49 research outputs found

    Стандарты обеспечения законности осуществления негласной деятельности в уголовном процессе: правовые позиции Европейского Суда по правам человека и компаративное исследование

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    The subject of research is the implementation of covert activities in criminal proceedings through the prism of international acts, decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.The purpose of the work is to formulate common standards for ensuring the legality of implementing covert activities in criminal process through the prism of legal positions of the European Court Of Human Rights.The methodological basis or research isthe totality of general and special scientific methods of scientific cognition. The formal-legal (legal-technical) method was used to study the rules of law, to analyze the features of legal technique; and the hermeneutical method revealed the legal content of the norms, legislative proposals and defects in legal regulation. The statistical method helped to generalize judicial practice of ECHR. While building up the system of the standards for the ensuring the legality of implementing covert activities in criminal process we used the system-structural method.The main results and conclusions. The analysis of the legal positions of the ECHR made it possible to conditionally single out the following standards for ensuring the legality of the implementation of covert activity in criminal proceedings:– predictability. Its essence lies in the fact that the grounds, procedural order, conditions, timing, the circle of persons and crimes in relation to which it is allowed to carry out covert activities should be as detailed, clear and accurate as possible in the criminal procedural legislation. Moreover, any person had the opportunity to familiarize himself with the relevant regulatory prescriptions and foresee the actions that can be carried out in relation to him;– warranty against abuse. The content of this standard can be disclosed by more detailed highlighting of clarifying provisions ("substandards"). These include: control of interference in human rights and freedoms; the certainty of the circle of persons in relation to whom it is possible to carry out secret activities; limited corpus delicti, for the purpose of investigation or prevention of which covert activity is allowed; the existence in national legislation of procedures that facilitate the law of the implementation of covert activity in criminal proceedings; the temporary nature of the implementation of secret activities in the criminal process;– verifiability. The essence of this standard can be disclosed through the establishment of judicial control over the decision of the issue regarding the possible destruction of information obtained in the course of conducting covert activities, which is not relevant to criminal proceedings, as well as the requirement for the mandatory opening of decisions that were the basis for conducting covert investigative actions;– exclusivity. The main content of this standard is that covert activity in criminal proceedings can be carried out only in cases where the disclosure or prevention of a crime in another way is impossible or is too complicated;– proportionality of the intervention and its expediency. The essence of this standard is that the implementation of certain covert coercive actions that are associated with the restriction of human rights and freedoms must be proportionate to the goals for which such actions are directed. Moreover, these goals and the applied coercion must be necessary in a democratic society;– inadmissibility of tacit interference in the communication of some subjects. First of all, this requirement concerns the need to legislatively guarantee non-interference in communication between a lawyer and his client, a priest and an accused, etc., which means a ban on targeted control over the communication of certain subjects, as well as the obligation to destroy information obtained in the course of an accidental, situational interfering with their communication.Анализируются правовые позиции Европейского Суда по правам человека, касающиеся процессуального порядка проведения негласных следственных действий в уголовном процессе. Выделяются стандарты обеспечения их законности. С целью всестороннего раскрытия данной проблематики также используется компаративный подход к исследованию, который способствовал выяснению особенностей воплощения выделенных стандартов в законодательстве некоторых стран


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    In0,01Ga0,99As/In0,56Ga0,44P /Ge structures for the first tandem of three−tandem A3B5/Ge solar cells were synthesized using MOS hydride epitaxy. The p—n–junction was formed by boron diffusion into gallium doped germanium. Phosphorus and gallium profiles in germanium were measured using SIMS. We show thatchanges in the phosphine flow do not affect the phosphorus distribution and the p—n–junction depth in the germanium stage.Методом МОС−гидридной эпитаксии изготовлены структуры In0,01Ga0,99As/In0,56Ga0,44P/Ge, представляющие собой первый каскад трехкаскадных солнечных элементов AIIIBV/Ge.P—n−переход сформирован диффузией фосфора в германий, легированный галлием. Методом ВИМС получены профили фосфора и галлия в германии. Показано, что изменение потока фосфина не влияет на характер распределения фосфора и глубину p—n−перехода в германиевом каскаде

    Внелегочное проявление хронической обструктивной болезни легких: клинические и функционально-морфологические аспекты изменений кишечника

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    At patients chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) average degree of gravity and heavy stages decrease absorption functions of a thin gut is established concerning fats, protein, carbohydrates, progressing with weight of disease, a degree of degenerate-dystrophic changes of a mucous membrane of a thin gut with its infringement regeneration potentialities. The received data are interpreted in a context of interrelation of function, structure of a mucous thin gut and a clinical component. Direct correlation communications between deficiency of weight of a body of patients COPD and decrease absorption functions of a thin gut in the attitude are established albuminum (r = 0,71), fats (r = 0,55), carbohydrates (r = 0,48).У пациентов с хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ) среднетяжелой и тяжелой стадий установлено снижение абсорбционной функции тонкой кишки в отношении жиров, белка, углеводов, прогрессирующее по мере увеличения тяжести заболевания, степени дегенеративно-дистрофических изменений слизистой оболочки тонкой кишки и нарушений ее регенераторных потенций. Полученные данные интерпретируются в контексте взаимосвязи функции, структуры слизистой оболочки тонкой кишки и клинической составляющей. Установлены прямые корреляционные связи между дефицитом массы тела больных ХОБЛ и снижением абсорбционной функции тонкой кишки в отношении белка (r = 0,71), жиров (r = 0,55), углеводов (r = 0,48)

    Results of implementation of viral hepatitis B elimination program in the North-West Russia

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    Introduction. Vaccination contributed to reduce the incidence of acute hepatitis B in the territories of the North-West Russia. The urgency of this problem remains due to the high incidence of chronic hepatitis B. This accounted for the need to develop a hepatitis B elimination program in the district discussed that was approved in 2013 by the head of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing. Objective is to characterize the results of the program for the elimination of acute hepatitis B virus implemented in the North-Western Federal District. Materials and methods. The 2010–2020 incidence rate of acute and chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in the regions of the North-West Russia was carried out. To determine HBV genotypes and subgenotypes, 160 blood plasma samples from patients with acute hepatitis B were studied using molecular genetic methods (PCR, sequencing). The prevalence of latent hepatitis B in various population groups was assessed. The 2016–2020 hepatitis B vaccination coverage and relevant serological monitoring in adults was carried out. Results. While implementing the program, it was found that the incidence rate of acute hepatitis B in the district decreased by 4.5-fold, revealing in 2020 no cases of the disease in 5 regions, with incidence rate in the 6 subfederal units being lower than 1.0 per 100,000 population. Moreover, the incidence rate for chronic hepatitis B decreased by 2.6 times. The 2020 vaccination coverage of children under 17 and adults in all territories comprised more than 95% and 90%, respectively. In addition, it was shown the circulation of genotypes D and A of hepatitis B virus is dominated by genotype D (91.8%), subgenotype D2 (47.8%). The prevalence of latent hepatitis B among migrants was 6.5%, pregnant women — 4.9%, hemodialysis patients — 1.7%. Conclusion. Implementation of the program on elimination of acute viral hepatitis B in the territory of the North-West Russia contributed to raise in the vaccination coverage in adult population and lowered incidence rate of acute and chronic HBV infection

    Impaired Mitochondrial Network Morphology and Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Fibroblasts from Parkinson’s Disease Patients

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    The mitochondrial network (MN) is a dynamic structure undergoing constant remodeling in the cell. It is assumed that perturbations to the MN may be associated with various pathologies, including Parkinson’s disease (PD). Using automatic image analysis and super-resolution microscopy, we have assessed the MN parameters in fibroblasts from patients with established hereditary PD mutations (associated with PINK1, LRRK2, and α-synuclein, as well as PINK1 and Parkin proteins simultaneously) under normal conditions and after hydrogen peroxide-induced stress. Fibroblasts with the Pink1/Parkin mutation are most different in morphology to fibroblasts obtained from conditionally healthy donors: the MN is larger, and it contains longer mitochondria and accumulated individual mitochondria. In addition to MN, we evaluated other cellular parameters, such as cytosolic and mitochondrial ROS production and mitochondrial membrane potential. It has been shown that mitochondria of fibroblasts with mutations in genes encoding PINK1, α-synuclein, and Pink/Parkin tend towards hyperpolarization and cytosolic ROS overproduction, while mitochondrial ROS production was higher only in fibroblasts with PINK1 and α-synuclein mutations

    Letter to the Editor

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    «One Small Step for Mouse»: High CO2 Inhalation as a New Therapeutic Strategy for Parkinson’s Disease

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a ubiquitous neurodegenerative disorder for which no effective treatment strategies are available. Existing pharmacotherapy is aimed only at correcting symptoms and slowing the progression of the disease, mainly by replenishing dopamine deficiency. It is assumed that mitochondrial dysfunction plays a key role in the pathogenesis of PD. It has been suggested that activation of specific degradation of damaged mitochondria (mitophagy) may prevent cell death. An almost exclusive way to initiate mitophagy is acidification of intracellular pH. We attempted to implement transient brain acidification using two experimental therapy strategies: forced moderate physical activity and high CO2 inhalation. The beneficial effects of CO2 supplementation on behavioral aspects were demonstrated in a rotenone-induced PD model. Mice treated with CO2 restored their exploratory behavior and total locomotor activity lost after rotenone administration. Additionally, this treatment enabled the removal of impaired coordination. We have illustrated this therapeutic strategy using histological studies of brain sections to confirm the survival of nigrostriatal areas. These findings suggest that high CO2 inhalation presumably initiates mitophagy via transient brain acidification, and can treat PD-like symptoms in a rodent rotenone model of PD

    Outside of easy display of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: clinical and functional-morphological aspects of changes of intestines

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    At patients chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) average degree of gravity and heavy stages decrease absorption functions of a thin gut is established concerning fats, protein, carbohydrates, progressing with weight of disease, a degree of degenerate-dystrophic changes of a mucous membrane of a thin gut with its infringement regeneration potentialities. The received data are interpreted in a context of interrelation of function, structure of a mucous thin gut and a clinical component. Direct correlation communications between deficiency of weight of a body of patients COPD and decrease absorption functions of a thin gut in the attitude are established albuminum (r = 0,71), fats (r = 0,55), carbohydrates (r = 0,48)