3,361 research outputs found

    ICT Diffusion and Economic Growth in New Zealand

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    Two different theoretical treatments of technology diffusion in an economy are examined. The traditional model based on the aggregate production function approach first introduced by Solow (1957) assumes technology is unstructured and arrives as a continuous exogenous flow. This model predicts that the diffusion of new technologies will be contemporaneously correlated with growth in economic performance indicators. An alternative view explicitly models technological structure in the form of complementarities. It also incorporates the observation that new general purpose technologies (GPTs) invariably emerge in a crude form lacking many of the complementarities that enable them to become productive. This view predicts that when new technologies emerge costly investment in developing complementary technologies must take place and thus there will be a lag between the new technology’s introduction and observed growth in economic performance indicators. These two views articulate two general empirically testable hypotheses that are captured in a number of specific tests. One such test measures diffusion of information and communication technologies (ICT) as an independent phenomenon and compares its times series pattern to that of the growth of total factor productivity (TFP) in New Zealand. New Zealand’s experience in consistent with other OECD economies where the diffusion of ICT has occurred at the same time as a TFP slowdown. Another test measures relative ICT-skilled labour demand. Findings support the non-traditional view’s prediction that ICT-skilled labour will increase with the diffusion of ICT technology in New Zealand.ICT, Productivity, Diffusion Technology

    Qüestionari a Jordi Mesalles i Bisbe. Dramaturg i director teatral

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    Правові основи діяльності товариських судів та їх роль в укріпленні службової дисципліни працівників міліції Української РСР

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    Лесь, І. О. Правові основи діяльності товариських судів та їх роль в укріпленні служ- бової дисципліни працівників міліції Української РСР [Електронний ресурс] / І. О. Лесь // Форум права. – 2014. – № 1. – С. 317–322. – Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/jpdf/FP_index.htm_2014_1_55.pdf.Лесь І. О. "Правові основи діяльності товариських судів та їх роль в укріпленні службової дисципліни працівників міліції Української РСР." Форум права 1 (2014): 317–322.Розглянуто нормативно-правову базу, що забезпечувала діяльність товариських судів (судів честі) в органах внутрішніх справ, порядок притягнення до дисциплінарної відповідальності атестованого працівника міліції та їх вплив на укріплення дисципліни працівників міліції Української РСР.By retrospective analysis considered normative-legal base provided the activities of comrades courts (Courts of honor) in the bodies of internal affairs, the procedure of bringing to disciplinary responsibility of certified police officers and their influence on the strengthening of discipline police officers of the Ukrainian SSR.Рассмотрена нормативно-правовая база, которая обеспечивала деятельность товарищеских судов (судов чести) в органах внутренних дел, порядок привлечения к дисциплинарной ответственности аттестованного сотрудника милиции и их влияние на укрепление дисциплины работников милиции Украинской ССР

    Conceptual design of the EU-DEMO dual coolant lithium lead equatorial module

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Within the framework of EUROfusion Program, the Dual Coolant Lithium Lead (DCLL) is one of the four EU breeder blanket concepts that are being investigated as candidates for DEMO. DCLL uses PbLi as the main coolant, tritium breeder, tritium carrier, and neutron multiplier. The main structures, including the first wall, are cooled with helium. The EU program proposed for the next years will consider a DCLL version limited to 550 °C in order to allow the use of conventional materials and technologies. During the first year of EUROfusion activities, a draft design of the DCLL has been proposed. The main blanket performances were adapted to the new specifications and the CAD model of DEMO. The breeder zone has been toroidally divided into four parallel PbLi circuits, separated through stiffening grid radial walls. The PbLi flow routing has been designed to maximize the amount of thermal power extracted by flowing PbLi and to avoid the occurrence of reverse flows due to volumetric heating. Thermal hydraulics, magnetohydrodynamic and neutronics calculations have been performed for the first draft design. The new DCLL design employs Eurofer-alumina-Eurofer sandwich as flow channel insert (FCI).Postprint (published version

    Discipline and legality situation among militia personnel in Ukraine in emergency conditions of military environment (years 1941–1945)

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    Лесь, І. О. Стан дисципліни та законності серед особового складу працівників міліції України в надзвичайних умовах військової обстановки (1941–1945 рр.) / І. О. Лесь // Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету : серія: Право. – Ужгород : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2015. – Вип. 33. Т. 1. – С. 27–31.У статті розглянуто стан дисципліни та законності серед особового складу працівників міліції України в надзвичайних умовах військової обстановки (1941–1945 рр.). Проаналізовано найпоширеніші злочини та грубі порушення службової дисципліни серед працівників міліції. На основі вивчення та узагальнення широкого кола літературних джерел, особливо архівних матеріалів, визначені основні причини негативних тенденцій щодо дотримання службової дисципліни та законності в міліції Української РСР.Discipline and legality situation among militia personnel in Ukraine in emergency conditions of military environment (years 1941–1945) was viewed. Widespread criminal offences and fragrant violations of official discipline among militia personnel were analyzed. The main reasons of negative tendencies with reference to following official discipline and legality among militia in Ukrainian RSR were defined on the grounds of studying and summarizing broad spectrum of literature sources, especially archive materials.В статье рассмотрено состояние дисциплины и законности среди личного состава работников милиции Украины в чрезвычайных условиях военной обстановки (1941–1945 гг.). Проанализированы самые распространенные преступления и грубые нарушения служебной дисциплины среди работников милиции. На основе изучения и обобщения широкого круга литературных источников, особенно архивных материалов, определены основные причины негативных тенденций в соблюдении служебной дисциплины и законности в милиции Украинской ССР

    The Effects of Central Bank Digital Currency Communication and Associated Social Media Sentiment on Cryptocurrency Markets

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    The creation of central bank digital currency (CBDC) has been seen as a potential mechanism for addressing some of the negative consequences of increased cryptocurrency popularity. It has also been linked to the introduction or strengthening of regulations related to digital money, with some central banks identifying the need for a comprehensive regulatory framework as a precondition for successful CBDC implementation. However, this type of central bank intervention can be seen by market participants as a threat to both confidentiality and potential cryptocurrency profitability. Linking computationally analyzed social media data with hand-coded data from the websites of major central banks, we test the effects of CBDC-related announcements and social media sentiment. on 210 blockchain and cryptocurrency fund products. We find that for a large majority of theseproducts, central bank announcements elicit significant returns and volatility responses, with somevariation in response related to geographical region. Both central bank announcements and positivesocial media CBDC-related sentiment are associated with reduced cryptocurrency exchange tradedfund (ETF) returns and increased volatility. Our results provide evidence of a largely negativemarket response to the threat of potential cryptocurrency regulation that can be directly linked toCBDC developmen

    Innovative instrumentation and methodology to characterize long distance heliostat beam quality in commercial solar power tower plants

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    The characterization of the whole solar field of a solar tower power plant is a time consuming labor that has to be performed to know the optical quality of each heliostat in the field. This allows to correct some deviations of each heliostat, leading to an improvement in its individual performance, and thus, improving the final performance of the whole field. The current methodology to characterize the optical quality of a heliostat is based on using a lambertian target, in which the solar beam is focused and its reflected radiation is captured using cameras. This leads to important measurement inaccuracies due to the non-uniformity of the lambertian target and the behavior of the camera. But the fact that the sun beam can overflow the size of the target, and its power density can be almost in the order of the ambient light, implies that a huge part of the heliostats in a plant cannot be well-characterized by these systems. These issues are even more important taking into account that plant size tends to grow even larger, increasing the distance of the furthest heliostats, and that small heliostats begin to be introduced in solar fields, whose reflected power is lower than that of common heliostats. Those issues will be overcome thanks to a new measurement system based on a non-tracking way to scan the sun spot, using an array of optoelectronic detectors which can be installed in new plants and even in plants that are now in operation

    Reviews, Critiques and Annotations

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    Pissarra 1989, no. 48

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    Abstract not availabl