2,103 research outputs found

    Economic feed utilization for dairy buffalo under intensive agricultural system

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    The national strategies for the irrigated intensive agricultural system in developing countries should focus upon Producing less expensive milk from dairy buffaloes that, efficiently, utilize the limited expensive produced feed resources. Therefore, planning for the least cost feeds combination is the most recommended approach to keep buffalo milk price at a competitive level and being low enough to make milk available for the major proportion of the low-income households, particularly “Vulnerable Groups”. Estimation of the least cost feed ration combination of the limited expensive feed resources were conducted from a recent farm survey of the dairy buffalo performances and the feed use pattern in Egypt. The estimated average production elasticity of fodder, concentrate feeds mix and straw, implies that their shares in generated buffalo milk income are 41.7%, 35%,and 23.3%, respectively.. The response of the human labor was of negative direction and statistically insignificant. This means that the labor used per dairy buffalo was beyond the economic level, that reflects the excess farm-family labor involved in such activity, because they have almost nil opportunity income of off farm work. The other capital inputs have small positive effect on milk production, The average marginal return from milk per onedollar expenditure reached .1.08forfodder,and.1.08 for fodder,and 1.04 for concentrated feed mix, i.e. it isfeasible to expand the usage of fodder more than concentrates.The wheat straw has shown uneconomic efficiency. Therefore, it is recommended to limit its level in the ration. The least cost ration reduces feed cost of one ton of buffalo milk equivalent (4% fat) by 22%. The less costs of production will strength the competition of domestic supply either against in the international export market or against the dumping policies followed by exporters to the domestic market.Economic feed, Water buffalo, Intensive system.


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    University College of North Wales, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2UW Wales, Inited KingdomAverage Cost Curve, Profitabilityu, Mortality Rate, Eggs Yield per Hen Housed Per Month, Feed Consumption, Farm Management, Livestock Production/Industries, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    COSMOS 2044. Experiment K-7-19. Pineal physiology in microgravity: Relation to rat gonadal function

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    It is now known that the pineal organ can interact with many endocrine and nonendocrine tissues in a regulatory fashion. Given its key role in the regulation of melatonin synthesis, its high concentration, and that its levels may persist longer than the more rapidly changing melatonin, it was felt that serotonin might give a more accurate assessment of the effects of microgravity on pineal function following recovery of animals from flight. Five-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA), a major metabolite of serotonin metabolism, was also measured. One of the most interesting concomitants to spaceflight and exposure to microgravity has been the disturbing alteration in calcium metabolism and resulting skeletal effects. Given the link between exposure to microgravity and perturbation of calcium metabolism and the fact that the pineal is apparently one of the only soft tissues to calcify, pineal calcium content was examined following spaceflight

    Utjecaj γ-zračenja na neka fizička svojstva amorfnih tankih slojeva CuInSeTe, CuInSTe i CuInSeS

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    Thin films of quaternary CuInSeTe, CuInSTe and CuInSeS, of thickness 180 nm, were deposited on glass or quartz substrates at 300 K by thermal evaporation under vacuum of 0.13 MPa (10−6 Torr) with a deposition rate of about 6 nm/s. The bulk and thin films of the samples were tested by X-ray diffraction, which revealed that the bulk samples have a polycrystalline structure whereas the thin films are amorphous. The X-ray fluorescence analysis as well as the chemical analysis indicates very slight variations of the film constituents after γ-irradiation. The dependence of the absorption coefficient on photon energy showed the existence of an indirect energy gap in all quaternary films. Moreover, these optical band gaps decreased after increasing the γ-ray doses at room temperature. The validity of the Urbach rule was investigated and the respective parameters were estimated. Resistivity and Hall effect measurements showed that the CuInSeTe, CuInTeS and CuInSeS thin films are p-type semiconductors. The resistivity decreased after increasing the γ-ray doses. The decrease of the values of energy gaps and the resistivity at room temperature of the films with increased γ-ray doses are interpreted in terms of the variation of the density of states model of Mott and Davis, and explained as due to the unsaturation of bonds in amorphous solid.Naparavali smo četvero-komponentne tanke slojeve CuInSeTe, CuInSTe i CuInSeS, debljine 180 nm, na podloge od stakla i kremena na 300 K, pri tlaku 10−6 Torr, brzinom od oko 60 nm/s. Ispitivali smo masivne uzorke i tanke slojeve difrakcijom rendgenskog zračenja, koja je pokazala polikristaliničnu strukturu masivnih uzoraka, dok su tanki slojevi amorfni. Analize rendgenskom fluoroscencijom i kemijske analize pokazale su vrlo male promjene sastavnih elemenata nakon γ-ozračivanja. Ovisnost apsorpcijskog koeficijenta o energiji fotona ukazuje na postojanje posrednog energijskog procjepa u svim uzorcima tankih slojeva. Ti se energijski procjepi smanjuju s povećanjem doza γ-zračenja na sobnoj temperaturi. Provjeravali smo Urbachovo pravilo i odredili odnosne parametre. Mjerenja otpornosti i Hallovog efekta pokazala su da su tanki slojevi CuInSeTe, CuInTeS i CuInSeS poluvodiči p-tipa. Njihova se otpornost smanjila s povećavanjem doza γ-zračenja. Smanjenje energijskih procjepa i otpornosti na sobnoj temperaturi s povećavanjem doza γ-zračenja tumači se promjenama gustoće stanja prema modelu Motta i Davisa, i objašnjava nezasićenim vezanjima u amorfnom sloju

    Analyzing the Egyptian News Websites' Layout According to Responsive Web Design

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    Responsive Web design is a new concept in the world of web design that serves a successful user experience. It is also a concept that develops continuously to cover many aspects. Egyptian News Websites have been tried to keep pace with the increasing use of small screens and smartphones in browsing websites through the development of elements' distribution patterns for interfaces' design. In this study, it was checked the use of RWD of Egyptian news websites as well as It was tested the most six popular news websites in Egypt. The objectives of the current study were to analyze the presence of responsive web design on the Egyptian daily news websites by checking the elements distribution patterns of purposive sample of these websites interfaces on different display screens, and to evaluate the usability of these sites through responsive web design and users feedback. So, a descriptive design was utilize intended to provide a complete picture about that, which was carried out on two levels (User interface analytical study and survey study of the user's opinions). The study results revealed that the majority of users prefer to browse the news websites through the small screens "smart phones on different sizes". And that the users up tell now didn’t able to recognize the importance of the Responsive Web Design because most of their dealings with screens were limited in one type. Accordingly, the study was recommended that the design of the Egyptian newspapers should be reviewed in order to comply with all responsive web standards and even be able to realize the new concepts of "Adaptive design" which focuses on the user not the browser. Keywords: Responsive Web Design (RWD), Egyptian’s News Websites, User Interface (UI), Laptop, Tablets & smart phones

    Examining Students’ Perceptions About an Adaptive-Responsive Online Homework System and its Influence on Motivation and Learning

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    Advances in technological education have made online homework an integral part of science courses in general which is especially true for general chemistry courses. Online homework, if used correctly, has the potential to improve students’ experience, and learning and performance in general chemistry courses. The purpose of this research investigation is to study students’ levels of perceptions about an adaptive-responsive online homework in terms of (1) examining students’ motivation, learning, and understanding of concepts, (2) determining the aspects of adaptive-responsive online homework that are useful to students’ learning, and (3) understanding the features in online homework that causes improvement in students’ motivation. The investigation took place at an urban, commuter, minority serving, and public college. The study subjects were recruited from student enrolled in general chemistry courses consisting of 207 research participants (N = 207). Our data suggest that students display positive levels of perceptions about the adaptive-responsive online homework and its use. Students also hold perceptions that show positive attitudes towards the online homework system and that it positively affected their motivation. Also, students list several useful aspects of the online homework system such as explanations of concepts, knowledge checks, review questions for tests, and tutorials. The adaptive-responsive online homework, according to the participants in our study, helped motivate students by helping them learn the concepts, continuously assessing their learning, checking their knowledge, and updating the topics accordingly

    Optička svojstva soli polianilina i baze polianilina punjenog s KBr, Co(CH3COO)2 i pikričnom kiselinom

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    Polyaniline was prepared by chemical methods. The composites were prepared by the hot pressing of polyaniline base with different percentages of KBr, Co(CH3COO)2 and picric acid. The diffused reflectance of polyaniline doped with 10, 15, 25 and 50 wt% of KBr, picric acid and cobalt acetate, was measured at room temperature in the wavelength range from 500 to 1800 nm. The energy gaps of the samples were then deduced as well as the position and number of the indirect transitions which were found to be dependent on the concentration percentage of the doping materials. The energy gaps of all samples decrease by increasing the concentration percentage of the doping materials.Polianilin smo pripremili kemijskim postupkom. Mješavine smo postigli vrućim tiskanjem polianilina s raznim postocima KBr, Co(CH3COO)2 i pikrične kiseline. Mjerili smo difuznu reflektanciju polianilina s 10, 15, 25 and 50 tež% KBr, pikrične kiseline i kobaltnog acetata na sobnoj temperaturi za valne duljine 500 do 1800 nm. Odredili smo energijske procjepe te položaje i broj posrednih prijelaza. Ustanovili smo za sve uzorke pad energijskih procjepa pri povećanju koncentracije dodataka