53 research outputs found


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    В статье рассмотрены особенности проявлений волевых качеств и самоконтроля несовершеннолетних, находящихся в трудной жизненной ситуацииThe article discusses the features of the manifestations of volitional qualities and self-control of minors in difficult life situation

    Principles of forming a modern accounting and analytical model of commercial organization in digital economy

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    Purpose: The article presents basic methodological approaches to the creation of a new model of forming and functioning of the accounting and analytical system to meet the information needs of internal and external stakeholders of organizations. Design/Approach/Methodology: Substantiation of the principles of building a system for accounting and analytical information management that meets current conditions for the business functioning using modern hardware and software. Findings: The developed model of cascade functioning of organization’s information support system optimizes the structure and content of accounting and analytical modules, contributes to the effective implementation of management functions, timely control and rapid response to the impact of negative factors. Practical implications: The principles of information flow management system constructing formulated in the article contribute to optimization of expenses for organization of accounting and analytical functions, improvement of quality of financial and non-financial reporting, realistic assessment and forecasting of business efficiency. Originality/Value: The proposed new model for constructing an accounting and analytical information base allows to improve the procedures of collection, processing, storage and disclosure of financial and non-financial information, to create a balanced structure of the database on the basis of cascade digitization of primary and derived data.peer-reviewe

    Features of temporary prospects of professional self-determination of seniors on the basis of gender approach

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    In article the interrelation of temporary prospects of professional self-determination of seniors in aspect of gender approach is consideredРассматривается взаимосвязь временных перспектив профессионального самоопределения старшеклассников в аспекте гендерного подход

    Evaluation of supramolecular complex of fenbendazole effect on embryonic development

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    The purpose of the research is to study the embryotropic effect of supramolecular complex of fenbendazole (SMСF).Materials and methods. The experiment to assess the embryotropic properties of SMCF was carried out on 40 white female and 20 male rats in accordance with the Guidelines for the experimental (preclinical) study of new pharmacological substances. Pregnant female rats were divided into 3 experimental and one control groups. SMCF was administered intragastrically on the 1–6 days of embryogenesis (group 1); on the 7–14 days (group 2) and on the 15–19 days (group 3) in three times therapeutic dose – 6,0 mg/kg of active substance. The animals of the control group received saline from the first to the 19th days of pregnancy. Rats were euthanized on the 20th day of pregnancy. The uterus with fetuses was removed after laparotomy, the number of corpora lutea, implantation sites, the number of living, dead and resorbed fetuses were recorded, the weight and diameter of the placenta were determined. The embryos were examined, weighed, the craniocaudal sizes were determined, the levels of total embryonic, preimplantation and postimplantation embryo death were calculated. The fetuses were examined for abnormalities of internal organs and changes in the skeletal system according to the methods of J. G. Wilson (1965) and A. B. Dawson (1926), modified in the department of embryology of the IEM of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.Results and discussion. As a result, SMCF does not induce toxic effects on the fetus: mortality rates, size and weight of embryos were at the level of the control group in a threefold therapeutic dose 6,0 mg/kg at intragastric administration on the 1–6; 7–14 and 15–19 days of pregnancy. SMCF did not cause external and internal malformations

    Effects of <i>Trichinella spiralis</i> and <i>Echinococcus multilocularis</i> extracts after single and multiple injections on mitosis and hematological and biochemical parameters of mice

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    The purpose of the research is to study effects of Trichinella spiralis and Echinococcus multilocularis extracts on mitosis in a bone marrow cell population, and on hematological and biochemical blood parameters of mice after single and multiple intraperitoneal injections.Materials and methods. The experiment was conducted on outbred male mice. The T. spiralis and E. multilocularis extracts were administered intraperitoneally once or multiple times daily for 10 days at a dose of 80 μg/mouse. Bone marrow cell isolation, microscopic preparations, mitotic index and individual stage determination were made as described in the literature (Ford C. E., Hamerton J. L., 1956). The mouse main peripheral blood parameters were determined with a MicroCC-20 Plus hematological analyzer, and the leucogram was determined by a conventional method. Biochemical blood parameters of the mice were determined with a Clima MC-15 analyzer.Results and discussion. The T. spiralis and E. multilocularis extracts after a single intraperitoneal injection at a dose of 80 μg/ mouse had a pronounced negative effect on the mouse bone marrow cell mitosis with the cell division terminated in the metaphase and a decreased proportion of other mitosis stages. Characteristics were detected of the effects made by the T. spiralis and E. multilocularis extracts on the mouse bone marrow cell mitosis after multiple administration for 10 days. In the reinjection mode of the test extracts to the mice, hematological and biochemical parameters did not change


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    The purpose of the research is to study the immunotoxic properties of the supramolecular complex of fenbendazole (CMF).Materials and methods. The study of the immunotoxic properties of SMF was performed using the agglutination reaction and delayed-type hypersensitivity. In each experimental group, there were 7–8 CBA × C57BL / 6 mice weighing 16–18 g. The CMF was administered once intragastrically at a therapeutic dose of 20 mg/kg for the active substance, in a tenfold dose – 200 mg/kg, the basic drug – fenbendazol asked in a tenfold dose of 20 mg/kg. Control groups of animals received starch paste. Then the mice were immunized intraperitoneally with a 3 % suspension of sheep erythrocytes (test antigen) and distributed into 8 groups. The effect of drugs on antibody production was determined in the hemagglutination reaction, the antibody titer in the serum in the microvariant of the direct hemagglutination reaction with the calculation of the reaction index. The effect of the drug on cellular immunity was established in a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction (DTH) to sheep erythrocytes.Results and discussion. The introduction of the tested drugs had no inhibitory effect on antibody production in mice of the experimental groups: 6.5±0.22; 6.17±0.47 and 7.75±0.25 (log2) compared with the control – 7.67±0.21 (log2). Reaction indices were respectively 0.85; 0,80 and 1,01. Oral administration of a single CMF in therapeutic (20 mg/kg) and in a tenfold therapeutic dose (200 mg/kg) did not affect the cellular level of immunity. The shifts in the inflammatory response index in animals were 9.05±3.47 and 10.05±2.25% respectively. The introduction of the basic drug stimulated the reaction of HRT, which was manifested by an increase in the inflammation index (21.06±3.32%) compared with the control group (9.27±3.91%).Цель исследований: изучение иммунотоксических свойств супрамолекулярного комплекса фенбендазола (СМФ).Материалы и методы. Изучение иммунотоксических свойств СМФ проводили с применением реакции агглютинации и гиперчувствительности замедленного типа. В каждой опытной группе было по 7–8 мышей линии СВА×С57BL/6 массой 16–18 г. СМФ вводили однократно внутрижелудочно в терапевтической дозе 20 мг/кг по действующему веществу, в десятикратной дозе – 200 мг/кг, базовый препарат – фенбендазол задавали в десятикратно увеличенной дозе – 20 мг/кг. Контрольные группы животных получали крахмальный клейстер. Затем мышей иммунизировали интраперитонеально 3%-ной взвесью эритроцитов барана (тест-антиген) и распределили на 8 групп. Влияние препаратов на антителообразование определяли в реакции гемагглютинации, титр антител в сыворотке крови – в микроварианте прямой реакции гемагглютинации с вычислением индекса реакции. Влияние препарата на клеточный иммунитет устанавливали в реакции гиперчувствительности замедленного типа (ГЗТ) к ЭБ.Результаты и обсуждение. Введение испытуемых препаратов не оказало угнетающего влияния на антителогенез у мышей опытных групп: 6,5±0,22; 6,17±0,47 и 7,75±0,25 (log2) по сравнению с контролем – 7,67±0,21 (log2). Индексы реакции составили соответственно 0,85; 0,80 и 1,01. Пероральное однократное введение СМФ в терапевтической (20 мг/кг) и в десятикратной терапевтической дозе (200 мг/кг) не оказывало влияния на клеточное звено иммунитета. Сдвиги индекса реакции воспаления у животных составили соответственно 9,05±3,47 и 10,05±2,25%. Введение базового препарата стимулировало реакцию ГЗТ, что проявилось увеличением индекса воспаления (21,06±3,32%) по сравнению с контрольной группой (9,27±3,91%)

    Adrenoreactance of arteries of intestines and back finiteness at adaptation to a cold

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    At adaptation to a cold of rabbits for 1st, 5th, 10th, 30th day the quantity and sensitivity adrenoreceptors changes

    К вопросу оценки эффективности разведения племенных ресурсов

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    The purpose of the study. The purpose of the study is to determine the rating of production efficiency and breeding activity of regional farms, which expands the possibilities of improving the efficiency of the breeding livestock business and strengthens their role in ensuring food sovereignty in the context of import substitution and sanctions actions. The article continues the authors’ research on evaluating the effectiveness of domestic breeding farms. A statistically significant model for assessing the production efficiency and breeding activity of the relevant business has been developed, which makes it possible to determine the ratings of individual breeding farms and their totality using methods of multidimensional comparative analysis and calculation of synthetic indexes.Materials and methods. The taxonometric method was used as a statistical tool for the realization of the research goal, the advantage of which is that on its basis it is possible to trace the process of forming the final rating of breeding farms as a number of special characteristics - breeding activity and production efficiency that are consistently included in the consideration.Results. A statistically significant model for assessing production efficiency and breeding activity is proposed, as well as a methodology for its implementation on the example of breeding farms in the Yaroslavl region. A system of indexes has been formed that reveal the tribal activity and the economic efficiency of the use of tribal resources with their further detailing. A step-by-step algorithm for synthetic evaluation of the effectiveness of breeding activities, including four stages, has been developed.Conclusion. The author’s model of statistical evaluation of the production and tribal activity of the breeding business entities allows an objective assessment of the rating of an individual farm and is an accessible management analysis tool for making adequate decisions by management.Цель исследования. Целью исследования является определение рейтинга производственной эффективности и племенной активности региональных хозяйств, что расширяет возможности повышения результативности деятельности бизнеса по разведению племенного скота и усиливает их роль в обеспечении продовольственного суверенитета в условиях импортозамещения и санкционных действий. В статье продолжено исследование авторов по оценки эффективности работы отечественных племенных хозяйств. Разработана статистически значимая модель оценки производственной эффективности и племенной активности соответствующего бизнеса, дающая возможность определять рейтинги отдельных племенных хозяйств и их совокупности с использованием методов многомерного сравнительного анализа и расчета синтетических показателей.Материалы и методы. В качестве статистического инструмента реализации поставленной цели исследования использован таксонометрический метод, преимущество которого заключается в том, что на его основе можно проследить процесс формирования итогового рейтинга племенных хозяйств по мере последовательного включения в рассмотрение ряда специальных характеристик – племенной активности и производственной эффективности.Результаты. Предложена статистически значимая модель оценки производственной эффективности и племенной активности, а также методика ее реализации на примере племенных хозяйств Ярославского региона. Сформирована система показателей, раскрывающих племенную активность и экономическую эффективность использования племенных ресурсов с их дальнейшей детализацией. Разработан пошаговый алгоритм синтетической оценки эффективности племенной деятельности, включающей 4 этапа.Заключение. Авторская модель статистической оценки производственной и племенной активности деятельности субъектов племенного бизнеса позволяет объективно оценить рейтинг отдельного хозяйства и является доступным инструментом управленческого анализа для принятия менеджментом адекватных решений

    Влияние экстрактов Trichinella spiralis и Echinococcus multilocularis при однократном и многократном введении на митоз, гематологические и биохимические показатели у мышей

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    The purpose of the research is to study effects of Trichinella spiralis and Echinococcus multilocularis extracts on mitosis in a bone marrow cell population, and on hematological and biochemical blood parameters of mice after single and multiple intraperitoneal injections.Materials and methods. The experiment was conducted on outbred male mice. The T. spiralis and E. multilocularis extracts were administered intraperitoneally once or multiple times daily for 10 days at a dose of 80 μg/mouse. Bone marrow cell isolation, microscopic preparations, mitotic index and individual stage determination were made as described in the literature (Ford C. E., Hamerton J. L., 1956). The mouse main peripheral blood parameters were determined with a MicroCC-20 Plus hematological analyzer, and the leucogram was determined by a conventional method. Biochemical blood parameters of the mice were determined with a Clima MC-15 analyzer.Results and discussion. The T. spiralis and E. multilocularis extracts after a single intraperitoneal injection at a dose of 80 μg/ mouse had a pronounced negative effect on the mouse bone marrow cell mitosis with the cell division terminated in the metaphase and a decreased proportion of other mitosis stages. Characteristics were detected of the effects made by the T. spiralis and E. multilocularis extracts on the mouse bone marrow cell mitosis after multiple administration for 10 days. In the reinjection mode of the test extracts to the mice, hematological and biochemical parameters did not change.Цель исследований – изучение особенностей влияния экстрактов Trichinella spiralis и Echinococcus multilocularis на митоз в популяции клеток костного мозга, а также гематологические и биохимические показатели крови у мышей при однократном и многократном внутрибрюшинном введении.Материалы и методы. Опыт проводили на беспородных мышах-самцах. Экстракты T. spiralis и E. multilocularis вводили однократно или многократно ежедневно в течение 10 сут внутрибрюшинно в дозе 80 мкг/мышь. Выделение клеток костного мозга, приготовление микроскопических препаратов, определение митотического индекса и отдельных стадий проводили, как описано в литературе (Ford C. E., Hamerton J. L., 1956). Основные показатели периферической крови мышей определяли на гематологическом анализаторе «MicroCC-20 Plus», лейкоцитарную формулу – общепринятым методом. Биохимические показатели крови мышей определяли на анализаторе «Clima MC-15».Результаты и обсуждение. Экстракты T. spiralis и E. multilocularis при однократном внутрибрюшинном введении в дозе 80 мкг/мышь оказывали выраженное негативное действие на митоз клеток костного мозга мышей с остановкой клеточного деления в метафазе и снижением доли других стадий митоза. Выявлены особенности воздействия экстрактов T. spiralis и E. multilocularis на митоз клеток костного мозга мышей при многократном введении в течение 10 сут. В режиме повторных введений испытуемых экстрактов мышам гематологические и биохимические показатели не изменялись