158 research outputs found

    Pengawasan Penerapan Upah Minimum Kota (Umk) di Kota Batam

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    Wage workers in Batam does not meet all our expectations, not supervised by the related parties. In fact many workers or workers who are not granted in accordance with the wage set by the government. Companies that violate not get strict sanctions. This phenomenon can not be allowed to continue because the wage is sought by the worker to resume his life. Not just wages but decent wages for life to workers or laborers.In theory oversight by Manullang, who says there are three indicators of supervision is setting standards, conducting judging, and perform corrective action. This study aims to determine supervision of the implementation of minimum wages cities (UMK) in the city of Batam.The research model used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. With Accidental sampling technique used, the key informant that the Department of Labor study of Batam.Based on the research that has been done, by referring to the concept of the theory that surveillance in Batam city is not optimal by the Department of Labor Batam.Terdapat some shortcomings such as in setting standards, malakukan assessment measures and corrective actions have not run with the maximum. It is caused by factors that can include lack of supervision supervisory personnel, a lack of understanding of employers and workers on the applicable rules, facilities and infrastructure and the lack of worker complaints.Keywords: Monitoring, Application of State Minimum Wage (UMK


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    The state in its capacity as a rule of law has a role in economic development. This researchis a doctrinal research used by historical and analytical approaches. With the occurrence of “TheGreat Depression”, the role of the state is needed in the welfare of its people so that the concept ofthe Welfare State is born. Although considered good, the policies of the Welfare State concept areconsidered detrimental to the state, especially in the economic field. The existence of the conceptof Good Governance, can always improve the economic system which begins with improvingthe bureaucratic system, namely by implementing deregulation and de-bureaucratization.Deregulation and de-bureaucratization are things that need to be implemented in order to realizepeople’s welfare in accordance with the characteristics of good governance

    Keputusan Pembelian Online melalui Aplikasi Shopee di Surakarta Ditinjau dari Kualitas Layanan, Online Customer Review dan Kepercayaan

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    Developments in the digital media era as of today, having an online business is indeed one of the most profitable things. Once the community recognizes the online transaction system, it is also known that the user rates of online buying and selling services are increasing. It's what makes online business segments drastically rising. Especially, nowadays more and more selling sites or online marketplace that special provide online buy and sell transactions such as Shopee. Study reserch uses a descriptive and causal approach with a quantitative approach. Questionnaires were used to obtain data from citizens living in all areas of Surakarta. Samples in this study uses of 100 respondents, the research was carried out throughout Surakarta and the time needed in this study was more or less for 3 months. The results of this study indicate that quality of service, online customer review variables and trust have a significant positive effect on online purchasing decision. Keyword: Quality of service, Customer review, Trust, Shope

    Ekstrak Metanol Daun Kemangi (Ocimum Basilicum) sebagai Anti Parasit Lintah Ikan (Piscicola Geometra) pada Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus)

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    The objective of this study was to analysis the effect of basil leaf (Ocimum basilicum) extract on the mortality of Piscicola geometra that infect tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus). The research was conducted at Brackishwater Aquaculture Development Center, Ujung Batee on June 2016. This research was designed using non factorial completely randomized design with six treatments of concentration i.e. 0; 20; 30; 40; 50 and 60 ppm at four repetitions. The result of ANOVA showed that the basil leaf extract gave the significant effect on the mortality of fish leech and tilapia (P<0.05). The optimum concentration of the extract in this study was found at 60 ppm that gave the fish leech mortality of 100% and tilapia fish of 15%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh ekstrak metanol daun kemanggi terhadap mortalitas lintah ikan (Ocimum basilicum ) yang mengeinfeksi ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Penelitian dilakukan di Balai Budidaya Air Payau Ujung Batee, Aceh Besar pada Juni 2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap, perlakuan yang diuji adalah perbedaan konsetrasi ektrak daun kemangi, yaitu: 0; 20; 30; 40; 50 dan 60 dengan masing-masing empat ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian ektrak dan kemangi berpengaruh nyata terhadap tingkat kematian lintah ikan dan ikan nila, dimna dosis yang optimum adalah 60 ppm dengan tingkat kematian lintah 100% dan tingkat kematian ikan 15%

    Analisis Kualitas Dem Dengan Membandingkan Metode Orthorektifikasi Memakai Citra Resolusi Tinggi (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Limbangan, Kabupaten Kendal, Jawa Tengah)

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    Satellite image of the currently used for large scale map.. To create a map with satellite imagery should be to data requires like data Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Ground Control Point (GCP) data. The use of DEM made for eliminate the effects of relief displacement in areas that have a high elevation. However, the use of different DEM data will determine the outcome otho image. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the quality of the DEM against the accuracy of horizontal (X and Y coordinates) ortho image by comparing the results of two mathematical models orthorectification and 2 different DEM data characteristics.DEM data are used that have two TerraSAR-X DEM and DEM SRTM 30m. The use of high-resolution DEM expected to improve the quality of ortho image. Data GCP at the scene of photo seven points plus 10 check point (ICP). In this study used a mathematical model that models orthorectification Toutin and Model RPC (Rational Polynomial coeficient). Model selection is performed for each model can be included information DEM and GCP. To analyze the effect of using the DEM data information check point. The results showed that the use of models Toutin with SRTM DEM have a smaller RMSE different DEM 0.01 meters compared with TerraSAR-X. And the other model RPC smallest RMSE values using TerraSAR-X DEM with the differences 0,028 meters then use SRTM. This shows that the use DEM to eliminate the shift relief less influence on the accuracy of the image upright. Results ortho image on each model has an accuracy of less than 2.5 meter. Key words : Orthorektifikasi, TerraSAR-X, WorldView2A, RMSE, Standard Deviation. *) Penulis Penanggung Jawa

    Struktur Vegetasi Dan Cadangan Karbon Tegakan Di Kawasan Hutan Cagar Alam Lembah Harau Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Sumatera Barat

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    Composition of plant species and the amount of carbon stocks stored in Nature Reserve Forest Lembah Harau at tree level and the level of the pole. The sampling intensity is 5 % of the total area of 270.5 ha. So that the total area of observation is 13.525 ha with a plot measuring 20 m x 100 m were 68 plots. In each plot were made sub-sub plot measuring 20 m x 20 m for tree and 10 m x 10 m for pole. Vegetation analysis use a combination of track method and swath line method, while the biomass estimation use non destructive sampling method. The results showed that 80 kinds of plants with a number of individuals as much as 246 individuals/ha. The highest important value indeks of tree species is Rhodelia teysmani with the value 53.33 %, while in the pole species is Nephelium mutabile with the value 46.30 %. The amount of carbon stocks stored in trees and poles are 62.57 ton/ha

    Penentuan Supplier Resin Dengan Menggunakan Analytical Network Process

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    Pengambilan keputusan multikriteria adalah proses pemilihan suatu alternatif terbaik dari beberapa allternatif yang ada berdasarkan sejumlah kriteria dari suatu permasalahan. Pemilihan supplier yang terjadi pada PT. KTI divisi particle board selama ini hanya bersifat objektif, sehingga terjadi berbagai permasalahan didalam produksi yang disebabkan kualitas bahan baku (resin) tidak sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan Perusahaan. Selain itu terjadi keterlambatan pengiriman, hal ini berpengaruh terhadap umur resin (live time resin) dimana kualitas resin juga akan menurun. Masalah yang lain ialah mengenai respon atau tanggapan dari supplier terhadap keluhan-keluhan Perusahaan. Setiap supplier resin memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihan dalam setiap kriterianya, ada 4 kriteria yang harus dipenuhi setiap supplier resin yaitu kualitas (Quality), pengiriman (Delivery), respon (Responsiveness) dan harga (Cost). Penelitian ini memodelkan hubungan saling mempengaruhi dan dependency antar kriteria dan alternatif supplier, menerjemahkan preferensi pengambilan keputusan dalam bentuk skala numeric dan mensintensis hasil berupa prioritas alternatif supplier. Metode ANP digunakan untuk memodelkan hubungan tersebut dan mendapatkan prioritas dari penilaian pengambil keputusan dengan pembentukkan super matriks. Super matriks didapatkan dari perbandingan berpasangan elemen yang dipengaruhi terhadap elemen yang mempengaruhinya. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah bobot prioritas global untuk alternatif supplier yang menunjukkan urutan terpilihnya. Suppiler PT PAI menduduki peringkat pertama, diikuti supplier PT. DOVER, dan urutan ketiga PT. ARUKI dan urutan keempat AICA