824 research outputs found

    Nutrição mineral de bovinos de corte no Pantanal Mato-Grossense. V. Levantamento de macronutrientes na sub-região de Aquidauana.

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    Foram analizadas amostras de solo, plantas forrageiras e tecido animal de vacas de lactação, coletadas em novembro de 1982 e maio e agosto de 1983

    Nutrição mineral de bovinos de corte no Pantanal Mato-Grossense. VI. Levantamento de micronutrientes na sub-região de Aquidauana.

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    Foram analisados Fe, Mn, Cu e Zn em amostras de solo, plantas forrageiras e figado de vacas nelaradas em lactação, coletadas em novembro de 1982, maio e agosto de 1983. Solos e plantas foram coletadas em cinco unidades de pastagens

    Deficiência de cálcio em bovinos no Pantanal - Brasil.

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    Levantamentos sistemáticos de teores de minerais em solos, forrageiras, tecidos de bovinos, com o objetivo de obter dados para a formulação de suplementos minerais específicos para o Pantanal. Os levantamentos consistiram de amostragens realizadas em quatro épocas do ano

    Nutrição mineral de bovinos de corte do Pantanal Mato-Grossense: 2. Micronutrientes na Nhecolandia (Parte Central).

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    Realatam-se resultados de analise de solos, agua, e gramineas nativas, coletadas em 1979, maio/80 e ago/80, e de figado de bovinos, nessas epocas e em fev/80, na sub-regiao de Nhecolandia, do Pantanal Mato-Grossense. Solos e gramineas foram coletados em cino unidades de paisagem : mata, cerrado, caronal, campo limpo e lagoa. Os resultados sugerem a possibilidade de ocorrencia de toxidez de ferro e manganes, durante /apos o periodo de inundacao, e de deficiencias de cobre e zinco, em determinadas epocas, na sub-regiao abrangida

    Nutrição mineral de bovinos de corte no pantanal Mato-Grossense. IV. Levantamento de micronutrientes no baixo Piquiri.

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    Foram analisados Cu,Fe,Mn e Zn em amostras de solo, plantas forrageiras e figado de vacas neloradas em lactacao da zona do baixo Piquiri, no Pantanal Mato-Grossense. Solos e forrageiras foram coletados no campo cerrado , campo limpo e cerrado/mata, em agosto e novembro /81, e figado, nestas epocas e em marco e maio/82

    Nutrição mineral de bovinos de corte no pantanal Mato-Grossense. III. Levantamento de macronutrientes no Baixo Piquiri.

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    Relatam-se resultados de analises de amostras de solo, plantas forrageiras e osso de bovinos coletados no Baixo Piquiri, no Pantanal Mato-Grossense, em tres unidades de paisagem: campo cerrado, campo limpo e cerrado/mata

    A diversity of dusty AGN tori: Data release for the VLTI/MIDI AGN Large Program and first results for 23 galaxies

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    The AGN-heated dust distribution (the "torus") is increasingly recognized not only as the absorber required in unifying models, but as a tracer for the reservoir that feeds the nuclear Super-Massive Black Hole. Yet, even its most basic structural properties (such as its extent, geometry and elongation) are unknown for all but a few archetypal objects. Since most AGNs are unresolved in the mid-infrared, we utilize the MID-infrared interferometric Instrument (MIDI) at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) that is sensitive to structures as small as a few milli-arcseconds (mas). We present here an extensive amount of new interferometric observations from the MIDI AGN Large Program (2009 - 2011) and add data from the archive to give a complete view of the existing MIDI observations of AGNs. Additionally, we have obtained high-quality mid-infrared spectra from VLT/VISIR. We present correlated and total flux spectra for 23 AGNs and derive flux and size estimates at 12 micron using simple axisymmetric geometrical models. Perhaps the most surprising result is the relatively high level of unresolved flux and its large scatter: The median "point source fraction" is 70 % for type 1 and 47 % for type 2 AGNs meaning that a large part of the flux is concentrated on scales smaller than about 5 mas (0.1 - 10 pc). Among sources observed with similar spatial resolution, it varies from 20 % - 100 %. For 18 of the sources, two nuclear components can be distinguished in the radial fits. While these models provide good fits to all but the brightest sources, significant elongations are detected in eight sources. The half-light radii of the fainter sources are smaller than expected from the size ~ L^0.5 scaling of the bright sources and show a large scatter, especially when compared to the relatively tight size--luminosity relation in the near-infrared.Comment: A&A in press; 93 pages, 63 figures, 39 tables; data available only via CD

    1/m_b^2 correction to the left-right lepton polarization asymmetry in the decay B -> X_s mu^+ mu^-

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    Using a known result by Falk et al. for the 1/m_b^2 correction to the dilepton invariant mass spectrum in the decay B \rightarrow X_s \mu^+ \mu^-, we calculate the 1/m_b^2 correction to the left-right muon polarization asymmetry in this decay. Employing an up-to-date range of values for the non-perturbative parameter \lambda_1, we find that the correction is much smaller than it should have been expected from the previous work by Falk et al.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures included. Uses epsf.sty and rotate.sty. To appear in Physical Review D. The complete postscript file is also available from URL ftp://feynman.t30.physik.tu-muenchen.de/pub/preprints/ tum_t31_98_96.ps.g