7 research outputs found

    Modelling of Solar Power Generation Systems as a Source of Agricultural Irrigation Pumps

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    New and renewable energy (EBT) is a green energy generator because its supply is abundant and will not run out all the time. Renewable energy is clean energy and does not produce pollution because it is not from fossil fuels such as natural gas, and it will not damage the environment on earth. One of the green energy generators is the Solar Power Plant (PLTS), one of the green energies developed by the Indonesian government to replace energy derived from fossil fuels. The government has set a National Energy Policy, targeting the contribution of NRE to the national energy mix by 2025 is 17% (Perpres No. 5/2006), amended by PP No.79/2014, 23% (2025, (31) % (2050) To be able to support this, it is hoped that a study and research will be carried out, "Modeling of solar power generation systems as a source of agricultural irrigation pumps” with research that can obtain results that can be obtained irrigating rice fields in Subak Kanca Tegeh, Selan Bawak Village, Tabanan Regency so that farmers who are having rice fields that cannot drain water can be supplied with water by installing a pump 10 ha from 50 ha, the existing water has not been able to reach this far with a higher topography, it is necessary to plan how much power is needed so that the water pump can obtain enough energy to the pump can work normally

    Prototype Pemantauan Konsumsi Energi Listrik pada Firebase Menggunakan PZEM-004T

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    Saat ini  kWh meter konvensional masih digunakan untuk memantau konsumsi listrik di Indonesia, sehingga masih diperlukan petugas yang mengunjungi rumah pelanggan setiap bulannya. Hal ini mengakibatkan Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) harus menyediakan pencatat meter yang menjadi beban biaya perusahaan. Sementara itu pencatat meter mengalami kendala ketika rumah pelanggan kosong dan tidak dapat dicatat meternya. Permasalahan ini dapat diselesaikan jika menggunakan teknologi pencatatan yang otomatis dan bisa dikendalikan dari jarak jauh. Saat ini kemajuan teknologi memungkinkan konvergensi antara saluran komunikasi dengan berbagai hal. Teknologi yang dikenal dengan Internet of Things (IoT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat pemantauan konsumsi energi listrik berbasis Internet of Things (IoT). Alat ini akan membantu perusahaan (PLN) dalam memantau penggunaan listrik setiap pelanggan tanpa petugas pencatat meter. Prototype alat ini telah berhasil dikerjakan menggunakan PZEM-004T yang kemudian mampu menampilkan tegangan, arus daya, power factor dan waktu. Luaran dari alat kwH meter teknologi IoT ini kemudian dikirimkan ke basis data Firebase. Firebase memiliki keunggulan karena ditempatkan dalam cloud. Sehingga data yang diperoleh dapat juga ditampilkan dalam aplikasi android. Hasil pengujian dari prototype kemudian dilakukan pengujian beban dan dibandingkan dengan alat ukur sejenis yang ada di pasaran. Pengujian beban menghasilkan keakuratan sistem dengan rata-rata persentase akurasi tegangan: 99.25%, arus: 99.82%, daya: 97.50% dan factor daya: 98.78%. Penelitian ini menghasilkan prototipe menggunakan ESP32 dan PZEM-004T yang sangat akurat sehingga dapat direkomendasikan untuk pencatatan daya listrik yang mampu mengurangi beban biaya operasional PLN


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    Perkembangan teknologi komputer sekarang ini sangat jauh berkembang dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Perkembangan ini terjadi di semua bidang kehidupan. Seperti dunia kedokteran, industri, pertanian dan yang lainnya. Teknologi juga sangat membantu berbagai pekerjaan manusia menjadi lebih mudah, cepat dan efisien. Teknologi komputer ini berupa perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan dapat berupa sistem dan aplikasi. Untuk menjalankan sistem dan aplikasi ini memerlukan perangkat keras berupa ruang-ruang sebagai tempat menyimpan yang disebut dengan memory. Memory memiliki sifat sementara dan permanen. Besarnya ruang memory ini akan mempengaruhi sistem kerja komputer dan berjalannya aplikasi yang digunakan. Semakin banyak aplikasi yang digunakan, otomatis akan dapat memenuhi ruang memory yang ada. Aplikasi Microsoft Binder adalah salah satu fitur yang tidak terlalu banyak diketahui penggunaannya sebagai pengikat dokumen yang dihasilkan dari berbagai aplikasi. Microsoft Binder seperti klip pengikat dan menyimpan dokumen terkait secara bersamaan. Microsoft Binder memungkinkan kita menggabungkan berbagai file menjadi satu untuk memudahkan pengelolaan. Dalam hal ini penggunaan memory yang terpakai sudah tentu akan berkurang sehingga kerja komputer menjadi lebih optimal

    Design of Controlling and Monitoring System for Room Temperature, Lighting, Power, and Energy Using Internet of Things

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    One goal of a smart home is to save the use of energy. Savings can be made with a control system where the things related to electricity usage will be controlled automatically. This research designs a control system of several parameters in a replica of a room with a monitoring application. Those parameters include room temperature, lighting, voltage, current, power, and energy using the Internet of Things. The room temperature control system uses the DHT11 sensor, the light intensity controller uses the LDR HL01 sensor module, while measuring current, voltage, power, and electrical energy at the load uses the PZEM-004T sensor. The NodeMCU ESP8266 is used as a control center that receives, processes, and sends data to the Blynk application using WiFi. The core of the system is based on the detection of the room temperature threshold and the state of light intensity based on light or dark. From these two conditions, the control center will instruct the relay to turn on or turn off the fan and lighting according to the predefined conditions. If the load is on then the voltage, current, power, and energy data will be acquired and displayed on the Blynk application in real-time


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    Fungsi dari alat key tag atau hotel switch atau key card adalah memutus atau menyambungkan aliran listrik ke dalam suatu area tertentu atau ruang. Key tag memiliki peran penting pada kamar hotel untuk mencegah pemborosan energi pada saat kamar hotel tidak berpenghuni atau belum tersewakan. Untuk itu, penulis merancang simulasi sistem kelistrikan pada kamar hotel yang dikontrol dengan smart relay. Pada simulasi ini digunakan smart relay Zelio Logic buatan Schneider Electric. Pemrograman smart relay ini menggunakan ladder diagram yang disusun menggunakan perangkat lunak ZelioSoft2 dari Schneider Electric. Smart relay menerima sinyal masukan dari sensor, key tag dan sakelar. Sinyal masukan tersebut selanjutnya diproses agar lampu, kotak-kontak, exhaust fan, dan AC (Air Conditioner) pada kamar hotel dapat bekerja

    Watering Strawberry (Fragaria X Anannasa) Plants in a Greenhouse Using IoT-Based Drip Irrigation

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    Strawberries are horticultural plants that are relatively sensitive to excess and lack of water; therefore, it is necessary to provide drip irrigation with an IoT-based control system to maintain the availability of water for plants to support good plant growth and facilitate the work of strawberry farmers. The purpose of using an IoT-based watering control system on strawberry plants (Fragaria X Annanasa) based on water needs in plants is used to support the development and progress of drip irrigation systems and smart farming system technology in modern agriculture. The research methodology is the preparation of tools and materials, assembling and testing the control system, placing sensors in three different scenarios, and observing the height and number of leaves of strawberry plants with different watering frequencies. The results of the design and testing show that the placement of the sensor on the planting media produces a reading value that is close to the actual volume of water by producing a volume of 51.6 ml of water, which is 79.51% of the weight of the growing media used. And for the growth of plants, watering every two days was better, with the average height and number of leaves for strawberry plants being 0.4 cm and 1.78 strands

    IoT-based Electrical Power Recording using ESP32 and PZEM-004T Microcontrollers

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    The electricity usage recording system in Indonesia still uses conventional kWh meters. Electricity usage is recorded by officers who visit customers' homes every month. This results in the electricity company having to provide employees who become a burden on the company's costs. Technological advances enable convergence between communication channels and various things. A technology known as the Internet of Things (IoT) allows customer kWh meters to be recorded in real-time. This research aims to create an Internet of Things (IoT)-based kWh meter that can make it easier for electricity companies to monitor each customer's electricity usage. The IoT kWh meter created can be monitored and controlled from a remote location in real-time. If there is a change in load usage, it will be monitored directly via a mobile device because the kWh meter is directly connected to the internet network and cloud server. To determine the functionality of the tool being made, several tests were carried out, such as a) sensor testing, b) LED indicator, buzzer, and relay testing, c) OLED display testing, d) Firebase database testing, and e) load testing. The test results obtained are used to calculate the error of the tool made with a comparator, and the results show that the percentage of voltage error with different loads is very small, namely 0.35% and 1.45%. This research produced a prototype using ESP32 and PZEM-004T, which is so accurate that it is recommended for recording electrical power, which can reduce the burden on operational costs for electricity companies