23 research outputs found

    Plk1 regulates mitotic Aurora A function through βTrCP-dependent degradation of hBora

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    Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) and Aurora A play key roles in centrosome maturation, spindle assembly, and chromosome segregation during cell division. Here we show that the functions of these kinases during early mitosis are coordinated through Bora, a partner of Aurora A first identified in Drosophila. Depletion of human Bora (hBora) results in spindle defects, accompanied by increased spindle recruitment of Aurora A and its partner TPX2. Conversely, hBora overexpression induces mislocalization of Aurora A and monopolar spindle formation, reminiscent of the phenotype seen in Plk1-depleted cells. Indeed, Plk1 regulates hBora. Following Cdk1-dependent recruitment, Plk1 triggers hBora destruction by phosphorylating a recognition site for \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}SCF β - TrCP{\text{SCF}}^{{\text{ $ \beta $ - TrCP}}} \end{document}. Plk1 depletion or inhibition results in a massive accumulation of hBora, concomitant with displacement of Aurora A from spindle poles and impaired centrosome maturation, but remarkably, co-depletion of hBora partially restores Aurora A localization and bipolar spindle formation. This suggests that Plk1 controls Aurora A localization and function by regulating cellular levels of hBora

    Polo-Like Kinase-1 Controls Aurora A Destruction by Activating APC/C-Cdh1

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    Polo-like kinase-1 (Plk1) is activated before mitosis by Aurora A and its cofactor Bora. In mitosis, Bora is degraded in a manner dependent on Plk1 kinase activity and the E3 ubiquitin ligase SCF-βTrCP. Here, we show that Plk1 is also required for the timely destruction of its activator Aurora A in late anaphase. It has been shown that Aurora A destruction is controlled by the auxiliary subunit Cdh1 of the Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C). Remarkably, we found that Plk1-depletion prevented the efficient dephosphorylation of Cdh1 during mitotic exit. Plk1 mediated its effect on Cdh1, at least in part, through direct phosphorylation of the human phosphatase Cdc14A, controlling the phosphorylation state of Cdh1. We conclude that Plk1 facilitates efficient Aurora A degradation through APC/C-Cdh1 activation after mitosis, with a potential role for hCdc14A

    Elevated Levels of the Polo Kinase Cdc5 Override the Mec1/ATR Checkpoint in Budding Yeast by Acting at Different Steps of the Signaling Pathway

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    Checkpoints are surveillance mechanisms that constitute a barrier to oncogenesis by preserving genome integrity. Loss of checkpoint function is an early event in tumorigenesis. Polo kinases (Plks) are fundamental regulators of cell cycle progression in all eukaryotes and are frequently overexpressed in tumors. Through their polo box domain, Plks target multiple substrates previously phosphorylated by CDKs and MAPKs. In response to DNA damage, Plks are temporally inhibited in order to maintain the checkpoint-dependent cell cycle block while their activity is required to silence the checkpoint response and resume cell cycle progression. Here, we report that, in budding yeast, overproduction of the Cdc5 polo kinase overrides the checkpoint signaling induced by double strand DNA breaks (DSBs), preventing the phosphorylation of several Mec1/ATR targets, including Ddc2/ATRIP, the checkpoint mediator Rad9, and the transducer kinase Rad53/CHK2. We also show that high levels of Cdc5 slow down DSB processing in a Rad9-dependent manner, but do not prevent the binding of checkpoint factors to a single DSB. Finally, we provide evidence that Sae2, the functional ortholog of human CtIP, which regulates DSB processing and inhibits checkpoint signaling, is regulated by Cdc5. We propose that Cdc5 interferes with the checkpoint response to DSBs acting at multiple levels in the signal transduction pathway and at an early step required to resect DSB ends

    Polo-like kinase-1 controls proteasome-dependent degradation of claspin during checkpoint recovery

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    SummaryDNA-damage checkpoints maintain genomic integrity by mediating a cell-cycle delay in response to genotoxic stress or stalled replication forks. In response to damage, the checkpoint kinase ATR phosphorylates and activates its effector kinase Chk1 in a process that critically depends on Claspin [1]. However, it is not known how exactly this kinase cascade is silenced. Here we demonstrate that the abundance of Claspin is regulated through proteasomal degradation. In response to DNA damage, Claspin is transiently stabilized, and its expression depends on Chk1 kinase activity. In addition, we show that Claspin is degraded upon mitotic entry, a process that depends on the β-TrCP-SCF ubiquitin ligase and Polo-like kinase-1 (Plk1). We demonstrate that Claspin interacts with both β-TrCP and Plk1 and that inactivation of these components or the β-TrCP recognition motif in Claspin prevents its mitotic degradation. Interestingly, expression of a nondegradable Claspin mutant inhibits recovery from a DNA-damage-induced checkpoint arrest. Thus, we conclude that Claspin levels are tightly regulated, both during unperturbed cell cycles and after DNA damage. Moreover, our data demonstrate that the degradation of Claspin at the onset of mitosis is an essential step for the recovery of a cell from a DNA-damage-induced cell-cycle arrest