6 research outputs found


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    Desa Babahan adalah salah satu desa di kabupaten Tabanan yang memiliki beragam potensi wisata, baik itu wisata alam, wisata kuliner, wisata budaya, dan wisata rohani. Namun, salah satu masalah utama dalam pertumbuhan kepariwisataan di Desa Babahan adalah belum optimalnya pemanfaatan kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam mempromosikan destinasi pariwisata secara nasional maupun internasional. Dengan pemanfaatan teknologi maka kegiatan promosi pariwisata di Desa Babahan dapat dilakukan dengan efektif dan efisien. Informasi pariwisata di Desa Babahan menggunakan website resmi desa, dinilai tidak terstruktur, tidak terperinci, dan tidak terbaharui. Pemanfaatan teknologi dalam pengembangan promosi pariwisata di Desa Babahan dapat menggunakan sebuah branding video objek wisata untuk mengenalkan potensi wisata yang terdapat di Desa Babahan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah mempromosikan ke khalayak luas tempat wisata di Desa Babahan melalui video yang diupload pada media sosial. Metode yang digunakan meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan pengembangan video objek wisata. Hasil video objek wisata Desa Babahan ini dimaksudkan untuk menyajikan informasi yang akurat sehingga dapat menjadi suatu upaya branding wisata dan pembangunan desa yang berkelanjutan


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    ABSTRACT Electricity supply is very important to improve people's lives. In Indonesia electricity is mostly generated by PLN as the state company that provide electricity for the entire people of Indonesia. PLN’s load is very high to provide electricity and to reduce the load of PLN, the potential of the electricity source should be utilized. One of the locations that have been built and used for micro-hydro power plant is the irrigation canal in the Tangeb village, Mengwi, Badung, Bali. Since it was built in 2014, micro-hydro power plant is expected to be used to provide electricity to the Pura Dalem within 100 meters from the power plant site, but can not function as expected because some parts of the structure were damaged, particularly on the foundation. In order for micro-hydro power plants can be used there should be analysis of the feasibility of existing structures. The research process begins with a review of the research sites, further soil sampling and ground testing in the field. The soil samples were tested in the laboratory. The test results of soil samples in the laboratory and field testing is used to calculate the carrying capacity of the land. The results of the soil bearing capacity were used to design the foundation. Analysis of the framework turbine is also conducted to determine whether the order turbines can still be used. Measurement of flow velocity is also performed to calculate the flow rate so that the electrical potential can be known. The results of the analysis of the feasibility of power plant micro-hydro in the Tangeb village obtained subgrade on the location of the turbine has a high bearing capacity that obtained the lowest allowable bearing capacity (qall) = 36.763 t/m2 based on test results in the laboratory, and the position of the hard soil in 1 meter depth. For steel frame buffer turbines, based on the results of the analysis with 9.7 ETABS program obtained that turbines are qualified or steel frame secure enough to support the movement of the turbine. The foundation of the turbine needs to be fixed with shallow foundation with a size of 0.95 m x 0.95 m, with a thickness 0.3 m and foundation depth of 1 meter. Reinforcement of foundation used for tension reinforcement φ 12 with a distance of 9 cm between the reinforcement and shrinkage reinforcement φ 12 with a distance of 18 cm. Potential electricity or power can be produced based on the calculation of the speed of the water, the water discharge resulting in low water level conditions is (W) = 3.3 kW. Keyword: micro-hydro, soil bearing capacity, foundation desig

    Analisis Pengaruh Perubahan Kontrak (Addendum) Akibat Force Majeure Menggunakan SPSS dan SmartPLS

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    Proyek Pembangunan Gedung BKS-LPD Kabupaten Karangasem mengalami keterlambatan akibat force majeure yang mengharuskan terjadinya perubahan kontrak (addendum) guna memberikan kesempatan kepada Penyedia Barang atau Jasa untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan. Penelitian sebelumnya menyimpulkan bahwa perubahan kontrak kerja (addendum) memiliki pengaruh terhadap biaya dan waktu pekerjaan. Tujuan pelaksanaan riset yaitu mengetahui hasil analisis pengaruh perubahan kontrak akibat force majeure menggunakan program SPSS dan SmartPLS. Metode riset yang digunakan ialah dengan menguji kembali hasil kuisioner yang telah disebarkan pada penelitian sebelumnya menggunakan alat bantu program SPSS dan SmartPLS. Pengujian kembali dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui gap hasil analisis penelitian sebelumnya menggunakan SPSS dengan hasil analisis dari program SmartPLS serta mengecek ketelitian dari masing-masing program statistik tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menggunakan SPSS, addendum memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap biaya sebesar 12,6%. Sedangkan terhadap mutu dan waktu, pengaruh addendum tidak signifikan hanya sebesar 4,9% dan 0,4%. Pada program SmartPLS, hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa addendum memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap biaya dan mutu masing-masing sebesar 11,9% dan 12,6%. Terhadap waktu, pengaruh addendum tidak signifikan karena hanya sebesar 0,4%. Perbedaan hasil analisis antara program SPSS dan SmartPLS terutama pada hubungan addendum dengan mutu timbul akibat perbedaan margin atau batasan syarat uji validitas yang cukup jauh dalam keperluan untuk memenuhi syarat dari masing-masing program statistik tersebut. Hal ini mengakibatkan banyak indikator variabel yang dihilangkan pada saat analisis menggunakan program SmartPLS


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    Pemilahan sampah berbasis sumber yaitu di tingkat rumah tangga sangat penting untuk mengurangi volume sampah yang terbuang ke Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA). Saat ini, sampah adalah permasalahan yang kompleks di Bali . Bagi masyarakat kota, pengelolaan sampah di tingkat rumah tangga secara garis besar masih dengan pola lama yaitu ambil – angkut – buang. Untuk masyarakat di tingkat desa, pengelolaan sampah masih sangatlah kurang, karena kebanyakan masih dibuang di lahan dekat rumah tanpa dibuang ke TPA. Pada masa KKN ini kami mendapat kesempatan untuk membenahi permasalahan sampah yang terdapat di Desa Kaba-Kaba. Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan ini, kami mengunakan metode sosialisasi terpusat dan menjadikan satu wilayah kedinasan atau banjar sebagai pilot project bagi Desa Kaba-Kaba. Sosialisasi ini menghadirkan tiga narasumber berkompeten yang bertugas untuk memicu kesadaran masyarakat akan sampah. Apabila sampah tidak dikelola dengan baik, akan menimbulkan masalah yang sangat serius di kemudian hari. Dengan adanya sosialisasi, diharapkan pola lama berubah dengan adanya pemilahan sebelum pengangkutan ke TPA. Kata kunci: Pengelolaan sampah, volume sampah, Tempat Pembuangan Akhir ABSTRACT Source-based waste segregation is very important at the household level to reduce the volume of waste that is dumped into landfills. Today, waste is a complex problem in Bali. For the urban community, solid waste management at the household level is still in the old pattern, namely take - transport – dispose. For villagers level, waste management is still lacking, because most are still disposed to the land near homes without being disposed to the landfills. During this Community Service Program we had the opportunity to fix the waste problem in Kaba-Kaba village. In carrying out this activity, we use a centralized method of socialization and make an agency area or banjar to be pilot project for Kaba-Kaba village. This socialization presented three competent speakers whose task was to trigger public awareness of waste. If the waste is not managed properly, it will cause very serious problems later on. With the socialization, it is expected that the old pattern will change with the sorting before being transported to the landfill. Keywords: Waste management, Waste volume, Landfill

    Analisis Perbaikan Struktur Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikro Hidro di Desa Tangeb, Kecamatan Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung, Bali

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    Electricity supply is very important to improve people's lives. In Indonesia electricity is mostly generated by PLN as the state company that provide electricity for the entire people of Indonesia. PLN's load is very high to provide electricity and to reduce the load of PLN, the potential of the electricity source should be utilized. One of the locations that have been built and used for micro-hydro power plant is the irrigation canal in the Tangeb village, Mengwi, Badung, Bali. Since it was built in 2014, micro-hydro power plant is expected to be used to provide electricity to the Pura Dalem within 100 meters from the power plant site, but can not function as expected because some parts of the structure were damaged, particularly on the foundation. In order for micro-hydro power plants can be used there should be analysis of the feasibility of existing structures. The research process begins with a review of the research sites, further soil sampling and ground testing in the field. The soil samples were tested in the laboratory. The test results of soil samples in the laboratory and field testing is used to calculate the carrying capacity of the land. The results of the soil bearing capacity were used to design the foundation. Analysis of the framework turbine is also conducted to determine whether the order turbines can still be used. Measurement of flow velocity is also performed to calculate the flow rate so that the electrical potential can be known. The results of the analysis of the feasibility of power plant micro-hydro in the Tangeb village obtained subgrade on the location of the turbine has a high bearing capacity that obtained the lowest allowable bearing capacity (qall) = 36.763 t/m2 based on test results in the laboratory, and the position of the hard soil in 1 meter depth. For steel frame buffer turbines, based on the results of the analysis with 9.7 ETABS program obtained that turbines are qualified or steel frame secure enough to support the movement of the turbine. The foundation of the turbine needs to be fixed with shallow foundation with a size of 0.95 m x 0.95 m, with a thickness 0.3 m and foundation depth of 1 meter. Reinforcement of foundation used for tension reinforcement φ 12 with a distance of 9 cm between the reinforcement and shrinkage reinforcement φ 12 with a distance of 18 cm. Potential electricity or power can be produced based on the calculation of the speed of the water, the water discharge resulting in low water level conditions is (W) = 3.3 kW. Keyword: micro-hydro, soil bearing capacity, foundation desig


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    In general, risks in construction projects can affect project objectives, namely affecting costs, quality and time. In a construction project, a risk factor is a possibility that causes a loss. This study was conducted to determine the dominant risk factors and risk mitigation that caused delays in the implementation of the basic infrastructure and tourism support public facilities project at Benoa Harbor. In this study, data was collected through a questionnaire which was then checked for validity, correlation and reliability using SPSS. Furthermore, to determine the dominant risk, the Severity Index method is used. Based on this research, there are 20 risk factors that cause project delays. The dominant risks based on the level of risk are unexpected events (natural disasters, fires) of 12%, changes in work that has been completed by 10%, environmental changes including changes in weather or climate. at project sites by 10%, repairs that are not in accordance with specifications by 8%, and limited authority of personnel/owners in making decisions by 8%. The dominant risks identified in the project really need to find solutions because they have a very significant impact on project performance.Secara umum risiko pada proyek konstruksi dapat mempengaruhi tujuan proyek yaitu mempengaruhi biaya, mutu dan waktu. Dalam proyek konstruksi, faktor risiko merupakan kemungkinan yang menyebabkan terjadinya kerugian. Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor risiko yang dominan dan mitigasi risiko yang menyebabkan keterlambatan pelaksanaan pada proyek infrastruktur dasar dan fasilitas umum penunjang pariwisata di Pelabuhan Benoa. Dalam penelitian ini, data dikumpulkan melalui kuisioner yang selanjutnya di cek validitas dan realibilitasnya menggunakan SPSS. Selanjutnya untuk menentukan risiko dominan digunakan metode severity index. Berdasarkan penelitian ini terdapat 20 faktor risiko yang menyebabkan keterlambatan proyek, Risiko yang dominan berdasarkan tingkat risiko adalah kejadian tak terduga (peristiwa bencana alam, kebakaran) sebesar 12%, perubahan pada pekerjaan yang sudah selesai sebesar 10%, perubahan lingkungan termasuk perubahan cuaca atau iklim di lokasi proyek sebesar 10%, perbaikan yang tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi sebesar 8%, dan keterbatasan wewenang personil/pemilik dalam pengambilan keputusan sebesar 8%. Risiko-risiko dominan yang teridentifikasi pada proyek sangat perlu dicarikan solusi karena dampaknya yang sangat signifikan terhadap kinerja proyek