16 research outputs found

    Who wants to join me? Companion recommendation in location based social networks

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    We consider the problem of identifying possible companions for a user who is planning to visit a given venue. Specifically, we study the task of predicting which of the user's current friends, in a location based social network (LBSN), are most likely to be interested in joining the visit. An important underlying assumption of our model is that friendship relations can be clustered based on the kinds of interests that are shared by the friends. To identify these friendship types, we use a latent topic model, which moreover takes into account the geographic proximity of the user to the location of the proposed venue. To the best of our knowledge, our model is the first that addresses the task of recommending companions for a proposed activity. While a number of existing topic models can be adapted to make such predictions, we experimentally show that such methods are significantly outperformed by our model

    The CAFA challenge reports improved protein function prediction and new functional annotations for hundreds of genes through experimental screens

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    Background: The Critical Assessment of Functional Annotation (CAFA) is an ongoing, global, community-driven effort to evaluate and improve the computational annotation of protein function. Results: Here, we report on the results of the third CAFA challenge, CAFA3, that featured an expanded analysis over the previous CAFA rounds, both in terms of volume of data analyzed and the types of analysis performed. In a novel and major new development, computational predictions and assessment goals drove some of the experimental assays, resulting in new functional annotations for more than 1000 genes. Specifically, we performed experimental whole genome mutation screening in Candida albicans and aeruginosa genomes, which provided us with genome-wide experimental data for genes associated with biofilm formation and motility. We further performed targeted assays on selected genes in Drosophila melanogaster, which we suspected of being involved in long-term memory. Conclusion: We conclude that while predictions of the molecular function and biological process annotations have slightly improved over time, those of the cellular component have not. Term-centric prediction of experimental annotations remains equally challenging; although the performance of the top methods is significantly better than the expectations set by baseline methods in C. albicans and D. melanogaster, it leaves considerable room and need for improvement. Finally, we report that the CAFA community now involves a broad range of participants with expertise in bioinformatics, biological experimentation, biocuration, and bio-ontologies, working together to improve functional annotation, computational function prediction, and our ability to manage big data in the era of large experimental screens

    A close look at protein function prediction evaluation protocols

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    BACKGROUND: The recently held Critical Assessment of Function Annotation challenge (CAFA2) required its participants to submit predictions for a large number of target proteins regardless of whether they have previous annotations or not. This is in contrast to the original CAFA challenge in which participants were asked to submit predictions for proteins with no existing annotations. The CAFA2 task is more realistic, in that it more closely mimics the accumulation of annotations over time. In this study we compare these tasks in terms of their difficulty, and determine whether cross-validation provides a good estimate of performance. RESULTS: The CAFA2 task is a combination of two subtasks: making predictions on annotated proteins and making predictions on previously unannotated proteins. In this study we analyze the performance of several function prediction methods in these two scenarios. Our results show that several methods (structured support vector machine, binary support vector machines and guilt-by-association methods) do not usually achieve the same level of accuracy on these two tasks as that achieved by cross-validation, and that predicting novel annotations for previously annotated proteins is a harder problem than predicting annotations for uncharacterized proteins. We also find that different methods have different performance characteristics in these tasks, and that cross-validation is not adequate at estimating performance and ranking methods. CONCLUSIONS: These results have implications for the design of computational experiments in the area of automated function prediction and can provide useful insight for the understanding and design of future CAFA competitions

    Genetic dissection of natural variation in oilseed traits of camelina by whole-genome resequencing and QTL mapping

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    Camelina [Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz] is an oilseed crop in the Brassicaceae family that is currently being developed as a source of bioenergy and healthy fatty acids. To facilitate modern breeding efforts through marker-assisted selection and biotechnology, we evaluated genetic variation among a worldwide collection of 222 camelina accessions. We performed whole-genome resequencing to obtain single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and to analyze genomic diversity. We also conducted phenotypic field evaluations in two consecutive seasons for variations in key agronomic traits related to oilseed production such as seed size, oil content (OC), fatty acid composition, and flowering time. We determined the population structure of the camelina accessions using 161,301 SNPs. Further, we identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) and candidate genes controlling the above field-evaluated traits by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) complemented with linkage mapping using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population. Characterization of the natural variation at the genome and phenotypic levels provides valuable resources to camelina genetic studies and crop improvement. The QTL and candidate genes should assist in breeding of advanced camelina varieties that can be integrated into the cropping systems for the production of high yield of oils of desired fatty acid composition. © 2021 The Authors. The Plant Genome published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Crop Science Society of AmericaOpen access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]