679 research outputs found

    Constraints on the collimated X-ray emission of SS 433 from the reflection on molecular clouds

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    We calculate X-ray signal that should arise due to reflection of the putative collimated X-ray emission of the Galactic supercritical accretor SS 433 on molecular clouds in its vicinity. The molecular gas distribution in the region of interest has been constructed based on the data of the BU-FCRAO GRS in 13^{13}CO J=10J=1\rightarrow0 emission line, while the collimated emission was assumed to be aligned with the direction of the relativistic jets, which are continuously launched by the system. We consider all the available ChandraChandra observations covering the regions possibly containing the reflection signal and put constraints on the apparent face-on luminosity of SS 433 above 4 keV. No signatures of the predicted signal have been found in the analysed regions down to a 4-8 keV surface brightness level of 1011\sim 10^{-11} erg/s/cm2^2/deg2^2. This translates into the limit on the apparent face-on 2-10 keV luminosity of SS 433 LX,2108×1038L_{X,2-10}\lesssim 8\times10^{38} erg/s, provided that the considered clouds do fall inside the illumination cone of the collimated emission. This, however, might not be the case due to persisting uncertainty in the line-of-sight distances to SS 433 dSS433d_{SS433} (4.5-5.5 kpc) and to the considered molecular clouds. For half-opening angle of the collimation cone larger than or comparable to the amplitude of the jets' precession (21deg\approx21\deg), the stringent upper limit quoted above is most relevant if dSS433<5d_{SS433}<5 kpc, provided that the kinematic distances to the considered molecular clouds are sufficiently accurate. Dropping the last assumption, a more conservative constraint is LX,2101040L_{X,2-10}\lesssim10^{40} erg/s for dSS433=4.654.85d_{SS433}=4.65-4.85 kpc (and yet worse outside this range). We conclude that SS 433 is not likely to belong to the brightest ultraluminous X-ray sources if it could be observed face-on, unless its X-ray emission is highly collimated. (Abridged)Comment: Astronomy Letters, in press; 16 pages, 8 figure

    An upper limit on nickel overabundance in the supercritical accretion disk wind of SS 433 from X-ray spectroscopy

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    We take advantage of a long (with a total exposure time of 120 ks) X-ray observation of the unique Galactic microquasar SS 433, carried out with the XMM-Newton space observatory, to search for a fluorescent line of neutral (or weakly ionized) nickel at the energy 7.5 keV. We consider two models of the formation of fluorescent lines in the spectrum of SS 433: 1) due to reflection of hard X-ray radiation from a putative central source on the optically thick walls of the accretion disk "funnel"; and 2) due to scattering of the radiation coming from the hottest parts of the jets in the optically thin wind of the system. It is shown, that for these cases, the photon flux of Ni I Kα_{\alpha} fluorescent line is expected to be 0.45 of the flux of Fe I Kα_{\alpha} fluorescent line at 6.4 keV, for the relative nickel overabundance ZNi/Z=10Z_{Ni}/Z = 10, as observed in the jets of SS 433. For the continuum model without the absorption edge of neutral iron, we set a 90 per cent upper limit on the flux of the narrow Ni I Kα_{\alpha} line at the level of 0.9×1050.9 \times 10^{-5} ph s1^{-1} cm2^{-2}. For the continuum model with the absorption edge, the corresponding upper limit is 2.5×1052.5 \times 10^{-5} ph s1^{-1} cm2^{-2}. At the same time, for the Fe I Kα_{\alpha} line, we measure the flux of 9.98.411.2×1059.9_{8.4}^{11.2} \times 10^{-5} ph s1^{-1} cm2^{-2}. Taken at the face value, the results imply that the relative overabundance of nickel in the wind of the accretion disc should be at least 1.5 times less than the corresponding excess of nickel observed in the jets of SS 433.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables, Astronomy Letters, in press, 2018, Volume 44, Issue

    Quantum interference in the classically forbidden region: a parametric oscillator

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    We study tunneling between period two states of a parametrically modulated oscillator. The tunneling matrix element is shown to oscillate with the varying frequency of the modulating field. The effect is due to spatial oscillations of the wave function and the related interference in the classically forbidden region. The oscillations emerge already in the ground state of the oscillator Hamiltonian in the rotating frame, which is quartic in the momentum.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Research of high-current pulsed electron beam energy distribution in depth of sheet of water

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    Distribution of the absorbed doze and energy of the high-current pulsed electron beam formed by accelerator TEU-500 (350...500 kV, 60 ns, current density 0,3...0,4 kA/sm2) in water sheet depth has been measured. The high-resolution measurement technique of doze and energy distribution with application of dosimetric film based on lavsan with phenazine covering was used. Spatial resolution at registration of the absorbed doze in the range of 5...100 kGr amounts to 20...30 mkm. It was shown that at absorption of electron beam with high current density (in conditions of track overlapping on surface of the absorbing layer) distribution of the absorbed doze in thedepth within the limits of ±10 % coincides with distribution obtained for low-current bea

    Multiphoton antiresonance in large-spin systems

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    We study nonlinear response of a spin S>1/2S>1/2 with easy-axis anisotropy. The response displays sharp dips or peaks when the modulation frequency is adiabatically swept through multiphoton resonance. The effect is a consequence of a special symmetry of the spin dynamics in a magnetic field for the anisotropy energy Sz2\propto S_z^2. The occurrence of the dips or peaks is determined by the spin state. Their shape strongly depends on the modulation amplitude. Higher-order anisotropy breaks the symmetry, leading to sharp steps in the response as function of frequency. The results bear on the dynamics of molecular magnets in a static magnetic field.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Propagation and interaction of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses in nonlinear media with a quadratic-cubic nonlinearity

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    Propagation of extremely short unipolar pulses of electromagnetic field ("videopulses") is considered in the framework of a model in which the material medium is represented by anharmonic oscillators (approximating bound electrons) with quadratic and cubic nonlinearities. Two families of exact analytical solutions (with positive or negative polarity) are found for the moving solitary pulses. Direct simulations demonstrate that the pulses are very robust against perturbations. Two unipolar pulses collide nearly elastically, while collisions between pulses with opposite polarities and a small relative velocity are inelastic, leading to emission of radiation and generation of a small-amplitude additional pulse.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Several New Active Galactic Nuclei Among X-ray Sources Detected by INTEGRAL and SWIFT Observatories

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    We present the results of the optical identifications of a set of X-ray sources from the all-sky surveys of INTEGRAL and SWIFT observatories. Optical data were obtained with Russian-Turkish 1.5-m Telescope (RTT150). Nine X-ray sources were identified as active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Two of them are hosted by nearby, nearly exactly edge-on, spiral galaxies MCG -01-05-047 and NGC 973. One source, IGR J16562-3301, is most probably BL Lac object (blazar). Other AGNs are observed as stellar-like nuclei of spiral galaxies, with broad emission lines in their spectra. For the majority of our hard X-ray selected AGNs, their hard X-ray luminosities are well-correlated with the luminosities in [OIII],5007 optical emission line. However, the luminosities of some AGNs deviate from this correlation. The fraction of these objects can be as high as 20%. In particular, the flux in [OIII] line turns to be lower in two nearby edge-on spiral galaxies, which can be explained by the extinction in their galactic disks.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy Letters, the original text in Russian can be found at http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/~rodion/poptid.pd

    Gravitational orientation of the orbital complex, Salyut-6--Soyuz

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    A simple mathematical model is proposed for the Salyut-6-Soyuz orbital complex motion with respect to the center of mass under the one-axis gravity-gradient orientation regime. This model was used for processing the measurements of the orbital complex motion parameters when the above orientation region was implemented. Some actual satellite motions are simulated and the satellite's aerodynamic parameters are determined. Estimates are obtained for the accuracy of measurements as well as that of the mathematical model

    Double-layered monopolar order in Tb2Ti2O7 spin liquid

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    Ho2Ti2O7 and Dy2Ti2O7 spin ices exhibit elementary excitations akin to magnetic monopoles. Here we focus on Tb2Ti2O7 spin liquid, where correlated magnetic moments keep fluctuating down to very low temperatures. Using a monopole picture, we have re-analyzed the field-induced magnetic structure previously determined by neutron diffraction in Tb2Ti2O7. We show that under a high field applied along a [110] direction, Tb2Ti2O7 orders as a three dimensional arrangement of monopole and antimonopole double layers. In contrast, Ho2Ti2O7 spin ice in the same conditions behaves as a monopole-free state. By symmetry analysis we derived the distortions compatible with the observed magnetic structure of Tb2Ti2O7 which can be related to the appearance of the double-layered monopolar order.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, submitted for publicatio

    X-ray line formation in the spectrum of SS 433

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    The mechanisms for the formation of X-ray lines in the spectrum of SS 433 are investigated by taking into account the radiative transfer inside the jets. The results of Monte Carlo numerical simulations are presented. The effect of a decrease in line intensity due to scattering inside the jet turns out to be pronounced, but it does not exceed 60% in magnitude on the entire grid of parameters. The line broadening due to scattering, nutational motion, and the contribution of satellites can lead to overestimates of the jet opening angle Θ\Theta from the line widths in Chandra X-ray observations. The fine structure of the lines turns out to be very sensitive to the scattering effects. This makes its investigation by planned X-ray observatories equipped with high-resolution spectrometers (primarily Astro-H) a powerful tool for diagnosing the parameters of the jets in SS 433.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, to be published in Astronomy Letters, v. 38, n. 7, p. 443 (2012