609 research outputs found

    Signal Detection for QPSK Based Cognitive Radio Systems using Support Vector Machines

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    Cognitive radio based network enables opportunistic dynamic spectrum access by sensing, adopting and utilizing the unused portion of licensed spectrum bands. Cognitive radio is intelligent enough to adapt the communication parameters of the unused licensed spectrum. Spectrum sensing is one of the most important tasks of the cognitive radio cycle. In this paper, the auto-correlation function kernel based Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier along with Welch's Periodogram detector is successfully implemented for the detection of four QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) based signals propagating through an AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) channel. It is shown that the combination of statistical signal processing and machine learning concepts improve the spectrum sensing process and spectrum sensing is possible even at low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) values up to -50 dB

    H-Dibaryon from Lattice QCD with Improved Anisotropic Actions

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    The six quark state(uuddss) called H dibaryon(JP=0+J^P=0^+,S=−2S=-2) has been calculated to study its existence and stability. The simulations are performed in quenched QCD on 83×248^3 \times 24 and 163×4816^3 \times 48 anisotropic lattices with Symanzik improved gauge action and Clover fermion action. The gauge coupling is β=2.0\beta=2.0 and aspect ratio ξ=as/at=3.0\xi=a_s/a_t=3.0. Preliminary results indicate that mass of H dibaryon is 2134(100)Mev on 83×248^3 \times 24 lattice and 2167(59)Mev on 163×4816^3 \times 48 respectively. It seems that the radius of H dibaryon is very large and the finite size effect is very obvious


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    This paper attempts to investigate whether young graduates possess the leadership style that is pre-requisite to become entrepreneur. The paper further examines the role of higher education towards the desire of new venture creation among young graduates in developing economies specially. This study analyzed the response of 225 final-semester students at different universities in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore. A questionnaire based survey instrument was used. Result of the present study shows that education and new venture creation are positively and significantly correlated. The results further indicate that all variables used in this study are significantly correlated with intention to create a new venture. The limitation of this study is that it includes business and economics discipline students only. Further studies may investigate and examine the possibilities of similar outcomes among students of other disciplines including science, engineering, medicine, agriculture and law etc. The present study will, however, provide insight to future policy makers and planners to consider strategies for optimally utilizing the expertise and potentials of the young graduates. The academicians, educators, and university authorities have rethink what to teach? How to teach? In order to effectively prepare-young generation for the forthcoming challenges.entrepreneurship, leadership style, new venture creation, planned behavior, young graduates.


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    Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was isolated from a field outbreak in pigeons. The virus was characterized by haemagglutination test (HA) and confirmed by haemagglutination inhibition test (HAI). The pathotyping was done by mean death time (MDT), intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI) and intravenous pathogenicity index (IVPI). The ELD50 of the velogenic strain was 10-4.66/0.1 ml. Thirty-nine pigeons were randomly divided into three equal groups. Pigeons of one group were vaccinated with ND vaccine (LaSota strain) intraocularly after 14 days of procurement, while the other two groups served as vaccinated and non-vaccinated controls. Birds of these two groups were challenged with velogenic strain of field isolate of NDV 7 days post-vaccination. Birds were kept under observation for 15 days post-challenge. Haemorrhages and congestion were observed in trachea, lungs, liver, proventriculus and intestine of pigeons infected with NDV. Concentrations of AST, ALT and ALP did not differ among pigeons of the three groups

    Long-term active problems in patients with cloacal exstrophy: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Cloacal exstrophy (CE) is the most severe end of the Exstrophy-Epispadias Complex malformations spectrum. Improvements in postnatal management and well-established operative techniques have resulted in survival rates approaching 100%. This systematic review aims to define the prevalence of long-term active medical problems affecting CE patients after the first decade of life. METHODS: PubMed/Medline, Embase, Scopus, and ISI Web of Knowledge databases were used for the literature search. Original articles related to medical, surgical, and psychosocial long-term problems in CE patients >10 years of age were included in the study. Quality assessment of the articles was performed through the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Prevalence estimates and 95% CI were assessed for each outcome. RESULTS: Twelve studies were included. The most common long-term active problems identified were: urinary incontinence with a prevalence ranging from 9.1% to 85%; sexual function issues related to vaginal anomalies with a prevalence ranging from 8.3% to 71.3%, and uterine anomalies, with a prevalence from 14.3% to 71%; gender identity issues in 46, XY patients raised female had a prevalence from 11.1% to 66.7%. There is no documented history of paternity. Impairment of ambulatory capacity was recorded in 13.8% of patients. Only one paper studied psychological well-being, reporting significantly higher levels of depression among gender reassigned patients. CONCLUSIONS: Teenagers and adults born with CE have well defined long-term problems compared to the general population. Recognition and expert management are crucial to improve care and quality of life during and after the transition into adulthood

    Clinical and radiological outcome of arthrocentesis followed by autologous blood injection for treatment of chronic recurrent temporomandibular joint dislocation

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the functional outcome and MRI findings of arthrocentsis followed by autologous blood injection (ABI) into the joint space for management of chronic recurrent TMJ dislocation. Total ten patients with bilateral chronic recurrent condylar dislocation were included in the study. Arthrocentesis of both TMJ was performed on each patient, followed by the injection of 2 ml of autologous blood into the superior joint compartment and 1 ml onto the outer surface of the joint capsule. Preoperative and postoperative assessment included; thorough history, clinical examination of TMJ, maximal mouth opening, frequency of dislocation, TMJ radiographs (open and closed mouth position), MRI, recurrence and presence of facial nerve paralysis. At the end of 3 months follow-up 8 patients (80%) had successful outcome with no further episodes of dislocation, whereas two patients reported with recurrence. Post-operative MRI showed significant improvement after ABI, compared to pre-operative MRI. There were no degenerative changes to the bony and soft tissue components of TMJ. ABI is a simple, safe, minimally invasive and cost-effective technique for treatment of chronic recurrent TMJ dislocation. MRI evaluation showed an improvement in the anatomical and spatial relationship of the osseous and soft tissue components of the TMJ

    Holistic management of DSD

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    Disorder of sex development (DSD) presents a unique challenge, both diagnostically and in terms of acute and longer-term management. These are relatively rare conditions usually requiring a multidisciplinary approach from the outset and the involvement of a tertiary centre for assessment and management recommendations. This article describes the structure of the multidisciplinary team (MDT) at our centre, with contributions from key members of the team regarding their individual roles. The focus is on the newborn referred for assessment of ambiguous genitalia, rather than on individuals who present in the adolescent period or at other times, although the same MDT involvement is likely to be required. The approach to the initial assessment and management is discussed and the subsequent diagnosis and follow-up presented, with emphasis on the importance of careful transition and long-term support

    Isolated bilateral simplex ureteric ectopia: Bladder capacity as an indicator of continence outcome

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    INTRODUCTION: Isolated bilateral simplex ectopic ureters (BSEUs) are rare but pose a therapeutic challenge: ureteric reimplantation alone does not accomplish continence in all. Identifying the patients needing additional procedures for continence early could prevent multiple operations. OBJECTIVE: Potential preoperative indicators for postoperative continence are explored in eight BSEU girls without cloacal, anorectal, or spinal anomalies. STUDY DESIGN: With institutional approval, all patients with BSEU between 1985 and 2012 were retrospectively reviewed. Cystoscopy determined the site of ureteric ectopia (6 of 16 at the bladder neck [BN], 5 of 16 below the BN, and 5 of 16 in the distal urethra). Bladders were assessed by a combination of ultrasound, urodynamics, micturating cystourethrogram, cystoscopic, and intraoperative observations. Expected bladder capacity for age (EBCA) was calculated by 30 ml + (30 ml × age in years) or 38 ml + (2.5 ml × age in months) for children greater or less than 2 years, respectively. Continence outcomes were appraised at a minimum of 4 years. The small number of patients precludes credible statistical analysis and therefore raw data are presented. RESULTS: Patients underwent cross-trigonal ureteric reimplantation at 1–5.5 years, in five without BN surgery and in three with a Young–Dees–Leadbetter BN tightening. Of those without BN surgery at reimplantation, four achieved satisfactory continence for their age, but one has had multiple procedures culminating in BN closure, ileocystoplasty, and Mitrofanoff. Among the BN-tightening group, one was in nappies at 4 years, one had residual stress incontinence after two further BN injections, and one proceeded to artificial urinary sphincter after two BN injections. Five patients had significant renal impairment. DISCUSSION: Patients with satisfactory continence after reimplantation alone and those needing further procedures tended to differ in their preoperative observations of bladder capacity and apparent BN competence. This study suggests preoperative observations of an empty bladder on serial ultrasound and/or a wide-open BN with small or even moderate bladder capacity at cystoscopy to indicate the need for BN surgery. In contrast, children with bladder filling to at least 30% of expected bladder capacity for age on preoperative ultrasound or apposition of the BN at cystoscopy may achieve satisfactory continence after ureteric reimplantation alone. Bladder capacity as an indicator of BN competence can also be correlated to continence outcomes in previously published series. Polyuria associated with renal impairment can exacerbate the challenge for continence. CONCLUSION: Preoperative bladder capacity appears to be an indicator of inherent BN function and a thorough assessment of the urinary tract by cystoscopy, ultrasound, micturating cystourethrogram, and functional imaging may guide the surgeon on the need for BN surgery at the time of ureteric reimplantation. Where continence remains elusive, patients should be counselled that a further BN injection is occasionally of value although more significant BN procedures are required for most

    Rapamycin inhibition of baculovirus recombinant (BVr) ribosomal protein S6 kinase (S6K1) is mediated by an event other than phosphorylation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1(S6K1) is an evolutionary conserved kinase that is activated in response to growth factors and viral stimuli to influence cellular growth and proliferation. This downstream effector of target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling cascade is known to be directly activated by TOR- kinase mediated hydrophobic motif (HM) phosphorylation at Threonine 412 (T412). Selective loss of this phosphorylation by inactivation of TOR kinase or activation/recruitment of a phosphatase has accordingly been implicated in mediating inhibition by rapamycin.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We present evidence that baculovirus driven expression of S6K1 in insect cells (Sf9) fails to activate the enzyme and instead renders it modestly active representing 4-6 folds less activity than its fully active mammalian counterpart. Contrary to the contention that viral infection activates TOR signaling pathway, we report that BVr enzyme fails to exhibit putative TOR dependent phosphorylation at the HM and the resultant phosphorylation at the activation loop (AL) of the enzyme, correlating with the level of activity observed. Surprisingly, the BVr enzyme continued to exhibit sensitivity to rapamycin that remained unaffected by mutations compromised for TOR phosphorylation (T412A) or deletions compromised for TOR binding (ΔNH <sub>2-46</sub>/ΔCT<sub>104</sub>).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data together with the ability of the BVr enzyme to resist inactivation by phosphatases indicate that inhibition by rapamycin is not mediated by any phosphorylation event in general and TOR dependent phosphorylation in particular.</p

    Growth factor dependent regulation of p70S6 kinase: Evaluation of domain specific signals sensitive to rapamycin

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    Phosphorylation dependent regulation of S6K1 has been proposed in accordance with the strategy of activation adapted by AGC family kinases. Accordingly three phosphorylations at the turn motif, HM and AL are considered critical for S6K1 regulation , while the turn motif phosphorylation is thought to be constitutive ,the burden of the regulation is more or less entirely shared by the phosphorylations turn over at HM and AL of the enzyme. Although both phosphorylations are equally important without a question their individual roles in contributing to activation and mediating rapamycin sensitivity remains controversial. Phosphorylations of the enzyme at its HM brought about by rapamycin sensitive mTOR kinase is thought to prime the enzyme for PDK1 dependent phosphorylations at AL, in accordance with the prevalent dogma of sequential phosphorylations. Accordingly inactivation of mTOR by rapamycin resulting in loss of HM phosphorylation and resultant loss of phosphorylation at the AL is the model put forward to explain inhibition by rapamycin. The attribution of mTOR as the kinase responsible to engender HM phosphorylation, is however, based on scanty evidence carried forward simply on the basis of the ability of mTOR to bind rapamycin. In fact S6K1 mutants supposedly incapacitated for TOR kinase recruitment continue to be phosphorylated at the HM to suggest that effects attributed to TOS motif deletion may simply be conformational and not attributable to the loss of TOR kinase input at the HM. Further the implication of kinases other than TOR in mediating HM phosphorylation compound the ambiguity associated with TOR kinase involvement in mediating rapamycin inhibition. This study therefore, attempts to understand as to how the dynamics of the two phosphorylations in general and TOR mediated phosphorylation in particular relates to rapamycin mediated inhibition of S6K1. We present evidence that baculovirus mediated expression of S6K1 in insect cells results in the failure of the enzyme to engender both HM and AL phosphorylations. The enzyme surprisingly continues to be inhibited by rapamycin. Evidence indicating redundant role of phosphorylation in general and TOR mediated phosphorylation in particular for S6K1 inhibition by rapamycin challenge the prevailing dogma.We also provide evidence about the interdependent turnover of the two phosphorylations such as to exhibit all or none characteristics. The evidence that both AL and HM kinases are completely insensitive to rapamycin, suggests that their co-ordinate loss to rapamycin cannot be mechanistic and therefore has to be consequential. We finally show that the loss of the two phosphorylations is also associated with inhibition of S6K1 by agents like bupivacaine and lidocaine that target signalling pathways other than TOR, to strongly suggest that the loss of HM and AL phosphorylations is a general feature of S6K1 inhibition not necessarily governed by TOR inactivation
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