14 research outputs found


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    Perbedaan laki-laki dan perempuan secara alamiah, biologis dan genetic adalah sebuah kenyataan, sebagai kodrat Tuhan yang tidak dapat diubah. Akan tetapi perbedaan tersebut tidak serta merta membuat perempuan selalu berada di bawah baying-bayang laki-laki dan hanya berada di sector domestic tanpa memiliki akses di sektor publik. Melalui pemerataan pendidikan yang semakin berimbang perempuan di Kabupaten Gianyar khususnya di daerah-daerah sentra kerajinan telah mulai menunjukkan diri dengan mengambil pekerjaan yang awalnya hanya dikerjakan oleh laki-laki hal ini menunjukkan bahwa mereka juga mampu eksis di sector public. Hal ini Nampak dari semakin banyaknya perempuan yang menekuni sector Industri kerajinan ukiran kayu yang semula hanya ditekuni oleh kaum laki-laki. Mereka tidak hanya sebagai tukang ampelas, tukang pernis, atau tukang yang tidak mempunyai keterampilan, melainkan sudah ikut dan mampu bersaing dengan pekerja laki-laki sebagai tukang parker


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi perkembangan kerajinan tulang di Desa Tampaksiring, Kabupaten Gianyar yang merupakan Pusat industri kerajinan tulang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey dengan melibatkan sekitar 50 orang pengrajin danpengepul barang kerajinan tulang di Desa Tampaksiring, Kabupaten Gianyar. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan menggunakan tekniki dokumentasi, pedoman observasi, pedoman wawancara, dan kuesioner,. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriftif kuantitatif dan penyimpulannya didasarkan atas presentasi. Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa: 1) Kerajinan tulang telah dikembangkan sejak tahun 1980 dan saat ini hampir 90 % masyarakat di Desa Tampaksiring merupakan pengrajin tulang; 2) Bahan baku yang digunakan untuk membuat produk kerajinan tulang diantaranya: tulang sapi, tanduk kerbau, tulang ikan, fosil mamut, dan gading gajah. Bahan baku tersebut di dapatkan didapatkan di Bali, di Lombok dan luar negeri; 3) Kerajinan tulang yang dipasarkan oleh masyarakat Desa Tampaksiring, diantaranya anting-anting, kalung liontin, gelang, cincin dan berbagai ukiran dalam bentik relief; 4) Hasil kerajinan tulang ini dipasarkan melalui toko/kios yang terdapat di Desa Tampaksiring. Berdasarkan temuan ini maka disarankan Hendaknya pengrajin tulang di Desa Tampaksiring memiliki perkumpulan yang mampu menjadi wadah dalam mengarahkan perkembangan kerajinan tulang secara lokal maupun internasional. Kata Kunci : Seni, Kerajinan, Barang, Pengrajin, Tulang

    The Existence of Imported Fruit in Contemporary Rituals in Pandemic

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    Purpose: This paper aims to describe the existence of imported fruit used by the Balinese Hindu community as a ritual tool during the pandemic. There is an assumption that imported fruit is more expensive, meaning that everyone who uses these fruits in their offerings (banten) is a person who is at a certain economic level and social status. Although the government recommends using local fruit, because it has an impact on the welfare of local farmers, this does not make people switch to consuming local fruit. Even during the pandemic, this phenomenon can still be seen in various ritual activities, in cities and villages. With the argument that imported fruit is easier to find than local fruit, imported fruit is the people's choice. In addition, many Hindu religious ceremonial activities in Bali from small to large scale require the community to buy fruit in a certain amount and at a certain time. Thus, it can be understood that the high consumption of imported fruit is due to the high demand for fruit and the lifestyle of the people who want to look classy. Methodology: This research was conducted using an ethnographic approach as a variant of the qualitative approach. Data collection is done through observation and interviews with the perpetrators, namely people who carry out ritual activities. Respondents were met randomly at the location of the ceremony. The results of data analysis are presented informally in descriptive – narrative form. Findings: Religious ceremonies in Bali are carried out in contemplative life, manifested by the totality of their people in giving offerings to God. The spiritual totality of the Balinese Hindu community not only has an impact on the preservation of tradition, but also on the economy of the Balinese people. The high demand of imported fruit for offerings, in addition to having an impact on the occurrence of contestation, also provides economic benefits for the Balinese people who work as fruit sellers, both in the market and in supermarkets. Originality/Value: By this research, an understanding of the making of ceremonial facilities is still often found to fulfill desires rather than spiritual needs, namely to show socioeconomic status. One can be shown by the use of ceremonial facilities that look classy


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    Songket is a kind of Balinese traditional fabrics which is so unique and specific that a serious attention should be paid to it; otherwise, it cannot be preserved and inherited by the next generation. Knowing that its market is so limited and only being used as kamben (cloth worn as part of traditional costume) this study was conducted to explore the development of songket from being worn as part of traditional costume to being used as a fashion to give a wider space to the artisans to maintain the culture and to improve their economy. A creative and innovative way of thinking is needed to develop songket from being worn as part of traditional costume to being used as a fashion. It should be packaged as a cultural product so that it still contains socio-cultural values. The data were collected through interview, questionnaire and focused discussion group. The data were then analyzed in order to know what to do to make it a modern cultural product, accepted in a wider market but its locality is still maintained. In this study it was packaged as dress, bags, wallets and other accessories, which are needed to meet the life style in the postmodern era. Keywords: Songket, cultural product, fashion, and postmodernis


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    Bengkala Village in Buleleng Regency has been known as an area that is home to people with a hearing impairment. Their inability to communicate verbally like people in general does not make a group of people with disabilities unable to work. In this community service activity, people with disabilities in Bengkala Village are given training and guidance to produce incense that can be sold to people around and outside the village. Incense as a daily necessity product for the Balinese Hindu community, is a prospective business opportunity to be developed. Understanding the limitations of the people with disabilities, the accompanying method provided is the plasma system. As adopted Law No. 9 of 1995, this assistance was provided with an understanding of the conditions of the community, that's why, the directive approach is applied to community service activities. In its application, a directive approach is applied by adopting a plasma core pattern. Through the plasma method, the community is given technical guidance on production to be able to produce the expected number of products, both quality and quantity, it is about 20 kilograms per day. Key words: Bengkala Village, business, disability, group, insenc

    Community Leaders and Their Influence on Tourism Development in Bali

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    Purpose: This paper aims to identify and explain the role of community leaders in the development of tourism in Bali. Bali, which is known as a world tourism destination, is able to develop well and cannot be separated from the participation of the community and the figures in it. The role of community leaders in tourism development in their respective areas is interesting to observe, with the aim of understanding how the capital used by the figures synergizes with the community in developing a destination. Methodology: The data collection was done by observation and interviews and was analyzed using the cultural studies approach, especially the deconstruction method. Deconstruction is aimed at causing a hierarchical order that organizes the text. Findings: The results of the data analysis were presented in a descriptive and narrative form Social capital and cultural capital play an important role in the development of a region into a tourism destination area. Based on direct observations, it was found that some areas like Sanur, Ubud, Pemuteran, and Munduk could develop tourism with a sustainable and community-based concept. In four areas, based on observations and in-depth interviews, tourism in the four places could develop thanks to pioneers who were at the same time community leaders admired by the communities. This phenomenon is interesting to be examined, that is, from the community perspective the role of social and cultural capital in practice has a higher value than economic capital. Thus, this needs to be understood and important to be investigated, especially in the effort of developing sustainable tourism at the village level. Originality/Value: Based on the capital needed in tourism development, cultural capital is the very crucial one that functions to influence people to participate in and support the tourism activities developed in an are


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    The pandemic has an impact on the economic decline of the people in Bali, especially in Denpasar, which is the provincial capital. The government has taken various ways to help people survive in difficult times. This study aims to analyze and describe the resilience strategy of the Denpasar City community during the COVID-19 pandemic by observing the recipients of the PIP2 (Pandemic Incubation Program) stimulus program. Collecting research data using a questionnaire method (Google Form), interviews with respondents (either directly or indirectly/WhatsApp), and documentation. The data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively using a cultural studies approach. In this study, it was found that the stimulus program provided by the Denpasar City Government was welcomed by people who had a Denpasar ID card by submitting a proposal for submitting funds by showing the business being developed. Capital in the form of cash received can be used to expand their business even though only a few participants are able to survive until the program ends. In addition to continuing to innovate products through direct or by WhatsApp discussions with a business incubator as a companion, participants who received the PIP2 stimulus program also used social media to sell products. Keywords: Community, Denpasar, Program, Resilience, Stimulus, Strateg


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    Implementasi Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang wajib dilakukan oleh setiap dosen perguruan tinggi sebagai tenaga pendidik, salah satunya adalah kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM). Hal ini sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah no 37 tahun 2009 tentang beban kerja dosen, maka pengabdian kepada masyarakat wajib dilakukan. Kegiatan pengabdian dapat diselenggarakan oleh perguruan tinggi yang bersangkutan atau melalui lembaga lain. Berkaitan dengan kewajiban tersebut, maka seluruh dosen Program Studi Kriya dan Program Studi Desain Produk FSRD ISI Denpasar melaksanakn kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan di Yayasan Bunga Bali – Denpasar, sesuai dengan Surat Tugas yang diberikan oleh Dekan FSRD ISI Denpasar dengan isian bahwa kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini diberikan izin dan siap disambut dengan baik dari pihak Fakultas dan Yayasan. Pada pelaksanaannya dikemas dalam bentuk workshop merajut benang menjadi bentuk-bentuk Tapestri. Pengabdian ini merupakan salah satu bentuk partisipasi dalam mengembangkan bakat dan keterampilan para penyandang disabilitas di Yayasan Bunga Bali Denpasar di bidang tekstil (menganyam), dengan harapan keahlian yang diajarkan dapat dimanfaatkan oleh mereka sebagai bekal dalam mengarungi gelombang kehidupan. Selain itu dengan penguasaan keterampilan yang telah dipelajari, akan bisa memberikan harapan kepada mereka untuk dapat hidup secara mandir