18 research outputs found

    Reflexivity, the picturing of selves, the forging of methods

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    This paper addresses alternative models for a reflexive methodology and examines the ways in which doctoral students have appropriated these texts in their theses. It then considers the indeterminate qualities of those appropriations. The paper offers a new account of reflexivity as 'picturing', drawing analogies from the interpretation of two very different pictures, by Velázquez and Tshibumba. It concludes with a more open and fluid account of reflexivity, offering the notion of 'signature', and drawing on the work of Gell and also Deleuze and Guattari in relation to the inherently specific nature of 'concepts' situated in space and time

    Feminist psychology and violence against women in intimate relations: the (re)construction of therapeutical spaces

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    O presente documento constitui uma reflexão crítica sobre os pressupostos gerais das metodologias feministas aplicados ao exercício da Psicologia especificamente em contextos terapêuticos. É feita uma breve alusão ao enquadramento histórico que esteve subjacente à emergência da Psicologia feminista, bem como aos princípios que estiveram na base do desenvolvimento de novas e inovadoras práticas terapêuticas dirigidas, sobretudo a mulheres, numa lógica de intervenção feminista. Ao advogar o princípio da emancipação feminina, totalmente adverso ao regime patriarcal, os/as psicólogos/as feministas assumem a sua opção pela não neutralidade da ciência psicológica e das suas práticas e politizam os espaços terapêuticos onde se movimentam. Esta tomada de posição é particularmente significativa nas situações de violência, uma vez que possibilita que as vítimas vejam validadas as suas experiências pessoais.The present document constitutes a critical reflection on general presupposals of feminist methodologies applied in psychological practices, more specifically in therapeutical contexts. A brief reference is made to the historical frame under which Feminist Psychology emerged as well as to the principles that based the development of new and innovative therapeutic practices for women in a feminist intervention approach. By advocating the principle of women's emancipation, totally contrary to the patriarchal regime, feminist psychologists take upon their option for the non-neutrality of psychological science and their practices, thus politicizing therapeutical spaces where they act. This decision making is particularly significant in violent situations, since it makes it possible the victims be acknowledged in their persona experiences