60 research outputs found

    Phase diagrams of correlated electrons: systematic corrections to the mean field theory

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    Perturbative corrections to the mean field theory for particle-hole instabilities of interacting electron systems are computed within a scheme which is equivalent to the recently developed variational approach to the Kohn-Luttinger superconductivity. This enables an unbiased comparison of particle-particle and particle-hole instabilities within the same approximation scheme. A spin-rotation invariant formulation for the particle-hole instabilities in the triplet channel is developed. The method is applied to the phase diagram of the t-t' Hubbard model on the square lattice. At the Van Hove density, antiferromagnetic and d-wave Pomeranchuk phases are found to be stable close to half filling. However, the latter phase is confined to an extremely narrow interval of densities and away from the singular filling, d-wave superconducting instability dominates

    Kohn-Luttinger instability of the t-t' Hubbard model in two dimensions: variational approach

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    An effective Hamiltonian for the Kohn-Luttinger superconductor is constructed and solved in the BCS approximation. The method is applied to the t-t' Hubbard model in two dimensions with the following results: (i) The superconducting phase diagram at half filling is shown to provide a weak-coupling analog of the recently proposed spin liquid state in the J_1-J_2 Heisenberg model. (ii) In the parameter region relevant for the cuprates we have found a nontrivial energy dependence of the gap function in the dominant d-wave pairing sector. The hot spot effect in the angular dependence of the superconducting gap is shown to be quite weak

    The IDEAL (Insulin therapy DE-intensificAtion with iglarLixi) randomised controlled trial—study design and protocol

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    Introduction Multiple daily injection insulin regimen (MDI) represents the most intensive insulin regimen used in the management of people with type 2 diabetes (PwT2D). Its efficacy regarding glycaemic control is counterbalanced by the increased risk of hypoglycaemia, frequently observed tendency to weight gain and necessity for frequent glucose monitoring. Recent introduction of novel antidiabetic medications with pleiotropic effects reaching far beyond the reduction of glycaemia (HbA1c), such as the glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist (GLP-1 RA), has significantly widened the therapeutic options available for management of T2D. Consequently, there is currently a substantial number of PwT2D for whom the MDI regimen was initiated at a time when no other options were available. Yet, in present times, these individuals could benefit from simplified insulin regimens ideally taking advantage of the beneficial effects of the novel classes of antidiabetic medications. iGlarLixi (Suliqua®) is a once-daily fixed-ratio combination of basal insulin analogue glargine 100 U/ml and a GLP-1 RA lixisenatide. Methods Insulin therapy DE-intensificAtion with iglarLixi (IDEAL) is a six-centre, open-label, parallel-group, active comparator, phase IV randomised controlled trial with a 24-week active treatment period examining the efficacy and safety of MDI regimen de-intensification with once-daily administration of iGlarLixi versus MDI regimen continuation in PwT2D on a backgroud therapy with metformin ± sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor. Planned Outcomes The primary objective is to compare the effects of MDI therapy de-intensification with iGlarLixi versus MDI regimen continuation regarding glycaemic control (HbA1c). Secondary objectives include detailed evaluation of the effects of MDI regimen de-intensification with iGlarLixi on glycaemic control using standardised continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) metrics and self-monitoring of plasma glucose. Furthermore, body weight and body composition analysis, quality of life and safety profile are evaluated. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier NCT04945070

    Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the xth international congress of virology: August 11-16, 1996 Binyanei haOoma, Jerusalem Iarael part 3(final part)

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    Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus as the Cause of Mass Mortality among Laboratory Mice

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    Neutron diffraction analysis of residual strain/stress distribution in the vicinity of high strength welds

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    Residual stresses resulting from non homogeneous heat distribution during welding process belong to most significant factor influencing behavior of welded structures. These stresses are responsible for defect occurrence during welding and they are also responsible for crack initiation and propagation at the either static or dynamic load. The significant effect of weld metal chemical composition as well as the effect of fatigue load and local plastic deformation on residual stress distribution and fatigue life have been recognized for high strength steels welds. The changes in residual stress distribution have then positive effect on cold cracking behavior and also on fatigue properties of the welds [1-3]. Several experimental methods, both destructive and non-destructive, such as hole drilling method, X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction and others, have been used to examine residual stress distribution in all three significant orientations in the vicinity of the welds. The present contribution summarizes the results of neutron diffraction measurements of residual stress distribution in the vicinity of single-pass high-strength-steel welds having different chemical composition as well as the influence of fatigue load and local plastic deformation. It has been observed that the chemical composition of the weld metal has a significant influence on the stress distribution around the weld. Similarly, by aplying both cyclic load or pre-stress load on the specimens, stress relaxation was observed even in the region of approximately 40 mm far from the weld toe

    Neutron diffraction analysis of residual strain/stress distribution in the vicinity of high strength welds

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    Residual stresses resulting from non homogeneous heat distribution during welding process belong to most significant factor influencing behavior of welded structures. These stresses are responsible for defect occurrence during welding and they are also responsible for crack initiation and propagation at the either static or dynamic load. The significant effect of weld metal chemical composition as well as the effect of fatigue load and local plastic deformation on residual stress distribution and fatigue life have been recognized for high strength steels welds. The changes in residual stress distribution have then positive effect on cold cracking behavior and also on fatigue properties of the welds [1-3]. Several experimental methods, both destructive and non-destructive, such as hole drilling method, X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction and others, have been used to examine residual stress distribution in all three significant orientations in the vicinity of the welds. The present contribution summarizes the results of neutron diffraction measurements of residual stress distribution in the vicinity of single-pass high-strength-steel welds having different chemical composition as well as the influence of fatigue load and local plastic deformation. It has been observed that the chemical composition of the weld metal has a significant influence on the stress distribution around the weld. Similarly, by aplying both cyclic load or pre-stress load on the specimens, stress relaxation was observed even in the region of approximately 40 mm far from the weld toe

    Container System of Safe Handling, Storage and Transport of CBRN Materials

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    Článek představuje zařízení určené pro bezpečnou manipulaci, skladování a přepravu CBRN materiálů. Zařízení je založeno na 20 stopovém ocelovém kontejneru, který je pro zjednodušení nakládání a přepravy umístěn na přepravním rámu ABROLL. Zařízení je vybaveno systémem sledování parametrů důležitých pro skladování nebezpečných látek (teplota, tlak, vlhkost, koncentrace toxických a výbušných plynů, dávkový příkon atd.)., několika nezávislými bezpečnostními systémy pro řešení kritických situací (filtrovaná ventilace, hasicí systémy, jímky atd.) a možností vzdáleného monitoringu a ovládání. Zařízení je určeno zejména pro použití v rámci Integrovaného záchranného systému.The article presents equipment designed for safe handling, storage and transport of CBRN materials. The facility is based on a 20 ft. steel container mounted on an ABROLL transport frame to simplify loading and transport. The facility is equipped with a system for controlling parameters important for the storage of hazardous items (temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration of toxic and explosive gases, dose rate, etc.), several independent safety systems for dealing with critical situations (filter ventilation, fire extinguishing systems, containment sumps, etc.) and the possibility of remote monitoring and management of the facility. The equipment is intended mainly for use within the Integrated Rescue System