21 research outputs found

    Effect of the qualitative composition of a high-fat diet in rats with systemic inflammatory response syndrome upon myocardial resistance to ischemic-reperfusion injury and cytokine levels

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    Overweight and obesity are among the main factors of cardiovascular risk, but the prospective studies on the dependence between high-fat diets and weight gain yielded contradictory results. Different types of fats exert varying metabolic effects, and this fact leads to a difference in the risk associated with increasing body weight. The effects of fat quality in the daily diet on immunological status and resistance of myocardium to ischemic-reperfusion damage should be studied experimentally in biomedical models. The purpose of this work was to assess the effect of the qualitative composition of a high-fat diet used for induction of primary visceral obesity (PVO) in rats with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) upon myocardial resistance to ischemic-reperfusion injury, and levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines.The experiments were performed on adult male Wistar rats with PVO caused by 28-day consumption of any fat types: hydrogenated fats (HF), vegetable oils (VO), animal fats (AF) or milk fat (MF). The SIRS model included a combination of chemically induced colitis (CIC) and intragastric injection of a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent (AMA) for three days. Five days later, immunological and biochemical studies were conducted, as well as composition of intestinal microbiota in faecal samples, morphological changes in the structure of the large intestine, hemodynamic parameters and myocardial resistance to ischemic-reperfusion injury were studied in the model of isolated heart perfusion, by Langendorff technique.There was a significant increase in the concentration of anti-inflammatory cytokines in animals with SIRS, i.e., TNFα, IL-1α, IL-2, IL-8, as well as a decrease in TGF-1β, an anti-inflammatory cytokine. SIRS was accompanied by severe dietary disorders and evacuatory function of the gastrointestinal tract. Minimal changes in the intestinal microbiota composition, as well as the most pronounced regeneration signs of intestinal epithelium was observed in rats in the group with MF injection. There was a trend for increasing size of infarction in all the groups as compared with control, directly correlating with increase in BDNF and IL-2 production. However, a significant increase in the infarction size was found only in the group receiving milkfat, thus suggesting a decrease in myocardial resistance to ischemic reperfusion injury (IRI).Thus, the presence of SIRS in the primary obesity model is characterized by controllable change of inflammation markers and depends on the quality of dietary fats. The degree of morphofunctional deterioration of isolated heart, including a decrease in resistance to ischemia-reperfusion injury, correlates with the concentration of BDNF and IL-2 during the studied observation terms

    Gonad Differentiation at the Beginning of Prefetal Period of Human Ontogenesis

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    The peculiarities of the gonad differentiation at the beginning of prefetal period of human ontogenesis were studied by means of morpholodical methods. In prefetuses 14-15 mm PCL right gonad was long oval and situated obliquely in the abdomen, and left gonad was bean-shaped and placed in nearly vertical position in the abdominal cavity. Length of embryonic kidney prevailed the length of the gonad both on the right and on the left. The anlage of mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts surrounded by a dense layer of mesenchyme was clearly determined at this stage. At the same time, further gonad differentiation process by gender was not possible to determine according to the morphological characteristics of structures. Gonads of these age group prefetuses were connected to the mesonephros with mesenchymal crus of different lengths and thicknesses.At the beginning of the prefetal period (prefetuses 16.0-21.0 mm PCL) of development there appeared certain morphological signs of gonad differentiation in the form of mesenchymal cells condensation. Those cells formed round cell groups on the general background of gonads stroma which were separated by partitions of loosely placed mesenchymal cells with much smaller nuclei. Appearance of morphological characteristics in the gonad stroma of the prefetuses 16.0 mm PCL was accompanied by sufficiently clear predominance of paramesonephric duct lumen over mesonefric ducts. With the beginning of the gonad sexual differentiation in female prefetuses primary genital cords formed ovarian mash which eventually degenerated. After the degeneration of ovarian mahses secondary genital cords were formed which were filled with the primary germ cells.At the same time ovary white membrane is not clearly expressed. Secondary genital cord are separated with rapidly proliferating mesenchymal cells on apart cell clusters which surround the primary cells. At this stage of development a slight increase in the size of the gonad is marked and their internal structure is much more complicated. Studies have shown that only the middle area of gonadal ridge is the source of the ovary development. Cranial part of the gonadal ridge is involved in the formation of suspensory ligament of ovary and caudal one is transformed into its own ligament of ovary.This study completes the existing data on embryogenesis and gonad formation, its topography helps to better elucidate their structural organization during fetal development, it is important to determine the morphological peculiarities of some congenital defects. The received results are the morphological basis for decisive elaborating of new methods of prediction, diagnosis and treatment of ovarian and have clinical orientation. The data can be used in screening laboratories to determine the degree of fetal development and prenatal diagnosis of deviations from normal development

    Stability of Ready-to-Use and Laboratory-Prepared Culture Media

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    The culture media quality, which depends to a large extent on growth promotion properties, determines the reliability and accuracy of test results obtained by microbiological methods. The procedure for culture media preparation is quite labourconsuming and includes several stages: successive dissolution of components exactly as specified in the recipe (qualitative and quantitative composition), sterilisation, adjusting the pH of the medium, and testing of growth promotion properties—therefore it is important to demonstrate the stability of each particular culture medium.The aim of the study was to evaluate growth promotion properties of the culture media prepared in the laboratory from a dry mixture, and to assess their stability during long-term storage.Materials and methods: stability testing was performed for fluid thioglycollate medium (FTM) and soybean-casein digest broth (SCD) prepared in the laboratory. FTM growth promotion properties were tested  using the following test microorganisms: Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633,  Clostridium sporogenes ATCC 19404, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027,  Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538. SCD growth promotion properties were  tested using: Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC 16404, Candida albicans ATCC  10231, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633. The stability study was carried out for 6  months, assessing changes in appearance and growth promotion properties. The test media were stored at room temperature and in a refrigerator at 2–8 °C.Results: no growth of the anaerobic microorganism Clostridium sporogenes was observed in FTM after 3 months, regardless of storage conditions. Later on, there was no growth of the gram-positive microorganisms Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus, which are more sensitive to the storage conditions than Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The growth promotion properties of the SCD prepared in the laboratory did not change during 6 months of storage.Conclusions: FTM prepared from a dry mixture remains stable and retains its growth promotion properties for no more than two months when stored in a refrigerator at 2–8 °C. SCD can remain stable for 6 months, both at room temperature and when stored in the refrigerator

    Assessment of weather conditions on the radioactive aerosol characteristics in the ventilation system "Bypass" of the object "Ukryttya" during the period of 2003 - 2012 years

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    Quantitative results of the statistical analysis of the impact of weather conditions (temperature and humidity of air, speed and direction of wind) near ChNPP on the characteristics of radioactive aerosols in the ventilation system “Bypass” has been presented. It is shown that the accounting of weather conditions allows explaining to 20 % of observed variability of these characteristics. It testifies to existence of additional factors of influencing on dynamic characteristics of the radioactive aerosol in the “Bypass” system

    Statistical analysis of characteristics of radioactive aerosol in the ventilation system "Bypass" of object "Ukryttya" during the period of 2003–2012 years

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    Results of the statistical analysis of dynamics of parameters of a radioactive aerosol in ventilating Bypass system during 2003 - 2012 have been presented. For volume concentration of aerosol carriers of activity 137Cs, 241Am and sums of -emitting nuclide the distinct exponential global trends were established. Quantitative esti-mates of seasonal trend component of characteristics of radioactive aerosol in the "Bypass" were received

    Plan of action for carbapenem antibiotics sterility testing

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    The article proposes a plan of action for assessing effectiveness and reliability of sterility testing in terms of neutralization of antimicrobial activity of residual amounts of antibiotics remaining on the membrane filters during the analysis. It was demonstrated that the proposed plan of action helps to select appropriate test conditions that rule out the possibility of obtaining false negative results for antibiotics with high biological activity that are capable of sticking to membrane filters. The article demonstrates the need for a stepwise experimental selection of test conditions using different test microorganisms in order to determine a combination of several methods for neutralization of residual amounts of antibiotics which helps to reduce costs, given that satisfactory results may be obtained at any stage depending on the nature of an antibiotic drug. The article explicitly substantiates all stages involved in determination of the completeness of membrane filters cleaning from residual amounts of antibiotics using the example of meropenem. Based on results of experiments test conditions were selected for meropenem products that ensured reliable results of sterility testing


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    Purpose - to systematize knowledge about the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)and study the patterns of the muscles' compressors formation of the digestive system. Toprove the necessity of this topic. To investigate the basic mechanisms of the small andlarge intestine sphincters.Conclusions. Muscle-compressors of the digestive system are an integral part of a healthydigestive process. The exact consistency of the gastrointestinal tract sphincters' work(GIT) is of great importance. The absence of such auxiliary components as sphincters is aprerequisite for the development of the most pathological conditions of gastroenterological patients.Цель работы - систематизировать знания об органах желудочно-кишечного тракта (ЖКТ) и изучить закономерности формирования мышц-сжимателей органовпищеварительной системы. Доказать необходимость данной темы. Исследоватьосновные механизмы работы сфинктеров тонкой и толстой кишки.Выводы. Мышцы-сжиматели органов пищеварительной системы являютсянеотъемлемой составляющей здорового процесса пищеварения.Важное значение имеет точная согласованность работы сфинктеров ЖКТ.Отсутствие таких вспомогательных компонентов, как сфинктеры являетсяпредпосылкой развития большинства патологических состояний гастроэнтерологических больных.Мета роботи - систематизувати знання про органи шлунково-кишкового тракту(ШКТ) та вивчити закономірності формування м`язів-стискачів органів травноїсистеми. Довести необхідність поданої теми. Дослідити основні механізми роботисфінктерів тонкої і товстої кишки.Висновки. М`язи-стискачі органів травної системи є невід`ємною складовоюздорового процесу травлення.Важливе значення має точна узгодженість роботи сфінктерів ШКТ.Відсутність таких допоміжних компонентів, як сфінктери є передумовою розвиткубільшості патологічних станів гастроентерологічних хворих

    Environmental behaviour of radioactive particles from chernobyl

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    International audienceLong-term environmental behaviour of radioactive particles released during the Chernobyl accident and deposited in sandy topsoil in Ivankiv district of Kyiv Region (Ukraine), in radioactive trench waste materials from the Red forest, and in bottom sediments from the Cooling pond has been assessed. The efficiency of the models describing the dissolution/weathering rates of U fuel particles developed 15–20 years ago was tested, and their predictions for the dynamics of remobilization, mobility and plants uptake of 90Sr were confirmed. It was found that at present in the topsoil and in radioactive trench waste material, total dissolution of fuel particles of low chemical stability (UO2+x) has occurred and about half of the non-oxidized chemically stable fuel particles (UO2) has also dissolved, indicating radiological stabilization of the environment and that the mobile fraction of radionuclides would be reduced in the future. The biological availability of 90Sr in topsoil due to fuel particles dissolution has reached maximum values and further decrease is expected. The presence of chemically extra-stable fuel particles (U-Zry-Ox) in environments should be taken into account when the total radionuclides activity concentrations are assessed during radioactive materials management. It was shown that nearly half of the 90Sr activity remained as part of the non-dissolved UO2 fuel particles at the time of the study. Taking into consideration that 31 ± 4% of the radionuclide activities were still associated with non-dissolved chemically extra-stable particles (U-Zry-Ox) in radioactive trench waste materials from the Red forest, increased dissolution should not be expected in the near future. The physico-chemical form of radionuclides in air exposed sediments from the Cooling pond were determined, and results showed that about 70–80% of total 90Sr, 241Am and plutonium isotopes activity were associated with U fuel particles. The low dissolution rate of radionuclides from the pond sediments is attributed to prolonged slightly alkaline pH in the medium due to zebra mussel residues. According to new data, the emission value of 238Pu associated with fuel particles released during the Chernobyl accident amounted to 1.8 × 1013Bq (1.2% of the activity in the reactor) and 90Sr amounted to 2.6 × 1015Bq (1.5% of the activity in the reactor). © 2019 Elsevier Lt

    Evaluation of the parameters of migration of the uranium series radionuclides in the tailings of the Pridneprovskiy chemical plant

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    Results of investigations of sludge samples collected from the body of five tailings of the Pridneprovskiy chemical plant ("West", "Central Yar", "South-East", "Dniprovske", "Suhachivske") are presented. The depend-ence of the radionuclides distribution coefficients in the tailings on pH was revealed. Form and degree of еру oxidation of uranium in the tailings were estimated