226 research outputs found

    The Near-Threshold Production of Phi Mesons in pp Collisions

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    The pp->pp phi reaction has been studied at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Juelich, using the internal beam and ANKE facility. Total cross sections have been determined at three excess energies epsilon near the production threshold. The differential cross section closest to threshold at epsilon=18.5 MeV exhibits a clear S-wave dominance as well as a noticeable effect due to the proton-proton final state interaction. Taken together with data for pp omega-production, a significant enhancement of the phi/omega ratio of a factor 8 is found compared to predictions based on the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka rule.Comment: 4 Pages, 3 Figures, 1 Table, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    The Straw Tube Trackers of the PANDA Experiment

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    The PANDA experiment will be built at the FAIR facility at Darmstadt (Germany) to perform accurate tests of the strong interaction through bar pp and bar pA annihilation's studies. To track charged particles, two systems consisting of a set of planar, closed-packed, self-supporting straw tube layers are under construction. The PANDA straw tubes will have also unique characteristics in term of material budget and performance. They consist of very thin mylar-aluminized cathodes which are made self-supporting by means of the operation gas-mixture over-pressure. This solution allows to reduce at maximum the weight of the mechanical support frame and hence the detector material budget. The PANDA straw tube central tracker will not only reconstruct charged particle trajectories, but also will help in low momentum (< 1 GeV) particle identification via dE/dx measurements. This is a quite new approach that PANDA tracking group has first tested with detailed Monte Carlo simulations, and then with experimental tests of detector prototypes. This paper addresses the design issues of the PANDA straw tube trackers and the performance obtained in prototype tests.Comment: 7 pages,16 figure

    Zmniejszanie osoczowego stężenia płytkopodobnego czynnika wzrostu przez duże dawki simwastatyny nie wpływa na stężenia markerów aktywacji immunologicznej

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    Wstęp: Korzystny efekt wczesnego stosowania statyn w ostrych zespołach wieńcowych (ACS) może wynikać z ich działania przeciwzapalnego i przeciwpłytkowego. Celem przedstawionego badania było porównanie wpływu standardowych i dużych dawek statyn w ACS na osoczowe wskaźniki markerów aktywacji płytek i układu immunologicznego. Materiał i metody: Czterdziestu czterech pacjentów z ACS leczonych przezskórną angioplastyka wieńcową przydzielono do 2 grup: S(+) - 22 chorych otrzymujących duże dawki simwastatyny (80 mg/d.) przez 1 miesiąc od wystąpienia ACS oraz S(&#8211;) - 22 pacjentów leczonych standardowymi dawkami statyn. Laboratoryjne oznaczenia obejmowały określenie stężeń w surowicy krwi: TNF-&#945;, sTNFR 1 i 2, IL-2, IL-10 oraz PDGF wyjściowo, po 7. i 30. dniu od wystąpienia ostrego zespołu wieńcowego. Wyniki: Przebieg kliniczny ACS i wyjściowe stężenia ocenianych markerów były porównywalne w badanych grupach. Nie odnotowano różnic w kolejnych oznaczeniach stężeń TNF-&#945;, sTNFR 1, sTNFR 2, IL-2 i IL-10. Stężenie PDGF korelowało negatywnie z terapią dużą dawką simwastatyny (r = &#8211;0,416; p = 0,014) i było istotnie mniejsze w 7. i 30. dniu w grupie S(+) (odpowiednio: 6111 &plusmn; 1834 pg/ml; p = 0,037 i 5735 &plusmn; 1089 pg/ml; p = 0,016) w porównaniu z grupą S(&#8211;) (odpowiednio: 7292 &plusmn; 1952 pg/ml; 7034 &plusmn; 2008 pg/ml). Wnioski: Stosowanie dużych dawek simwastatyny w ciągu 1 miesiąca od ACS wiąże się z istotnym obniżeniem osoczowego stężenia PDGF, natomiast nie wpływa na wartości stężeń innych markerów aktywacji immunologicznej

    Dispersion management in nonlinear photonic crystal fibres with nanostructured core

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    The subwavelength structure of the core of a photonic crystal fibre can modify its dispersion characteristic and significantly shift the zero dispersion wavelength. The dispersion properties of photonic crystal fibres with core structures made of a 2D lattice of subwavelength air holes and various glass inclusions are studied. We show that a modification of the core structure can give flat dispersion over a range of over 300 nm and can shift the zero dispersion wavelength over 700 nm while the core diameter and photonic cladding remain unchanged. The developed photonic crystal fibre with nanorod core has successfully demonstrated supercontinuum generation in NIR

    Neutron-Proton Scattering in the Context of the dd^*(2380) Resonance

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    New data on quasifree polarized neutron-proton scattering, in the region of the recently observed dd^* resonance structure, have been obtained by exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements with WASA at COSY. This paper details the determination of the beam polarization, checks of the quasifree character of the scattering process, on all obtained AyA_y angular distributions and on the new partial-wave analysis, which includes the new data producing a resonance pole in the 3D3^3D_3-3G3^3G_3 coupled partial waves at (2380±10i40±52380\pm10 - i40\pm5) MeV -- in accordance with the dd^* dibaryon resonance hypothesis. The effect of the new partial-wave solution on the description of total and differential cross section data as well as specific combinations of spin-correlation and spin-transfer observables available from COSY-ANKE measurements at TdT_d = 2.27 GeV is discussed

    Evidence for a New Resonance from Polarized Neutron-Proton Scattering

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    Exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements of quasifree polarized np\vec{n}p scattering have been performed in the energy region of the narrow resonance structure dd^* with I(JP)=0(3+)I(J^P) = 0(3^+), MM \approx 2380 MeV/c2c^2 and Γ\Gamma \approx 70 MeV observed recently in the double-pionic fusion channels pndπ0π0pn \to d\pi^0\pi^0 and pndπ+πpn \to d\pi^+\pi^-. The experiment was carried out with the WASA detector setup at COSY having a polarized deuteron beam impinged on the hydrogen pellet target and utilizing the quasifree process dpnp+pspectator\vec{d}p \to np + p_{spectator}. That way the npnp analyzing power AyA_y was measured over a large angular range. The obtained AyA_y angular distributions deviate systematically from the current SAID SP07 NN partial-wave solution. Incorporating the new AyA_y data into the SAID analysis produces a pole in the 3D33G3^3D_3 - ^3G_3 waves as expected from the dd^* resonance hypothesis

    Search for eta-mesic 4He in the dd->3He n pi0 and dd->3He p pi- reactions with the WASA-at-COSY facility

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    The search for 4He-eta bound states was performed with the WASA-at-COSY facility via the measurement of the excitation function for the dd->3He n pi0 and dd->3He p pi- processes. The beam momentum was varied continuously between 2.127 GeV/c and 2.422 GeV/c, corresponding to the excess energy for the dd->4He eta reaction ranging from Q=-70 MeV to Q=30 MeV. The luminosity was determined based on the dd->3He n reaction and quasi-free proton-proton scattering via dd->pp n_spectator n_spectator reactions. The excitation functions determined independently for the measured reactions do not reveal a structure which could be interpreted as a narrow mesic nucleus. Therefore, the upper limits of the total cross sections for the bound state production and decay in dd->(4He-eta)_bound->3He n pi0 and dd->(4He-eta)_bound->3He p pi- processes were determined taking into account the isospin relation between both the channels considered. The results of the analysis depend on the assumptions of the N* momentum distribution in the anticipated mesic-4He. Assuming as in the previous works, that this is identical with the distribution of nucleons bound with 20 MeV in 4He, we determined that (for the mesic bound state width in the range from 5 MeV to 50 MeV) the upper limits at 90% confidence level are about 3 nb and about 6 nb for npi0 and ppi- channels, respectively. However, based on the recent theoretical findings of the N*(1535) momentum distribution in the N*-3He nucleus bound by 3.6 MeV, we find that the WASA-at-COSY detector acceptance decreases and hence the corresponding upper limits are 5 nb and 10 nb for npi0 and ppi- channels respectively.Comment: This article will be submitted to JHE

    Forward K+ production in subthreshold pA collisions at 1.0 GeV

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    K+ meson production in pA (A = C, Cu, Au) collisions has been studied using the ANKE spectrometer at an internal target position of the COSY-Juelich accelerator. The complete momentum spectrum of kaons emitted at forward angles, theta < 12 degrees, has been measured for a beam energy of T(p)=1.0 GeV, far below the free NN threshold of 1.58 GeV. The spectrum does not follow a thermal distribution at low kaon momenta and the larger momenta reflect a high degree of collectivity in the target nucleus.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure