5,189 research outputs found

    Temperature and light requirements for growth of two diatom species (Bacillariophyceae) isolated from an Arctic macroalga

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    In the present study, two abundant epiphyticdiatom taxa were isolated from the assimilation hairs ofthe brown macroalga Chordaria flagelliformis collected inthe Arctic Kongsfjorden (Spitsbergen, Norway), establishedas unialgal cultures and their growth rates determinedunder controlled photon fluence rate andtemperature conditions. Using morphological (light andscanning electron microscopy) and SSU rRNA gene databoth isolates (ROS D99 and ROS D125) were identifiedas members of a FragilariaSynedropsis clade. Themolecular data of ROS D99 and ROS D125 were notidentical to any other published sequence. While ROSD99 has been identified as Fragilaria barbararum mainlydue to the SEM characteristics, ROS D125 could not bedefinitely identified although morphological data speakfor Fragilaria striatula. Both diatom species showedsimilar growth rates at all temperatures and photon fluencerates tested. They grew well between 0 and 15Cwithoptimum temperatures of 1214C, but did not survive20C. Therefore, compared to Antarctic diatoms bothtaxa from Kongsfjorden can be characterised as eurythermalorganisms. Increasing photon fluence rates between2 and 15 lmol m2 s1 were accompanied with analmost twofold increase in growth rates, but photon fluencerates >15 lmol m2 s1 did not further enhancegrowth pointing to low light requirements. From thesedata optimum, minimum and maximum photon fluencerates and temperatures for growth can be assessed indicatingthat both diatoms are well acclimated to the fluctuatingenvironmental conditions in the Arctic habitat

    Basin structure of optimization based state and parameter estimation

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    Most data based state and parameter estimation methods require suitable initial values or guesses to achieve convergence to the desired solution, which typically is a global minimum of some cost function. Unfortunately, however, other stable solutions (e.g., local minima) may exist and provide suboptimal or even wrong estimates. Here we demonstrate for a 9-dimensional Lorenz-96 model how to characterize the basin size of the global minimum when applying some particular optimization based estimation algorithm. We compare three different strategies for generating suitable initial guesses and we investigate the dependence of the solution on the given trajectory segment (underlying the measured time series). To address the question of how many state variables have to be measured for optimal performance, different types of multivariate time series are considered consisting of 1, 2, or 3 variables. Based on these time series the local observability of state variables and parameters of the Lorenz-96 model is investigated and confirmed using delay coordinates. This result is in good agreement with the observation that correct state and parameter estimation results are obtained if the optimization algorithm is initialized with initial guesses close to the true solution. In contrast, initialization with other exact solutions of the model equations (different from the true solution used to generate the time series) typically fails, i.e. the optimization procedure ends up in local minima different from the true solution. Initialization using random values in a box around the attractor exhibits success rates depending on the number of observables and the available time series (trajectory segment).Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Manifestation of New Interference Effects in Superconductor/Ferromagnet Spin Valve

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    Superconductor/ferromagnet (S/F) spin valve effect theories based on the S/F proximity phenomenon assume that the superconducting transition temperature Tc of F1/F2/S or F1/S/F2 trilayers for parallel magnetizations of the F1- and F2-layers (TcP) are smaller than for the antiparallel orientations (TcAP). Here, we report for CoOx/Fe1/Cu/Fe2/In multilayered systems with varying Fe2-layer thickness the sign-changing oscillating behavior of the spin valve effect \Delta Tc=TcAP-TcP. Our measurements revealed the full direct spin valve effect with TcAP>TcP for Fe2-layer thickness dFe2<1 nm and the full inverse (TcAP=1 nm. Interference of Cooper pair wave functions reflected from both surfaces of the Fe2-layer appear as the most probable reason for the observed behavior of \Delta Tc.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR

    Increasing the performance of the superconducting spin valve using a Heusler alloy

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    We have studied superconducting properties of the spin-valve thin layer heterostructures CoOx_x/F1/Cu/F2/Cu/Pb where the ferromagnetic F1 layer was standardly made of Permalloy whereas for the F2 layer we have taken a specially prepared film of the Heusler alloy Co2_2Cr1x_{1-x}Fex_xAl with a small degree of spin polarization of the conduction band. The heterostructures demonstrate a significant superconducting spin-valve effect, i.e. a complete switching on and off of the superconducting current flowing through the system by manipulating the mutual orientations of the magnetization of the F1 and F2 layers. The magnitude of the effect is doubled in comparison with the previously studied analogous multilayers with the F2 layer made of the strong ferromagnet Fe. Theoretical analysis shows that a drastic enhancement of the switching effect is due to a smaller exchange field in the heterostructure coming from the Heusler film as compared to Fe. This enables to approach almost ideal theoretical magnitude of the switching in the Heusler-based multilayer with the F2 layer thickness of 1\sim 1\,nm

    Double photoemission from Ag and Pd surfaces: Energy relations

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    We have investigated the electron pair emission due to single-photon absorption from Ag(100) and Pd(100) surfaces. We are interested in the energy spectra of pairs in particular near the energy cutoff. The sum energy spectra of Ag display a distinctive photon energy dependence. We also observe some fine structure. Near the high-energy cutoff the coincidence rate is too low to determine the energy position of the cutoff. Nevertheless we observe a finite signal if two 5sp electrons near the Fermi level are emitted. For Pd(100) we find sum energy spectra without fine structure and the cutoff region is approached linearly. Within the experimental accuracy the minimum energy to liberate two electrons is twice the work function

    Full spin switch effect for the superconducting current in a superconductor/ferromagnet thin film heterostructure

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    Superconductor/ferromagnet (S/F) proximity effect theory predicts that the superconducting critical temperature of the F1/F2/S or F1/S/F2 trilayers for the parallel orientation of the F1 and F2 magnetizations is smaller than for the antiparallel one. This suggests a possibility of a controlled switching between the superconducting and normal states in the S layer. Here, using the spin switch design F1/F2/S theoretically proposed by Oh et al. [Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, 2376 (1997)], that comprises a ferromagnetic bilayer separated by a non-magnetic metallic spacer layer as a ferromagnetic component, and an ordinary superconductor as the second interface component, we have successfully realized a full spin switch effect for the superconducting current.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Directional Roll-up of Nanomembranes Mediated by Wrinkling

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    We investigate the relaxation of rectangular wrinkled thin films intrinsically containing an initial strain gradient. A preferential rolling direction, depending on wrinkle geometry and strain gradient, is theoretically predicted and experimentally verified. In contrast to typical rolled-up nanomembranes, which bend perpendicular to the longer edge of rectangular patterns, we find a regime where rolling parallel to the long edge of the wrinkled film is favorable. A non-uniform radius of the rolled-up film is well reproduced by elasticity theory and simulations of the film relaxation using a finite element method.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Orbital order in La0.5Sr1.5MnO4: beyond a common local Jahn-Teller picture

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    The standard way to find the orbital occupation of Jahn-Teller (JT) ions is to use structural data, with the assumption of a one-to-one correspondence between the orbital occupation and the associated JT distortion, e.g. in O6 octahedron. We show, however, that this approach in principle does not work for layered systems. Specifically, using the layered manganite La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 as an example, we found from our x-ray absorption measurements and theoretical calculations, that the type of orbital ordering strongly contradicts the standard local distortion approach for the Mn3+O6 octahedra, and that the generally ignored long-range crystal field effect and anisotropic hopping integrals are actually crucial to determine the orbital occupation. Our findings may open a pathway to control of the orbital state in multilayer systems and thus of their physical properties.Comment: 4+ pages, 4 figure