21 research outputs found

    Sequence History Analysis (SHA) : Estimating the Effect of Past Trajectories on an Upcoming Event

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    In this article, we propose an innovative method which is a combination of Sequences Analysis and Event History Analysis. We called this method Sequence History Analysis (SHA). We start by identifying typical past trajectories of individuals over time by using Sequence Analysis. We then estimate the effect of these typical past trajectories on the event under study using discrete-time models. The aim of this approach is to estimate the effect of past trajectories on the chances of experiencing an event. We apply the proposed methodological approach to an original study of the effect of past childhood co-residence structures on the chances of leaving the parental home in Switzerland. The empirical research was based on the LIVES Cohort study, a panel survey that started in autumn 2013 in Switzerland. Analyses show that it is not only the occurrence of an event that increases the risk of experiencing another event, but also the order in which various states occurred. What is more, it seems that two features have a significant influence on departure from the parental home: the co-residence structures and the arrival or departure of siblings from the parental home

    The paradoxical role of meritocratic selection in the perpetuation of social inequalities at school

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    The school system is intended to offer all students the same opportunities, but most international surveys reveal an overall lower achievement for students from disadvantaged groups compared with more advantaged students. Recent experimental research in social psychology has demonstrated that schools as institutions contribute with their implicit cultural norms and structure to the production of inequalities. This chapter examines the role that a structural feature of school, namely meritocratic selection, plays in this reproduction of inequalities at school. First, we describe how meritocracy in the educational system can hold paradoxical effects by masking the virtuous/vicious cycles of opportunities created by educational institutions. Second, we present recent research suggesting that selection practices relying on a meritocratic principle—more than other practices—can lead to biased academic decisions hindering disadvantaged students. We propose that inequalities in school might not just result from isolated failures in an otherwise functional meritocratic system, but rather that merit-based selection itself contributes to the perpetuation of inequalities at school

    Between Equity and Differentiation: An Analytical Schema of the Social Function of Education

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    The educational sphere has an internal function relatively agreed by social scientists. Nonetheless, the contribution that educational systems provide to the society (i.e., their social function) does not have the same degree of consensus. Taking into consideration such theoretical precedent, the current article raises an analytical schema to grasp the social function of education considering a sociological perspective. Starting from the assumption that there is an intrinsic relationship between the internal and social functions of social systems, we suggest there are particular stratification determinants modifying the internal pedagogical function of education, which impact on its social function by creating simultaneous conditions of equity and differentiation. Throughout the paper this social function is considered a paradoxical mechanism. We highlight how this paradoxical dynamic is deployed in different structural levels of the educational sphere. Additionally, we discuss eventual consequences of this paradoxical social function for the inclusion possibilities that educational systems offer to individuals

    School Choice and Student Screening in the Chilean Educational System: Who Chooses Whom?. The Case of the Catholic Education

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    The student´s screening made by schools corresponds to a regulatory mechanism for school inclusion and exclusion that normally overlaps the parental expectations of school choice. Based in "Parents survey 2006" data (n=188.073) generated by the Chilean Educational Ministry, this paper describe the parents reasons for choosing their children's school, and school´s criteria for screening students. It concludes that the catholic schools are the most selective institutions and usually exceed the capacity of parental choice. One of the reasons to select students would be the direct relationship between this practice and increasing the average score on the test of the Chilean Educational Quality Measurement System (SIMCE)

    Late careers and the transition to retirement in Switzerland

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    A substantial body of life-course research has considered occupational trajectories in Switzerland focusing either on early or middle adulthood careers. However, the issue of the last working period and the retirement transition is receiving increasing attention for several reasons: the permanence of low birth rates associated with an ageing population, a high proportion of active old workers, continuous changes in the timing of retirements, and active ageing policies aiming at keeping people working after the state pension age. Moving forward on this topic, the present doctoral thesis aimed to offer new insights on the dynamics of the final career phase and the transition to retirement in Switzerland through a life-course approach. Concerning the main results, this thesis provides consistent evidences on the great influence of longterm familial and employment trajectories as well as individual positional factors on (i) the vulnerability during the last working period, (ii) the timing of retirement, (iii) the voluntariness of late retirement, and (iv) the financial well-being of retirees. In this way, this thesis offers significant contributions to the life-course, gender, and social policy research focused on ageing processes. -- Un ensemble considérable de recherches sur les parcours de vie a examiné les trajectoires professionnelles en Suisse, en mettant l'accent sur la carrière professionnelle des jeunes et, plus tard, à l'âge adulte. Toutefois, l'étude de la fin de la carrière professionnelle (c'est-à-dire de 50 ans jusqu'à la retraite) reçoit une attention croissante pour plusieurs raisons: la persistance du faible taux de natalité associé à une population vieillissante, la forte proportion de travailleurs âgés actifs, des évolutions continues dans le moment du départ à la retraite, et des politiques visant à maintenir les personnes âgées au travail après l'âge légal de la retraite. Pour aller de l'avant sur ce sujet, la présente thèse de doctorat vise à offrir de nouvelles perspectives sur la fin de carrière et la transition à la retraite en Suisse, en mobilisant les outils de la sociologie des parcours de vie. En ce qui concerne les principaux résultats, cette thèse fournit des preuves cohérentes sur la grande influence des trajectoires professionnelles et familiales ainsi que des facteurs positionnels sur (i) la vulnérabilité au cours de la période de travail avant la retraite, (ii) le moment de départ à la retraite, (iii) le caractère volontaire de la retraite tardive, et (iv) le bien-être financier des retraités. Ainsi, cette thèse fournit d'importantes contributions à la recherche sur les parcours de vie, sur les étu es genre, et sur les politiques sociales, focalisées sur le processus de vieillissement

    The Life Course Determinants of Vulnerability in Late Careers

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    Late career is often seen as a more vulnerable life-stage in the labour market, in which workers may experience a deterioration in job quality. Using a life course perspective and longitudinal data, this article analyses the vulnerability associated with late career by focusing on four occupational dimensions: working-time, career continuity, retirement timing and income change. The research is carried out using data from Switzerland, a country where the age profile of the labour force is an increasing issue. The paper also adopts a cumulative disadvantage perspective to examine the impact of previous work and family life experiences on work life vulnerability at older age. Our data come from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARELIFE). The paper uses cluster analysis, sequence analysis and ordered logistic regression. Results show that women with previous family responsibilities resulting in long-term unemployment or caring, often with health complications, are more likely to be vulnerable to deterioration in job quality in late career. This suggests that experiences in the last period of the working life may be just as gendered as earlier periods

    How voluntary is the active ageing life? A life-course study on the determinants of extending careers

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    In Switzerland, as in many other European states, there is an increasing emphasis in public policy on promoting later retirement from the labour market. But this accelerating drive in Swiss policy-making to extend occupational activity does not mean that every worker is currently likely to retire late, nor does it imply that all those who do retire late do so voluntarily. This article uses a life-course approach, first to study the determinants of late retirement, and secondly to analyse whether the decision to postpone retirement is made voluntarily or involuntarily. Both objectives are addressed on the basis of data from the Swiss survey Vivre/Leben/Vivere. The results of logistic regression modelling indicate that, whereas self-employed and more highly educated individuals are more likely to retire late, people with access to private pension funds and workers who have benefited from periods of economic growth have a lower tendency to retire late. Regarding voluntariness, those who are more likely to opt for voluntary late retirement tend to be Swiss citizens, more highly educated, and also benefited from periods of economic expansion, while the self-employed, men and widowed individuals leaving the labour market late tend to do so involuntarily. In conclusion, the article discusses the absence of a social inequality debate in the design of active ageing policies

    Education, Equity and Distributive Beliefs: Evidences from the Chilean Case

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    During the year 2011, Chile has been scenario of several student's demonstrations claiming for more equity in the access to the higher education. The high support to the protests by the side of the general population (nearly 89% of approval in public opinion polls) seems to suggest the existence of a large consensus about the weaknesses of the Chilean educative model, a model that would challenge the traditional ideals of meritocracy and social mobility that are at the core of the educational systems in modern societies. In this context, a question that remains open is to what extent these claims are mostly based on consensual equality ideals, or whether they are influenced by individual socio-economic determinants vis-à-vis rational motives. Using data of the social inequality module International Social Survey Program (ISSP) of 2009, this research analyzes perceptions and beliefs about education and the distributive system as well as the influence of income and educational variables, through a structural equation modeling framework. Preliminary results indicate the presence of socioeconomic cleavages in relation to the fairness of the educational system, questioning the assumption about a normative consensus