21 research outputs found

    Implementasi Fuzzy Time Series dalam Prediksi Jumlah Pasien Tuberkulosis di Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Tuberkulosis merupakan salah satu penyakit ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut) yang termasuk dalam kategori Global Emergency. Jumlah kasus Tuberkulosis di Indonesia termasuk dalam peringkat ketiga terbanyak di seluruh dunia dan Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan Provinsi dengan jumlah penderita terbanyak diantara provinsi lainnya. Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Barat telah melakukan beberapa kebijakan untuk menanggulangi penyebaran Tuberkulosis, seperti pendataan penderita Tuberkulosis per daerah, penyuluhan, dan pengobatan gratis. Namun dalam mendukung kebijakan yang ada maupun kebijakan yang akan dikeluarkan, diperlukan suatu prediksi jumah penderita Tuberkulosis yang berguna sebagai acuan dalam eksekusi kebijakan yang dikeluarkanFuzzy Time Series merupakan salah satu dari beberapa metode prediksi yang ada, dimana metode ini mengambil pendekatan dengan mempelajari pola data yang terjadi di waktu yang lalu untuk diproyeksikan pada prediksi di waktu yang mendatang. Metode ini menerapkan konsep fuzzy logic ke dalam data time series yang kemudian akan digunakan untuk membangun sebuah fuzzy logical relationship (FLR) dan fuzzy logical relationship group (FLRGHasil prediksi dibedakan berdasarkan data per daerah dan juga jumlah interval yang diambil. Hasil akurasi yang didapat dari proses pengujian berkisar antara 93% - 98% terhadap data training dan 93% - 96% terhadap data testing Data Time Series, Fuzzy Time Series, Fuzzy Logical Relationship, Fuzzy Logical Relationship Grou


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    The advances in science and technology have also influenced the development of Bali tourism promotion strategies. In digital era 4.0, social media platforms and video-forming elements that can arouse consumers' emotions and desire to visit must be considered, so that messages and promotional objectives can be conveyed properly to consumers. This study aimed at analyzing the potential of Bali tourism promotion through digital video marketing so that it can be used as a strategy that is suitable for the current digital era.This research using qualitative and quantitative methods (mixed methods) in which the data were collected through interviews and questionnaires. The effectiveness of the video was calculated using CRI (Customer Response Index) by implementing AISAS concept. Incidental quota sampling was done to determine the research sample. The research was done on Facebook. The collected data were analyzed using digital marketing theories, AISAS, and the theories of tourism promotional video. The results showed that the five among six selected videos were uploaded to Facebook are considered effective in conveying the promotional messages. There was a video with a high value of CRI AIS in which it will directly affect the videos' virality because of the high numbers of shares. The videos' virality will boost the videos' popularity that has a significant relationship to the destination's popularity. A popular video is powerful enough to arouse the desire of consumers to visit a destination. This study found a relationship between the CRI AIS value with the level of motivation and consumer desire to visit. The higher the CRI AIS value, the higher the level of motivation to visit


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    Tourism has been a driving force of economic development and has become the leading economic sector in Bali Province. However, the economic impacts of tourism development have not been fully beneficial for the Balinese community. Tourists' expenditure has not been totally remaining in Bali's economy. Some of the expenditures by tourists leak out of the destination, called tourism leakage, in the form of payments for imported products and services, payment of wages for foreign employees, and profits transferred to foreign owners. So far, the amount of tourism leakage in Bali has not been calculated. Therefore, there is a need to ascertain the current amount of leakage in Bali tourism. This paper estimates the amount of tourism leakage from the accommodation sector in Bali through a micro analysis at the industrial level. There were 79 hotels selected as a sample based upon a purposive probability to size sampling method in four main tourist destinations in Bali, namely Kuta, Nusa Dua, Sanur and Ubud. Four types of accommodation were considered in estimating tourism leakage. The results showed that the highest percentage of leakage was in the 4 & 5 Star-rated chain hotels, i.e. 51.0 % of total revenue. It was followed by the 4 & 5 Star-rated non-chain hotels (22.7 %), and 1, 2 & 3 Star-rated hotels (12.0 %). Meanwhile, the lowest leakage was on the Non star-rated hotels (8.8 %). Overall, the average tourism leakage on accommodation sector in Bali was 18.8 %. These results indicate that (i) the higher the level of hotel classifications, the more leakage will be; and (ii) accommodation which was owned by a foreigner and/or managed by an international chain had more leakage than other types of accommodation. The more leakage, therefore the less revenue from tourism will be directly received by hotel and undirectly by the local community as tourism is the main source of economic development of Bali Province


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    Berkembangnya internet memberikan akses yang kuat pada penggunaan media social dan proses komunikasi bisnis dalam ruang digital. Penggunaan media social untuk melakukan proses transaksi bisnis semakin ramai digunakan dikalangan generasi milenial. Dalam beberapa e-commerce yang sedang berkembang di Indonesia, banyak evaluasi layanan yang diberikan oleh pelanggan lewat komentar di social media twitter. Dengan data yang diambil berdasarkan pencarian atas pendapat customer pada layanan e-commerce yang terhubung pada Twitter API ditemukan hasil yang berbeda dari 3 e-commerce yang diteliti. Hasil ini menunjukan bahwa e-commerce yang paling banyak mendapat komentar negative atau evaluasi dari pelanggan ada pada Lazada sedangkan pada tokopedia dan bukalapak hasil analisis menunjukan kesamaan presentase. Artinya tokopedia dan bukalapak mempunyai tingkat evaluasi dan komentar negative yang sama. Kedepannya diharapkan penggunaan e-commerce di Indonesia semakin baik dan terus memberikan layanan yang baik bagi kepuasan pelanggan

    Pemanfaatan Media Game I Gerantang untuk Melestarikan Cerita Rakyat Bali

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    Cerita Rakyat Bali sangat kental terhadap budaya Bali karena mampu memberikan nasihat berupa pesan moral kepada Masyarakat Bali. Cerita I Cupak lan I Gerantang yang merupakan salah satu Cerita Rakyat Bali saat ini hanya dilestarikan melalui media cetak. Dampak yang ditimbulkan adalah Cerita I Cupak lan I Gerantang mulai ditinggalkan, karena Masyarakat Bali sudah mulai meninggalkan budaya membaca. Solusi dari masalah tersebut adalah pemanfaatan media baru berupa game untuk melestarikan kembali Cerita I Cupak lan I Gerantang. Game I Gerantang dibuat menggunakan aplikasi Unity dengan bahasa pemrograman C#, berbasis Android dengan genre Role Playing Game. Metode Pre-Experimental dengan bentuk One Group Pretest-Postest Design digunakan untuk uji coba game terhadap 40 siswa. Hasil uji coba memperlihatkan 95% siswa tidak mengetahui isi cerita dan 92% siswa tidak mengetahui pesan moral dari cerita I Cupak lan I Geratang sebelum memainkan game, berubah menjadi 100% siswa mengetahui isi cerita dan pesan moral dari cerita I Cupak lan I Gerantang setelah memainkan game. Kata Kunci: Game, Android, Cerita Rakyat, I Gerantan

    The Potential of grxB Gene for Detection of C. sakazakii in Infant Formula Milk Using Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    Cronobacter sakazakii is one of the bacteria that causes food poisoning that contaminates infant formula. This pathogen causes necrotizing enterocolitis, sepsis, and meningitis in infants or neonates with reported case fatality rates ranging from 40% to 80%. Therefore, it is necessary to develop fast and accurate detection of C. sakazakii in infant formula milk. This research aims to develop a method for detecting C. sakazakii bacteria using real-time PCR with high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy. A rapid detection method using real-time PCR with the target gene grxB successfully detects the presence of C. sakazakii DNA in artificially contaminated formula milk. The results of the real-time PCR test showed that C. sakazakii DNA with a concentration of 53 ng/µL could be amplified by the grxB gene primer pair with a Ct value of 12 and a Tm value of 85.8ºC. The specificity test showed that the grxB primer could differentiate between target and some non-target bacteria. The sensitivity test showed the ability of the grxB primer to detect the smallest concentration of 3,392 pg/µL with a Ct of 24,06. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the grxB primer has the potential to be used as rapid detection method for C. sakazakii bacteria in infant formula using real-time PCR

    Validation of the Detection Kit for Pathogenic Bacteria Salmonella typhi Causes Food Poisoning with Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    Salmonella typhi is a gram-negative bacteria that causes food poisoning. Salmonella typhi bacteria can cause typhus, which can produce lipopolysaccharide complex endotoxin, which plays an important role in the pathogenesis oftyphoid fever. Cases of food poisoning are still common and are one of the causes of death and death in Indonesia. In 2019, there were 77 cases of food poisoning in Indonesia. A fast, accurate, and specific detection method is needed to detect poisoning. In previous studies, the optimum conditions and formulas for detecting these bacteria have been obtained using Real Time PCR. The results of previous studies are used as the basis for the development of a prototypedetection kit. In this study, validation was carried out, which aimed to confirm the results of previous studies so that a reproducible and accurate product for the detection of Salmonella typhi bacteria could be obtained. The results of this study showed that fim-C primers for Salmonella typhi were amplified at 95 base pairs (bp) with an annealing temperature of 60ºC and a standard DNA concentration of 50 ng/µL. The results of the Real Time PCR confirmation test of Salmonellatyphi bacteria at a pre-denaturation of 3 minutes with a concentration of 10 pmol obtained the Ct value according to thestandard with previous studies. The Ct value obtained was 13.96 for S. typhi bacteria. Based on the results obtained, it can be conclude that the condition validation stage for pure cultures was successfully carried out by producing consistentand reproducible data

    Validation of the Detection Kit for Pathogenic Bacteria Salmonella typhi Causes Food Poisoning with Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    Salmonella typhi is a gram-negative bacteria that causes food poisoning. Salmonella typhi bacteria can cause typhus, which can produce lipopolysaccharide complex endotoxin, which plays an important role in the pathogenesis of typhoid fever. Cases of food poisoning are still common and are one of the causes of death and death in Indonesia. In 2019, there were 77 cases of food poisoning in Indonesia. A fast, accurate, and specific detection method is needed to detect poisoning. In previous studies, the optimum conditions and formulas for detecting these bacteria have been obtained using Real Time PCR. The results of previous studies are used as the basis for the development of a prototype detection kit. In this study, validation was carried out, which aimed to confirm the results of previous studies so that a reproducible and accurate product for the detection of Salmonella typhi bacteria could be obtained. The results of this study showed that fim-C primers for Salmonella typhi were amplified at 95 base pairs (bp) with an annealing temperature of 60ºC and a standard DNA concentration of 50 ng/µL. The results of the Real Time PCR confirmation test of Salmonella typhi bacteria at a pre-denaturation of 3 minutes with a concentration of 10 pmol obtained the Ct value according to thestandard with previous studies. The Ct value obtained was 13.96 for S. typhi bacteria. Based on the results obtained, it can be conclude that the condition validation stage for pure cultures was successfully carried out by producing consistentand reproducible data

    Rancang Bangun Wireless Relay dengan Monitoring Daya Listrik Berbasis Internet Of Things

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    Listrik merupakan sumber daya untuk menjalankan berbagai perangkat elektronik. Pengguna akan sering kali lupa untuk memadamkan atau menyalakan perangkat elektroniknya, kemudian pengguna listrik prabayar maupun pascabayar tidak dapat melakukan pemantauan penggunaan daya listrik perangkat elektroniknya secara realtime. Rancangan alat untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut memiliki prinsip kerja seperti saklar, namun terdapat relay dan beberapa sensor. Pengguna dapat melakukan controlling maupun monitoring dari mana saja selama rancangan alat dan smartphone Android yang di gunakan terkoneksi dengan internet. Controlling perangkat elektronik dapat dilakukan dengan mengunakan saklar utama yang ada pada rancangan alat dan tombol saklar yang ada pada aplikasi Android, kemudian pengguna juga dapat melakukan monitoring tegangan (V), arus (A), daya (W) perangkat elektronik melalui aplikasi Android. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa rancangan alat dan aplikasi Android dapat melakukan controlling dengan baik, kedepannya diharapkan adanya penyesuaian pembacaan arus agar perhitungan daya yang dihasilkan lebih akurat