47 research outputs found

    Kesulitan Guru dalam Melaksanakan Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Kurikulum 2013 Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    This research discusses the difficulties of teachers in carrying out mathematics learning with the 2013 Curriculum during the Covid-19 Pandemic in SDN Cluster 1 Sumbawa. The purpose of this study is to find out the difficulties experienced by teachers and find out how much difficulty teachers face in carrying out math learning with the 2013 curriculum during the Covid-19 Pandemic in SDN Cluster I Sumbawa. This research is quantitative research with a descriptive approach, while data collection is done by questionnaire and documentation. Research found that there are difficulties experienced by teachers in the implementation of mathematics learning during Covid-19, the difficulties experienced by teachers are as follows; (a) plan learning, (b) the implementation of learning, (c) evaluation of learning. The level of problems experienced by teachers in carrying out math learning during the Covid-19 pandemic is teachers who have high category difficulties as many as 3 teachers with a percentage of 21.43%, teachers who have moderate category difficulties as many as 8 teachers with a percentage of 57.14%, and teachers who have low category difficulties as many as 3 teachers with a percentage of 21.43%

    Identification of the Causal Agent of Cocoa Pod Rot Disease From Various Locations

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    Cacao (Theboroma cacao L.) is an important estate commodity in Indonesia with high economic value. The interference of cocoa pod rot disease which was affected by Phytophthora palmivora Butl. resulted in the reduction of the quantity and quality of cocoa beans, with losses up to 44%. This research was aimed to figure out the variation in morphology of P. palmivora isolates from cacao. The research was carried out by collecting samples of cocoa pod with rot symptoms in several cacao growing areas in Java, then the pathogen was isolated and cultured on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) medium. The observation was performed on morphological characteristics of isolates macroscopically (colony shape) and microscopically (size of sporangium and chlamydospores). All tested isolates showed various colony shape such as stellate, cottony and irregular as well as sporangium varying from obpyriform, globose, ellipsoid, ovoid and distorted with various size between 30.8×21.9–65.5×46.5 µm in range.IntisariKakao (Theboroma cacao L.) merupakan komoditas perkebunan unggulan di Indonesia dengan nilai ekonomi tinggi. Gangguan penyakit busuk buah kakao yang disebabkan oleh Phytophthora palmivora Butl. mengakibatkan penurunan kuantitas dan kualitas biji kakao, dengan kerugian mencapai 44%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui variasi morfologi isolat P. palmivora asal kakao. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel buah kakao bergejala busuk buah di beberapa area perkebunan kakao di Jawa, kemudian patogen diisolasi dan dikulturkan pada media Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap karakteristik morfologi isolat secara makroskopis (bentuk koloni) dan mikroskopis (ukuran sporangium dan klamidospora). Semua isolat yang diuji menunjukkan bentuk koloni seperti stellate, cottony, dan irregular serta sporangium yang bervariasi dari obpyriform, globose, ellipsoid, ovoid, dan distorted dengan ukuran bervariasi antara 30,8×21,9−65,5×46,5 µm

    Pembelajaran Fisika dengan Penggunaan Kit IPA Ditinjau dari Keterampilan Proses dan Sikap Ilmiah Siswa Kelas X SMA Dharma Loka Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to describe outcome of process skills and scientific attitudes students in tenth grade of Dharma Loka Senior High School Pekanbaru using KIT IPA on Matter and Heat topic. The method used in this research is Pre-Experimental Design and was conducted by the research design One Shot Case Study. Data collection instrument in this research is the process skills test and scientific attitude questioners. Analysis of the data in this research is a descriptive analysis for describe process skills and scientific attitudes. From the analysis of process skills data showed: the average absorption is 82 % with good category; effectiveness is 82% is categorized effective learning; completeness learning material is 100% with complete category. While analysis of the data in scientific attitudes is 81% with very good category. So it can conclude that outcome of process skills and scientific attitudes students in tenth grade of Dharma Loka Senior High School Pekanbaru using KIT IPA at Matter and Heat topic is very good

    Yeast Species and Bioactive-Compounds of Traditional Rice Wine Originated from Lombok Island, Indonesia

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    In fermented beverages, yeasts have been exploited for many years and are well-known as alcohol producers. In Indonesian traditional beverages, however, information about microbiology and potential bioactive-compounds of rice wine produced by the local people, especially in Lombok, are limited. The present study described the compounds of traditional rice wine including yeast species and its produced compounds that have biological activity. The yeast in rice wine was isolated using three growth agar media by serial dilution, selected the yeast colonies for molecular identification, and performed gas chromatography tandem with mass spectrometry for profiling the chemical compounds of the rice wine. The result indicated that the rice wine sold without distillation still contained Saccharomyces cerevisiae as the main alcohol producer. Meanwhile, at least six bioactive-compounds such as l-(+)-Ascorbic acid 2,6-dihexadecanoate, performic acid, octadecanoic acid, sulfurous acid, tetratriacontane, and eicosane were detected and reportedly related to antimicrobial, antiviral, anticancer, and other pharmacological activities. These findings could be the first step of studies on exploring Indonesian’s local rice wine as alcohol and bioactive-compound sources for health benefits


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara self-compassion dengan optimisme pada guru Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa negeri di Jakarta. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 70 guru SDLB negeri di Jakarta yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Karakteristik sampel yang digunakan adalah aktif mengajar dan berdomisili di Jakarta serta menangani lebih dari satu disabilitas pada ABK. Tipe penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner/instrumen penelitian yang diadaptasi dari peneliti sebelumnya. Instrumen optimisme diadaptasi dari Alfiani (2017) yang disusun berdasarkan teori Seligman (2006) sedangkan instrumen self-compassion diadaptasi dari Neff (2003). Kedua instrumen yang dibuat telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya, dan tergolong dalam kriteria reliabel. Uji hipotesis penelitian dilakukan menggunakan teknik analisis korelasi Pearson’s product-moment. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,153, yang berarti lebih besar dari taraf signifikansi (0,05). Nilai tersebut dapat diinterpretasikan dengan tidak terdapat hubungan antara self-compassion dengan optimisme. Pada hipotesis awal, penulis menghubungkan keberadaan self-compassion dengan keyakinan diri seseorang yang akhirnya menimbulkan suatu optimisme. Namun dikarenakan tidak terbukti, hal ini berarti terdapat faktor lain yang memiliki peran lebih kuat dalam memengaruhi optimisme pada seseorang. Faktor-faktor lain yang memengaruhi optimisme adalah pengalaman, harga diri dan dukungan sosial

    Upaya Indonesia Meningkatkan Daya Saing Muslim Friendly Tourism (Mft) Diantara Negara-negara Oki

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    This research explains Indonesia\u27s efforts to improve competitiveness advantage of Muslim Friendly Tourism (MFT) between the OIC countries. The expenditures of Muslim tourists spending was USD 145 Billion in 2014 and is estimated to be USD 200 Billion in 2020. This lucrative prospect shall encourage many countries of the world to be a main actor in this industry particularly the OIC member countries to work on MFT professionally, including Indonesia. Indonesia has abundant muslim friendly destinations and potential resources to be developed more in order to atract International tourist and gain fruitful national income. on the contrary by those facts, Indonesia\u27s position remains in Group B which defines as the best position for growth under anothe members of OIC MFT developer countries.The author has collected data from various resources predominantly TP3H and COMCEC to analyze Indonesia\u27s efforts to improve its MFT competitiveness advantage. The theoretical framework used in this study is the perspective of realist-mercantilism, nation-state as unit analysis, the concept of national economic interests, the theory of competitive advantage.This study demonstrates that Indonesia\u27s efforts to enhance its MFT competitiveness advantage between OIC member countries is proven to be as competitive one measured by progressive quality development regarding to MFT competitive advantage (ca) through the main components such key faith-based needs, demand side key themes, supply side key themes

    Fear of Success on Women's Career Development: A Research and Future Agenda

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    Universal phenomenon of the slow women's career development often encountered in both developed and developing countries. In developing countries that still based to the system of collectivism depends on the community, so it is always concerned with the views of others, always concerned with environmental feed back on what have you done. It is psychologically affecting women in its efforts to achieve career development. There are many factors that influence career development of women, but it is rare researchers who discussed the fear of success as psychological factors that most influence on women's career development. Women’s career looked subjectively, based own perspective on employment and the environment. The higher fear of success, then the lower discourage women from competing for the achievements thus affecting the women's career development. This paper aims to describe the influence of fear of success against the women's career development by proposing the concept of career success orientation to explain the process and mechanicsm of how fear of success to affect women's career development.This research method is a form of several empirical studies. Practical implication is that the woman is able to understand them selves internally psychologically, so it has confidence in achieving success in the development of her career. For companies and governments to make employment policy to understand and tolerate the woman against her experienced psychological barriers. Novelty statement that women have a fear of success to influence the women career development, which could be addressed through the concept of career success orientation. Keywords: Career development, Women’s career development, Fear of Success, Career suceess orientation


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    The specific purpose and target of this research is to determine the role of family welfare empowerment organizations (PKK) in the prevention and early handling of women and children victims of violence. The reason for researching this topic is the increase in the number of victims of violence against women and children every year. Based on data from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, it is shown that since 2012 it has increased from 18,718 to 54,041 cases in June 2017 and until February 2018 it has shown 374 cases of violence against women and children. In this case, the Government is responsible for providing optimal services needed by victims, both medical, psychological, and legal assistance in an effort to recover their condition. The government in providing services to victims should cooperate and partner with the community, especially in the prevention and early handling of victims of violence. Prevention and early handling of victims of violence at the village level can empower family welfare empowerment organizations (PKK) which are government partners that are considered effective in the prevention and early handling of women and children victims of violence in their areas. Based on these reasons, it is necessary to study in depth the role of the PKK organization in preventing and early handling of women and children victims of violence. To achieve specific goals and targets in this study, the research method used is a normative research method with a statue approach and a conceptual approach.The results of the study provide an overview 1) there is a clear regulation in the laws and regulations related to the participation of the PKK in preventing and early handling of victims of violence, what needs to be further regulated is regulation in the form of Village Regulations and customary law (awig-awig) related to the participation of PKK and indigenous women in the prevention and early handling of victims of violence. 2) the procedures for preventing and early handling of victims of violence need to be stated in the operational standards in the village and the traditional village paparem