253 research outputs found

    Cascade Simulations for the LHC Betatron Cleaning Insertion

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    A cascade calculation is done in the IR7 betatron cleaning insertion of LHC. It uses a detailed map of the primary losses and an accurate model of the straight section. One aim is to design a compact shielding which fits in the tight section of the tunnel. The same study allows to define radiation hardness properties of the equipment to be installed in the section and to locate areas of low activi ty for the installation of sensitive equipment

    Distinct complexing trends of chitosan with toxic metals (PO1-24)

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    We have been able to prove that not only adsorption but also complexation of different metals (Pb, Cd, Mo, Cu, Zn and Cr) actually takes place in acetate buffer (pH=4) with Chitosans of different molecular weights and deacetylation degrees. Depending on the different electrochemical behaviour on mercury electrode of studied metals and the nature of the resulting complexes, diverse approaches have been used. Chitosan molecular weight and concentration had been seen to play a key role in the Chitosan binding activity with Zn, Pb and Cd, as reported elsewhere[1]. Length of Chitosan chains influences the degree of complexation with both Cr and Mo, while Cu binding capacity remains independent of the molecular weight of the assayed polymers. The larger the polymer chain length the higher the number of amino group available for the retention of both Cr and Mo within the tridimensional structure of the acting ligand. This is consistent with a predominant intra-chain linkage of both metal atoms. On the contrary, in the case of Cu, an inter-layer binding mechanism is proposed as the main retention factor by Chitosan

    Optimising piezoelectric and magnetoelectric responses on CoFe2O4/P(VDF-TrFE) nanocomposites

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    Magnetoelectric nanocomposite films composed of magnetostrictive CoFe2O4 nanoparticles with sizes between 35 and 55 nm embedded in P(VDF-TrFE) have been successfully prepared by a solvent casting method. The ferroelectric, piezoelectric, magnetic and magnetoelectric properties of the nanocomposite and their variation with the wt% of the ferrite filler, thickness of the composite and direction of the applied magnetic field have been investigated. Ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties are improved when small amount of ferrite nanoparticles were added to the polymeric matrix. Magnetic properties vary linearity with ferrite content. The highest magnetoelectric response of 41.3 mV/cmOe was found in the composite with 72wt% when a 2.5 kOe DC field was transversely applied to the sample surface. This value is among the highest reported in two phase particulate polymer nanocomposites. Thickness of the composite has no influence in the magnetoelectric response, allowing tailoring sensor thickness for specific applications. The good value of the magnetoelectric coefficient and the flexibility of the films make these composites suitable for applications in magnetoelectric smart devices.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (PTDC/CTM/69316/2006), (SFRH/BD/45265/2008).FEDER “Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade – COMPETE” (NANO/NMed-SD/0156/2007)Basque Government Industry Department - Project Actimat (ETORTEK-IE10-272)COST Action MP1003, 2010 - The „European Scientific Network for Artificial Muscles‟ (ESNAM)

    Determination of lanthanides in fossil samples using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy

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    As being a fast, simple and relatively non-destructive analytical technique Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has a large variety of applications including the analysis of paleontological samples. In this work LIBS is employed for the quantitative determination of lanthanides (Ce, Dy, Er, Eu, Gd, Ho, La, Lu, Nd, Sm, Tb, Tm and Yb) in vertebrate fossil samples comprising teeth, disarticulated complete or fragmented bones, eggshell fragments, and coprolites of dinosaurs, mammals and crocodiles. For emission line data, standard AnalaR grade salts of lanthanides were used. The major components: Iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon and aluminum in the samples were also determined. The analytical information may be helpful in studying the samples for their age, formation environment and other paleontological properties

    Proton Collimation in TeV Colliders

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    In high intensity proton colliders with superconducting magnets, quenches induced by beam losses are unavoidable in the absence of a collimation system. We will show that a single stage system cannot suffice at TeV energies. We will discuss a two-stage collimation system at first as an optical system then considering true scattering in collimator jaws. Expected performance at LHC are presented. then finally, we present the preliminary measurements done at 120 GeV/c in the SPS ring with a simplified three stage collimation system

    Prevalence of depression during the COVID-19 outbreak: A meta-analysis of community-based studies

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    Introduction: COVID-19 pandemic, declared on March 11, 2020, constitute an extraordinary health, social and economic global challenge. The impact on people''s mental health is expected to be high. This paper sought to systematically review community-based studies on depression conducted during the COVID-19 and estimate the pooled prevalence of depression. Method: We searched for cross-sectional, community-based studies listed on PubMed or Web of Science from January 1, 2020 to May 8, 2020 that reported prevalence of depression. A random effect model was used to estimate the pooled proportion of depression. Results: A total of 12 studies were included in the meta-analysis, with prevalence rates of depression ranging from 7.45% to 48.30%. The pooled prevalence of depression was 25% (95% CI: 18% - 33%), with significant heterogeneity between studies (I2 = 99.60%, p < .001). Conclusions: Compared with a global estimated prevalence of depression of 3.44% in 2017, our pooled prevalence of 25% appears to be 7 times higher, thus suggesting an important impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on people's mental health. Addressing mental health during and after this global health crisis should be placed into the international and national public health agenda to improve citizens’ wellbeing


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    Summary Cerebral aneurysms result from a complex interplay between mechanical stresses and pathophysiological changes occurring in the arterial wall. In order to reduce the hemodynamic forces acting on the aneurysmal wall, new endovascular treatments have been developed involving the exclusion of the aneurysm from the intracranial circulation. A comparative study of the performance of three of these techniques is reported here. Digital Particle Image Velocimetry (DPIV) is used to perform in vitro measurements of the velocity and stress fields inside a model of cerebral aneurysms. BACKGROUND ON CEREBRAL ANEURYSM

    Presence of Clostridium difficile in pig faecal samples and wild animal species associated with pig farms

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    Aims: to determine the presence of Clostridium difficile on fattening pig farms in north-eastern Spain. Methods and results: Twenty-seven farms were sampled. Pools of pig faecal samples (n = 210), samples of intestinal content from common farm pest species (n = 95) and environment-related samples (n = 93) were collected. Isolates were tested for toxin genes of C. difficile, and typed by PCR-ribotyping and toxinotyping. The minimal inhibitory concentrations of six antimicrobial agents were determined using Etest. Thirty-four isolates were obtained from 12 farms, and 30 (88·2%) had toxin genes. Seven ribotypes were identified. Ribotype 078 and its variant 126 were predominant (52·9%). The same ribotypes were isolated from different animal species on the same farm. None of the isolates were resistant to metronidazole or vancomycin. Conclusions: Clostridium difficile was common within the pig farm environment. Most of the positive samples came from pest species or were pest-related environmental samples. Significance and Impact of the Study: Pest species were colonized with toxigenic and antimicrobial-resistant C. difficile strains of the same ribotypes that are found in humans and pigs. Rodents and pigeons may transmit toxigenic and antimicrobial-resistant C. difficile strains that are of the same ribotypes as those occuring in humans

    Prevalence of anxiety in medical students during the covid-19 pandemic: A rapid systematic review with meta-analysis

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    The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has brought a great deal of pressure for medical students, who typically show elevated anxiety rates. Our aim is to investigate the prevalence of anxiety in medical students during this pandemic. This systematic review and mini meta-analysis has been conducted following the PRISMA guidelines. Two researchers independently searched PubMed on 26 August 2020 for cross-sectional studies on medical students during the COVID-19 outbreak, with no language restrictions applied. We then performed a manual search to detect other potentially eligible investigations. To the 1361 records retrieved in the initial search, 4 more were added by manual search on medRxiv. Finally, eight studies were finally included for qualitative and quantitative analysis, which yielded an estimated prevalence of anxiety of 28% (95% CI: 22–34%), with significant heterogeneity between studies. The prevalence of anxiety in medical students is similar to that prior to the pandemic but correlates with several specific COVID-related stressors. While some preventive and risk factors have been previously identified in a non-pandemic context, knowledge and cognitions on COVID-19 transmission, treatment, prognosis and prevention negatively correlate with anxiety, emerging as a key preventive factor that may provide a rationale for why the levels of anxiety have remained stable in medical students during the pandemic while increasing in their non-medical peers and the general population. Other reasons for the invariability of anxiety rates in this population are discussed. A major limitation of our review is that Chinese students comprised 89% the total sample, which could compromise the external validity of our work

    Prevalence of anxiety in the COVID-19 pandemic: An updated meta-analysis of community-based studies

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    Background: The unprecedented worldwide crisis caused by the rapid spread of COVID-19 and the restrictive public health measures enforced by some countries to slow down its transmission have severely threatened the physical and mental wellbeing of communities globally. Methods: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to determine the prevalence of anxiety in the general population during the COVID-19 pandemic. Two researchers independently searched for cross-sectional community-based studies published between December 1, 2019 and August 23, 2020, using PubMed, WoS, Embase, and other sources (e.g., grey literature, manual search). Results: Of 3049 records retrieved, 43 studies were included. These studies yielded an estimated overall prevalence of anxiety of 25%, which varied significantly across the different tools used to measure anxiety. Consistently reported risk factors for the development of anxiety included initial or peak phase of the outbreak, female sex, younger age, marriage, social isolation, unemployment and student status, financial hardship, low educational level, insufficient knowledge of COVID-19, epidemiological or clinical risk of disease and some lifestyle and personality variables. Conclusions: As the overall global prevalence of anxiety disorders is estimated to be 7.3% normally, our results suggest that rates of anxiety in the general population could be more than 3 times higher during the COVID-19 pandemic. These findings suggest a substantial impact on mental health that should be targeted by individual and population-level strategies
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