09692290.2017.1332547).Tax havens and tax flight have lately received increasing attention, while interest toward multilateral trade policies has somewhat diminished. We argue that more attention needs to be paid exactly to the interrelations between trade and tax policies. Drawing from two case studies on Panama's trade disputes, we show how World Trade Organization (WTO) rules can be used both to resist attempts to sanction secrecy structures and to promote measures against tax flight. The theory of new constitutionalism can help to explain how trade treaties can 'lock in' tax policies. However, our case studies show that trade policy not only 'locks in' democratic policy-making, but also enables tax havens to use their commercialized sovereignty to resists anti-secrecy measures. What is being 'locked in' are the policy tools, not necessarily the policies. The changing relationship between trade and tax policies can also create new and unexpected tools for tackling tax evasion, underlining the importance of epistemic arbitrage in the context of new constitutionalism. In principle, political actors with sufficient technical and juridical knowledge can shape global tax governance to various directions regardless of their formal position in the world political hierarchies. This should be taken into account when trade treaties are being negotiated or revised.Peer reviewe