5 research outputs found


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    Pork meat consumption and its products are constrained by high fat content, particularly high composition of saturated fatty acids. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of indigenous micro-organism (IMO) treatment of deep litter floor, on nutrient content in pork of pigs raised on IMO treated and untreated deep litter floor. Twenty four three-months old pigs (Large White x Landrace) were raised on deep litter floor; one floor type treated with IMO solution and the control not treated. Significant (P<0.05) differences were observed in the amount of saturated, monounsaturated, poly-unsaturated, cis, trans and omega-6, 7 and 9 fatty acids in pork of pigs raised on IMO treated and untreated deep litter floor; with more unsaturated fatty acids in pork of pigs raised on deep litter floor without IMO treatment (63%) than pigs kept on deep litter floor with IMO (37%). Therefore, deep litter floor treatment with IMO solution does not affect nutrient contents in pork, but enhances the composition of unsaturated fatty acids. Further research should be conducted on the mechanisms by which deep litter floor whether treated or untreated with IMO solution modifies fatty acids composition in pork.La consommation de viande de porc et de ses produits est contrainte par une teneur \ue9lev\ue9e en mati\ue8res grasses, en particulier une composition \ue9lev\ue9e d\u2019acides gras satur\ue9s. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9tudier l\u2019effet du traitement par micro-organismes indig\ue8nes (OMI) du planche de liti\ue8re profonde, sur la teneur en \ue9l\ue9ments nutritifs du porc de porcs \ue9lev\ue9s sur un planche de liti\ue8re profonde trait\ue9 et non trait\ue9 par l\u2019OMI. Vingt-quatre porcs de trois mois (Large White x Landrace) ont \ue9t\ue9 \ue9lev\ue9s sur une liti\ue8re profonde; un type de planche trait\ue9 avec une solution IMO et le t\ue9moin non trait\ue9. Des diff\ue9rences significatives (P <0,05) ont \ue9t\ue9 observ\ue9es dans la quantit\ue9 d\u2019acides gras satur\ue9s, mono-insatur\ue9s, poly-insatur\ue9s, cis, trans et om\ue9ga-6, 7 et 9 dans le porc de porcs \ue9lev\ue9s sur un planche de liti\ue8re profonde trait\ue9e et non trait\ue9e par l\u2019OMI; avec plus d\u2019acides gras insatur\ue9s dans le porc de porcs \ue9lev\ue9s sur liti\ue8re profonde sans traitement OMI (63%) que les porcs \ue9lev\ue9s sur liti\ue8re profonde avec OMI (37%). Par cons\ue9quent, le traitement de planche profond avec une solution IMO n\u2019affecte pas la teneur en nutriments du porc, mais am\ue9liore la composition des acides gras insatur\ue9s. Des recherches suppl\ue9mentaires devraient \ueatre men\ue9es sur les m\ue9canismes par lesquels la liti\ue8re profonde, qu\u2019elle soit trait\ue9e ou non avec une solution IMO, modifie la composition des acides gras dans le porc

    Seasonal variability in food and nutrition security among children 0-3 years in Karamoja sub-region of Uganda

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    Optimal nutrition and good feeding of infants and young children are among the most important determinants of their health, growth and development. Due to unimodal climate in Karamoja sub-region, north eastern Uganda, achieving food security remains a development challenge in the area impacting negatively on the nutrition and health status of infants and young children. The current study, therefore, is important in providing the basis for season-based interventions to improve food and nutrition security in Karamoja sub-region. A longitudinal study involving 267 lactating mothers during harvesting season and 380 during planting season was conducted. Data were collected using Individual level Dietary Diversity questionnaire, 24-Hour Dietary Recall, and Anthropometry and were analyzed statistically. The findings indicated that except Abim district, 77.8-97.8%of the lactating mothers never attended school; 75- 100% depend on subsistence farming. Lactating mothers (29.9-41.9%) introduced complementary foods to their infants at 6 months, while the age at first introduction of any food to the infant was mostly between 4-6 months. Dietary quality of complementary foods was low across all the districts; 6.7-38.9% of the children ate foods from four or more of the seven food groups in the previous day (Minimum Dietary Diversity) in both seasons. Complementary foods were characterized by plant food sources. With exception of milk and milk products, proportion of children who consumed animal-sourced foods was low, ranging from 0% in meats to 8.9% in fish and sea foods. Energy and nutrient intakes varied according to age groups of the children across districts and season. The proportion of children below -2 Z-score also varied according to districts and it is generally higher during the planting season than the harvesting season. The median of the z-scores for height-for age and Mid Upper Arm Circumference for age ranged from -1 to -2.5. In conclusion, there were variations and disparities in dietary diversity, energy and nutrient intake as well as nutrition status of infants and young children across season and districts in Karamoja sub-region of Uganda. Therefore, interventions to combat malnutrition among children 0-3 years need to take into account seasonal variations for each of the geographical locations in Karamoja sub-region

    Understanding intra-community disparity in food and nutrition security in a generally food insecure part of eastern Africa

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    Food and nutrition insecurity continues to be one of the major development challenges in sub-Saharan Africa and other developing regions of the world. Karamoja sub-region, located in northern Uganda, is one of the poorest and most food insecure part of Eastern Africa. Previous studies have generalized the sub-region as food insecure. However, limited attention has been paid to locational differences in the food and nutrition security situation within this culturally and ecologically diverse part of the country. A crosssectional study design was used to examine at a community level, disparity in food and nutrition security situation among communities in Kotido and Moroto districts of the Karamoja sub-region. The study investigated the status of agricultural production, dietary habits and food security situation using individual household survey, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, household food insecurity access scale (HFIAS) and food insecurity coping strategy index (CSI). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, and correlation and regression methods, at 5 % level of significance. The results showed that irrespective of ethnic differences, majority of households (78.8%) consumed less than 3 meals 24 hours preceding the interview. Generally, agricultural production was inadequate to support household food security and less than 30% of the households had adequate calorie intake. However, calorie intake adequacy was at least three (3) times higher in Kotido than in Moroto district. Plant foods were more frequently consumed than animal-source foods. At least 57% and 73% of households in Kotido and Moroto districts, respectively, never consumed fish. Food security was generally predicted by household size, ownership of food stores, occupation of household caregivers, number of livestock (especially goats) owned by households, time taken to fetch water (related to distance to water source) and sorghum production. Whereas it is generally known that Karamoja sub-region is highly food insecure, this study has demonstrated that communities in Moroto district are worse-off than those in Kotido district. Therefore, community-level characteristics ought to be an essential baseline consideration in designing food and nutrition interventions in Karamoja, and indeed in food insecure localities in general.Keywords: Karamoja, Eastern Africa, dietary practices, coping strategies, animal source food