168 research outputs found

    Association of Stomatologists of the Republic of Moldova at 50 years

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    Rezumat. Este redată într-un mod succint activitatea Asociaţiei Stomatologilor din Republica Moldova,problemele cu care s-a întîlnit pe parcursul activităţii, rezultatele obţinute şi obiectivele care rămîn de rezolvat pe viitor.Summary. The text describes in a succinct way the activity of the Moldavian Association of Stomatologists, the problems encountered during its activity, the obtained results and the objectives to be achieved in the future

    Morphometrical analyses of the skull in children with pozitional plagiocephaly

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    Indroduction. Pozitional plagiocephaly (PP) is a type of cranial deformity caused by repeated external pressure on the head. Today is well known that this condition is not only cosmetic problem but have a higher risc of other medical problem too. Our privous study had shown a higher incidence of maloclussion among school children with cranial deformities. But anyway there are no detaled information about the situation of these condition in adult children. The aim of this study was to evaluate relation of PP with the maxillo-mandibular area, and the evolution PP in time. Matherial and method. Morphometric analysis of the base skull were peformed in children with cranial deformity, type PP. 10 patients with PP were included with right side location of PP. Children were devided in two groups acording to the age of patients. In first group were included 5 patients with avarage age 1 year, and in second group 5 patients with avarage age 10 years. The simmetry of each hemibase was determined by the crista galli–sella turcica–opisthion angle (CSO). The hemibases were symmetric if their angle was equal to 180º. The symmetry of the exobaze was determined by angles, traced from an anatomic median line to sella turcica and meatus (MSM) and from median line to sella turcica to temporo mandibular fosa (MStmF). The body lenth and ramus height of the mandibular were masured. Data were analyzed within each group and between each group. Results. There were no signicant asimmetry in the lenth of mandibular body and haight of of the mandibular ramus in both groups. All children with PP were determined with a deviation of the CSO angle to left side. The hemibaze was slightly asymmetric in first group, and significantly greater in adult children. The MSM and MStmF angels were greater in left side than in right side in both groups (MSM left and right side 115º-107º, MStmF left and right side 102º-98º). Conclusion. The PP has a huigher risc of deformation on the endobaze and exobaze that can lead to different type of maloclussion

    Clinical and laboratory perspectives of orthodontic bonding perfectioned to a normal, fluorosis and hypoplasis enamel

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    Rezumat. Succesul în tratamentul ortodontic fix este dependent de menţinerea adeziunii între ataşamentele ortodontice şi smalţul gravat pe întreaga durată a tratamentului. Dezlipirea brackeţilor poate creşte în mod semnificativ timpul de tratament, timpul operatorului, costurile materialelor cît şi disconfortul pacientului. Prin urmare, esenţial pentru ortodont ar fi să poată obţine lipirea fiabilă cu smalţ. Adesea medicul ortodont este nevoit să fixeze pe suprafeţele compromise ale smalţului cu procedura standardă de gravare. Apariţia promotorilor de adeziune a dat ortodonţilor posibilitatea de a mari puterea de fixare a ataşamentelor ortodontice pe suprafeţele compromise ale smalţului. Acest articol prezintă un rezumat al anchetelor privind forţa de fixare a ataşamentelor ortodontice la smalţ normal, hipoplazic şi fluorozat, precum şi progresele recente în domeniul tehnologiei biomaterialelor şi impactul acestora asupra adezivităţii.Summary. Success in fixed orthodontic treatment is highly dependent on the maintenance of the bond between orthodontic attachments, and etched enamel for the duration of treatment. Bracket debonding can significantly increase treatment time, operator time, material costs, and patient discomfort. It is therefore essential for the orthodontist to be able to obtain reliable bonding to enamel at the initial bonding appointment. At times, the orthodontist may need to bond to compromised enamel surfaces with the standard acid-etch protocol. The advent of adhesion promoters has provided orthodontists the possibility to potentially increase the bond strength of orthodontic attachments to these compromised enamel surfaces. The current paper presents a summary of investigations of bond strengths of orthodontic attachments to normal, hypoplastic, and fluorosed enamel as well as recent advances in biomaterials technology and their impact on adhesivity

    Levobior preparations -ointment, gel Bior, lotion Bior, capsules Bior their use in maxillofacial surgery. (Newsletter)

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    Rezumat. Lucrarea prezintă informații cu privire la schema tehnologică de obţinere, proprietăţile farmacologice, investigaţiile clinice ale preparatelor BioR-gel, LevoBioR-unguent, BioR-loţiune, BioR-capsule și influența acestora asupra afecţiunilor inflamatorii a regiunii maxilo-faciale.Summary. The newsletter presents information about technological scheme, pharmacological properties, clinical investigations of Levobior preparations -ointment, gel Bior, lotion Bior, capsules Bior and their use in maxillofacial surgery

    Levobior preparations-ointment, gel Bior, lotion Bior, capsules Bior their use in maxillofacial surgery. (Newsletter)

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    Rezumat. Lucrarea prezintă informaţii cu privire la schema tehnologică de obţinere, proprietăţile farmacologice, investigaţiile clinice ale preparatelor BioR-gel, LevoBioR-unguent, BioR-loţiune, BioR-capsule şi influenţa acestora asupra afecţiunilor inflamatorii a regiunii maxilo-faciale.Summary. The newsletter presents information about technological scheme, pharmacological properties, clinical investigations of Levobior preparations - ointment, gel Bior, lotion Bior, capsules Bior and their use in maxillofacial surgery

    Optimization of orthodontic treatment for children with Angle class III malocclusion by determining the influence of blink-reflex indices

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    Department of Pediatric Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Pedodontics and Orthodontics, Nicolae Testemitsanu State Univeristy of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: The actual problem is developing the neurophysiological criteria for the diagnosis and monitoring of children with Angle class III malocclusion, because in this pathology there is a wide range of preclinical disorders with adverse influences upon various functions of the body. The interdisciplinary approach is supplemented by neurophysiological diagnosis, which facilitates a correct monitoring of orthodontic treatment during the mixed dentition stage. In recent years, neurophysiological methods gained a wider spread in the diagnosis and monitoring of children with Angle class III malocclusion. Aim of the study: assessing the correlations between the blink reflex indices and the degree of anxiety or anticipated pain. Material and methods: Fifty eight children aged from 9-12 years, who were divided into 2 groups, statistically equivalent by age, gender, facial development degree, presence of a balanced psycho-emotional state. Patients in both groups were examined using traditional clinical exams and complementary exams were completed through neuro-physiological examination of the blink reflex. In our studies, we performed a correlative analysis between the R3 indices (presence/absence), the degree of dental anxiety, assessed on the Dental Anxiety Scale according to N. Corah and pain self-assessment indices based on the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Results: In children with Angle class III malocclusion, in the blink reflex complex, in 31% of cases the R3 wave is present, which is associated with psycho-emotional mechanisms of inhibition/activation for anticipated pain. Conclusions: Perspective future research in children with Angle class III malocclusion needs to be focused on uncovering the correlation between the expression degrees of trigeminal reflexes with the functional disorders in the stomatognathic and extra-stomatognathic systems (vestibular functions, pain syndromes, etc.)

    The device for diagnostic models biometry

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    Summary The device for measuring the anterior portion of the superior or interior mandible on a model, proposed by us, permits the effectuation of measures on diagnostic models. The apparatus can be regulated after individual properties of studied jaws. This fact increases the precision in this manipulation. The device is simple and comfortable in use.R e zu m at Dispozitivul pentru măsurarea porţiunii anterioare a maxilarului superior sau inferior pe un model, propus de către noi, permite efectuarea măsurărilor porţiunii frontale ale acestora pe modele diagnostice. Aparatul poate fi reglat conform particularităţilor individuale a maxilarului cercetat, ceea ce măreşte precizia în cadrul măsurării diverselor modele. Aparatul este simplu şi comod în utilizare

    Optical properties of ZnO nanowire arrays electrodeposited on n-and p-type Si(1 1 1): Effects of thermal annealing

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    a b s t r a c t Electrodeposition is a low temperature and low cost growth method of high quality nanostructured active materials for optoelectronic devices. We report the electrochemical preparation of ZnO nanorod/nanowire arrays on n-Si(1 1 1) and p-Si(1 1 1). The effects of thermal annealing and type of substrates on the optical properties of ZnO nanowires electroplated on silicon (1 1 1) substrate are reported. We fabricated ZnO nanowires/p-Si structure that exhibits a strong UV photoluminescence emission and a negligible visible emission. This UV photoluminescence emission proves to be strongly influenced by the thermal annealing at 150-800 • C. Photo-detectors have been fabricated based on the ZnO nanowires/p-Si heterojunction

    Tuning ZnO Sensors Reactivity toward Volatile Organic Compounds via Ag Doping and Nanoparticle Functionalization

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    Nanomaterials for highly selective and sensitive sensors toward specific gas molecules of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are most important in developing new-generation of detector devices, for example, for biomarkers of diseases as well as for continuous air quality monitoring. Here, we present an innovative preparation approach for engineering sensors, which allow for full control of the dopant concentrations and the nanoparticles functionalization of columnar material surfaces. The main outcome of this powerful design concept lies in fine-tuning the reactivity of the sensor surfaces toward the VOCs of interest. First, nanocolumnar and well-distributed Ag-doped zinc oxide (ZnO:Ag) thin films are synthesized from chemical solution, and, at a second stage, noble nanoparticles of the required size are deposited using a gas aggregation source, ensuring that no percolating paths are formed between them. Typical samples that were investigated are Ag-doped and Ag nanoparticle-functionalized ZnO:Ag nanocolumnar films. The highest responses to VOCs, in particular to (CH3)2CHOH, were obtained at a low operating temperature (250 °C) for the samples synergistically enhanced with dopants and nanoparticles simultaneously. In addition, the response times, particularly the recovery times, are greatly reduced for the fully modified nanocolumnar thin films for a wide range of operating temperatures. The adsorption of propanol, acetone, methane, and hydrogen at various surface sites of the Ag-doped Ag8/ZnO(0001) surface has been examined with the density functional theory (DFT) calculations to understand the preference for organic compounds and to confirm experimental results. The response of the synergistically enhanced sensors to gas molecules containing certain functional groups is in excellent agreement with density functional theory calculations performed in this work too. This new fabrication strategy can underpin the next generation of advanced materials for gas sensing applications and prevent VOC levels that are hazardous to human health and can cause environmental damages